Draughts ======== This is an implementation of international draughts for CSE1500. It supports all of the following features: - Multiple concurrent games via online multiplayer - Resigning from a game - Detection of users disconnections - Forced piece captures (as per the official regulations) - Piece capture deltas - King pieces - Viewable game history - An incredibly simple and usable interface - Far more comments than you have ever written The following features are missing (and probably won't get added due to time constraints): - Detection of game draws - Timers Setup ----- To setup the draughts server for your own use, you need to run the following commands: ```sh git clone "git@github.com:MayteSteeghs/draughts.git" # Clone the repository cd draughts/draughts # Navigate to the repo npm install # Install dependencies npm start # Start the server ``` By default the server will be serving locally on port 3000. If you want to configure this, you can figure out which parts of the code you need to change with the following command: ```sh grep -R --exclude-dir=node_modules/ 3000 ``` Authors ------- Mayte Steeghs && Thomas Voss