path: root/TODO
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TODO')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e308a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+1. Function parameters:
+ sum :: (a: int, b: int) int { return a + b; }
+ foo :: () { x := sum(1, 2); }
+2. Multideclarations:
+ a, b := 1, 2; /* Multiple assignment */
+ r, g, b, a: u8; /* Type cascading */
+ x, y, z: i8 = …; /* Multiple undefined assignment */
+3. Strings and arrays:
+ hello_utf8 := "Hello World";
+ hello_utf16: u16 = "Hello, World";
+ hello_utf32: u32 = "Hello, World";
+ X :: 3;
+ xs := […]int{1, 2, 3}; /* Implicit length */
+ ys := [X]int{1, 2, 3}; /* Explicit length */
+ /* Assign specific indicies */
+ zs := […]int{
+ [2] = 123,
+ [4] = 321,
+ };
+4. Conditionals:
+ if x > y {
+ …
+ } else if y < x {
+ …
+ } else {
+ …
+ }
+ /* Shortform */
+ if x > y
+ foo();
+ /* Bad style! */
+ if x > y foo();
+5. Switch statements
+ if x == {
+ case 0;
+ …
+ case 1;
+ …
+ fallthrough; /* Explicit fallthrough; implicit break */
+ case 2;
+ …
+ default;
+ …
+ }
+6. Loops
+ loop { … } /* Infinite loop */
+ /* Shorthand syntax */
+ loop
+ foo();
+ loop x > y … /* While loop */
+ loop x: xs … /* Range/for loop */
+ loop i: N…M … /* Loop i from N to M (integers) */
+ /* Break- and continue a loop iteration */
+ loop x > y {
+ if x == 42
+ break;
+ if x & 1 == 1
+ continue;
+ …
+ }
+ /* Labeled break/continue */
+ outer :: loop {
+ loop x > y {
+ if x == 42
+ break outer;
+ }
+ }
+7. Multiple return values from functions
+ swap :: (x, y: int) int, int { return y, x; }
+ x, y := 1, 2;
+ x, y = swap(x, y);
+ /* Note that this is a function that returns a function! The
+ returned function is one that takes an int and returns nothing */
+ foo :: () (int) { … }
+8. Default parameters
+ foo :: (x, y: int, flags: Flags = 0) { … }
+9. Variadic parameters
+ foo :: (xs: …int) {
+ for x: xs { … }
+ foo(xs…);
+ }
+10. Structure types
+ City :: struct {
+ name, country: []u8;
+ population: int;
+ european := false;
+ }
+ växjö := City{"Växjö", "Sweden", 40'000, true};
+ são_paulo := City{
+ name = "São Paulo",
+ country = "Brazil",
+ population = 12.33e6,
+ };
+11. Enumerations
+ Animal :: enum u8 {
+ BEAR; /* 0 */
+ CAT; /* 1 */
+ DOG = 42;
+ SNAKE; /* 43 */
+ }
+ FileFlag :: flag_enum u8 {
+ READ; /* 0x01 */
+ WRITE; /* 0x02 */
+ TRUNC; /* 0x04 */
+ EXEC = 0b0100'0000; /* 0x40 */
+ CLOEXEC; /* 0x80 */
+ RDWR = .READ | .WRITE; /* 0x3 */
+ }