#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TESTFILE "gnext.in" static bool test(const char8_t *, size_t, int); static int hexdigits(rune); int main(int, char **argv) { int rv; size_t n; ssize_t nr; char *line; FILE *fp; rv = EXIT_SUCCESS; line = nullptr; mlib_setprogname(argv[0]); if ((fp = fopen(TESTFILE, "r")) == nullptr) err("fopen: %s:", TESTFILE); for (int id = 1; (nr = getline(&line, &n, fp)) > 0; id++) { if (line[nr - 1] == '\n') line[--nr] = '\0'; if (!test(line, (size_t)nr, id)) rv = EXIT_FAILURE; } if (ferror(fp)) err("getline: %s:", TESTFILE); free(line); fclose(fp); return rv; } bool test(const char8_t *line, size_t n, int id) { size_t total = 0; const char8_t *line2 = line; typedef dynarr(char8_t) graph; dynarr(graph) graphs = {}; do { rune op, ch; u8next(&op, &line2, &n); sscanf(line2, "%" SCNxRUNE, &ch); int off = hexdigits(ch); off = MAX(4, off); line2 += off, n -= off; char8_t buf[U8_LEN_MAX] = {}; int w = rtou8(buf, sizeof(buf), ch); total += w; if (op == U'÷') DAPUSH(&graphs, (graph){}); DAEXTEND(&graphs.buf[graphs.len - 1], buf, w); } while (n > 0); size_t off = 0; char8_t *buf = bufalloc(nullptr, 1, total); da_foreach (&graphs, g) { memcpy(buf + off, g->buf, g->len); off += g->len; } /* Assert the grapheme count is correct */ size_t graphs_got = u8gcnt(buf, total); if (graphs_got != graphs.len) { warn("case %d: expected %zu grapheme(s) but got %zu: ‘%s’", id, graphs.len, graphs_got, line); return false; } /* Assert the individual graphemes are correct */ struct u8view g; const char8_t *buf_cpy = buf; for (size_t i = 0; u8gnext(&g, &buf_cpy, &total); i++) { graph g2 = graphs.buf[i]; if (!u8eq(g.p, g.len, g2.buf, g2.len)) { warn("case %d: expected grapheme ‘%.*s’ but got ‘%.*s’", id, (int)g2.len, g2.buf, (int)g.len, g.p); return false; } } da_foreach (&graphs, wd) free(wd->buf); free(graphs.buf); free(buf); return true; } int hexdigits(rune ch) { int n = 0; do { ch /= 16; n++; } while (ch != 0); return n; }