Euro-Coins and -Banknotes

My Primary Collection

There are various examples of euro coins that have slight varieties between their standard circulation releases and their coincard/set releases, such as different mintmarks. In these cases, the NIFC variety will not be listed on this site unless I happen to get one for my collection (see Malta for an example). The same applies to error coins.

Euro Coins

Alemanha Andorra Áustria Bélgica
Chipre Cidade do Vaticano Croácia Eslováquia
Eslovênia Espanha Estônia Finlândia
França Grécia Holanda Irlanda
Itália Letônia Lituânia Luxemburgo
Malta Mônaco Portugal San Marino
0,01 € 0,02 € 0,05 € 0,10 €
0,20 € 0,50 € 1,00 € 2,00 €

Euro Banknotes

5 € 10 € 20 € 50 €
100 € 200 € 500 € Notas de Teste