BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masteremacs: Remove mm-treesit-sync-sources and create mm-treesit-install-allThomas Voss 9 days
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
9 daysemacs: Remove mm-treesit-sync-sources and create mm-treesit-install-allHEADmasterThomas Voss 1-25/+16
9 daysemacs: Add the Java tree-sitter parserThomas Voss 1-0/+1
9 daysemacs: Generate the project list asyncronouslyThomas Voss 1-12/+17
9 daysemacs: Add URL as an acryonymThomas Voss 1-1/+1
9 daysemacs: Install async.elThomas Voss 1-0/+9
2024-12-02emacs: Add awk-ts-modeThomas Voss 2-5/+8
2024-12-01emacs: Mark RFC as an acronymThomas Voss 1-1/+1
2024-12-01emacs: Don’t configure ‘magit-repos’ on DarwinThomas Voss 1-0/+1
2024-12-01emacs: Disable ‘hl-line-sticky-flag’Thomas Voss 1-0/+7
2024-12-01emacs: Enable line-selection-mode for magit-repolist-modeThomas Voss 1-1/+2