local lib = require('mango.lib') local api = vim.api local o = vim.opt local g = vim.g local augroup = api.nvim_create_augroup('Mango', { clear = true }) o.nu = true o.relativenumber = true o.exrc = true o.secure = true g.guifont = { 'Iosevka Smooth Term', ':h16' } lib.set_tab_width(4) o.expandtab = false o.smartindent = true o.wrap = false o.swapfile = false o.backup = false o.undodir = os.getenv('XDG_STATE_HOME') .. '/nvim/undo' o.undofile = true o.hlsearch = true o.incsearch = true o.termguicolors = true o.scrolloff = 8 -- TODO: Research -- o.signcolumn = 'yes' -- o.isfname:append('@-@') o.updatetime = 50 o.colorcolumn = '81' o.splitright = true o.splitbelow = true -- Disable auto commenting api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', { callback = function() o.formatoptions:remove({ 'c', 'r', 'o' }) end, group = augroup, }) -- Make buffer auto-reverting work… somehow api.nvim_create_autocmd('FocusGained', { command = 'checktime', group = augroup, }) -- This has to be done to enable linenumbers in netrw g.netrw_bufsettings = 'noma nomod nu nobl nowrap ro' opt.matchpairs:append('‘:’') opt.matchpairs:append('“:”')