#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAS_DWM #include #endif #define CTOI(x) ((x) ^ 48) struct Block { int pos; char *text; bool remove; }; bool rflag; const char *argv0; struct { char *str; size_t len; } seperator = {.str = " | ", .len = 3}; static noreturn void usage(void); static noreturn void die(const char *); static void *xrealloc(void *, size_t); static void xfree(char **); static void write_status(struct Block); static bool process(char *, struct Block *); static void create_fifo(char *); #ifdef HAS_DWM static void daemonize(void); static void xfork(void); #endif void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-r] [-s seperator]\n", argv0); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } void die(const char *s) { char *err = strerror(errno); syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s", s, err); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", argv0, s, err); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #ifdef HAS_DWM void xfork(void) { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) die("fork"); if (pid != 0) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } #endif void * xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size) { void *ret; if (!(ret = realloc(ptr, size))) die("realloc"); return ret; } void xfree(char **ptr) { free(*ptr); *ptr = NULL; } void write_status(struct Block b) { static struct { char **blocks; int count; size_t length; } sb; if (b.remove) { if (b.pos > sb.count) return; /* b.remove && !b.pos is a special case to remove everything from the bar */ if (!b.pos) { for (int i = 0; i < sb.count; i++) free(sb.blocks[i]); sb.count = 0; sb.blocks = xrealloc(sb.blocks, sizeof(char *)); goto update_bar; } /* If the block is not NULL we free it */ if (sb.blocks[--b.pos]) { sb.length -= strlen(sb.blocks[b.pos]); xfree(&sb.blocks[b.pos]); } /* If the block is the last one, we resize the bar to remove trailing NULL blocks */ if (b.pos + 1 == sb.count) { for (; !sb.blocks[b.pos] && b.pos; b.pos--) sb.count--; sb.blocks = xrealloc(sb.blocks, sizeof(char *) * ++b.pos); } goto update_bar; } /* If the position exceeds the space allocated, allocate more blocks */ if (b.pos > sb.count) { sb.blocks = xrealloc(sb.blocks, sizeof(char *) * b.pos); /* Make sure to set all the newly allocated blocks to NULL */ for (int i = sb.count; i < b.pos; i++) sb.blocks[i] = NULL; sb.count = b.pos; } /* If the block is NULL we dont need to bother with strlen and free */ if (sb.blocks[--b.pos]) { sb.length -= strlen(sb.blocks[b.pos]); xfree(&sb.blocks[b.pos]); } if (!(sb.blocks[b.pos] = strdup(b.text))) die("strdup"); sb.length += strlen(b.text); /* The buffer to store the text that will be displayed in. It needs space for the text, the * seperators between the different blocks, the NUL byte at the end, and the right padding * space. */ update_bar:; char buf[sb.length + (sb.count - 1) * seperator.len + 2]; memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf)); /* Double loops so that the seperator isnt printed to the left of the first block */ int i; char *bufptr = buf; for (i = 0; i < sb.count; i++) { if (sb.blocks[i]) { bufptr = stpcpy(buf, sb.blocks[i]); break; } } while (++i < sb.count) { if (sb.blocks[i]) bufptr = stpcpy(stpcpy(bufptr, seperator.str), sb.blocks[i]); } if (rflag) strcat(buf, " "); #ifdef HAS_DWM /* Xlib magic to set the DWM status */ Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); int screen = DefaultScreen(dpy); Window root = RootWindow(dpy, screen); (void) XStoreName(dpy, root, buf); (void) XCloseDisplay(dpy); #else puts(buf); #endif } bool process(char *line, struct Block *b) { if (*line == '-') { b->remove = true; line++; } else b->remove = false; if (!isdigit(*line)) b->pos = 1; /* Default position */ else { b->pos = 0; while (isdigit(*line)) b->pos = b->pos * 10 + CTOI(*line++); if (!b->pos && !b->remove) return false; } b->text = line; return true; } void create_fifo(char *fifo_path) { char *runtime_dir = getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"); if (runtime_dir) { size_t end = strlen(runtime_dir) - 1; if (runtime_dir[end] == '/') runtime_dir[end] = '\0'; sprintf(fifo_path, "%s/%s.pipe", runtime_dir, argv0); } else sprintf(fifo_path, _PATH_VARRUN "user/%d/%s.pipe", getuid(), argv0); umask(0); create_fifo: if (mkfifo(fifo_path, DEFFILEMODE) == -1) { if (errno == EEXIST) { if (unlink(fifo_path) == -1) die("unlink"); goto create_fifo; } else die("mkfifo"); } syslog(LOG_INFO, "Created input FIFO '%s'", fifo_path); } #ifdef HAS_DWM void daemonize(void) { xfork(); if (setsid() == -1) die("setsid"); (void) signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); xfork(); (void) chdir("/"); (void) close(STDIN_FILENO); (void) close(STDOUT_FILENO); (void) close(STDERR_FILENO); stdin = fopen(_PATH_DEVNULL, "r"); stdout = fopen(_PATH_DEVNULL, "w+"); stderr = fopen(_PATH_DEVNULL, "w+"); syslog(LOG_INFO, "Daemonized '%s'", argv0); } #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { argv0 = argv[0]; int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, ":rs:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'r': rflag = true; break; case 's': seperator.str = optarg; seperator.len = strlen(optarg); break; default: usage(); } } openlog(argv0, LOG_PID | LOG_CONS, #ifdef HAS_DWM LOG_DAEMON #else LOG_USER #endif ); char fifo_path[PATH_MAX]; create_fifo(fifo_path); #ifdef HAS_DWM daemonize(); #endif char *line = NULL; size_t len = 0; while (true) { FILE *fp; if (!(fp = fopen(fifo_path, "r"))) die("fopen"); ssize_t nr; while ((nr = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) { /* For some reason output with newlines can cause performance issues */ if (line[--nr] == '\n') line[nr] = '\0'; syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Recieved command '%s'", line); struct Block b; if (!process(line, &b)) continue; write_status(b); } if (ferror(fp)) die("getline"); (void) fclose(fp); } /* NOTREACHED */ }