;;; mm-theme.el --- Emacs theme settings -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;;; Custom Theme (load-theme 'mango :no-confirm) ;;; Fonts (defvar mm-theme-monospace-font `(,(if mm-darwin-p "Iosevka Custom" "Iosevka Smooth") :weight regular :height 162) "The default monospace font. This is a plist containing a font name, -weight, and -height.") (defvar mm-theme-proportional-font '("OpenSans" :weight regular :height 162) "The default proportional font. This is a plist containing a font name, -weight, and -height.") (defun mm-theme-set-fonts (&optional _frame) "Set frame font settings. Sets the frame font settings according to the fonts specified by `mm-theme-monospace-font' and `mm-theme-proportional-font'. This function can be used as a hook in `after-make-frame-functions' and _FRAME is ignored." (interactive) (let* ((mono-family (car mm-theme-monospace-font)) (mono-props (cdr mm-theme-monospace-font)) (prop-family (car mm-theme-proportional-font)) (prop-props (cdr mm-theme-proportional-font)) (mono-weight (plist-get mono-props :weight)) (mono-height (plist-get mono-props :height)) (prop-weight (plist-get prop-props :weight)) (prop-height (plist-get prop-props :height))) ;; Some characters in this font are larger than usual (when (string= mono-family "Iosevka Smooth") (dolist (rune '(?․ ?‥ ?… ?— ?← ?→ ?⇐ ?⇒ ?⇔)) (set-char-table-range char-width-table rune 2))) (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font mono-family :weight mono-weight :height mono-height) (set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :font mono-family :weight mono-weight :height mono-height) (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :font prop-family :weight prop-weight :height prop-height))) (if (daemonp) (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions #'mm-theme-set-fonts) (mm-theme-set-fonts)) ;; Ligature Settings (defvar mm-theme-ligatures-alist `(((c-mode c-ts-mode c++-mode c++-ts-mode) . ("->")) ((c++-mode c++-ts-mode) . ("::")) ((js-mode js-ts-mode typescript-ts-mode vue-ts-mode) . (("=" ,(rx (or ?> (** 1 2 ?=)))) ("!" ,(rx (** 1 2 ?=))))) (go-ts-mode . (":=" "<-")) ((python-mode python-ts-mode) . (":=" "->")) ((mhtml-mode html-mode html-ts-mode vue-ts-mode) . ("" "/>")) (prog-mode . ("<<=" "<=" ">=" "==" "!=" "*=" "__"))) "Ligatures to enable in specific modes. Elements of this alist are of the form: (SPEC . LIGATURES) Where LIGATURES is a list of ligatures to enable for the set of modes described by SPEC. SPEC can be either a symbol, or a list of symbols. These symbols should correspond to modes for which the associated LIGATURES should be enabled. A mode may also be specified in multiple entries. To configure `go-ts-mode' to have its set of ligatures be a super-set of the ligatures for `c-ts-mode', the following two entries could be added: \\='((c-ts-mode go-ts-mode) . (\">=\" \"<=\" \"!=\" \"==\")) \\='(go-ts-mode . (\":=\"))") (defun mm-theme-update-ligatures () "Update the ligature composition tables. After running this function you may need to restart `ligature-mode'. Also see `mm-theme-ligatures-alist'." (interactive) (setopt ligature-composition-table nil) (cl-loop for (spec . ligatures) in mm-theme-ligatures-alist do (ligature-set-ligatures spec ligatures))) (use-package ligature :ensure t :if (or mm-darwin-p (seq-contains-p (split-string system-configuration-features) "HARFBUZZ")) :hook prog-mode :config (mm-theme-update-ligatures)) ;;; Background Opacity (defvar mm-theme-background-opacity 100 "Opacity of the graphical Emacs frame. A value of 0 is fully transparent while 100 is fully opaque.") (defun mm-theme-background-opacity (opacity) "Set the current frames' background opacity. See also the `mm-theme-background-opacity' variable." (interactive (list (mm-as-number (read-string (format-prompt "Background opacity" (default-value 'mm-theme-background-opacity)) nil nil mm-theme-background-opacity)))) (set-frame-parameter nil 'alpha-background opacity)) (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist (cons 'alpha-background mm-theme-background-opacity)) ;;; Divider Between Windows (use-package frame :hook (after-init . window-divider-mode)) ;;; Pulse Line on Jump (use-package pulsar :ensure t :hook (after-init . pulsar-global-mode) :custom (pulsar-pulse t) (pulsar-delay .05) (pulsar-iterations 10) (pulsar-face 'hl-line) :config (dolist (command #'(backward-paragraph e/scroll-down e/scroll-up forward-paragraph jump-to-register pop-global-mark)) (add-to-list 'pulsar-pulse-functions command)) ;; Integrate with ‘compilation-mode’ (add-hook 'next-error-hook #'pulsar-pulse-line) :bind (("C-c h l" . pulsar-highlight-dwim))) ;;; Add Padding (use-package spacious-padding :ensure t :hook after-init) ;;; Pretty Page Boundaries (use-package page-break-lines :ensure t :hook (after-init . global-page-break-lines-mode) :config (dolist (mode '(c-mode c++-mode gsp-ts-mode)) (add-to-list 'page-break-lines-modes mode) (let ((ts-mode (mm-mode-to-ts-mode mode))) (when (fboundp ts-mode) (add-to-list 'page-break-lines-modes ts-mode)))) (add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook (defun mm-theme--set-page-break-max-width () (setopt page-break-lines-max-width fill-column))) ;; Since the ‘^L’ character is replaced by a horizontal rule, the ;; cursor should appear below the horizontal rule. When moving ;; backwards we need to account for the fact that the cursor is ;; actually one character ahead of hte page break and adjust ;; accordingly. (advice-add #'forward-page :after (defun mm-theme--forward-char (&rest _) (forward-char))) (advice-add #'backward-page :before (defun mm-theme--backward-char (&rest _) (backward-char)))) ;;; More Intuiative UI for Certain Modes (defun mm-disable-line-selection-mode () (line-selection-mode -1)) (use-package line-selection-mode :hook ((bookmark-bmenu-mode dired-mode ibuffer-mode magit-repolist-mode) . line-selection-mode) :config (add-hook 'wdired-mode-hook #'mm-disable-line-selection-mode)) ;;; Line Highlighting (use-package hl-line :custom (hl-line-sticky-flag nil)) (provide 'mm-theme)