#include <err.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <limits.h> #include <locale.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #if GRAB_DO_PCRE # include <pcre2posix.h> #else # include <regex.h> # ifndef REG_DOTALL # define REG_DOTALL 0 # endif # define REG_UCP 0 # define REG_UTF 0 # ifndef REG_STARTEND # error "REG_STARTEND not defined" # endif #endif #include <gbrk.h> #include "compat.h" #include "da.h" #define die(...) err(EXIT_FAILURE, __VA_ARGS__) #define diex(...) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, __VA_ARGS__) #define warn(...) \ do { \ warn(__VA_ARGS__); \ rv = EXIT_FAILURE; \ } while (0) #define streq(a, b) (!strcmp(a, b)) #define memeq(a, b, n) (!memcmp(a, b, n)) #define EEARLY "Input string terminated prematurely" #define DEFCOL_FN "35" #define DEFCOL_LN "32" #define DEFCOL_MA "01;31" #define DEFCOL_SE "36" struct op { char c; regex_t pat; }; struct ops { struct op *buf; size_t len, cap; }; struct sv { char *bp, *p; size_t len; }; typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef void (*cmd_func)(struct sv, struct ops, size_t, const char *); typedef void (*put_func)(struct sv, regmatch_t *, const char *); static void cmdg(struct sv, struct ops, size_t, const char *); static void cmdx(struct sv, struct ops, size_t, const char *); static void cmdy(struct sv, struct ops, size_t, const char *); static void putm(struct sv, regmatch_t *, const char *); static void putm_nc(struct sv, regmatch_t *, const char *); #if GIT_GRAB static FILE *getfstream(int n, char *v[n]); #endif static void grab(struct ops, FILE *, const char *); static struct ops comppat(char *); static regex_t mkregex(char *, size_t); static bool islbrk(struct u8view); static bool sgrvalid(const char *); static bool xisspace(char); static char *xstrchrnul(const char *, char); static char *env_or_default(const char *, const char *); static int filecnt, rv; static bool bflag, cflag, nflag, sflag, Uflag, zflag; static bool fflag = GIT_GRAB; static put_func putf; static const cmd_func op_table[UCHAR_MAX] = { ['g'] = cmdg, ['v'] = cmdg, ['x'] = cmdx, ['y'] = cmdy, }; static void usage(const char *s) { fprintf(stderr, #if GIT_GRAB "Usage: %s [-s | -z] [-bcnU] pattern [glob ...]\n" #else "Usage: %s [-s | -z] [-bcfnU] pattern [file ...]\n" #endif " %s -h\n", s, s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; struct ops ops; struct option longopts[] = { {"byte-offset", no_argument, nullptr, 'b'}, {"color", no_argument, nullptr, 'c'}, #if GIT_GRAB {"filenames", no_argument, nullptr, 'f'}, #endif {"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'}, {"newline", no_argument, nullptr, 'n'}, {"strip-newline", no_argument, nullptr, 's'}, {"no-unicode", no_argument, nullptr, 'U'}, {"zero", no_argument, nullptr, 'z'}, {nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0 }, }; #if GIT_GRAB char *entry = nullptr; size_t len; ssize_t nr; FILE *flist; const char *opts = "bchnsUz"; #else const char *opts = "bcfhnsUz"; #endif argv[0] = basename(argv[0]); if (argc < 2) usage(argv[0]); setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, opts, longopts, nullptr)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'b': bflag = true; break; case 'c': cflag = true; break; #if !GIT_GRAB case 'f': fflag = true; break; #endif case 'n': nflag = true; break; case 's': sflag = true; break; case 'U': #if GRAB_DO_PCRE Uflag = true; break; #else errx(2, "program not built with PCRE support"); #endif case 'z': zflag = true; break; case 'h': execlp("man", "man", "1", argv[0], nullptr); die("execlp: man 1 %s", argv[0]); default: usage(argv[0]); } } if (sflag && zflag) usage(argv[0]); argc -= optind; argv += optind; filecnt = argc - 1; if (!cflag && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) == 1 && !env_or_default("NO_COLOR", nullptr)) { cflag = !streq(env_or_default("TERM", ""), "dumb"); } putf = cflag ? putm : putm_nc; ops = comppat(argv[0]); #if GIT_GRAB if ((flist = getfstream(argc - 1, argv + 1)) == nullptr) die("getfstream"); while ((nr = getdelim(&entry, &len, '\0', flist)) > 0) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(entry, "r")) == nullptr) warn("fopen: %s", entry); else { grab(ops, fp, entry); fclose(fp); } } if (ferror(flist)) warn("getdelim"); #else if (argc == 1) grab(ops, stdin, "-"); else { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { FILE *fp; if (streq(argv[i], "-")) { grab(ops, stdin, "-"); } else if ((fp = fopen(argv[i], "r")) == nullptr) { warn("fopen: %s", argv[i]); } else { grab(ops, fp, argv[i]); fclose(fp); } } } #endif #ifdef GRAB_DEBUG for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.len; i++) regfree(&ops.buf[i].pat); free(ops.buf); #endif return rv; } struct ops comppat(char *s) { struct ops ops; dainit(&ops, 8); while (*s && xisspace(*s)) s++; if (!*s) diex(EEARLY); do { char delim; char *p; struct op op; op.c = *s; if (!op_table[(uchar)op.c]) diex("Invalid operator ā%cā", *s); if (!(delim = *++s)) diex(EEARLY); p = ++s; s = xstrchrnul(s, delim); op.pat = mkregex(p, s - p); dapush(&ops, op); if (*s) s++; while (*s && xisspace(*s)) s++; } while (*s && *(s + 1)); return ops; } void grab(struct ops ops, FILE *stream, const char *filename) { size_t n; struct { char *buf; size_t len, cap; } chars = {0}; do { static_assert(sizeof(char) == 1, "sizeof(char) != 1; wtf?"); chars.cap += BUFSIZ; if ((chars.buf = realloc(chars.buf, chars.cap)) == nullptr) die("realloc"); chars.len += n = fread(chars.buf + chars.len, 1, BUFSIZ, stream); } while (n == BUFSIZ); if (ferror(stream)) warn("fread: %s", filename); else { struct sv sv = { .bp = chars.buf, .p = chars.buf, .len = chars.len, }; op_table[(uchar)ops.buf[0].c](sv, ops, 0, filename); } free(chars.buf); } void cmdg(struct sv sv, struct ops ops, size_t i, const char *filename) { int r; regmatch_t rm = { .rm_so = 0, .rm_eo = sv.len, }; struct op op = ops.buf[i]; r = regexec(&op.pat, sv.p, 1, &rm, REG_STARTEND); if ((r == REG_NOMATCH && op.c == 'g') || (r != REG_NOMATCH && op.c == 'v')) return; if (i + 1 == ops.len) putf(sv, op.c == 'g' ? &rm : nullptr, filename); else op_table[(uchar)ops.buf[i + 1].c](sv, ops, i + 1, filename); } void cmdx(struct sv sv, struct ops ops, size_t i, const char *filename) { regmatch_t rm = { .rm_so = 0, .rm_eo = sv.len, }; struct op op = ops.buf[i]; do { struct sv nsv; if (regexec(&op.pat, sv.p, 1, &rm, REG_STARTEND) == REG_NOMATCH) break; nsv = (struct sv){ .bp = sv.bp, .p = sv.p + rm.rm_so, .len = rm.rm_eo - rm.rm_so, }; if (i + 1 == ops.len) putf(nsv, nullptr, filename); else op_table[(uchar)ops.buf[i + 1].c](nsv, ops, i + 1, filename); if (rm.rm_so == rm.rm_eo) rm.rm_eo++; rm = (regmatch_t){ .rm_so = rm.rm_eo, .rm_eo = sv.len, }; } while (rm.rm_so < rm.rm_eo); } void cmdy(struct sv sv, struct ops ops, size_t i, const char *filename) { regmatch_t rm = { .rm_so = 0, .rm_eo = sv.len, }; regmatch_t prev = { .rm_so = 0, .rm_eo = 0, }; struct op op = ops.buf[i]; do { struct sv nsv; if (regexec(&op.pat, sv.p, 1, &rm, REG_STARTEND) == REG_NOMATCH) break; if (prev.rm_so || prev.rm_eo || rm.rm_so) { nsv = (struct sv){ .bp = sv.bp, .p = sv.p + prev.rm_eo, .len = rm.rm_so - prev.rm_eo, }; if (i + 1 == ops.len) putf(nsv, nullptr, filename); else op_table[(uchar)ops.buf[i + 1].c](nsv, ops, i + 1, filename); } prev = rm; if (rm.rm_so == rm.rm_eo) rm.rm_eo++; rm = (regmatch_t){ .rm_so = rm.rm_eo, .rm_eo = sv.len, }; } while (rm.rm_so < rm.rm_eo); if (prev.rm_eo < rm.rm_eo) { struct sv nsv = { .bp = sv.bp, .p = sv.p + rm.rm_so, .len = rm.rm_eo - rm.rm_so, }; if (i + 1 == ops.len) putf(nsv, nullptr, filename); else op_table[(uchar)ops.buf[i + 1].c](nsv, ops, i + 1, filename); } } void putm(struct sv sv, regmatch_t *rm, const char *filename) { static const char *fn, *ln, *ma, *se; static struct { const char8_t *p; size_t col, row; } pos = { .col = 1, .row = 1, }; if (cflag && !fn) { char *optstr; if ((optstr = env_or_default("GRAB_COLORS", nullptr))) { enum { OPT_FN, OPT_LN, OPT_MA, OPT_SE, }; /* clang-format off */ static char *const tokens[] = { [OPT_FN] = "fn", [OPT_LN] = "ln", [OPT_MA] = "ma", [OPT_SE] = "se", nullptr }; /* clang-format on */ while (*optstr) { char *val; switch (getsubopt(&optstr, tokens, &val)) { case OPT_FN: if (sgrvalid(val)) fn = val; break; case OPT_LN: if (sgrvalid(val)) fn = val; break; case OPT_MA: if (sgrvalid(val)) ma = val; break; case OPT_SE: if (sgrvalid(val)) se = val; break; default: warnx("invalid color value -- '%s'", val); rv = EXIT_FAILURE; } } } if (!fn) fn = DEFCOL_FN; if (!ln) ln = DEFCOL_LN; if (!ma) ma = DEFCOL_MA; if (!se) se = DEFCOL_SE; } if (fflag || filecnt > 1) { char sep = zflag ? '\0' : ':'; printf("\33[%sm%s\33[0m" /* filename */ "\33[%sm%c\33[0m", /* separator */ fn, filename, se, sep); if (bflag) { printf("\33[%sm%td\33[0m" /* byte offset */ "\33[%sm%c\33[0m", /* separator */ ln, sv.p - sv.bp, se, sep); } else { size_t len; struct u8view v; if (!pos.p) pos.p = (char8_t *)sv.bp; len = (char8_t *)sv.p - pos.p; while (u8gnext(&v, &pos.p, &len)) { if (islbrk(v)) { pos.col = 1; pos.row++; } else pos.col++; } printf("\33[%sm%zu\33[0m" /* row */ "\33[%sm%c\33[0m" /* separator */ "\33[%sm%zu\33[0m" /* column */ "\33[%sm%c\33[0m", /* separator */ ln, pos.row, se, sep, ln, pos.col, se, sep); } } if (rm) { fwrite(sv.p, 1, rm->rm_so, stdout); printf("\33[%sm%.*s\33[0m", ma, (int)(rm->rm_eo - rm->rm_so), sv.p + rm->rm_so); fwrite(sv.p + rm->rm_eo, 1, sv.len - rm->rm_eo, stdout); } else fwrite(sv.p, 1, sv.len, stdout); if (!(sflag && sv.p[sv.len - 1] == '\n')) putchar(zflag ? '\0' : '\n'); } void putm_nc(struct sv sv, regmatch_t *rm, const char *filename) { (void)rm; static struct { const char8_t *p; size_t col, row; } pos = { .col = 1, .row = 1, }; if (fflag || filecnt > 1) { char sep = zflag ? '\0' : ':'; printf("%s%c", filename, sep); if (bflag) printf("%td%c", sv.p - sv.bp, sep); else { size_t len; struct u8view v; if (!pos.p) pos.p = (char8_t *)sv.bp; len = (char8_t *)sv.p - pos.p; while (u8gnext(&v, &pos.p, &len)) { if (islbrk(v)) { pos.col = 1; pos.row++; } else pos.col++; } printf("%zu%c%zu%c", pos.row, sep, pos.col, sep); } } fwrite(sv.p, 1, sv.len, stdout); if (!(sflag && sv.p[sv.len - 1] == '\n')) putchar(zflag ? '\0' : '\n'); } bool islbrk(struct u8view v) { return *v.p == '\n' || (v.len == 2 && memeq(v.p, "\r\n", 2)); } bool sgrvalid(const char *s) { if (!s || !*s) return false; do { if ((*s < '0' || *s > '9') && *s != ';') return false; } while (*++s); return true; } regex_t mkregex(char *s, size_t n) { char c = s[n]; int ret, cflags; regex_t r; s[n] = 0; cflags = REG_EXTENDED | REG_UTF | (nflag ? REG_NEWLINE : REG_DOTALL); if (!Uflag) cflags |= REG_UCP; if ((ret = regcomp(&r, s, cflags)) != 0) { char emsg[256]; regerror(ret, &r, emsg, sizeof(emsg)); diex("Failed to compile regex: %s", emsg); } s[n] = c; return r; } #if GIT_GRAB FILE * getfstream(int argc, char *argv[argc]) { pid_t pid; int fds[2]; enum { FD_R, FD_W, }; if (pipe(fds) == -1) die("pipe"); switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: die("fork"); case 0:; size_t len = argc + 5; char **args; close(fds[FD_R]); if (dup2(fds[FD_W], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) die("dup2"); close(fds[FD_W]); if (!(args = malloc(len * sizeof(char *)))) die("malloc"); args[0] = "git"; args[1] = "ls-files"; args[2] = "-z"; args[3] = "--"; memcpy(args + 4, argv, argc * sizeof(char *)); args[len - 1] = nullptr; execvp("git", args); die("execvp: git ls-files -z"); } close(fds[FD_W]); return fdopen(fds[FD_R], "r"); } #endif char * env_or_default(const char *e, const char *d) { const char *s = getenv(e); return (char *)(s && *s ? s : d); } bool xisspace(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n'; } char * xstrchrnul(const char *s, char c) { for (; *s; s++) { if (*s == '\\') s++; else if (*s == c) break; } return (char *)s; }