/* Thread pool implementation mostly copied from cbs.h */ #include <errno.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdatomic.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <alloc.h> #include <array.h> #include <errors.h> #include <macros.h> #include "tpool.h" #include "work.h" #include <stdio.h> static int nproc(void); static void *tpwork(void *); static pthread_t thread_buffer[32]; extern const char *lquot, *rquot; int nproc(void) { errno = 0; /* Grab the number of processors available on the users system. If we can we query sysconf() but fallback to 1 for systems that don’t support the sysconf() method. The user can also override this via the GRAB_NPROCS environment variable, and if that’s invalid then we just issue a diagnostic and default to 1. We don’t want to error on an invalid value for GRAB_NPROCS because we might be running this tool as part of an editor plugin for example where finding the root cause of your regexp-search failing may not be so trivial. */ const char *ev = getenv("GRAB_NPROCS"); if (ev != nullptr && *ev != 0) { const char *endptr; long n = strtol(ev, (char **)&endptr, 10); if (errno == 0 && *endptr == 0) return (int)n; if (errno != 0) warn("strtol: %s:", ev); if (*endptr != 0) warn("Invalid value for %s%s%s for GRAB_NPROCS", lquot, ev, rquot); return 1; } #ifdef _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN return (int)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); #else return 1; #endif } int tpinit(tpool_t *tp, const char **files, ptrdiff_t filecnt) { tp->files = files; tp->filecnt = filecnt; tp->tcnt = nproc(); tp->tcnt = MIN(tp->tcnt, filecnt); tp->wi = 0; if (tp->tcnt <= 32) tp->thrds = thread_buffer; else if ((tp->thrds = malloc(sizeof(*tp->thrds) * tp->tcnt)) == nullptr) err("malloc:"); /* If for whatever reason some threads fail to be created, we don’t panic but instead just continue using the threads that were able to spawn. If all threads fail to spawn we return 0 and the caller will resort to single-threaded behaviour. */ int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tp->tcnt; i++) { if ((errno = pthread_create(tp->thrds + n, nullptr, tpwork, tp)) != 0) warn("failed to create thread:"); else n++; } return n; } void tpfree(tpool_t *tp) { for (int i = 0; i < tp->tcnt; i++) pthread_join(tp->thrds[i], nullptr); #if DEBUG if (tp->thrds != thread_buffer) free(tp->thrds); #endif } void * tpwork(void *arg) { tpool_t *tp = arg; allocator_t mem = init_heap_allocator(nullptr); unsigned char *buf = array_new(mem, typeof(*buf), 4096); for (;;) { ptrdiff_t i = atomic_fetch_add(&tp->wi, 1); if (i >= tp->filecnt) break; process_file(tp->files[i], &buf); } flockfile(stdout); fwrite(buf, 1, array_len(buf), stdout); funlockfile(stdout); #if DEBUG array_free(buf); #endif return nullptr; }