m4_changecom() m4_changequote([,]) m4_dnl Output ‘$2’ if the country code matches ‘$1’ m4_define(__ifcode, [m4_ifelse(__code, [$1], [$2])]) m4_dnl Output ‘$1’ if the country with code ‘__code’ has extra coins m4_define(__ifextra, [ m4_syscmd(grep -iq '^__code' data/extras) m4_ifelse(m4_sysval, 0, [$1]) ]) m4_dnl Execute the script ‘$1’ in the ‘scripts/’ directory m4_define(__esyscmd, [m4_esyscmd([scripts/$1])]) m4_dnl Include the file ‘$1’ in the ‘src/’ directory, while also keeping track m4_dnl of who called ‘__include’. This is required sometimes when expanding m4_dnl macros in included files. m4_define(__include, [ m4_define([__caller], m4___file__) m4_include([src/$1]) ]) m4_dnl A setup file for ‘src/euro/index.dcoins.gsp’. It converts ‘__denom’ from m4_dnl something unhelpful like ‘10c’ to something helpful like ‘0.10’. m4_define(__dcoins_denom, [m4_define([__denom], m4_ifelse( [0], m4_regexp(__denom, [^\([0-9]\)c]), m4_regexp(__denom, [^\([0-9]\)c], [0.0\1]), [0], m4_regexp(__denom, [^\([0-9]+\)c]), m4_regexp(__denom, [^\([0-9]+\)c], [0.\1]), [0], m4_regexp(__denom, [^\([0-9]\)e]), m4_regexp(__denom, [^\([0-9]\)e], [\1.00]), [Something went wrong… check ‘lib.m4’] ))]) m4_dnl Create a link to ‘$1’ with the text ‘$2’. This does some checks with the m4_dnl caller to mark some nav-bar buttons as ‘selected’. Dynamically generated m4_dnl pages can work with this API by hijacking ‘m4___file__’ via ‘__hijack’. m4_define(__link, [ m4_ifelse( [$1], m4_regexp(__caller, [src\(/\)index\.gsp], [\1]), [div .selected {-$2}], [$1], m4_regexp(__caller, [src\(/.+\)/index\.gsp], [\1]), [div .selected {-$2}], [a href="$1" {-$2}] ) ]) m4_dnl Hijack ‘m4___file__’ by setting it to ‘src/$1/index.gsp’ m4_define(__hijack, [m4_define([m4___file__], src/$1/index.gsp)]) m4_dnl Add an entry in the site changelog for the date ‘$1’ with the body ‘$2’ m4_define(__entry, [ section #$1 .cl-section .slant-down { div { h2 {=m4_esyscmd(echo $1 | scripts/changelog-dates.sed)} $2 } } ])