local ls = require('luasnip') local ts_utils = require('nvim-treesitter.ts_utils') local ts_locals = require('nvim-treesitter.locals') local c = ls.choice_node local d = ls.dynamic_node local f = ls.function_node local i = ls.insert_node local s = ls.s local sn = ls.snippet_node local t = ls.text_node local fmt = require('luasnip.extras.fmt').fmt local function same(index) return f(function(args) return args[1] end, { index }) end ls.config.set_config { history = true, updateevents = 'TextChanged,TextChangedI', } ls.add_snippets('lua', { s('req', fmt([[local {} = require('{}')]], { f(function(name) local xs = vim.split(name[1][1], '.', { plain = true }) return xs[#xs] or '' end, { 1 }), i(1), })), }) local function is_ptr(str) return string.find(str, '*', 1, true) ~= nil end local function is_num(str) return vim.regex( '\\v^(' .. 'u?int(8|16|32|64)?' .. '|byte' .. '|complex(64|128)' .. '|float(32|64)' .. '|rune' .. '|uintptr' .. ')$' ):match_str(str) ~= nil end local transforms = { bool = 'false', string = '""', error = 'err', [is_num] = '0', [is_ptr] = 'nil', } local transform = function(text) local condition_matches = function(condition, ...) if type(condition) == 'string' then return condition == text else return condition(...) end end for condition, result in pairs(transforms) do if condition_matches(condition, text) then return t(result) end end return t(text .. '{}') end local handlers = { parameter_list = function(node) local result = {} local count = node:named_child_count() for idx = 0, count - 1 do local matching_node = node:named_child(idx) local type_node = matching_node:field('type')[1] table.insert(result, transform( vim.treesitter.get_node_text(type_node, 0) )) if idx ~= count - 1 then table.insert(result, t({ ', ' })) end end return result end, type_identifier = function(node) local text = vim.treesitter.get_node_text(node, 0) return { transform(text) } end, } local function_node_types = { function_declaration = true, method_declaration = true, func_literal = true, } local function go_result_type() local cursor_node = ts_utils.get_node_at_cursor() if cursor_node == nil then print('Unable to find position') return t('') end local scope = ts_locals.get_scope_tree(cursor_node, 0) local function_node for _, v in ipairs(scope) do if function_node_types[v:type()] then function_node = v break end end if not function_node then print('Not inside of a function') return t('') end local query = vim.treesitter.query.parse('go', [[ [ (method_declaration result: (_) @id) (function_declaration result: (_) @id) (func_literal result: (_) @id) ] ]]) for _, node in query:iter_captures(function_node, 0) do if handlers[node:type()] then return handlers[node:type()](node) end end end ls.add_snippets('go', { s( 'f', fmt( [[ func <><>() <>{ <> } ]], { c(1, { t(''), t('() '), }), i(2, 'name'), c(3, { t(''), t('() '), }), i(0), }, { delimiters = '<>', } ) ), s( 'ife', fmt( [[ if err != nil { return <> } ]], { d(1, function() return sn(nil, go_result_type()) end), }, { delimiters = '<>', } ) ), }) ls.add_snippets('c', { s( 'gu', fmt( [[ #ifndef {}_H #define {}_H {} #endif /* !{}_H */ ]], { i(1), same(1), i(0), same(1), } ) ), }) vim.keymap.set({ 'i', 's' }, '', function() if ls.expand_or_jumpable() then ls.expand_or_jump() end end) vim.keymap.set('i', '', function() if ls.jumpable(-1) then ls.jump(-1) end end) vim.keymap.set('i', '', function() if ls.choice_active() then ls.change_choice(-1) end end) vim.keymap.set('i', '', function() if ls.choice_active() then ls.change_choice(1) end end)