html lang="en" { head { __include(head.gsp) title {-Eurozone Banknotes} } body { nav { __include(nav.gsp) __include(world/nav.notes.gsp) } main { section { header { h1 {-Eurozone Banknotes} } } br{}br{} section { __include(table-key.gsp) } br{}br{} section .blurb { p {- Unlike the Eurozone banknotes listed under the Euro section of this site, these are all UNC banknotes as opposed to circulated ones. } } section .cl-section .slant-down { div { table .coin-table .bnote-table cellspacing="0" { thead { tr {th colspan="12" {-2002 Series}} } tbody { __esyscmd(gen-notes-ez 2002) } } } } section .cl-section .slant-down { div { table .coin-table .bnote-table cellspacing="0" { thead { tr {th colspan="12" {-Europa Series}} } tbody { __esyscmd(gen-notes-ez Europa) } } } } section { __include(foot.gsp) } } } }