.Dd 25 February, 2024 .Dt AHOY 1 .Os Ahoy 1.0.0 .Sh NAME .Nm ahoy .Nd emulate CHIP-8 games .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Fl S .Op Fl c Ar "clock speed" .Op Fl s Ar seed .Op Fl v Ar volume .Op Ar file .Nm .Fl h .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm is a graphical emulator for the CHIP-8 virtual console. When invoked .Nm attempts to run the ROM specified by .Ar file . If no such argument is provided or the special filename .Sq \- is provided, the ROM is read from the standard input. .Pp The options are as follows: .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Fl c , Fl Fl clock\-speed Ns = Ns Ar speed Specify the clock-speed of the emulator. The provided clock-speed must be a non-negative integer and defaults to 700 Hz. .It Fl h , Fl Fl help Display help information by opening this manual page. .It Fl s , Fl Fl seed Ns = Ns Ar seed Specify the seed for the random-number-generator. The provided seed must be non-negative integer. .It Fl S , Fl Fl scan\-lines Start the emulator with scanlines enabled. .It Fl v , Fl Fl volume Ns = Ns Ar volume Specify the volume level of the emulator. The provided volume must be non-negative integer and defaults to 3000 if not provided. .El .Pp .Ss Default Keybindings As of the current installed release of .Nm , there exists no functionality yet to configure keybindings. .Pp The default keybindings are as follows: .Pp .Bl -tag -compact -width .It 1 the keypad’s .Sq 1 key .It 2 the keypad’s .Sq 2 key .It 3 the keypad’s .Sq 3 key .It 4 the keypad’s .Sq C key .It q the keypad’s .Sq 4 key .It w the keypad’s .Sq 5 key .It e the keypad’s .Sq 6 key .It r the keypad’s .Sq D key .It a the keypad’s .Sq 7 key .It s the keypad’s .Sq 8 key .It d the keypad’s .Sq 9 key .It f the keypad’s .Sq E key .It z the keypad’s .Sq A key .It x the keypad’s .Sq 0 key .It c the keypad’s .Sq B key .It v the keypad’s .Sq F key .It Aq space (un)pause the emulator .It p pause the emulator .It = increase volume by 500 .It \- decrease volume by 500 .It . increase the clock speed by 10 Hz .It , decrease the clock speed by 10 Hz .El .Sh EXIT STATUS .Ex -std .Sh EXAMPLES Play a CHIP-8 game: .Pp .Dl $ ahoy maze.bin .Pp Test the output of the .Xr c8asm 1 assembler: .Pp .Dl $ c8asm tag.s | ahoy .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr c8asm 1 , .Xr c8dump 1 .Sh AUTHORS .An Thomas Voss Aq Mt mail@thomasvoss.com