#!/usr/bin/env python3 from heapq import heappop, heappush from itertools import product from typing import NamedTuple from libaoc import matrix, read_int_matrix class Node(NamedTuple): x: int y: int r: int def __lt__(self, other: tuple[int, int, int]) -> bool: return self.r < other.r def elongate(grid: matrix[int]) -> matrix[int]: ngrid: matrix[int] = [] inc = lambda n: 1 if n == 9 else n + 1 for p1 in grid: p2 = list(map(inc, p1)) p3 = list(map(inc, p2)) p4 = list(map(inc, p3)) p5 = list(map(inc, p4)) ngrid.append(p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5) for i, j in product(range(4), range(l := len(grid))): ngrid.append(list(map(inc, ngrid[i * l + j]))) return ngrid def main() -> None: with open("input", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = read_int_matrix(f) # START PART 2 data = elongate(data) # END PART 2 X_UPPER = len(data) Y_UPPER = len(data[0]) heap = [Node(0, 0, 0)] visited = {(0, 0)} while heap: node = heappop(heap) if node.x == X_UPPER - 1 and node.y == Y_UPPER - 1: print(node.r) return for dx, dy in ((1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)): xi = node.x + dx yi = node.y + dy if 0 <= xi < X_UPPER and 0 <= yi < Y_UPPER and (xi, yi) not in visited: visited.add((xi, yi)) heappush(heap, Node(xi, yi, node.r + data[xi][yi])) if __name__ == "__main__": main()