#!/bin/sed -Ef /start/ { iStart of the Changelog Q } s/([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{4})/\1 of \2, \3/ s/^0// /^[^1]?1 / { s| |@sup{-st} |; b out } /^[^1]?2 / { s| |@sup{-nd} |; b out } /^[^1]?3 / { s| |@sup{-rd} |; b out } s| |@sup{-th} | :out s/of 01/of January/ s/of 02/of February/ s/of 03/of March/ s/of 04/of April/ s/of 05/of May/ s/of 06/of June/ s/of 07/of July/ s/of 08/of August/ s/of 09/of September/ s/of 10/of October/ s/of 11/of November/ s/of 12/of December/