path: root/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl')
12 files changed, 6809 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP.pm b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46bc707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+# GMP perl module
+# Copyright 2001-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+# The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# or
+# * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# or both in parallel, as here.
+# The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+# GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+# see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+# [Note: The above copyright notice is repeated in the documentation section
+# below, in order to get it into man pages etc generated by the various pod
+# conversions. When changing, be sure to update below too.]
+# This code is designed to work with perl 5.005, so it and the sub-packages
+# aren't as modern as they could be.
+package GMP;
+require Symbol;
+require Exporter;
+require DynaLoader;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
+@EXPORT = qw();
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(version);
+%EXPORT_TAGS = ('all' => [qw(
+ get_d get_d_2exp get_si get_str integer_p
+ printf sgn sprintf)],
+ 'constants' => [()]);
+$VERSION = '2.00';
+bootstrap GMP $VERSION;
+# The format string is cut up into "%" specifiers so GMP types can be
+# passed to GMP::sprintf_internal. Any "*"s are interpolated before
+# calling sprintf_internal, which saves worrying about variable
+# argument lists there.
+# Because sprintf_internal is only called after the conversion and
+# operand have been checked there won't be any crashes from a bad
+# format string.
+sub sprintf {
+ my $fmt = shift;
+ my $out = '';
+ my ($pre, $dummy, $pat, $rest);
+ while (($pre, $dummy, $pat, $rest) = ($fmt =~ /^((%%|[^%])*)(%[- +#.*hlLqv\d]*[bcdfeEgGinopsuxX])(.*)$/s)) {
+ $out .= $pre;
+ my $pat2 = $pat; # $pat with "*"s expanded
+ my @params = (); # arguments per "*"s
+ while ($pat2 =~ /[*]/) {
+ my $arg = shift;
+ $pat2 =~ s/[*]/$arg/;
+ push @params, $arg;
+ }
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],"GMP::Mpz")) {
+ if ($pat2 !~ /[dioxX]$/) {
+ die "GMP::sprintf: unsupported output format for mpz: $pat2\n";
+ }
+ $pat2 =~ s/(.)$/Z$1/;
+ $out .= sprintf_internal ($pat2, shift);
+ } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],"GMP::Mpq")) {
+ if ($pat2 !~ /[dioxX]$/) {
+ die "GMP::sprintf: unsupported output format for mpq: $pat2\n";
+ }
+ $pat2 =~ s/(.)$/Q$1/;
+ $out .= sprintf_internal ($pat2, shift);
+ } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],"GMP::Mpf")) {
+ if ($pat2 !~ /[eEfgG]$/) {
+ die "GMP::sprintf: unsupported output format for mpf: $pat2\n";
+ }
+ $pat2 =~ s/(.)$/F$1/;
+ $out .= sprintf_internal ($pat2, shift);
+ } elsif ($pat =~ /n$/) {
+ # do it this way so h, l or V type modifiers are respected, and use a
+ # dummy variable to avoid a warning about discarding the value
+ my $dummy = sprintf "%s$pat", $out, $_[0];
+ shift;
+ } else {
+ $out .= sprintf $pat, @params, shift;
+ }
+ $fmt = $rest;
+ }
+ $out .= $fmt;
+ return $out;
+sub printf {
+ if (ref($_[0]) eq 'GLOB') {
+ my $h = Symbol::qualify_to_ref(shift, caller);
+ print $h GMP::sprintf(@_);
+ } else {
+ print STDOUT GMP::sprintf(@_);
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+GMP - Perl interface to the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use GMP;
+ use GMP::Mpz;
+ use GMP::Mpq;
+ use GMP::Mpf;
+ use GMP::Rand;
+This module provides access to GNU MP arbitrary precision integers,
+rationals and floating point.
+No functions are exported from these packages by default, but can be
+selected in the usual way, or the tag :all for everything.
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(gcd, lcm); # just these functions
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(:all); # everything in mpq
+=head2 GMP::Mpz
+This class provides arbitrary precision integers. A new mpz can be
+constructed with C<mpz>. The initial value can be an integer, float,
+string, mpz, mpq or mpf. Floats, mpq and mpf will be automatically
+truncated to an integer.
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:all);
+ my $a = mpz(123);
+ my $b = mpz("0xFFFF");
+ my $c = mpz(1.5); # truncated
+The following overloaded operators are available, and corresponding
+assignment forms like C<+=>,
+=over 4
++ - * / % E<lt>E<lt> E<gt>E<gt> ** & | ^ ! E<lt> E<lt>= == != E<gt> E<gt>=
+E<lt>=E<gt> abs not sqrt
+C</> and C<%> round towards zero (as per the C<tdiv> functions in GMP).
+The following functions are available, behaving the same as the
+corresponding GMP mpz functions,
+=over 4
+bin, cdiv, cdiv_2exp, clrbit, combit, congruent_p, congruent_2exp_p,
+divexact, divisible_p, divisible_2exp_p, even_p, fac, fdiv, fdiv_2exp, fib,
+fib2, gcd, gcdext, hamdist, invert, jacobi, kronecker, lcm, lucnum, lucnum2,
+mod, mpz_export, mpz_import, nextprime, odd_p, perfect_power_p,
+perfect_square_p, popcount, powm, probab_prime_p, realloc, remove, root,
+roote, scan0, scan1, setbit, sizeinbase, sqrtrem, tdiv, tdiv_2exp, tstbit
+C<cdiv>, C<fdiv> and C<tdiv> and their C<2exp> variants return a
+quotient/remainder pair. C<fib2> returns a pair F[n] and F[n-1], similarly
+C<lucnum2>. C<gcd> and C<lcm> accept a variable number of arguments (one or
+more). C<gcdext> returns a triplet of gcd and two cofactors, for example
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:all);
+ $a = 7257;
+ $b = 10701;
+ ($g, $x, $y) = gcdext ($a, $b);
+ print "gcd($a,$b) is $g, and $g == $a*$x + $b*$y\n";
+C<mpz_import> and C<mpz_export> are so named to avoid the C<import> keyword.
+Their parameters are as follows,
+ $z = mpz_import ($order, $size, $endian, $nails, $string);
+ $string = mpz_export ($order, $size, $endian, $nails, $z);
+The order, size, endian and nails parameters are as per the corresponding C
+functions. The string input for C<mpz_import> is interpreted as byte data
+and must be a multiple of $size bytes. C<mpz_export> conversely returns a
+string of byte data, which will be a multiple of $size bytes.
+C<invert> returns the inverse, or undef if it doesn't exist. C<remove>
+returns a remainder/multiplicity pair. C<root> returns the nth root, and
+C<roote> returns a root/bool pair, the bool indicating whether the root is
+exact. C<sqrtrem> and C<rootrem> return a root/remainder pair.
+C<clrbit>, C<combit> and C<setbit> expect a variable which they can modify,
+it doesn't make sense to pass a literal constant. Only the given variable
+is modified, if other variables are referencing the same mpz object then a
+new copy is made of it. If the variable isn't an mpz it will be coerced to
+one. For instance,
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(setbit);
+ setbit (123, 0); # wrong, don't pass a constant
+ $a = mpz(6);
+ $b = $a;
+ setbit ($a, 0); # $a becomes 7, $b stays at 6
+C<scan0> and C<scan1> return ~0 if no 0 or 1 bit respectively is found.
+=head2 GMP::Mpq
+This class provides rationals with arbitrary precision numerators and
+denominators. A new mpq can be constructed with C<mpq>. The initial value
+can be an integer, float, string, mpz, mpq or mpf, or a pair of integers or
+mpz's. No precision is lost when converting a float or mpf, the exact value
+is retained.
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(:all);
+ $a = mpq(); # zero
+ $b = mpq(0.5); # gives 1/2
+ $b = mpq(14); # integer 14
+ $b = mpq(3,4); # fraction 3/4
+ $b = mpq("7/12"); # fraction 7/12
+ $b = mpq("0xFF/0x100"); # fraction 255/256
+When a fraction is given, it should be in the canonical form specified in
+the GMP manual, which is denominator positive, no common factors, and zero
+always represented as 0/1. If not then C<canonicalize> can be called to put
+it in that form. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(:all);
+ $q = mpq(21,15); # eek! common factor 3
+ canonicalize($q); # get rid of it
+The following overloaded operators are available, and corresponding
+assignment forms like C<+=>,
+=over 4
++ - * / E<lt>E<lt> E<gt>E<gt> ** ! E<lt> E<lt>= == != E<gt> E<gt>=
+E<lt>=E<gt> abs not
+The following functions are available,
+=over 4
+den, inv, num
+C<inv> calculates 1/q, as per the corresponding GMP function. C<num> and
+C<den> return an mpz copy of the numerator or denominator respectively. In
+the future C<num> and C<den> might give lvalues so the original mpq can be
+modified through them, but this is not done currently.
+=head2 GMP::Mpf
+This class provides arbitrary precision floating point numbers. The
+mantissa is an arbitrary user-selected precision and the exponent is a fixed
+size (one machine word).
+A new mpf can be constructed with C<mpf>. The initial value can be an
+integer, float, string, mpz, mpq or mpf. The second argument specifies the
+desired precision in bits, or if omitted then the default precision is used.
+ use GMP::Mpf qw(:all);
+ $a = mpf(); # zero
+ $b = mpf(-7.5); # default precision
+ $c = mpf(1.5, 500); # 500 bits precision
+ $d = mpf("1.0000000000000001");
+The following overloaded operators are available, with the corresponding
+assignment forms like C<+=>,
+=over 4
++ - * / E<lt>E<lt> E<gt>E<gt> ** ! E<lt> E<lt>= == != E<gt> E<gt>=
+E<lt>=E<gt> abs not sqrt
+The following functions are available, behaving the same as the
+corresponding GMP mpf functions,
+=over 4
+ceil, floor, get_default_prec, get_prec, mpf_eq, set_default_prec, set_prec,
+C<mpf_eq> is so named to avoid clashing with the perl C<eq> operator.
+C<set_prec> expects a variable which it can modify, it doesn't make sense to
+pass a literal constant. Only the given variable is modified, if other
+variables are referencing the same mpf object then a new copy is made of it.
+If the variable isn't an mpf it will be coerced to one.
+Results are the same precision as inputs, or if two mpf's are given to a
+binary operator then the precision of the first is used. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpf qw(mpf);
+ $a = mpf(2.0, 100);
+ $b = mpf(2.0, 500);
+ $c = $a + $b; # gives 100 bits precision
+Mpf to string conversion via "" or the usual string contexts uses C<$#> the
+same as normal float to string conversions, or defaults to C<%.g> if C<$#>
+is not defined. C<%.g> means all significant digits in the selected
+=head2 GMP class
+The following functions are available in the GMP class,
+=over 4
+fits_slong_p, get_d, get_d_2exp, get_si, get_str, integer_p, printf, sgn,
+sprintf, version
+C<get_d_2exp> accepts any integer, string, float, mpz, mpq or mpf operands
+and returns a float and an integer exponent,
+ ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp (mpf ("3.0"));
+ # dbl is 0.75, exp is 2
+C<get_str> takes an optional second argument which is the base, defaulting
+to decimal. A negative base means upper case, as per the C functions. For
+integer, integer string, mpz or mpq operands a string is returned.
+ use GMP qw(:all);
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(:all);
+ print get_str(mpq(-5,8)),"\n"; # -5/8
+ print get_str(255,16),"\n"; # ff
+For float, float strings or mpf operands, C<get_str> accepts an optional
+third parameter being how many digits to produce, defaulting to 0 which
+means all digits. (Only as many digits as can be accurately represented by
+the float precision are ever produced though.) A string/exponent pair is
+returned, as per the C mpf_get_str function. For example,
+ use GMP qw(:all);
+ use GMP::Mpf qw(:all);
+ ($s, $e) = get_str(111.111111111, 10, 4);
+ printf ".$se$e\n"; # .1111e3
+ ($s, $e) = get_str(1.625, 10);
+ print "0.$s*10^$e\n"; # 0.1625*10^1
+ ($s, $e) = get_str(mpf(2)**20, 16);
+ printf ".%s@%x\n", $s, $e; # .1@14
+C<printf> and C<sprintf> allow formatted output of GMP types. mpz and mpq
+values can be used with integer conversions (d, o, x, X) and mpf with float
+conversions (f, e, E, g, G). All the standard perl printf features are
+available too. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(mpz);
+ use GMP::Mpf qw(mpf);
+ GMP::printf ("%d %d %s", 123, mpz(2)**128, 'foo');
+ GMP::printf STDERR "%.40f", mpf(1.234);
+In perl 5.6.1 it doesn't seem to work to export C<printf>, the plain builtin
+C<printf> is reached unless calls are C<&printf()> style. Explicit use of
+C<GMP::printf> is suggested. C<sprintf> doesn't suffer this problem.
+ use GMP qw(sprintf);
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(mpq);
+ $s = sprintf "%x", mpq(15,16);
+C<version> is not exported by default or by tag :all, calling it as
+C<GMP::version()> is recommended. It returns the GMP library version
+string, which is not to be confused with the module version number.
+The other GMP module functions behave as per the corresponding GMP routines,
+and accept any integer, string, float, mpz, mpq or mpf. For example,
+ use GMP qw(:all);
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(mpz);
+ $z = mpz(123);
+ print sgn($z); # gives 1
+Because each of GMP::Mpz, GMP::Mpq and GMP::Mpf is a sub-class of GMP,
+C<-E<gt>> style calls work too.
+ use GMP qw(:all);
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(mpf);
+ $q = mpq(-5,7);
+ if ($q->integer_p()) # false
+ ...
+=head2 GMP::Rand
+This class provides objects holding an algorithm and state for random number
+generation. C<randstate> creates a new object, for example,
+ use GMP::Rand qw(randstate);
+ $r = randstate();
+ $r = randstate('lc_2exp_size', 64);
+ $r = randstate('lc_2exp', 43840821, 1, 32);
+ $r = randstate('mt');
+ $r = randstate($another_r);
+With no parameters this corresponds to the C function
+C<gmp_randinit_default>, and is a compromise between speed and randomness.
+'lc_2exp_size' corresponds to C<gmp_randinit_lc_2exp_size>, 'lc_2exp'
+corresponds to C<gmp_randinit_lc_2exp>, and 'mt' corresponds to
+C<gmp_randinit_mt>. Or when passed another randstate object, a copy of that
+object is made.
+'lc_2exp_size' can fail if the requested size is bigger than the internal
+table provides for, in which case undef is returned. The maximum size
+currently supported is 128. The other forms always succeed.
+A randstate can be seeded with an integer or mpz, using the C<seed> method.
+/dev/random might be a good source of randomness, or time() or
+Time::HiRes::time() might be adequate, depending on the application.
+ $r->seed(time()));
+Random numbers can be generated with the following functions,
+=over 4
+mpf_urandomb, mpz_rrandomb, mpz_urandomb, mpz_urandomm,
+gmp_urandomb_ui, gmp_urandomm_ui
+Each constructs a new mpz or mpf and with a distribution per the
+corresponding GMP function. For example,
+ use GMP::Rand (:all);
+ $r = randstate();
+ $a = mpz_urandomb($r,256); # uniform mpz, 256 bits
+ $b = mpz_urandomm($r,mpz(3)**100); # uniform mpz, 0 to 3**100-1
+ $c = mpz_rrandomb($r,1024); # special mpz, 1024 bits
+ $f = mpf_urandomb($r,128); # uniform mpf, 128 bits, 0<=$f<1
+ $f = gmp_urandomm_ui($r,56); # uniform int, 0 to 55
+=head2 Coercion
+Arguments to operators and functions are converted as necessary to the
+appropriate type. For instance C<**> requires an unsigned integer exponent,
+and an mpq argument will be converted, so long as it's an integer in the
+appropriate range.
+ use GMP::Mpz (mpz);
+ use GMP::Mpq (mpq);
+ $p = mpz(3) ** mpq(45); # allowed, 45 is an integer
+It's an error if a conversion to an integer or mpz would cause any
+truncation. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz (mpz);
+ $p = mpz(3) + 1.25; # not allowed
+ $p = mpz(3) + mpz(1.25); # allowed, explicit truncation
+Comparisons, however, accept any combination of operands and are always done
+exactly. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz (mpz);
+ print mpz(3) < 3.1; # true
+Variables used on the left of an assignment operator like C<+=> are subject
+to coercion too. An integer, float or string will change type when an mpz,
+mpq or mpf is applied to it. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz (mpz);
+ $a = 1;
+ $a += mpz(1234); # $a becomes an mpz
+=head2 Overloading
+The rule for binary operators in the C<overload> mechanism is that if both
+operands are class objects then the method from the first is used. This
+determines the result type when mixing GMP classes. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz (mpz);
+ use GMP::Mpq (mpq);
+ use GMP::Mpf (mpf);
+ $z = mpz(123);
+ $q = mpq(3,2);
+ $f = mpf(1.375)
+ print $q+$f; # gives an mpq
+ print $f+$z; # gives an mpf
+ print $z+$f; # not allowed, would lose precision
+=head2 Constants
+A special tag C<:constants> is recognised in the module exports list. It
+doesn't select any functions, but indicates that perl constants should be
+GMP objects. This can only be used on one of GMP::Mpz, GMP::Mpq or GMP::Mpf
+at any one time, since they apply different rules.
+GMP::Mpz will treat constants as mpz's if they're integers, or ordinary
+floats if not. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:constants);
+ print 764861287634126387126378128,"\n"; # an mpz
+ print 1.25,"\n"; # a float
+GMP::Mpq is similar, treating integers as mpq's and leaving floats to the
+normal perl handling. Something like 3/4 is read as two integer mpq's and a
+division, but that's fine since it gives the intended fraction.
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(:constants);
+ print 3/4,"\n"; # an mpq
+ print 1.25,"\n"; # a float
+GMP::Mpf will treat all constants as mpf's using the default precision.
+BEGIN blocks can be used to set that precision while the code is parsed.
+For example,
+ use GMP::Mpf qw(:constants);
+ BEGIN { GMP::Mpf::set_default_prec(256); }
+ print 1/3;
+ BEGIN { GMP::Mpf::set_default_prec(64); }
+ print 5/7;
+A similar special tag :noconstants is recognised to turn off the constants
+feature. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:constants);
+ print 438249738748174928193,"\n"; # an mpz
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:noconstants);
+ print 438249738748174928193,"\n"; # now a float
+All three 'integer', 'binary' and 'float' constant methods are captured.
+'float' is captured even for GMP::Mpz and GMP::Mpq since perl by default
+treats integer strings as floats if they don't fit a plain integer.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+GMP manual, L<perl>, L<overload>.
+=head1 BUGS
+In perl 5.005_03 on i386 FreeBSD, the overloaded constants sometimes provoke
+seg faults. Don't know if that's a perl bug or a GMP module bug, though it
+does seem to go bad before reaching anything in GMP.xs.
+There's no way to specify an arbitrary base when converting a string to an
+mpz (or mpq or mpf), only hex or octal with 0x or 0 (for mpz and mpq, but
+not for mpf).
+These modules are not reentrant or thread safe, due to the implementation of
+the XSUBs.
+Returning a new object from the various functions is convenient, but
+assignment versions could avoid creating new objects. Perhaps they could be
+named after the C language functions, eg. mpq_inv($q,$q);
+It'd be good if C<num> and C<den> gave lvalues so the underlying mpq could
+be manipulated.
+C<printf> could usefully accept %b for mpz, mpq and mpf, and perhaps %x for
+mpf too.
+C<get_str> returning different style values for integer versus float is a
+bit unfortunate. With mpz, mpq and mpf objects there's no doubt what it
+will do, but on a plain scalar its action depends on whether the scalar was
+promoted to a float at any stage, and then on the GMP module rules about
+using the integer or float part.
+In usual perl object style, an mpz is a reference to an object blessed into
+class C<GMP::Mpz>. The object holds a pointer to the C language C<mpz_t>
+structure. Similarly for mpq, mpf and randstate.
+A free list of mpz and mpq values is kept to avoid repeated initializing and
+clearing when objects are created and destroyed. This aims to help speed,
+but it's not clear whether it's really needed.
+mpf doesn't use a free list because the precision of new objects can be
+different each time.
+No interface to C<mpf_set_prec_raw> is provided. It wouldn't be very useful
+since there's no way to make an operation store its result in a particular
+object. The plain C<set_prec> is useful though, for truncating to a lower
+precision, or as a sort of directive that subsequent calculations involving
+that variable should use a higher precision.
+The overheads of perl dynamic typing (operator dispatch, operand type
+checking or coercion) will mean this interface is slower than using C
+Some assertion checking is available as a compile-time option.
+Copyright 2001-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of either:
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+ option) any later version.
+ * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ later version.
+or both in parallel, as here.
+The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+for more details.
+You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+# Local variables:
+# perl-indent-level: 2
+# fill-column: 76
+# End:
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP.xs b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f5acc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,3212 @@
+/* GMP module external subroutines.
+Copyright 2001-2003, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of either:
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+ option) any later version.
+ * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ later version.
+or both in parallel, as here.
+The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+for more details.
+You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+/* Notes:
+ Routines are grouped with the alias feature and a table of function
+ pointers where possible, since each xsub routine ends up with quite a bit
+ of code size. Different combinations of arguments and return values have
+ to be separate though.
+ The "INTERFACE:" feature isn't available in perl 5.005 and so isn't used.
+ "ALIAS:" requires a table lookup with CvXSUBANY(cv).any_i32 (which is
+ "ix") whereas "INTERFACE:" would have CvXSUBANY(cv).any_dptr as the
+ function pointer immediately.
+ Mixed-type swapped-order assignments like "$a = 123; $a += mpz(456);"
+ invoke the plain overloaded "+", not "+=", which makes life easier.
+ mpz_assume etc types are used with the overloaded operators since such
+ operators are always called with a class object as the first argument, we
+ don't need an sv_derived_from() lookup to check. There's assert()s in
+ MPX_ASSUME() for this though.
+ The overload_constant routines reached via overload::constant get 4
+ arguments in perl 5.6, not the 3 as documented. This is apparently a
+ bug, using "..." lets us ignore the extra one.
+ There's only a few "si" functions in gmp, so usually SvIV values get
+ handled with an mpz_set_si into a temporary and then a full precision mpz
+ routine. This is reasonably efficient.
+ Argument types are checked, with a view to preserving all bits in the
+ operand. Perl is a bit looser in its arithmetic, allowing rounding or
+ truncation to an intended operand type (IV, UV or NV).
+ Bugs:
+ The memory leak detection attempted in GMP::END() doesn't work when mpz's
+ are created as constants because END() is called before they're
+ destroyed. What's the right place to hook such a check?
+ See the bugs section of GMP.pm too. */
+/* Comment this out to get assertion checking. */
+#define NDEBUG
+/* Change this to "#define TRACE(x) x" for some diagnostics. */
+#define TRACE(x)
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include "patchlevel.h"
+#include "gmp.h"
+/* Perl 5.005 doesn't have SvIsUV, only 5.6 and up.
+ Perl 5.8 has SvUOK, but not 5.6, so we don't use that. */
+#ifndef SvIsUV
+#define SvIsUV(sv) 0
+#ifndef SvUVX
+#define SvUVX(sv) (croak("GMP: oops, shouldn't be using SvUVX"), 0)
+/* Code which doesn't check anything itself, but exists to support other
+ assert()s. */
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+#define assert_support(x)
+#define assert_support(x) x
+/* LONG_MAX + 1 and ULONG_MAX + 1, as a doubles */
+#define LONG_MAX_P1_AS_DOUBLE ((double) ((unsigned long) LONG_MAX + 1))
+#define ULONG_MAX_P1_AS_DOUBLE (2.0 * (double) ((unsigned long) ULONG_MAX/2 + 1))
+/* Check for perl version "major.minor".
+ Perl 5.004 doesn't have PERL_REVISION and PERL_VERSION, but that's ok,
+ we're only interested in tests above that. */
+#if defined (PERL_REVISION) && defined (PERL_VERSION)
+#define PERL_GE(major,minor) \
+ (PERL_REVISION > (major) \
+ || ((major) == PERL_REVISION && PERL_VERSION >= (minor)))
+#define PERL_GE(major,minor) (0)
+#define PERL_LT(major,minor) (! PERL_GE(major,minor))
+/* sv_derived_from etc in 5.005 took "char *" rather than "const char *".
+ Avoid some compiler warnings by using const only where it works. */
+#if PERL_LT (5,6)
+#define classconst
+#define classconst const
+/* In a MINGW or Cygwin DLL build of gmp, the various gmp functions are
+ given with dllimport directives, which prevents them being used as
+ initializers for constant data. We give function tables as
+ "static_functable const ...", which is normally "static const", but for
+ mingw expands to just "const" making the table an automatic with a
+ run-time initializer.
+ In gcc 3.3.1, the function tables initialized like this end up getting
+ all the __imp__foo values fetched, even though just one or two will be
+ used. This is wasteful, but probably not too bad. */
+#if defined (__MINGW32__) || defined (__CYGWIN__)
+#define static_functable
+#define static_functable static
+#define GMP_MALLOC_ID 42
+static classconst char mpz_class[] = "GMP::Mpz";
+static classconst char mpq_class[] = "GMP::Mpq";
+static classconst char mpf_class[] = "GMP::Mpf";
+static classconst char rand_class[] = "GMP::Rand";
+static HV *mpz_class_hv;
+static HV *mpq_class_hv;
+static HV *mpf_class_hv;
+assert_support (static long mpz_count = 0;)
+assert_support (static long mpq_count = 0;)
+assert_support (static long mpf_count = 0;)
+assert_support (static long rand_count = 0;)
+#define TRACE_ACTIVE() \
+ assert_support \
+ (TRACE (printf (" active %ld mpz, %ld mpq, %ld mpf, %ld randstate\n", \
+ mpz_count, mpq_count, mpf_count, rand_count)))
+/* Each "struct mpz_elem" etc is an mpz_t with a link field tacked on the
+ end so they can be held on a linked list. */
+#define CREATE_MPX(type) \
+ \
+ /* must have mpz_t etc first, for sprintf below */ \
+ struct type##_elem { \
+ type##_t m; \
+ struct type##_elem *next; \
+ }; \
+ typedef struct type##_elem *type; \
+ typedef struct type##_elem *type##_assume; \
+ typedef type##_ptr type##_coerce; \
+ \
+ static type type##_freelist = NULL; \
+ \
+ static type \
+ new_##type (void) \
+ { \
+ type p; \
+ TRACE (printf ("new %s\n", type##_class)); \
+ if (type##_freelist != NULL) \
+ { \
+ p = type##_freelist; \
+ type##_freelist = type##_freelist->next; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ New (GMP_MALLOC_ID, p, 1, struct type##_elem); \
+ type##_init (p->m); \
+ } \
+ TRACE (printf (" p=%p\n", p)); \
+ assert_support (type##_count++); \
+ return p; \
+ } \
+typedef mpf_ptr mpf;
+typedef mpf_ptr mpf_assume;
+typedef mpf_ptr mpf_coerce_st0;
+typedef mpf_ptr mpf_coerce_def;
+static mpf
+new_mpf (unsigned long prec)
+ mpf p;
+ New (GMP_MALLOC_ID, p, 1, __mpf_struct);
+ mpf_init2 (p, prec);
+ TRACE (printf (" mpf p=%p\n", p));
+ assert_support (mpf_count++);
+ return p;
+/* tmp_mpf_t records an allocated precision with an mpf_t so changes of
+ precision can be done with just an mpf_set_prec_raw. */
+struct tmp_mpf_struct {
+ mpf_t m;
+ unsigned long allocated_prec;
+typedef const struct tmp_mpf_struct *tmp_mpf_srcptr;
+typedef struct tmp_mpf_struct *tmp_mpf_ptr;
+typedef struct tmp_mpf_struct tmp_mpf_t[1];
+#define tmp_mpf_init(f) \
+ do { \
+ mpf_init (f->m); \
+ f->allocated_prec = mpf_get_prec (f->m); \
+ } while (0)
+static void
+tmp_mpf_grow (tmp_mpf_ptr f, unsigned long prec)
+ mpf_set_prec_raw (f->m, f->allocated_prec);
+ mpf_set_prec (f->m, prec);
+ f->allocated_prec = mpf_get_prec (f->m);
+#define tmp_mpf_shrink(f) tmp_mpf_grow (f, 1L)
+#define tmp_mpf_set_prec(f,prec) \
+ do { \
+ if (prec > f->allocated_prec) \
+ tmp_mpf_grow (f, prec); \
+ else \
+ mpf_set_prec_raw (f->m, prec); \
+ } while (0)
+static mpz_t tmp_mpz_0, tmp_mpz_1, tmp_mpz_2;
+static mpq_t tmp_mpq_0, tmp_mpq_1;
+static tmp_mpf_t tmp_mpf_0, tmp_mpf_1;
+/* for GMP::Mpz::export */
+#define tmp_mpz_4 tmp_mpz_2
+#define FREE_MPX_FREELIST(p,type) \
+ do { \
+ TRACE (printf ("free %s\n", type##_class)); \
+ p->next = type##_freelist; \
+ type##_freelist = p; \
+ assert_support (type##_count--); \
+ assert (type##_count >= 0); \
+ } while (0)
+/* this version for comparison, if desired */
+#define FREE_MPX_NOFREELIST(p,type) \
+ do { \
+ TRACE (printf ("free %s\n", type##_class)); \
+ type##_clear (p->m); \
+ Safefree (p); \
+ assert_support (type##_count--); \
+ assert (type##_count >= 0); \
+ } while (0)
+#define free_mpz(z) FREE_MPX_FREELIST (z, mpz)
+#define free_mpq(q) FREE_MPX_FREELIST (q, mpq)
+/* Return a new mortal SV holding the given mpx_ptr pointer.
+ class_hv should be one of mpz_class_hv etc. */
+#define MPX_NEWMORTAL(mpx_ptr, class_hv) \
+ sv_bless (sv_setref_pv (sv_newmortal(), NULL, mpx_ptr), class_hv)
+/* Aliases for use in typemaps */
+typedef char *malloced_string;
+typedef const char *const_string;
+typedef const char *const_string_assume;
+typedef char *string;
+typedef SV *order_noswap;
+typedef SV *dummy;
+typedef SV *SV_copy_0;
+typedef unsigned long ulong_coerce;
+typedef __gmp_randstate_struct *randstate;
+typedef UV gmp_UV;
+#define SvMPX(s,type) ((type) SvIV((SV*) SvRV(s)))
+#define SvMPZ(s) SvMPX(s,mpz)
+#define SvMPQ(s) SvMPX(s,mpq)
+#define SvMPF(s) SvMPX(s,mpf)
+#define SvRANDSTATE(s) SvMPX(s,randstate)
+#define MPX_ASSUME(x,sv,type) \
+ do { \
+ assert (sv_derived_from (sv, type##_class)); \
+ x = SvMPX(sv,type); \
+ } while (0)
+#define MPZ_ASSUME(z,sv) MPX_ASSUME(z,sv,mpz)
+#define MPQ_ASSUME(q,sv) MPX_ASSUME(q,sv,mpq)
+#define MPF_ASSUME(f,sv) MPX_ASSUME(f,sv,mpf)
+#define numberof(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof ((x)[0]))
+#define SGN(x) ((x)<0 ? -1 : (x) != 0)
+#define ABS(x) ((x)>=0 ? (x) : -(x))
+#define double_integer_p(d) (floor (d) == (d))
+#define x_mpq_integer_p(q) \
+ (mpz_cmp_ui (mpq_denref(q), 1L) == 0)
+#define assert_table(ix) assert (ix >= 0 && ix < numberof (table))
+#define SV_PTR_SWAP(x,y) \
+ do { SV *__tmp = (x); (x) = (y); (y) = __tmp; } while (0)
+#define MPF_PTR_SWAP(x,y) \
+ do { mpf_ptr __tmp = (x); (x) = (y); (y) = __tmp; } while (0)
+static void
+class_or_croak (SV *sv, classconst char *cl)
+ if (! sv_derived_from (sv, cl))
+ croak("not type %s", cl);
+/* These are macros, wrap them in functions. */
+static int
+x_mpz_odd_p (mpz_srcptr z)
+ return mpz_odd_p (z);
+static int
+x_mpz_even_p (mpz_srcptr z)
+ return mpz_even_p (z);
+static void
+x_mpq_pow_ui (mpq_ptr r, mpq_srcptr b, unsigned long e)
+ mpz_pow_ui (mpq_numref(r), mpq_numref(b), e);
+ mpz_pow_ui (mpq_denref(r), mpq_denref(b), e);
+static void *
+my_gmp_alloc (size_t n)
+ void *p;
+ TRACE (printf ("my_gmp_alloc %u\n", n));
+ New (GMP_MALLOC_ID, p, n, char);
+ TRACE (printf (" p=%p\n", p));
+ return p;
+static void *
+my_gmp_realloc (void *p, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize)
+ TRACE (printf ("my_gmp_realloc %p, %u to %u\n", p, oldsize, newsize));
+ Renew (p, newsize, char);
+ TRACE (printf (" p=%p\n", p));
+ return p;
+static void
+my_gmp_free (void *p, size_t n)
+ TRACE (printf ("my_gmp_free %p %u\n", p, n));
+ Safefree (p);
+#define my_mpx_set_svstr(type) \
+ static void \
+ my_##type##_set_svstr (type##_ptr x, SV *sv) \
+ { \
+ const char *str; \
+ STRLEN len; \
+ TRACE (printf (" my_" #type "_set_svstr\n")); \
+ assert (SvPOK(sv) || SvPOKp(sv)); \
+ str = SvPV (sv, len); \
+ TRACE (printf (" str \"%s\"\n", str)); \
+ if (type##_set_str (x, str, 0) != 0) \
+ croak ("%s: invalid string: %s", type##_class, str); \
+ }
+/* very slack */
+static int
+x_mpq_cmp_si (mpq_srcptr x, long yn, unsigned long yd)
+ mpq y;
+ int ret;
+ y = new_mpq ();
+ mpq_set_si (y->m, yn, yd);
+ ret = mpq_cmp (x, y->m);
+ free_mpq (y);
+ return ret;
+static int
+x_mpq_fits_slong_p (mpq_srcptr q)
+ return x_mpq_cmp_si (q, LONG_MIN, 1L) >= 0
+ && mpq_cmp_ui (q, LONG_MAX, 1L) <= 0;
+static int
+x_mpz_cmp_q (mpz_ptr x, mpq_srcptr y)
+ int ret;
+ mpz_set_ui (mpq_denref(tmp_mpq_0), 1L);
+ mpz_swap (mpq_numref(tmp_mpq_0), x);
+ ret = mpq_cmp (tmp_mpq_0, y);
+ mpz_swap (mpq_numref(tmp_mpq_0), x);
+ return ret;
+static int
+x_mpz_cmp_f (mpz_srcptr x, mpf_srcptr y)
+ tmp_mpf_set_prec (tmp_mpf_0, mpz_sizeinbase (x, 2));
+ mpf_set_z (tmp_mpf_0->m, x);
+ return mpf_cmp (tmp_mpf_0->m, y);
+#define USE_UNKNOWN 0
+#define USE_IVX 1
+#define USE_UVX 2
+#define USE_NVX 3
+#define USE_PVX 4
+#define USE_MPZ 5
+#define USE_MPQ 6
+#define USE_MPF 7
+/* mg_get is called every time we get a value, even if the private flags are
+ still set from a previous such call. This is the same as as SvIV and
+ friends do.
+ When POK, we use the PV, even if there's an IV or NV available. This is
+ because it's hard to be sure there wasn't any rounding in establishing
+ the IV and/or NV. Cases of overflow, where the PV should definitely be
+ used, are easy enough to spot, but rounding is hard. So although IV or
+ NV would be more efficient, we must use the PV to be sure of getting all
+ the data. Applications should convert once to mpz, mpq or mpf when using
+ a value repeatedly.
+ Zany dual-type scalars like $! where the IV is an error code and the PV
+ is an error description string won't work with this preference for PV,
+ but that's too bad. Such scalars should be rare, and unlikely to be used
+ in bignum calculations.
+ When IOK and NOK are both set, we would prefer to use the IV since it can
+ be converted more efficiently, and because on a 64-bit system the NV may
+ have less bits than the IV. The following rules are applied,
+ - If the NV is not an integer, then we must use that NV, since clearly
+ the IV was merely established by rounding and is not the full value.
+ - In perl prior to 5.8, an NV too big for an IV leaves an overflow value
+ 0xFFFFFFFF. If the NV is too big to fit an IV then clearly it's the NV
+ which is the true value and must be used.
+ - In perl 5.8 and up, such an overflow doesn't set IOK, so that test is
+ unnecessary. However when coming from get-magic, IOKp _is_ set, and we
+ must check for overflow the same as in older perl.
+ We'd like to call mg_get just once, but unfortunately sv_derived_from()
+ will call it for each of our checks. We could do a string compare like
+ sv_isa ourselves, but that only tests the exact class, it doesn't
+ recognise subclassing. There doesn't seem to be a public interface to
+ the subclassing tests (in the internal isa_lookup() function). */
+use_sv (SV *sv)
+ double d;
+ if (SvGMAGICAL(sv))
+ {
+ mg_get(sv);
+ if (SvPOKp(sv))
+ return USE_PVX;
+ if (SvIOKp(sv))
+ {
+ if (SvIsUV(sv))
+ {
+ if (SvNOKp(sv))
+ goto u_or_n;
+ return USE_UVX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (SvNOKp(sv))
+ goto i_or_n;
+ return USE_IVX;
+ }
+ }
+ if (SvNOKp(sv))
+ return USE_NVX;
+ goto rok_or_unknown;
+ }
+ if (SvPOK(sv))
+ return USE_PVX;
+ if (SvIOK(sv))
+ {
+ if (SvIsUV(sv))
+ {
+ if (SvNOK(sv))
+ {
+ if (PERL_LT (5, 8))
+ {
+ u_or_n:
+ d = SvNVX(sv);
+ if (d >= ULONG_MAX_P1_AS_DOUBLE || d < 0.0)
+ return USE_NVX;
+ }
+ d = SvNVX(sv);
+ if (d != floor (d))
+ return USE_NVX;
+ }
+ return USE_UVX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (SvNOK(sv))
+ {
+ if (PERL_LT (5, 8))
+ {
+ i_or_n:
+ d = SvNVX(sv);
+ if (d >= LONG_MAX_P1_AS_DOUBLE || d < (double) LONG_MIN)
+ return USE_NVX;
+ }
+ d = SvNVX(sv);
+ if (d != floor (d))
+ return USE_NVX;
+ }
+ return USE_IVX;
+ }
+ }
+ if (SvNOK(sv))
+ return USE_NVX;
+ rok_or_unknown:
+ if (SvROK(sv))
+ {
+ if (sv_derived_from (sv, mpz_class))
+ return USE_MPZ;
+ if (sv_derived_from (sv, mpq_class))
+ return USE_MPQ;
+ if (sv_derived_from (sv, mpf_class))
+ return USE_MPF;
+ }
+ return USE_UNKNOWN;
+/* Coerce sv to an mpz. Use tmp to hold the converted value if sv isn't
+ already an mpz (or an mpq of which the numerator can be used). Return
+ the chosen mpz (tmp or the contents of sv). */
+static mpz_ptr
+coerce_mpz_using (mpz_ptr tmp, SV *sv, int use)
+ switch (use) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ mpz_set_si (tmp, SvIVX(sv));
+ return tmp;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ mpz_set_ui (tmp, SvUVX(sv));
+ return tmp;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ {
+ double d;
+ d = SvNVX(sv);
+ if (! double_integer_p (d))
+ croak ("cannot coerce non-integer double to mpz");
+ mpz_set_d (tmp, d);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ case USE_PVX:
+ my_mpz_set_svstr (tmp, sv);
+ return tmp;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ return SvMPZ(sv)->m;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ {
+ mpq q = SvMPQ(sv);
+ if (! x_mpq_integer_p (q->m))
+ croak ("cannot coerce non-integer mpq to mpz");
+ return mpq_numref(q->m);
+ }
+ case USE_MPF:
+ {
+ mpf f = SvMPF(sv);
+ if (! mpf_integer_p (f))
+ croak ("cannot coerce non-integer mpf to mpz");
+ mpz_set_f (tmp, f);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ default:
+ croak ("cannot coerce to mpz");
+ }
+static mpz_ptr
+coerce_mpz (mpz_ptr tmp, SV *sv)
+ return coerce_mpz_using (tmp, sv, use_sv (sv));
+/* Coerce sv to an mpq. If sv is an mpq then just return that, otherwise
+ use tmp to hold the converted value and return that. */
+static mpq_ptr
+coerce_mpq_using (mpq_ptr tmp, SV *sv, int use)
+ TRACE (printf ("coerce_mpq_using %p %d\n", tmp, use));
+ switch (use) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ mpq_set_si (tmp, SvIVX(sv), 1L);
+ return tmp;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ mpq_set_ui (tmp, SvUVX(sv), 1L);
+ return tmp;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ mpq_set_d (tmp, SvNVX(sv));
+ return tmp;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ my_mpq_set_svstr (tmp, sv);
+ return tmp;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ mpq_set_z (tmp, SvMPZ(sv)->m);
+ return tmp;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ return SvMPQ(sv)->m;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ mpq_set_f (tmp, SvMPF(sv));
+ return tmp;
+ default:
+ croak ("cannot coerce to mpq");
+ }
+static mpq_ptr
+coerce_mpq (mpq_ptr tmp, SV *sv)
+ return coerce_mpq_using (tmp, sv, use_sv (sv));
+static void
+my_mpf_set_sv_using (mpf_ptr f, SV *sv, int use)
+ switch (use) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ mpf_set_si (f, SvIVX(sv));
+ break;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ mpf_set_ui (f, SvUVX(sv));
+ break;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ mpf_set_d (f, SvNVX(sv));
+ break;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ my_mpf_set_svstr (f, sv);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ mpf_set_z (f, SvMPZ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ mpf_set_q (f, SvMPQ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ mpf_set (f, SvMPF(sv));
+ break;
+ default:
+ croak ("cannot coerce to mpf");
+ }
+/* Coerce sv to an mpf. If sv is an mpf then just return that, otherwise
+ use tmp to hold the converted value (with prec precision). */
+static mpf_ptr
+coerce_mpf_using (tmp_mpf_ptr tmp, SV *sv, unsigned long prec, int use)
+ if (use == USE_MPF)
+ return SvMPF(sv);
+ tmp_mpf_set_prec (tmp, prec);
+ my_mpf_set_sv_using (tmp->m, sv, use);
+ return tmp->m;
+static mpf_ptr
+coerce_mpf (tmp_mpf_ptr tmp, SV *sv, unsigned long prec)
+ return coerce_mpf_using (tmp, sv, prec, use_sv (sv));
+/* Coerce xv to an mpf and store the pointer in x, ditto for yv to x. If
+ one of xv or yv is an mpf then use it for the precision, otherwise use
+ the default precision. */
+unsigned long
+coerce_mpf_pair (mpf *xp, SV *xv, mpf *yp, SV *yv)
+ int x_use = use_sv (xv);
+ int y_use = use_sv (yv);
+ unsigned long prec;
+ mpf x, y;
+ if (x_use == USE_MPF)
+ {
+ x = SvMPF(xv);
+ prec = mpf_get_prec (x);
+ y = coerce_mpf_using (tmp_mpf_0, yv, prec, y_use);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ y = coerce_mpf_using (tmp_mpf_0, yv, mpf_get_default_prec(), y_use);
+ prec = mpf_get_prec (y);
+ x = coerce_mpf_using (tmp_mpf_1, xv, prec, x_use);
+ }
+ *xp = x;
+ *yp = y;
+ return prec;
+/* Note that SvUV is not used, since it merely treats the signed IV as if it
+ was unsigned. We get an IV and check its sign. */
+static unsigned long
+coerce_ulong (SV *sv)
+ long n;
+ switch (use_sv (sv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ n = SvIVX(sv);
+ negative_check:
+ if (n < 0)
+ goto range_error;
+ return n;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ return SvUVX(sv);
+ case USE_NVX:
+ {
+ double d;
+ d = SvNVX(sv);
+ if (! double_integer_p (d))
+ goto integer_error;
+ n = SvIV(sv);
+ }
+ goto negative_check;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ /* FIXME: Check the string is an integer. */
+ n = SvIV(sv);
+ goto negative_check;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ {
+ mpz z = SvMPZ(sv);
+ if (! mpz_fits_ulong_p (z->m))
+ goto range_error;
+ return mpz_get_ui (z->m);
+ }
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ {
+ mpq q = SvMPQ(sv);
+ if (! x_mpq_integer_p (q->m))
+ goto integer_error;
+ if (! mpz_fits_ulong_p (mpq_numref (q->m)))
+ goto range_error;
+ return mpz_get_ui (mpq_numref (q->m));
+ }
+ case USE_MPF:
+ {
+ mpf f = SvMPF(sv);
+ if (! mpf_integer_p (f))
+ goto integer_error;
+ if (! mpf_fits_ulong_p (f))
+ goto range_error;
+ return mpf_get_ui (f);
+ }
+ default:
+ croak ("cannot coerce to ulong");
+ }
+ integer_error:
+ croak ("not an integer");
+ range_error:
+ croak ("out of range for ulong");
+static long
+coerce_long (SV *sv)
+ switch (use_sv (sv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ return SvIVX(sv);
+ case USE_UVX:
+ {
+ UV u = SvUVX(sv);
+ if (u > (UV) LONG_MAX)
+ goto range_error;
+ return u;
+ }
+ case USE_NVX:
+ {
+ double d = SvNVX(sv);
+ if (! double_integer_p (d))
+ goto integer_error;
+ return SvIV(sv);
+ }
+ case USE_PVX:
+ /* FIXME: Check the string is an integer. */
+ return SvIV(sv);
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ {
+ mpz z = SvMPZ(sv);
+ if (! mpz_fits_slong_p (z->m))
+ goto range_error;
+ return mpz_get_si (z->m);
+ }
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ {
+ mpq q = SvMPQ(sv);
+ if (! x_mpq_integer_p (q->m))
+ goto integer_error;
+ if (! mpz_fits_slong_p (mpq_numref (q->m)))
+ goto range_error;
+ return mpz_get_si (mpq_numref (q->m));
+ }
+ case USE_MPF:
+ {
+ mpf f = SvMPF(sv);
+ if (! mpf_integer_p (f))
+ goto integer_error;
+ if (! mpf_fits_slong_p (f))
+ goto range_error;
+ return mpf_get_si (f);
+ }
+ default:
+ croak ("cannot coerce to long");
+ }
+ integer_error:
+ croak ("not an integer");
+ range_error:
+ croak ("out of range for ulong");
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ TRACE (printf ("GMP boot\n"));
+ mp_set_memory_functions (my_gmp_alloc, my_gmp_realloc, my_gmp_free);
+ mpz_init (tmp_mpz_0);
+ mpz_init (tmp_mpz_1);
+ mpz_init (tmp_mpz_2);
+ mpq_init (tmp_mpq_0);
+ mpq_init (tmp_mpq_1);
+ tmp_mpf_init (tmp_mpf_0);
+ tmp_mpf_init (tmp_mpf_1);
+ mpz_class_hv = gv_stashpv (mpz_class, 1);
+ mpq_class_hv = gv_stashpv (mpq_class, 1);
+ mpf_class_hv = gv_stashpv (mpf_class, 1);
+ TRACE (printf ("GMP end\n"));
+ /* These are not always true, see Bugs at the top of the file. */
+ /* assert (mpz_count == 0); */
+ /* assert (mpq_count == 0); */
+ /* assert (mpf_count == 0); */
+ /* assert (rand_count == 0); */
+ RETVAL = gmp_version;
+fits_slong_p (sv)
+ SV *sv
+ switch (use_sv (sv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ RETVAL = 1;
+ break;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ {
+ UV u = SvUVX(sv);
+ RETVAL = (u <= LONG_MAX);
+ }
+ break;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ {
+ double d = SvNVX(sv);
+ RETVAL = (d >= (double) LONG_MIN && d < LONG_MAX_P1_AS_DOUBLE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ {
+ STRLEN len;
+ const char *str = SvPV (sv, len);
+ if (mpq_set_str (tmp_mpq_0, str, 0) == 0)
+ RETVAL = x_mpq_fits_slong_p (tmp_mpq_0);
+ else
+ {
+ /* enough precision for a long */
+ tmp_mpf_set_prec (tmp_mpf_0, 2*mp_bits_per_limb);
+ if (mpf_set_str (tmp_mpf_0->m, str, 10) != 0)
+ croak ("GMP::fits_slong_p invalid string format");
+ RETVAL = mpf_fits_slong_p (tmp_mpf_0->m);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ RETVAL = mpz_fits_slong_p (SvMPZ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ RETVAL = x_mpq_fits_slong_p (SvMPQ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ RETVAL = mpf_fits_slong_p (SvMPF(sv));
+ break;
+ default:
+ croak ("GMP::fits_slong_p invalid argument");
+ }
+get_d (sv)
+ SV *sv
+ switch (use_sv (sv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ RETVAL = (double) SvIVX(sv);
+ break;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ RETVAL = (double) SvUVX(sv);
+ break;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ RETVAL = SvNVX(sv);
+ break;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ {
+ STRLEN len;
+ RETVAL = atof(SvPV(sv, len));
+ }
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ RETVAL = mpz_get_d (SvMPZ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ RETVAL = mpq_get_d (SvMPQ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ RETVAL = mpf_get_d (SvMPF(sv));
+ break;
+ default:
+ croak ("GMP::get_d invalid argument");
+ }
+get_d_2exp (sv)
+ SV *sv
+ double ret;
+ long exp;
+ switch (use_sv (sv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ ret = (double) SvIVX(sv);
+ goto use_frexp;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ ret = (double) SvUVX(sv);
+ goto use_frexp;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ {
+ int i_exp;
+ ret = SvNVX(sv);
+ use_frexp:
+ ret = frexp (ret, &i_exp);
+ exp = i_exp;
+ }
+ break;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ /* put strings through mpf to give full exp range */
+ tmp_mpf_set_prec (tmp_mpf_0, DBL_MANT_DIG);
+ my_mpf_set_svstr (tmp_mpf_0->m, sv);
+ ret = mpf_get_d_2exp (&exp, tmp_mpf_0->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ ret = mpz_get_d_2exp (&exp, SvMPZ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ tmp_mpf_set_prec (tmp_mpf_0, DBL_MANT_DIG);
+ mpf_set_q (tmp_mpf_0->m, SvMPQ(sv)->m);
+ ret = mpf_get_d_2exp (&exp, tmp_mpf_0->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ ret = mpf_get_d_2exp (&exp, SvMPF(sv));
+ break;
+ default:
+ croak ("GMP::get_d_2exp invalid argument");
+ }
+ PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSVnv (ret)));
+ PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (exp)));
+get_si (sv)
+ SV *sv
+ switch (use_sv (sv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ RETVAL = SvIVX(sv);
+ break;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ RETVAL = SvUVX(sv);
+ break;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ RETVAL = (long) SvNVX(sv);
+ break;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ RETVAL = SvIV(sv);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ RETVAL = mpz_get_si (SvMPZ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ mpz_set_q (tmp_mpz_0, SvMPQ(sv)->m);
+ RETVAL = mpz_get_si (tmp_mpz_0);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ RETVAL = mpf_get_si (SvMPF(sv));
+ break;
+ default:
+ croak ("GMP::get_si invalid argument");
+ }
+get_str (sv, ...)
+ SV *sv
+ char *str;
+ mp_exp_t exp;
+ mpz_ptr z;
+ mpq_ptr q;
+ mpf f;
+ int base;
+ int ndigits;
+ TRACE (printf ("GMP::get_str\n"));
+ if (items >= 2)
+ base = coerce_long (ST(1));
+ else
+ base = 10;
+ TRACE (printf (" base=%d\n", base));
+ if (items >= 3)
+ ndigits = coerce_long (ST(2));
+ else
+ ndigits = 10;
+ TRACE (printf (" ndigits=%d\n", ndigits));
+ EXTEND (SP, 2);
+ switch (use_sv (sv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ mpz_set_si (tmp_mpz_0, SvIVX(sv));
+ get_tmp_mpz_0:
+ z = tmp_mpz_0;
+ goto get_mpz;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ mpz_set_ui (tmp_mpz_0, SvUVX(sv));
+ goto get_tmp_mpz_0;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ /* only digits in the original double, not in the coerced form */
+ if (ndigits == 0)
+ ndigits = DBL_DIG;
+ mpf_set_d (tmp_mpf_0->m, SvNVX(sv));
+ f = tmp_mpf_0->m;
+ goto get_mpf;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ {
+ /* get_str on a string is not much more than a base conversion */
+ STRLEN len;
+ str = SvPV (sv, len);
+ if (mpz_set_str (tmp_mpz_0, str, 0) == 0)
+ {
+ z = tmp_mpz_0;
+ goto get_mpz;
+ }
+ else if (mpq_set_str (tmp_mpq_0, str, 0) == 0)
+ {
+ q = tmp_mpq_0;
+ goto get_mpq;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* FIXME: Would like perhaps a precision equivalent to the
+ number of significant digits of the string, in its given
+ base. */
+ tmp_mpf_set_prec (tmp_mpf_0, strlen(str));
+ if (mpf_set_str (tmp_mpf_0->m, str, 10) == 0)
+ {
+ f = tmp_mpf_0->m;
+ goto get_mpf;
+ }
+ else
+ croak ("GMP::get_str invalid string format");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ z = SvMPZ(sv)->m;
+ get_mpz:
+ str = mpz_get_str (NULL, base, z);
+ push_str:
+ PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSVpv (str, 0)));
+ break;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ q = SvMPQ(sv)->m;
+ get_mpq:
+ str = mpq_get_str (NULL, base, q);
+ goto push_str;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ f = SvMPF(sv);
+ get_mpf:
+ str = mpf_get_str (NULL, &exp, base, 0, f);
+ PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSVpv (str, 0)));
+ PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (exp)));
+ break;
+ default:
+ croak ("GMP::get_str invalid argument");
+ }
+integer_p (sv)
+ SV *sv
+ switch (use_sv (sv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ case USE_UVX:
+ RETVAL = 1;
+ break;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ RETVAL = double_integer_p (SvNVX(sv));
+ break;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ {
+ /* FIXME: Maybe this should be done by parsing the string, not by an
+ actual conversion. */
+ STRLEN len;
+ const char *str = SvPV (sv, len);
+ if (mpq_set_str (tmp_mpq_0, str, 0) == 0)
+ RETVAL = x_mpq_integer_p (tmp_mpq_0);
+ else
+ {
+ /* enough for all digits of the string */
+ tmp_mpf_set_prec (tmp_mpf_0, strlen(str)+64);
+ if (mpf_set_str (tmp_mpf_0->m, str, 10) == 0)
+ RETVAL = mpf_integer_p (tmp_mpf_0->m);
+ else
+ croak ("GMP::integer_p invalid string format");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ RETVAL = 1;
+ break;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ RETVAL = x_mpq_integer_p (SvMPQ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ RETVAL = mpf_integer_p (SvMPF(sv));
+ break;
+ default:
+ croak ("GMP::integer_p invalid argument");
+ }
+sgn (sv)
+ SV *sv
+ switch (use_sv (sv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ RETVAL = SGN (SvIVX(sv));
+ break;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ RETVAL = (SvUVX(sv) > 0);
+ break;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ RETVAL = SGN (SvNVX(sv));
+ break;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ {
+ /* FIXME: Maybe this should be done by parsing the string, not by an
+ actual conversion. */
+ STRLEN len;
+ const char *str = SvPV (sv, len);
+ if (mpq_set_str (tmp_mpq_0, str, 0) == 0)
+ RETVAL = mpq_sgn (tmp_mpq_0);
+ else
+ {
+ /* enough for all digits of the string */
+ tmp_mpf_set_prec (tmp_mpf_0, strlen(str)+64);
+ if (mpf_set_str (tmp_mpf_0->m, str, 10) == 0)
+ RETVAL = mpf_sgn (tmp_mpf_0->m);
+ else
+ croak ("GMP::sgn invalid string format");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ RETVAL = mpz_sgn (SvMPZ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ RETVAL = mpq_sgn (SvMPQ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ RETVAL = mpf_sgn (SvMPF(sv));
+ break;
+ default:
+ croak ("GMP::sgn invalid argument");
+ }
+# currently undocumented
+shrink ()
+#define x_mpz_shrink(z) \
+ mpz_set_ui (z, 0L); _mpz_realloc (z, 1)
+#define x_mpq_shrink(q) \
+ x_mpz_shrink (mpq_numref(q)); x_mpz_shrink (mpq_denref(q))
+ x_mpz_shrink (tmp_mpz_0);
+ x_mpz_shrink (tmp_mpz_1);
+ x_mpz_shrink (tmp_mpz_2);
+ x_mpq_shrink (tmp_mpq_0);
+ x_mpq_shrink (tmp_mpq_1);
+ tmp_mpf_shrink (tmp_mpf_0);
+ tmp_mpf_shrink (tmp_mpf_1);
+sprintf_internal (fmt, sv)
+ const_string fmt
+ SV *sv
+ assert (strlen (fmt) >= 3);
+ assert (SvROK(sv));
+ assert ((sv_derived_from (sv, mpz_class) && fmt[strlen(fmt)-2] == 'Z')
+ || (sv_derived_from (sv, mpq_class) && fmt[strlen(fmt)-2] == 'Q')
+ || (sv_derived_from (sv, mpf_class) && fmt[strlen(fmt)-2] == 'F'));
+ TRACE (printf ("GMP::sprintf_internal\n");
+ printf (" fmt |%s|\n", fmt);
+ printf (" sv |%p|\n", SvMPZ(sv)));
+ /* cheat a bit here, SvMPZ works for mpq and mpf too */
+ gmp_asprintf (&RETVAL, fmt, SvMPZ(sv));
+ TRACE (printf (" result |%s|\n", RETVAL));
+mpz (...)
+ GMP::Mpz::new = 1
+ SV *sv;
+ TRACE (printf ("%s new, ix=%ld, items=%d\n", mpz_class, ix, (int) items));
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ switch (items) {
+ case 0:
+ mpz_set_ui (RETVAL->m, 0L);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ sv = ST(0);
+ TRACE (printf (" use %d\n", use_sv (sv)));
+ switch (use_sv (sv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ mpz_set_si (RETVAL->m, SvIVX(sv));
+ break;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ mpz_set_ui (RETVAL->m, SvUVX(sv));
+ break;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ mpz_set_d (RETVAL->m, SvNVX(sv));
+ break;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ my_mpz_set_svstr (RETVAL->m, sv);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ mpz_set (RETVAL->m, SvMPZ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ mpz_set_q (RETVAL->m, SvMPQ(sv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ mpz_set_f (RETVAL->m, SvMPF(sv));
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto invalid;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ invalid:
+ croak ("%s new: invalid arguments", mpz_class);
+ }
+overload_constant (str, pv, d1, ...)
+ const_string_assume str
+ SV *pv
+ dummy d1
+ mpz z;
+ TRACE (printf ("%s constant: %s\n", mpz_class, str));
+ z = new_mpz();
+ if (mpz_set_str (z->m, str, 0) == 0)
+ {
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (z, mpz_class_hv));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free_mpz (z);
+ PUSHs(pv);
+ }
+overload_copy (z, d1, d2)
+ mpz_assume z
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ mpz_set (RETVAL->m, z->m);
+ mpz_assume z
+ TRACE (printf ("%s DESTROY %p\n", mpz_class, z));
+ free_mpz (z);
+overload_string (z, d1, d2)
+ mpz_assume z
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ TRACE (printf ("%s overload_string %p\n", mpz_class, z));
+ RETVAL = mpz_get_str (NULL, 10, z->m);
+overload_add (xv, yv, order)
+ SV *xv
+ SV *yv
+ SV *order
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_sub = 1
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_mul = 2
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_div = 3
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_rem = 4
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_and = 5
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_ior = 6
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_xor = 7
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, mpz_srcptr);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_add }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_sub }, /* 1 */
+ { mpz_mul }, /* 2 */
+ { mpz_tdiv_q }, /* 3 */
+ { mpz_tdiv_r }, /* 4 */
+ { mpz_and }, /* 5 */
+ { mpz_ior }, /* 6 */
+ { mpz_xor }, /* 7 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ if (order == &PL_sv_yes)
+ SV_PTR_SWAP (xv, yv);
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL->m,
+ coerce_mpz (tmp_mpz_0, xv),
+ coerce_mpz (tmp_mpz_1, yv));
+overload_addeq (x, y, o)
+ mpz_assume x
+ mpz_coerce y
+ order_noswap o
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_subeq = 1
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_muleq = 2
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_diveq = 3
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_remeq = 4
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_andeq = 5
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_ioreq = 6
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_xoreq = 7
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, mpz_srcptr);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_add }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_sub }, /* 1 */
+ { mpz_mul }, /* 2 */
+ { mpz_tdiv_q }, /* 3 */
+ { mpz_tdiv_r }, /* 4 */
+ { mpz_and }, /* 5 */
+ { mpz_ior }, /* 6 */
+ { mpz_xor }, /* 7 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ (*table[ix].op) (x->m, x->m, y);
+ XPUSHs (ST(0));
+overload_lshift (zv, nv, order)
+ SV *zv
+ SV *nv
+ SV *order
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_rshift = 1
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_pow = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, unsigned long);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_mul_2exp }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_fdiv_q_2exp }, /* 1 */
+ { mpz_pow_ui }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ if (order == &PL_sv_yes)
+ SV_PTR_SWAP (zv, nv);
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL->m, coerce_mpz (RETVAL->m, zv), coerce_ulong (nv));
+overload_lshifteq (z, n, o)
+ mpz_assume z
+ ulong_coerce n
+ order_noswap o
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_rshifteq = 1
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_poweq = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, unsigned long);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_mul_2exp }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_fdiv_q_2exp }, /* 1 */
+ { mpz_pow_ui }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ (*table[ix].op) (z->m, z->m, n);
+ XPUSHs(ST(0));
+overload_abs (z, d1, d2)
+ mpz_assume z
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_neg = 1
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_com = 2
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_sqrt = 3
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr x);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_abs }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_neg }, /* 1 */
+ { mpz_com }, /* 2 */
+ { mpz_sqrt }, /* 3 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL->m, z->m);
+overload_inc (z, d1, d2)
+ mpz_assume z
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_dec = 1
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr x, unsigned long y);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_add_ui }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_sub_ui }, /* 1 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ (*table[ix].op) (z->m, z->m, 1L);
+overload_spaceship (xv, yv, order)
+ SV *xv
+ SV *yv
+ SV *order
+ mpz x;
+ TRACE (printf ("%s overload_spaceship\n", mpz_class));
+ MPZ_ASSUME (x, xv);
+ switch (use_sv (yv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ RETVAL = mpz_cmp_si (x->m, SvIVX(yv));
+ break;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ RETVAL = mpz_cmp_ui (x->m, SvUVX(yv));
+ break;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ RETVAL = mpz_cmp (x->m, coerce_mpz (tmp_mpz_0, yv));
+ break;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ RETVAL = mpz_cmp_d (x->m, SvNVX(yv));
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ RETVAL = mpz_cmp (x->m, SvMPZ(yv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ RETVAL = x_mpz_cmp_q (x->m, SvMPQ(yv)->m);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ RETVAL = x_mpz_cmp_f (x->m, SvMPF(yv));
+ break;
+ default:
+ croak ("%s <=>: invalid operand", mpz_class);
+ }
+ if (order == &PL_sv_yes)
+overload_bool (z, d1, d2)
+ mpz_assume z
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ GMP::Mpz::overload_not = 1
+ RETVAL = (mpz_sgn (z->m) != 0) ^ ix;
+bin (n, k)
+ mpz_coerce n
+ ulong_coerce k
+ GMP::Mpz::root = 1
+ /* mpz_root returns an int, hence the cast */
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, unsigned long);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_bin_ui }, /* 0 */
+ { (void (*)(mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, unsigned long)) mpz_root }, /* 1 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL->m, n, k);
+cdiv (a, d)
+ mpz_coerce a
+ mpz_coerce d
+ GMP::Mpz::fdiv = 1
+ GMP::Mpz::tdiv = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr, mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, mpz_srcptr);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_cdiv_qr }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_fdiv_qr }, /* 1 */
+ { mpz_tdiv_qr }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ mpz q, r;
+ assert_table (ix);
+ q = new_mpz();
+ r = new_mpz();
+ (*table[ix].op) (q->m, r->m, a, d);
+ EXTEND (SP, 2);
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (q, mpz_class_hv));
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (r, mpz_class_hv));
+cdiv_2exp (a, d)
+ mpz_coerce a
+ ulong_coerce d
+ GMP::Mpz::fdiv_2exp = 1
+ GMP::Mpz::tdiv_2exp = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*q) (mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, unsigned long);
+ void (*r) (mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, unsigned long);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_cdiv_q_2exp, mpz_cdiv_r_2exp }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_fdiv_q_2exp, mpz_fdiv_r_2exp }, /* 1 */
+ { mpz_tdiv_q_2exp, mpz_tdiv_r_2exp }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ mpz q, r;
+ assert_table (ix);
+ q = new_mpz();
+ r = new_mpz();
+ (*table[ix].q) (q->m, a, d);
+ (*table[ix].r) (r->m, a, d);
+ EXTEND (SP, 2);
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (q, mpz_class_hv));
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (r, mpz_class_hv));
+congruent_p (a, c, d)
+ mpz_coerce a
+ mpz_coerce c
+ mpz_coerce d
+ RETVAL = mpz_congruent_p (a, c, d);
+congruent_2exp_p (a, c, d)
+ mpz_coerce a
+ mpz_coerce c
+ ulong_coerce d
+ RETVAL = mpz_congruent_2exp_p (a, c, d);
+divexact (a, d)
+ mpz_coerce a
+ mpz_coerce d
+ GMP::Mpz::mod = 1
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, mpz_srcptr);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_divexact }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_mod }, /* 1 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL->m, a, d);
+divisible_p (a, d)
+ mpz_coerce a
+ mpz_coerce d
+ RETVAL = mpz_divisible_p (a, d);
+divisible_2exp_p (a, d)
+ mpz_coerce a
+ ulong_coerce d
+ RETVAL = mpz_divisible_2exp_p (a, d);
+even_p (z)
+ mpz_coerce z
+ GMP::Mpz::odd_p = 1
+ GMP::Mpz::perfect_square_p = 2
+ GMP::Mpz::perfect_power_p = 3
+ static_functable const struct {
+ int (*op) (mpz_srcptr z);
+ } table[] = {
+ { x_mpz_even_p }, /* 0 */
+ { x_mpz_odd_p }, /* 1 */
+ { mpz_perfect_square_p }, /* 2 */
+ { mpz_perfect_power_p }, /* 3 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = (*table[ix].op) (z);
+fac (n)
+ ulong_coerce n
+ GMP::Mpz::fib = 1
+ GMP::Mpz::lucnum = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr r, unsigned long n);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_fac_ui }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_fib_ui }, /* 1 */
+ { mpz_lucnum_ui }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL->m, n);
+fib2 (n)
+ ulong_coerce n
+ GMP::Mpz::lucnum2 = 1
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr r, mpz_ptr r2, unsigned long n);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_fib2_ui }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_lucnum2_ui }, /* 1 */
+ };
+ mpz r, r2;
+ assert_table (ix);
+ r = new_mpz();
+ r2 = new_mpz();
+ (*table[ix].op) (r->m, r2->m, n);
+ EXTEND (SP, 2);
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (r, mpz_class_hv));
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (r2, mpz_class_hv));
+gcd (x, ...)
+ mpz_coerce x
+ GMP::Mpz::lcm = 1
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr x, mpz_srcptr y);
+ void (*op_ui) (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr x, unsigned long y);
+ } table[] = {
+ /* cast to ignore ulong return from mpz_gcd_ui */
+ { mpz_gcd,
+ (void (*) (mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, unsigned long)) mpz_gcd_ui }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_lcm, mpz_lcm_ui }, /* 1 */
+ };
+ int i;
+ SV *yv;
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ if (items == 1)
+ mpz_set (RETVAL->m, x);
+ else
+ {
+ for (i = 1; i < items; i++)
+ {
+ yv = ST(i);
+ if (SvIOK(yv))
+ (*table[ix].op_ui) (RETVAL->m, x, ABS(SvIVX(yv)));
+ else
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL->m, x, coerce_mpz (tmp_mpz_1, yv));
+ x = RETVAL->m;
+ }
+ }
+gcdext (a, b)
+ mpz_coerce a
+ mpz_coerce b
+ mpz g, x, y;
+ SV *sv;
+ g = new_mpz();
+ x = new_mpz();
+ y = new_mpz();
+ mpz_gcdext (g->m, x->m, y->m, a, b);
+ EXTEND (SP, 3);
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (g, mpz_class_hv));
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (x, mpz_class_hv));
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (y, mpz_class_hv));
+unsigned long
+hamdist (x, y)
+ mpz_coerce x
+ mpz_coerce y
+ RETVAL = mpz_hamdist (x, y);
+invert (a, m)
+ mpz_coerce a
+ mpz_coerce m
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ if (! mpz_invert (RETVAL->m, a, m))
+ {
+ free_mpz (RETVAL);
+ }
+jacobi (a, b)
+ mpz_coerce a
+ mpz_coerce b
+ RETVAL = mpz_jacobi (a, b);
+kronecker (a, b)
+ SV *a
+ SV *b
+ if (SvIOK(b))
+ RETVAL = mpz_kronecker_si (coerce_mpz(tmp_mpz_0,a), SvIVX(b));
+ else if (SvIOK(a))
+ RETVAL = mpz_si_kronecker (SvIVX(a), coerce_mpz(tmp_mpz_0,b));
+ else
+ RETVAL = mpz_kronecker (coerce_mpz(tmp_mpz_0,a),
+ coerce_mpz(tmp_mpz_1,b));
+mpz_export (order, size, endian, nails, z)
+ int order
+ size_t size
+ int endian
+ size_t nails
+ mpz_coerce z
+ size_t numb, count, bytes, actual_count;
+ char *data;
+ SV *sv;
+ numb = 8*size - nails;
+ count = (mpz_sizeinbase (z, 2) + numb-1) / numb;
+ bytes = count * size;
+ New (GMP_MALLOC_ID, data, bytes+1, char);
+ mpz_export (data, &actual_count, order, size, endian, nails, z);
+ assert (count == actual_count);
+ data[bytes] = '\0';
+ sv = sv_newmortal(); sv_usepvn_mg (sv, data, bytes); PUSHs(sv);
+mpz_import (order, size, endian, nails, sv)
+ int order
+ size_t size
+ int endian
+ size_t nails
+ SV *sv
+ size_t count;
+ const char *data;
+ STRLEN len;
+ data = SvPV (sv, len);
+ if ((len % size) != 0)
+ croak ("%s mpz_import: string not a multiple of the given size",
+ mpz_class);
+ count = len / size;
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ mpz_import (RETVAL->m, count, order, size, endian, nails, data);
+nextprime (z)
+ mpz_coerce z
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ mpz_nextprime (RETVAL->m, z);
+unsigned long
+popcount (x)
+ mpz_coerce x
+ RETVAL = mpz_popcount (x);
+powm (b, e, m)
+ mpz_coerce b
+ mpz_coerce e
+ mpz_coerce m
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ mpz_powm (RETVAL->m, b, e, m);
+probab_prime_p (z, n)
+ mpz_coerce z
+ ulong_coerce n
+ RETVAL = mpz_probab_prime_p (z, n);
+# No attempt to coerce here, only an mpz makes sense.
+realloc (z, limbs)
+ mpz z
+ int limbs
+ _mpz_realloc (z->m, limbs);
+remove (z, f)
+ mpz_coerce z
+ mpz_coerce f
+ SV *sv;
+ mpz rem;
+ unsigned long mult;
+ rem = new_mpz();
+ mult = mpz_remove (rem->m, z, f);
+ EXTEND (SP, 2);
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (rem, mpz_class_hv));
+ PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (mult)));
+roote (z, n)
+ mpz_coerce z
+ ulong_coerce n
+ SV *sv;
+ mpz root;
+ int exact;
+ root = new_mpz();
+ exact = mpz_root (root->m, z, n);
+ EXTEND (SP, 2);
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (root, mpz_class_hv));
+ sv = (exact ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_no); sv_2mortal(sv); PUSHs(sv);
+rootrem (z, n)
+ mpz_coerce z
+ ulong_coerce n
+ SV *sv;
+ mpz root;
+ mpz rem;
+ root = new_mpz();
+ rem = new_mpz();
+ mpz_rootrem (root->m, rem->m, z, n);
+ EXTEND (SP, 2);
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (root, mpz_class_hv));
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (rem, mpz_class_hv));
+# In the past scan0 and scan1 were described as returning ULONG_MAX which
+# could be obtained in perl with ~0. That wasn't true on 64-bit systems
+# (eg. alpha) with perl 5.005, since in that version IV and UV were still
+# 32-bits.
+# We changed in gmp 4.2 to just say ~0 for the not-found return. It's
+# likely most people have used ~0 rather than POSIX::ULONG_MAX(), so this
+# change should match existing usage. It only actually makes a difference
+# in old perl, since recent versions have gone to 64-bits for IV and UV, the
+# same as a ulong.
+# In perl 5.005 we explicitly mask the mpz return down to 32-bits to get ~0.
+# UV_MAX is no good, it reflects the size of the UV type (64-bits), rather
+# than the size of the values one ought to be storing in an SV (32-bits).
+scan0 (z, start)
+ mpz_coerce z
+ ulong_coerce start
+ GMP::Mpz::scan1 = 1
+ static_functable const struct {
+ unsigned long (*op) (mpz_srcptr, unsigned long);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_scan0 }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_scan1 }, /* 1 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = (*table[ix].op) (z, start);
+ if (PERL_LT (5,6))
+setbit (sv, bit)
+ SV *sv
+ ulong_coerce bit
+ GMP::Mpz::clrbit = 1
+ GMP::Mpz::combit = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr, unsigned long);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_setbit }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_clrbit }, /* 1 */
+ { mpz_combit }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ int use;
+ mpz z;
+ use = use_sv (sv);
+ if (use == USE_MPZ && SvREFCNT(SvRV(sv)) == 1 && ! SvSMAGICAL(sv))
+ {
+ /* our operand is a non-magical mpz with a reference count of 1, so
+ we can just modify it */
+ (*table[ix].op) (SvMPZ(sv)->m, bit);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* otherwise we need to make a new mpz, from whatever we have, and
+ operate on that, possibly invoking magic when storing back */
+ SV *new_sv;
+ mpz z = new_mpz ();
+ mpz_ptr coerce_ptr = coerce_mpz_using (z->m, sv, use);
+ if (coerce_ptr != z->m)
+ mpz_set (z->m, coerce_ptr);
+ (*table[ix].op) (z->m, bit);
+ new_sv = sv_bless (sv_setref_pv (sv_newmortal(), NULL, z),
+ mpz_class_hv);
+ SvSetMagicSV (sv, new_sv);
+ }
+sqrtrem (z)
+ mpz_coerce z
+ SV *sv;
+ mpz root;
+ mpz rem;
+ root = new_mpz();
+ rem = new_mpz();
+ mpz_sqrtrem (root->m, rem->m, z);
+ EXTEND (SP, 2);
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (root, mpz_class_hv));
+ PUSHs (MPX_NEWMORTAL (rem, mpz_class_hv));
+sizeinbase (z, base)
+ mpz_coerce z
+ int base
+ RETVAL = mpz_sizeinbase (z, base);
+tstbit (z, bit)
+ mpz_coerce z
+ ulong_coerce bit
+ RETVAL = mpz_tstbit (z, bit);
+mpq (...)
+ GMP::Mpq::new = 1
+ TRACE (printf ("%s new, ix=%ld, items=%d\n", mpq_class, ix, (int) items));
+ RETVAL = new_mpq();
+ switch (items) {
+ case 0:
+ mpq_set_ui (RETVAL->m, 0L, 1L);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ {
+ mpq_ptr rp = RETVAL->m;
+ mpq_ptr cp = coerce_mpq (rp, ST(0));
+ if (cp != rp)
+ mpq_set (rp, cp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ {
+ mpz_ptr rp, cp;
+ rp = mpq_numref (RETVAL->m);
+ cp = coerce_mpz (rp, ST(0));
+ if (cp != rp)
+ mpz_set (rp, cp);
+ rp = mpq_denref (RETVAL->m);
+ cp = coerce_mpz (rp, ST(1));
+ if (cp != rp)
+ mpz_set (rp, cp);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ croak ("%s new: invalid arguments", mpq_class);
+ }
+overload_constant (str, pv, d1, ...)
+ const_string_assume str
+ SV *pv
+ dummy d1
+ SV *sv;
+ mpq q;
+ TRACE (printf ("%s constant: %s\n", mpq_class, str));
+ q = new_mpq();
+ if (mpq_set_str (q->m, str, 0) == 0)
+ { sv = sv_bless (sv_setref_pv (sv_newmortal(), NULL, q), mpq_class_hv); }
+ else
+ { free_mpq (q); sv = pv; }
+ XPUSHs(sv);
+overload_copy (q, d1, d2)
+ mpq_assume q
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ RETVAL = new_mpq();
+ mpq_set (RETVAL->m, q->m);
+ mpq_assume q
+ TRACE (printf ("%s DESTROY %p\n", mpq_class, q));
+ free_mpq (q);
+overload_string (q, d1, d2)
+ mpq_assume q
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ TRACE (printf ("%s overload_string %p\n", mpq_class, q));
+ RETVAL = mpq_get_str (NULL, 10, q->m);
+overload_add (xv, yv, order)
+ SV *xv
+ SV *yv
+ SV *order
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_sub = 1
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_mul = 2
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_div = 3
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr, mpq_srcptr);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpq_add }, /* 0 */
+ { mpq_sub }, /* 1 */
+ { mpq_mul }, /* 2 */
+ { mpq_div }, /* 3 */
+ };
+ TRACE (printf ("%s binary\n", mpf_class));
+ assert_table (ix);
+ if (order == &PL_sv_yes)
+ SV_PTR_SWAP (xv, yv);
+ RETVAL = new_mpq();
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL->m,
+ coerce_mpq (tmp_mpq_0, xv),
+ coerce_mpq (tmp_mpq_1, yv));
+overload_addeq (x, y, o)
+ mpq_assume x
+ mpq_coerce y
+ order_noswap o
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_subeq = 1
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_muleq = 2
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_diveq = 3
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr, mpq_srcptr);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpq_add }, /* 0 */
+ { mpq_sub }, /* 1 */
+ { mpq_mul }, /* 2 */
+ { mpq_div }, /* 3 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ (*table[ix].op) (x->m, x->m, y);
+ XPUSHs(ST(0));
+overload_lshift (qv, nv, order)
+ SV *qv
+ SV *nv
+ SV *order
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_rshift = 1
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_pow = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr, unsigned long);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpq_mul_2exp }, /* 0 */
+ { mpq_div_2exp }, /* 1 */
+ { x_mpq_pow_ui }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ if (order == &PL_sv_yes)
+ SV_PTR_SWAP (qv, nv);
+ RETVAL = new_mpq();
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL->m, coerce_mpq (RETVAL->m, qv), coerce_ulong (nv));
+overload_lshifteq (q, n, o)
+ mpq_assume q
+ ulong_coerce n
+ order_noswap o
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_rshifteq = 1
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_poweq = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpq_ptr, mpq_srcptr, unsigned long);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpq_mul_2exp }, /* 0 */
+ { mpq_div_2exp }, /* 1 */
+ { x_mpq_pow_ui }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ (*table[ix].op) (q->m, q->m, n);
+ XPUSHs(ST(0));
+overload_inc (q, d1, d2)
+ mpq_assume q
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_dec = 1
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, mpz_srcptr);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_add }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_sub }, /* 1 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ (*table[ix].op) (mpq_numref(q->m), mpq_numref(q->m), mpq_denref(q->m));
+overload_abs (q, d1, d2)
+ mpq_assume q
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_neg = 1
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpq_ptr w, mpq_srcptr x);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpq_abs }, /* 0 */
+ { mpq_neg }, /* 1 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = new_mpq();
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL->m, q->m);
+overload_spaceship (x, y, order)
+ mpq_assume x
+ mpq_coerce y
+ SV *order
+ RETVAL = mpq_cmp (x->m, y);
+ if (order == &PL_sv_yes)
+overload_bool (q, d1, d2)
+ mpq_assume q
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_not = 1
+ RETVAL = (mpq_sgn (q->m) != 0) ^ ix;
+overload_eq (x, yv, d)
+ mpq_assume x
+ SV *yv
+ dummy d
+ GMP::Mpq::overload_ne = 1
+ int use;
+ use = use_sv (yv);
+ switch (use) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ case USE_UVX:
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ RETVAL = 0;
+ if (x_mpq_integer_p (x->m))
+ {
+ switch (use) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ RETVAL = (mpz_cmp_si (mpq_numref(x->m), SvIVX(yv)) == 0);
+ break;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ RETVAL = (mpz_cmp_ui (mpq_numref(x->m), SvUVX(yv)) == 0);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ RETVAL = (mpz_cmp (mpq_numref(x->m), SvMPZ(yv)->m) == 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case USE_MPQ:
+ RETVAL = (mpq_equal (x->m, SvMPQ(yv)->m) != 0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ RETVAL = (mpq_equal (x->m, coerce_mpq_using (tmp_mpq_0, yv, use)) != 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ RETVAL ^= ix;
+canonicalize (q)
+ mpq q
+ mpq_canonicalize (q->m);
+inv (q)
+ mpq_coerce q
+ RETVAL = new_mpq();
+ mpq_inv (RETVAL->m, q);
+num (q)
+ mpq q
+ GMP::Mpq::den = 1
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ mpz_set (RETVAL->m, (ix == 0 ? mpq_numref(q->m) : mpq_denref(q->m)));
+mpf (...)
+ GMP::Mpf::new = 1
+ unsigned long prec;
+ TRACE (printf ("%s new\n", mpf_class));
+ if (items > 2)
+ croak ("%s new: invalid arguments", mpf_class);
+ prec = (items == 2 ? coerce_ulong (ST(1)) : mpf_get_default_prec());
+ RETVAL = new_mpf (prec);
+ if (items >= 1)
+ {
+ SV *sv = ST(0);
+ my_mpf_set_sv_using (RETVAL, sv, use_sv(sv));
+ }
+overload_constant (sv, d1, d2, ...)
+ SV *sv
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ assert (SvPOK (sv));
+ TRACE (printf ("%s constant: %s\n", mpq_class, SvPVX(sv)));
+ RETVAL = new_mpf (mpf_get_default_prec());
+ my_mpf_set_svstr (RETVAL, sv);
+overload_copy (f, d1, d2)
+ mpf_assume f
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ TRACE (printf ("%s copy\n", mpf_class));
+ RETVAL = new_mpf (mpf_get_prec (f));
+ mpf_set (RETVAL, f);
+ mpf_assume f
+ TRACE (printf ("%s DESTROY %p\n", mpf_class, f));
+ mpf_clear (f);
+ Safefree (f);
+ assert_support (mpf_count--);
+overload_add (x, y, order)
+ mpf_assume x
+ mpf_coerce_st0 y
+ SV *order
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_sub = 1
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_mul = 2
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_div = 3
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpf_ptr, mpf_srcptr, mpf_srcptr);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpf_add }, /* 0 */
+ { mpf_sub }, /* 1 */
+ { mpf_mul }, /* 2 */
+ { mpf_div }, /* 3 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = new_mpf (mpf_get_prec (x));
+ if (order == &PL_sv_yes)
+ MPF_PTR_SWAP (x, y);
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL, x, y);
+overload_addeq (x, y, o)
+ mpf_assume x
+ mpf_coerce_st0 y
+ order_noswap o
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_subeq = 1
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_muleq = 2
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_diveq = 3
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpf_ptr, mpf_srcptr, mpf_srcptr);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpf_add }, /* 0 */
+ { mpf_sub }, /* 1 */
+ { mpf_mul }, /* 2 */
+ { mpf_div }, /* 3 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ (*table[ix].op) (x, x, y);
+ XPUSHs(ST(0));
+overload_lshift (fv, nv, order)
+ SV *fv
+ SV *nv
+ SV *order
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_rshift = 1
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_pow = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpf_ptr, mpf_srcptr, unsigned long);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpf_mul_2exp }, /* 0 */
+ { mpf_div_2exp }, /* 1 */
+ { mpf_pow_ui }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ mpf f;
+ unsigned long prec;
+ assert_table (ix);
+ MPF_ASSUME (f, fv);
+ prec = mpf_get_prec (f);
+ if (order == &PL_sv_yes)
+ SV_PTR_SWAP (fv, nv);
+ f = coerce_mpf (tmp_mpf_0, fv, prec);
+ RETVAL = new_mpf (prec);
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL, f, coerce_ulong (nv));
+overload_lshifteq (f, n, o)
+ mpf_assume f
+ ulong_coerce n
+ order_noswap o
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_rshifteq = 1
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_poweq = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpf_ptr, mpf_srcptr, unsigned long);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpf_mul_2exp }, /* 0 */
+ { mpf_div_2exp }, /* 1 */
+ { mpf_pow_ui }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ (*table[ix].op) (f, f, n);
+ XPUSHs(ST(0));
+overload_abs (f, d1, d2)
+ mpf_assume f
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_neg = 1
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_sqrt = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpf_ptr w, mpf_srcptr x);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpf_abs }, /* 0 */
+ { mpf_neg }, /* 1 */
+ { mpf_sqrt }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = new_mpf (mpf_get_prec (f));
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL, f);
+overload_inc (f, d1, d2)
+ mpf_assume f
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_dec = 1
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpf_ptr w, mpf_srcptr x, unsigned long y);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpf_add_ui }, /* 0 */
+ { mpf_sub_ui }, /* 1 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ (*table[ix].op) (f, f, 1L);
+overload_spaceship (xv, yv, order)
+ SV *xv
+ SV *yv
+ SV *order
+ mpf x;
+ MPF_ASSUME (x, xv);
+ switch (use_sv (yv)) {
+ case USE_IVX:
+ RETVAL = mpf_cmp_si (x, SvIVX(yv));
+ break;
+ case USE_UVX:
+ RETVAL = mpf_cmp_ui (x, SvUVX(yv));
+ break;
+ case USE_NVX:
+ RETVAL = mpf_cmp_d (x, SvNVX(yv));
+ break;
+ case USE_PVX:
+ {
+ STRLEN len;
+ const char *str = SvPV (yv, len);
+ /* enough for all digits of the string */
+ tmp_mpf_set_prec (tmp_mpf_0, strlen(str)+64);
+ if (mpf_set_str (tmp_mpf_0->m, str, 10) != 0)
+ croak ("%s <=>: invalid string format", mpf_class);
+ RETVAL = mpf_cmp (x, tmp_mpf_0->m);
+ }
+ break;
+ case USE_MPZ:
+ RETVAL = - x_mpz_cmp_f (SvMPZ(yv)->m, x);
+ break;
+ case USE_MPF:
+ RETVAL = mpf_cmp (x, SvMPF(yv));
+ break;
+ default:
+ RETVAL = mpq_cmp (coerce_mpq (tmp_mpq_0, xv),
+ coerce_mpq (tmp_mpq_1, yv));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (order == &PL_sv_yes)
+overload_bool (f, d1, d2)
+ mpf_assume f
+ dummy d1
+ dummy d2
+ GMP::Mpf::overload_not = 1
+ RETVAL = (mpf_sgn (f) != 0) ^ ix;
+ceil (f)
+ mpf_coerce_def f
+ GMP::Mpf::floor = 1
+ GMP::Mpf::trunc = 2
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*op) (mpf_ptr w, mpf_srcptr x);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpf_ceil }, /* 0 */
+ { mpf_floor }, /* 1 */
+ { mpf_trunc }, /* 2 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = new_mpf (mpf_get_prec (f));
+ (*table[ix].op) (RETVAL, f);
+unsigned long
+get_default_prec ()
+ RETVAL = mpf_get_default_prec();
+unsigned long
+get_prec (f)
+ mpf_coerce_def f
+ RETVAL = mpf_get_prec (f);
+mpf_eq (xv, yv, bits)
+ SV *xv
+ SV *yv
+ ulong_coerce bits
+ mpf x, y;
+ TRACE (printf ("%s eq\n", mpf_class));
+ coerce_mpf_pair (&x,xv, &y,yv);
+ RETVAL = mpf_eq (x, y, bits);
+reldiff (xv, yv)
+ SV *xv
+ SV *yv
+ mpf x, y;
+ unsigned long prec;
+ TRACE (printf ("%s reldiff\n", mpf_class));
+ prec = coerce_mpf_pair (&x,xv, &y,yv);
+ RETVAL = new_mpf (prec);
+ mpf_reldiff (RETVAL, x, y);
+set_default_prec (prec)
+ ulong_coerce prec
+ TRACE (printf ("%s set_default_prec %lu\n", mpf_class, prec));
+ mpf_set_default_prec (prec);
+set_prec (sv, prec)
+ SV *sv
+ ulong_coerce prec
+ mpf_ptr old_f, new_f;
+ int use;
+ TRACE (printf ("%s set_prec to %lu\n", mpf_class, prec));
+ use = use_sv (sv);
+ if (use == USE_MPF)
+ {
+ old_f = SvMPF(sv);
+ if (SvREFCNT(SvRV(sv)) == 1)
+ mpf_set_prec (old_f, prec);
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE (printf (" fork new mpf\n"));
+ new_f = new_mpf (prec);
+ mpf_set (new_f, old_f);
+ goto setref;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACE (printf (" coerce to mpf\n"));
+ new_f = new_mpf (prec);
+ my_mpf_set_sv_using (new_f, sv, use);
+ setref:
+ sv_bless (sv_setref_pv (sv, NULL, new_f), mpf_class_hv);
+ }
+new (...)
+ GMP::Rand::randstate = 1
+ TRACE (printf ("%s new\n", rand_class));
+ New (GMP_MALLOC_ID, RETVAL, 1, __gmp_randstate_struct);
+ TRACE (printf (" RETVAL %p\n", RETVAL));
+ assert_support (rand_count++);
+ if (items == 0)
+ {
+ gmp_randinit_default (RETVAL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (SvROK (ST(0)) && sv_derived_from (ST(0), rand_class))
+ {
+ if (items != 1)
+ goto invalid;
+ gmp_randinit_set (RETVAL, SvRANDSTATE (ST(0)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ STRLEN len;
+ const char *method = SvPV (ST(0), len);
+ assert (len == strlen (method));
+ if (strcmp (method, "lc_2exp") == 0)
+ {
+ if (items != 4)
+ goto invalid;
+ gmp_randinit_lc_2exp (RETVAL,
+ coerce_mpz (tmp_mpz_0, ST(1)),
+ coerce_ulong (ST(2)),
+ coerce_ulong (ST(3)));
+ }
+ else if (strcmp (method, "lc_2exp_size") == 0)
+ {
+ if (items != 2)
+ goto invalid;
+ if (! gmp_randinit_lc_2exp_size (RETVAL, coerce_ulong (ST(1))))
+ {
+ Safefree (RETVAL);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp (method, "mt") == 0)
+ {
+ if (items != 1)
+ goto invalid;
+ gmp_randinit_mt (RETVAL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ invalid:
+ croak ("%s new: invalid arguments", rand_class);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ randstate r
+ TRACE (printf ("%s DESTROY\n", rand_class));
+ gmp_randclear (r);
+ Safefree (r);
+ assert_support (rand_count--);
+seed (r, z)
+ randstate r
+ mpz_coerce z
+ gmp_randseed (r, z);
+mpz_urandomb (r, bits)
+ randstate r
+ ulong_coerce bits
+ GMP::Rand::mpz_rrandomb = 1
+ static_functable const struct {
+ void (*fun) (mpz_ptr, gmp_randstate_t r, unsigned long bits);
+ } table[] = {
+ { mpz_urandomb }, /* 0 */
+ { mpz_rrandomb }, /* 1 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ (*table[ix].fun) (RETVAL->m, r, bits);
+mpz_urandomm (r, m)
+ randstate r
+ mpz_coerce m
+ RETVAL = new_mpz();
+ mpz_urandomm (RETVAL->m, r, m);
+mpf_urandomb (r, bits)
+ randstate r
+ ulong_coerce bits
+ RETVAL = new_mpf (bits);
+ mpf_urandomb (RETVAL, r, bits);
+unsigned long
+gmp_urandomb_ui (r, bits)
+ randstate r
+ ulong_coerce bits
+ GMP::Rand::gmp_urandomm_ui = 1
+ static_functable const struct {
+ unsigned long (*fun) (gmp_randstate_t r, unsigned long bits);
+ } table[] = {
+ { gmp_urandomb_ui }, /* 0 */
+ { gmp_urandomm_ui }, /* 1 */
+ };
+ assert_table (ix);
+ RETVAL = (*table[ix].fun) (r, bits);
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Mpf.pm b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Mpf.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c0dec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Mpf.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# GMP mpf module.
+# Copyright 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+# The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# or
+# * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# or both in parallel, as here.
+# The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+# GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+# see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+package GMP::Mpf;
+require GMP;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(GMP Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw();
+@EXPORT_OK = qw();
+%EXPORT_TAGS = ('all' => [qw(
+ ceil floor get_default_prec get_prec mpf mpf_eq
+ reldiff set_default_prec set_prec trunc)],
+ 'constants' => [@EXPORT],
+ 'noconstants' => [@EXPORT]);
+use overload
+ '+' => \&overload_add, '+=' => \&overload_addeq,
+ '-' => \&overload_sub, '-=' => \&overload_subeq,
+ '*' => \&overload_mul, '*=' => \&overload_muleq,
+ '/' => \&overload_div, '/=' => \&overload_diveq,
+ '**' => \&overload_pow, '**=' => \&overload_poweq,
+ '<<' => \&overload_lshift, '<<=' => \&overload_lshifteq,
+ '>>' => \&overload_rshift, '>>=' => \&overload_rshifteq,
+ 'bool' => \&overload_bool,
+ 'not' => \&overload_not,
+ '!' => \&overload_not,
+ '<=>' => \&overload_spaceship,
+ '++' => \&overload_inc,
+ '--' => \&overload_dec,
+ 'abs' => \&overload_abs,
+ 'neg' => \&overload_neg,
+ 'sqrt' => \&overload_sqrt,
+ '=' => \&overload_copy,
+ '""' => \&overload_string;
+sub import {
+ foreach (@_) {
+ if ($_ eq ':constants') {
+ overload::constant ('integer' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'binary' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'float' => \&overload_constant);
+ } elsif ($_ eq ':noconstants') {
+ overload::remove_constant ('integer' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'binary' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'float' => \&overload_constant);
+ }
+ }
+ goto &Exporter::import;
+sub overload_string {
+ my $fmt;
+ BEGIN { $^W = 0; }
+ if (defined ($#)) {
+ $fmt = $#;
+ BEGIN { $^W = 1; }
+ # protect against calling sprintf_internal with a bad format
+ if ($fmt !~ /^((%%|[^%])*%[-+ .\d]*)([eEfgG](%%|[^%])*)$/) {
+ die "GMP::Mpf: invalid \$# format: $#\n";
+ }
+ $fmt = $1 . 'F' . $3;
+ } else {
+ $fmt = '%.Fg';
+ }
+ GMP::sprintf_internal ($fmt, $_[0]);
+# Local variables:
+# perl-indent-level: 2
+# End:
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Mpq.pm b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Mpq.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe01084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Mpq.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# GMP mpq module.
+# Copyright 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+# The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# or
+# * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# or both in parallel, as here.
+# The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+# GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+# see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+package GMP::Mpq;
+require GMP;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(GMP Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw();
+@EXPORT_OK = qw();
+%EXPORT_TAGS = ('all' => [qw(canonicalize den inv mpq num)],
+ 'constants' => [@EXPORT],
+ 'noconstants' => [@EXPORT] );
+use overload
+ '+' => \&overload_add, '+=' => \&overload_addeq,
+ '-' => \&overload_sub, '-=' => \&overload_subeq,
+ '*' => \&overload_mul, '*=' => \&overload_muleq,
+ '/' => \&overload_div, '/=' => \&overload_diveq,
+ '**' => \&overload_pow, '**=' => \&overload_poweq,
+ '<<' => \&overload_lshift, '<<=' => \&overload_lshifteq,
+ '>>' => \&overload_rshift, '>>=' => \&overload_rshifteq,
+ 'bool' => \&overload_bool,
+ 'not' => \&overload_not,
+ '!' => \&overload_not,
+ '==' => \&overload_eq,
+ '!=' => \&overload_ne,
+ '<=>' => \&overload_spaceship,
+ '++' => \&overload_inc,
+ '--' => \&overload_dec,
+ 'abs' => \&overload_abs,
+ 'neg' => \&overload_neg,
+ '=' => \&overload_copy,
+ '""' => \&overload_string;
+my $constants = { };
+sub import {
+ foreach (@_) {
+ if ($_ eq ':constants') {
+ overload::constant ('integer' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'binary' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'float' => \&overload_constant);
+ } elsif ($_ eq ':noconstants') {
+ overload::remove_constant ('integer' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'binary' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'float' => \&overload_constant);
+ }
+ }
+ goto &Exporter::import;
+# Local variables:
+# perl-indent-level: 2
+# End:
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Mpz.pm b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Mpz.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27e6336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Mpz.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# GMP mpz module.
+# Copyright 2001-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+# The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# or
+# * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# or both in parallel, as here.
+# The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+# GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+# see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+package GMP::Mpz;
+require GMP;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(GMP Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw();
+@EXPORT_OK = qw();
+%EXPORT_TAGS = ('all' => [qw(
+ bin cdiv cdiv_2exp clrbit combit congruent_p
+ congruent_2exp_p divexact divisible_p
+ divisible_2exp_p even_p fac fdiv fdiv_2exp fib
+ fib2 gcd gcdext hamdist invert jacobi kronecker
+ lcm lucnum lucnum2 mod mpz mpz_export
+ mpz_import nextprime odd_p perfect_power_p
+ perfect_square_p popcount powm probab_prime_p
+ realloc remove root roote rootrem scan0 scan1
+ setbit sizeinbase sqrtrem tdiv tdiv_2exp
+ tstbit)],
+ 'constants' => [@EXPORT],
+ 'noconstants' => [@EXPORT]);
+use overload
+ '+' => \&overload_add, '+=' => \&overload_addeq,
+ '-' => \&overload_sub, '-=' => \&overload_subeq,
+ '*' => \&overload_mul, '*=' => \&overload_muleq,
+ '/' => \&overload_div, '/=' => \&overload_diveq,
+ '%' => \&overload_rem, '%=' => \&overload_remeq,
+ '<<' => \&overload_lshift, '<<=' => \&overload_lshifteq,
+ '>>' => \&overload_rshift, '>>=' => \&overload_rshifteq,
+ '**' => \&overload_pow, '**=' => \&overload_poweq,
+ '&' => \&overload_and, '&=' => \&overload_andeq,
+ '|' => \&overload_ior, '|=' => \&overload_ioreq,
+ '^' => \&overload_xor, '^=' => \&overload_xoreq,
+ 'bool' => \&overload_bool,
+ 'not' => \&overload_not,
+ '!' => \&overload_not,
+ '~' => \&overload_com,
+ '<=>' => \&overload_spaceship,
+ '++' => \&overload_inc,
+ '--' => \&overload_dec,
+ '=' => \&overload_copy,
+ 'abs' => \&overload_abs,
+ 'neg' => \&overload_neg,
+ 'sqrt' => \&overload_sqrt,
+ '""' => \&overload_string;
+sub import {
+ foreach (@_) {
+ if ($_ eq ':constants') {
+ overload::constant ('integer' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'binary' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'float' => \&overload_constant);
+ } elsif ($_ eq ':noconstants') {
+ overload::remove_constant ('integer' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'binary' => \&overload_constant,
+ 'float' => \&overload_constant);
+ }
+ }
+ goto &Exporter::import;
+# Local variables:
+# perl-indent-level: 2
+# End:
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Rand.pm b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Rand.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f7d763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP/Rand.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# GMP random numbers module.
+# Copyright 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+# The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# or
+# * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# or both in parallel, as here.
+# The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+# GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+# see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+package GMP::Rand;
+require GMP;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(GMP Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw();
+%EXPORT_TAGS = ('all' => [qw(
+ randstate mpf_urandomb mpz_rrandomb
+ mpz_urandomb mpz_urandomm gmp_urandomb_ui
+ gmp_urandomm_ui)]);
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/INSTALL b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3d7c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+Copyright 2001, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of either:
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+ option) any later version.
+ * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ later version.
+or both in parallel, as here.
+The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+for more details.
+You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+This module can be compiled within the GMP source directory or moved
+elsewhere and compiled. An installed GMP can be used, or a specified
+GMP build tree. Both static and shared GMP builds will work.
+The simplest case is when GMP has been installed to a standard system
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+If not yet installed then the top-level GMP build directory must be
+ perl Makefile.PL GMP_BUILDDIR=/my/gmp/build
+ make
+In any case, with the module built, the sample program provided can be
+ perl -Iblib/arch sample.pl
+If you built a shared version of libgmp but haven't yet installed it,
+then it might be necessary to add a run-time path to it. For example
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/my/gmp/build/.libs perl -Iblib/arch sample.pl
+Documentation is provided in pod format in GMP.pm, and will have been
+"man"-ified in the module build
+ man -l blib/man3/GMP.3pm
+ man -M`pwd`/blib GMP
+A test script is provided, running a large number of more or less
+trivial checks
+ make test
+The module and its documentation can be installed in the usual way
+ make install
+This will be into /usr/local or wherever the perl Config module
+directs, but that can be controlled back at the Makefile.PL stage with
+the usual ExtUtils::MakeMaker options.
+Once installed, programs using the GMP module become simply
+ perl sample.pl
+And the documentation read directly too
+ man GMP
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/Makefile.PL b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a676710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Makefile for GMP perl module.
+# Copyright 2001, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+# The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# or
+# * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# or both in parallel, as here.
+# The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+# GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+# see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+# Bugs:
+# When the generated Makefile re-runs "perl Makefile.PL" the GMP_BUILDDIR
+# parameter is lost.
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# Find and remove our parameters
+@ARGV = map {
+ if (/^GMP_BUILDDIR=(.*)/) {
+ $GMP_BUILDDIR=$1; ();
+ } else {
+ $_;
+ }
+} (@ARGV);
+$INC = "";
+$LIBS = "-lgmp";
+$OBJECT = "GMP.o";
+if (defined $GMP_BUILDDIR) {
+ if (! -f "$GMP_BUILDDIR/libgmp.la") {
+ die "$GMP_BUILDDIR doesn't contain libgmp.la\n" .
+ "if it's really a gmp build directory then go there and run \"make libgmp.la\"\n";
+ }
+ $LIBS = "-L$GMP_BUILDDIR/.libs $LIBS";
+ NAME => 'GMP',
+ VERSION => '2.00',
+ LIBS => [$LIBS],
+ INC => $INC,
+ clean => { FILES => 'test.tmp' },
+ PM => {
+ 'GMP.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/GMP.pm',
+ 'GMP/Mpz.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/GMP/Mpz.pm',
+ 'GMP/Mpq.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/GMP/Mpq.pm',
+ 'GMP/Mpf.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/GMP/Mpf.pm',
+ 'GMP/Rand.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/GMP/Rand.pm',
+ }
+ );
+# Local variables:
+# perl-indent-level: 2
+# End:
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/sample.pl b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/sample.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a10ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/sample.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Some sample GMP module operations
+# Copyright 2001, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+# The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# or
+# * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# or both in parallel, as here.
+# The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+# GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+# see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+use strict;
+use GMP;
+print "using GMP module $GMP::VERSION and GMP library ",GMP::version(),"\n";
+use GMP::Mpz qw(:all);
+print "the 200th fibonacci number is ", fib(200), "\n";
+print "next prime after 10**30 is (probably) ", nextprime(mpz(10)**30), "\n";
+use GMP::Mpq qw(:constants);
+print "the 7th harmonic number is ", 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7, "\n";
+use GMP::Mpq qw(:noconstants);
+use GMP::Mpf qw(mpf);
+my $f = mpf(1,180);
+$f >>= 180;
+$f += 1;
+print "a sample mpf is $f\n";
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/test.pl b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/test.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b54089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/test.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,2179 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# GMP perl module tests
+# Copyright 2001-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+# The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# or
+# * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# or both in parallel, as here.
+# The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+# GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+# see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+# These tests aim to exercise the many possible combinations of operands
+# etc, and to run all functions at least once, which if nothing else will
+# check everything intended is in the :all list.
+# Use the following in .emacs to match test failure messages.
+# ;; perl "Test" module error messages
+# (eval-after-load "compile"
+# '(add-to-list
+# 'compilation-error-regexp-alist
+# '("^.*Failed test [0-9]+ in \\([^ ]+\\) at line \\([0-9]+\\)" 1 2)))
+use strict;
+use Test;
+ plan tests => 123,
+ onfail => sub { print "there were failures\n" },
+use GMP qw(:all);
+use GMP::Mpz qw(:all);
+use GMP::Mpq qw(:all);
+use GMP::Mpf qw(:all);
+use GMP::Rand qw(:all);
+use GMP::Mpz qw(:constants);
+use GMP::Mpz qw(:noconstants);
+use GMP::Mpq qw(:constants);
+use GMP::Mpq qw(:noconstants);
+use GMP::Mpf qw(:constants);
+use GMP::Mpf qw(:noconstants);
+package Mytie;
+use Exporter;
+use vars qw($val $fetched $stored);
+$val = 0;
+$fetched = 0;
+$stored = 0;
+ my ($class, $newval) = @_;
+ my $var = 'mytie dummy refed var';
+ $val = $newval;
+ $fetched = 0;
+ $stored = 0;
+ return bless \$var, $class;
+sub FETCH {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $fetched++;
+ return $val;
+sub STORE {
+ my ($self, $newval) = @_;
+ $val = $newval;
+ $stored++;
+package main;
+# check Mytie does what it should
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', 123;
+ ok ($Mytie::val == 123);
+ $Mytie::val = 456;
+ ok ($t == 456);
+ $t = 789;
+ ok ($Mytie::val == 789);
+# Usage: str(x)
+# Return x forced to a string, not a PVIV.
+sub str {
+ my $s = "$_[0]" . "";
+ return $s;
+my $ivnv_2p128 = 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0
+ * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0;
+kill (0, $ivnv_2p128);
+my $str_2p128 = '340282366920938463463374607431768211456';
+my $uv_max = ~ 0;
+my $uv_max_str = ~ 0;
+$uv_max_str = "$uv_max_str";
+$uv_max_str = "" . "$uv_max_str";
+# GMP::version
+use GMP qw(version);
+print '$GMP::VERSION ',$GMP::VERSION,' GMP::version() ',version(),"\n";
+# GMP::Mpz::new
+ok (mpz(0) == 0);
+ok (mpz('0') == 0);
+ok (mpz(substr('101',1,1)) == 0);
+ok (mpz(0.0) == 0);
+ok (mpz(mpz(0)) == 0);
+ok (mpz(mpq(0)) == 0);
+ok (mpz(mpf(0)) == 0);
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', 0;
+ ok (mpz($t) == 0);
+ ok ($Mytie::fetched > 0);
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', '0';
+ ok (mpz($t) == 0);
+ ok ($Mytie::fetched > 0);
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', substr('101',1,1); ok (mpz($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', 0.0; ok (mpz($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpz(0); ok (mpz($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpq(0); ok (mpz($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpf(0); ok (mpz($t) == 0); }
+ok (mpz(-123) == -123);
+ok (mpz('-123') == -123);
+ok (mpz(substr('1-1231',1,4)) == -123);
+ok (mpz(-123.0) == -123);
+ok (mpz(mpz(-123)) == -123);
+ok (mpz(mpq(-123)) == -123);
+ok (mpz(mpf(-123)) == -123);
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', -123; ok (mpz($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', '-123'; ok (mpz($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', substr('1-1231',1,4); ok (mpz($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', -123.0; ok (mpz($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpz(-123); ok (mpz($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpq(-123); ok (mpz($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpf(-123); ok (mpz($t) == -123); }
+ok (mpz($ivnv_2p128) == $str_2p128);
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $ivnv_2p128; ok (mpz($t) == $str_2p128); }
+ok (mpz($uv_max) > 0);
+ok (mpz($uv_max) == mpz($uv_max_str));
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $uv_max; ok (mpz($t) > 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $uv_max; ok (mpz($t) == mpz($uv_max_str)); }
+{ my $s = '999999999999999999999999999999';
+ kill (0, $s);
+ ok (mpz($s) == '999999999999999999999999999999');
+ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $s;
+ ok (mpz($t) == '999999999999999999999999999999');
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_abs
+ok (abs(mpz(0)) == 0);
+ok (abs(mpz(123)) == 123);
+ok (abs(mpz(-123)) == 123);
+{ my $x = mpz(-123); $x = abs($x); ok ($x == 123); }
+{ my $x = mpz(0); $x = abs($x); ok ($x == 0); }
+{ my $x = mpz(123); $x = abs($x); ok ($x == 123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpz(0); ok (abs($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpz(123); ok (abs($t) == 123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpz(-123); ok (abs($t) == 123); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_add
+ok (mpz(0) + 1 == 1);
+ok (mpz(-1) + 1 == 0);
+ok (1 + mpz(0) == 1);
+ok (1 + mpz(-1) == 0);
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_addeq
+{ my $a = mpz(7); $a += 1; ok ($a == 8); }
+{ my $a = mpz(7); my $b = $a; $a += 1; ok ($a == 8); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_and
+ok ((mpz(3) & 1) == 1);
+ok ((mpz(3) & 4) == 0);
+{ my $a = mpz(3); $a &= 1; ok ($a == 1); }
+{ my $a = mpz(3); $a &= 4; ok ($a == 0); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_bool
+if (mpz(0)) { ok (0); } else { ok (1); }
+if (mpz(123)) { ok (1); } else { ok (0); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_com
+ok (~ mpz(0) == -1);
+ok (~ mpz(1) == -2);
+ok (~ mpz(-2) == 1);
+ok (~ mpz(0xFF) == -0x100);
+ok (~ mpz(-0x100) == 0xFF);
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_dec
+{ my $a = mpz(0); ok ($a-- == 0); ok ($a == -1); }
+{ my $a = mpz(0); ok (--$a == -1); }
+{ my $a = mpz(0); my $b = $a; $a--; ok ($a == -1); ok ($b == 0); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_div
+ok (mpz(6) / 2 == 3);
+ok (mpz(-6) / 2 == -3);
+ok (mpz(6) / -2 == -3);
+ok (mpz(-6) / -2 == 3);
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_diveq
+{ my $a = mpz(21); $a /= 3; ok ($a == 7); }
+{ my $a = mpz(21); my $b = $a; $a /= 3; ok ($a == 7); ok ($b == 21); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_eq
+{ my $a = mpz(0);
+ my $b = $a;
+ $a = mpz(1);
+ ok ($a == 1);
+ ok ($b == 0); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_inc
+{ my $a = mpz(0); ok ($a++ == 0); ok ($a == 1); }
+{ my $a = mpz(0); ok (++$a == 1); }
+{ my $a = mpz(0); my $b = $a; $a++; ok ($a == 1); ok ($b == 0); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_ior
+ok ((mpz(3) | 1) == 3);
+ok ((mpz(3) | 4) == 7);
+{ my $a = mpz(3); $a |= 1; ok ($a == 3); }
+{ my $a = mpz(3); $a |= 4; ok ($a == 7); }
+ok ((mpz("0xAA") | mpz("0x55")) == mpz("0xFF"));
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_lshift
+{ my $a = mpz(7) << 1; ok ($a == 14); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_lshifteq
+{ my $a = mpz(7); $a <<= 1; ok ($a == 14); }
+{ my $a = mpz(7); my $b = $a; $a <<= 1; ok ($a == 14); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_mul
+ok (mpz(2) * 3 == 6);
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_muleq
+{ my $a = mpz(7); $a *= 3; ok ($a == 21); }
+{ my $a = mpz(7); my $b = $a; $a *= 3; ok ($a == 21); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_neg
+ok (- mpz(0) == 0);
+ok (- mpz(123) == -123);
+ok (- mpz(-123) == 123);
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_not
+if (not mpz(0)) { ok (1); } else { ok (0); }
+if (not mpz(123)) { ok (0); } else { ok (1); }
+ok ((! mpz(0)) == 1);
+ok ((! mpz(123)) == 0);
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_pow
+ok (mpz(0) ** 1 == 0);
+ok (mpz(1) ** 1 == 1);
+ok (mpz(2) ** 0 == 1);
+ok (mpz(2) ** 1 == 2);
+ok (mpz(2) ** 2 == 4);
+ok (mpz(2) ** 3 == 8);
+ok (mpz(2) ** 4 == 16);
+ok (mpz(0) ** mpz(1) == 0);
+ok (mpz(1) ** mpz(1) == 1);
+ok (mpz(2) ** mpz(0) == 1);
+ok (mpz(2) ** mpz(1) == 2);
+ok (mpz(2) ** mpz(2) == 4);
+ok (mpz(2) ** mpz(3) == 8);
+ok (mpz(2) ** mpz(4) == 16);
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_poweq
+{ my $a = mpz(3); $a **= 4; ok ($a == 81); }
+{ my $a = mpz(3); my $b = $a; $a **= 4; ok ($a == 81); ok ($b == 3); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_rem
+ok (mpz(-8) % 3 == -2);
+ok (mpz(-7) % 3 == -1);
+ok (mpz(-6) % 3 == 0);
+ok (mpz(6) % 3 == 0);
+ok (mpz(7) % 3 == 1);
+ok (mpz(8) % 3 == 2);
+{ my $a = mpz(24); $a %= 7; ok ($a == 3); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_rshift
+{ my $a = mpz(32) >> 1; ok ($a == 16); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_rshifteq
+{ my $a = mpz(32); $a >>= 1; ok ($a == 16); }
+{ my $a = mpz(32); my $b = $a; $a >>= 1; ok ($a == 16); ok ($b == 32); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_spaceship
+ok (mpz(0) < 1);
+ok (mpz(0) > -1);
+ok (mpz(0) != 1);
+ok (mpz(0) != -1);
+ok (mpz(1) != 0);
+ok (mpz(1) != -1);
+ok (mpz(-1) != 0);
+ok (mpz(-1) != 1);
+ok (mpz(0) < 1.0);
+ok (mpz(0) < '1');
+ok (mpz(0) < substr('-1',1,1));
+ok (mpz(0) < mpz(1));
+ok (mpz(0) < mpq(1));
+ok (mpz(0) < mpf(1));
+ok (mpz(0) < $uv_max);
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_sqrt
+ok (sqrt(mpz(0)) == 0);
+ok (sqrt(mpz(1)) == 1);
+ok (sqrt(mpz(4)) == 2);
+ok (sqrt(mpz(81)) == 9);
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_string
+{ my $x = mpz(0); ok("$x" eq "0"); }
+{ my $x = mpz(123); ok("$x" eq "123"); }
+{ my $x = mpz(-123); ok("$x" eq "-123"); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_sub
+ok (mpz(0) - 1 == -1);
+ok (mpz(1) - 1 == 0);
+ok (1 - mpz(0) == 1);
+ok (1 - mpz(1) == 0);
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_subeq
+{ my $a = mpz(7); $a -= 1; ok ($a == 6); }
+{ my $a = mpz(7); my $b = $a; $a -= 1; ok ($a == 6); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpz::overload_xor
+ok ((mpz(3) ^ 1) == 2);
+ok ((mpz(3) ^ 4) == 7);
+{ my $a = mpz(3); $a ^= 1; ok ($a == 2); }
+{ my $a = mpz(3); $a ^= 4; ok ($a == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpz::bin
+ok (bin(2,0) == 1);
+ok (bin(2,1) == 2);
+ok (bin(2,2) == 1);
+ok (bin(3,0) == 1);
+ok (bin(3,1) == 3);
+ok (bin(3,2) == 3);
+ok (bin(3,3) == 1);
+# GMP::Mpz::cdiv
+{ my ($q, $r);
+ ($q, $r) = cdiv (16, 3);
+ ok ($q == 6);
+ ok ($r == -2);
+ ($q, $r) = cdiv (16, -3);
+ ok ($q == -5);
+ ok ($r == 1);
+ ($q, $r) = cdiv (-16, 3);
+ ok ($q == -5);
+ ok ($r == -1);
+ ($q, $r) = cdiv (-16, -3);
+ ok ($q == 6);
+ ok ($r == 2);
+# GMP::Mpz::cdiv_2exp
+{ my ($q, $r);
+ ($q, $r) = cdiv_2exp (23, 2);
+ ok ($q == 6);
+ ok ($r == -1);
+ ($q, $r) = cdiv_2exp (-23, 2);
+ ok ($q == -5);
+ ok ($r == -3);
+# GMP::Mpz::clrbit
+{ my $a = mpz(3); clrbit ($a, 1); ok ($a == 1);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz")); }
+{ my $a = mpz(3); clrbit ($a, 2); ok ($a == 3);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz")); }
+{ my $a = 3; clrbit ($a, 1); ok ($a == 1);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz")); }
+{ my $a = 3; clrbit ($a, 2); ok ($a == 3);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz")); }
+# mutate only given variable
+{ my $a = mpz(3);
+ my $b = $a;
+ clrbit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 2);
+ ok ($b == 3);
+{ my $a = 3;
+ my $b = $a;
+ clrbit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 2);
+ ok ($b == 3);
+{ tie my $a, 'Mytie', mpz(3);
+ clrbit ($a, 1);
+ ok ($Mytie::fetched > 0); # used fetch
+ ok ($Mytie::stored > 0); # used store
+ ok ($a == 1); # expected result
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz"));
+ ok (tied($a)); # still tied
+{ tie my $a, 'Mytie', 3;
+ clrbit ($a, 1);
+ ok ($Mytie::fetched > 0); # used fetch
+ ok ($Mytie::stored > 0); # used store
+ ok ($a == 1); # expected result
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz"));
+ ok (tied($a)); # still tied
+{ my $b = mpz(3);
+ tie my $a, 'Mytie', $b;
+ clrbit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 2);
+ ok ($b == 3);
+ ok (tied($a));
+{ my $b = 3;
+ tie my $a, 'Mytie', $b;
+ clrbit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 2);
+ ok ($b == 3);
+ ok (tied($a));
+# GMP::Mpz::combit
+{ my $a = mpz(3); combit ($a, 1); ok ($a == 1);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz")); }
+{ my $a = mpz(3); combit ($a, 2); ok ($a == 7);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz")); }
+{ my $a = 3; combit ($a, 1); ok ($a == 1);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz")); }
+{ my $a = 3; combit ($a, 2); ok ($a == 7);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz")); }
+# mutate only given variable
+{ my $a = mpz(3);
+ my $b = $a;
+ combit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 2);
+ ok ($b == 3);
+{ my $a = 3;
+ my $b = $a;
+ combit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 2);
+ ok ($b == 3);
+{ tie my $a, 'Mytie', mpz(3);
+ combit ($a, 2);
+ ok ($Mytie::fetched > 0); # used fetch
+ ok ($Mytie::stored > 0); # used store
+ ok ($a == 7); # expected result
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz"));
+ ok (tied($a)); # still tied
+{ tie my $a, 'Mytie', 3;
+ combit ($a, 2);
+ ok ($Mytie::fetched > 0); # used fetch
+ ok ($Mytie::stored > 0); # used store
+ ok ($a == 7); # expected result
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz"));
+ ok (tied($a)); # still tied
+{ my $b = mpz(3);
+ tie my $a, 'Mytie', $b;
+ combit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 2);
+ ok ($b == 3);
+ ok (tied($a));
+{ my $b = 3;
+ tie my $a, 'Mytie', $b;
+ combit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 2);
+ ok ($b == 3);
+ ok (tied($a));
+# GMP::Mpz::congruent_p
+ok ( congruent_p (21, 0, 7));
+ok (! congruent_p (21, 1, 7));
+ok ( congruent_p (21, 5, 8));
+ok (! congruent_p (21, 6, 8));
+# GMP::Mpz::congruent_2exp_p
+ok ( congruent_2exp_p (20, 0, 2));
+ok (! congruent_2exp_p (21, 0, 2));
+ok (! congruent_2exp_p (20, 1, 2));
+# GMP::Mpz::divexact
+ok (divexact(27,3) == 9);
+ok (divexact(27,-3) == -9);
+ok (divexact(-27,3) == -9);
+ok (divexact(-27,-3) == 9);
+# GMP::Mpz::divisible_p
+ok ( divisible_p (21, 7));
+ok (! divisible_p (21, 8));
+# GMP::Mpz::divisible_2exp_p
+ok ( divisible_2exp_p (20, 2));
+ok (! divisible_2exp_p (21, 2));
+# GMP::Mpz::even_p
+ok (! even_p(mpz(-3)));
+ok ( even_p(mpz(-2)));
+ok (! even_p(mpz(-1)));
+ok ( even_p(mpz(0)));
+ok (! even_p(mpz(1)));
+ok ( even_p(mpz(2)));
+ok (! even_p(mpz(3)));
+# GMP::Mpz::export
+{ my $s = mpz_export (1, 2, 1, 0, "0x61626364");
+ ok ($s eq 'abcd'); }
+{ my $s = mpz_export (-1, 2, 1, 0, "0x61626364");
+ ok ($s eq 'cdab'); }
+{ my $s = mpz_export (1, 2, -1, 0, "0x61626364");
+ ok ($s eq 'badc'); }
+{ my $s = mpz_export (-1, 2, -1, 0, "0x61626364");
+ ok ($s eq 'dcba'); }
+# GMP::Mpz::fac
+ok (fac(0) == 1);
+ok (fac(1) == 1);
+ok (fac(2) == 2);
+ok (fac(3) == 6);
+ok (fac(4) == 24);
+ok (fac(5) == 120);
+# GMP::Mpz::fdiv
+{ my ($q, $r);
+ ($q, $r) = fdiv (16, 3);
+ ok ($q == 5);
+ ok ($r == 1);
+ ($q, $r) = fdiv (16, -3);
+ ok ($q == -6);
+ ok ($r == -2);
+ ($q, $r) = fdiv (-16, 3);
+ ok ($q == -6);
+ ok ($r == 2);
+ ($q, $r) = fdiv (-16, -3);
+ ok ($q == 5);
+ ok ($r == -1);
+# GMP::Mpz::fdiv_2exp
+{ my ($q, $r);
+ ($q, $r) = fdiv_2exp (23, 2);
+ ok ($q == 5);
+ ok ($r == 3);
+ ($q, $r) = fdiv_2exp (-23, 2);
+ ok ($q == -6);
+ ok ($r == 1);
+# GMP::Mpz::fib
+ok (fib(0) == 0);
+ok (fib(1) == 1);
+ok (fib(2) == 1);
+ok (fib(3) == 2);
+ok (fib(4) == 3);
+ok (fib(5) == 5);
+ok (fib(6) == 8);
+# GMP::Mpz::fib2
+{ my ($a, $b) = fib2(0); ok($a==0); ok($b==1); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = fib2(1); ok($a==1); ok($b==0); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = fib2(2); ok($a==1); ok($b==1); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = fib2(3); ok($a==2); ok($b==1); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = fib2(4); ok($a==3); ok($b==2); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = fib2(5); ok($a==5); ok($b==3); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = fib2(6); ok($a==8); ok($b==5); }
+# GMP::Mpz::gcd
+ok (gcd (21) == 21);
+ok (gcd (21,15) == 3);
+ok (gcd (21,15,30,57) == 3);
+ok (gcd (21,-15) == 3);
+ok (gcd (-21,15) == 3);
+ok (gcd (-21,-15) == 3);
+# GMP::Mpz::gcdext
+ my ($g, $x, $y) = gcdext (3,5);
+ ok ($g == 1);
+ ok ($x == 2);
+ ok ($y == -1);
+# GMP::Mpz::hamdist
+ok (hamdist(5,7) == 1);
+# GMP::Mpz::import
+{ my $z = mpz_import (1, 2, 1, 0, 'abcd');
+ ok ($z == 0x61626364); }
+{ my $z = mpz_import (-1, 2, 1, 0, 'abcd');
+ ok ($z == 0x63646162); }
+{ my $z = mpz_import (1, 2, -1, 0, 'abcd');
+ ok ($z == 0x62616463); }
+{ my $z = mpz_import (-1, 2, -1, 0, 'abcd');
+ ok ($z == 0x64636261); }
+# GMP::Mpz::invert
+ok (invert(1,123) == 1);
+ok (invert(6,7) == 6);
+ok (! defined invert(2,8));
+# GMP::Mpz::jacobi, GMP::Mpz::kronecker
+foreach my $i ([ 1, 19, 1 ],
+ [ 4, 19, 1 ],
+ [ 5, 19, 1 ],
+ [ 6, 19, 1 ],
+ [ 7, 19, 1 ],
+ [ 9, 19, 1 ],
+ [ 11, 19, 1 ],
+ [ 16, 19, 1 ],
+ [ 17, 19, 1 ],
+ [ 2, 19, -1 ],
+ [ 3, 19, -1 ],
+ [ 8, 19, -1 ],
+ [ 10, 19, -1 ],
+ [ 12, 19, -1 ],
+ [ 13, 19, -1 ],
+ [ 14, 19, -1 ],
+ [ 15, 19, -1 ],
+ [ 18, 19, -1 ]) {
+ foreach my $fun (\&jacobi, \&kronecker) {
+ ok (&$fun ($$i[0], $$i[1]) == $$i[2]);
+ ok (&$fun ($$i[0], str($$i[1])) == $$i[2]);
+ ok (&$fun (str($$i[0]), $$i[1]) == $$i[2]);
+ ok (&$fun (str($$i[0]), str($$i[1])) == $$i[2]);
+ ok (&$fun ($$i[0], mpz($$i[1])) == $$i[2]);
+ ok (&$fun (mpz($$i[0]), $$i[1]) == $$i[2]);
+ ok (&$fun (mpz($$i[0]), mpz($$i[1])) == $$i[2]);
+ }
+# GMP::Mpz::lcm
+ok (lcm (2) == 2);
+ok (lcm (0) == 0);
+ok (lcm (0,0) == 0);
+ok (lcm (0,0,0) == 0);
+ok (lcm (0,0,0,0) == 0);
+ok (lcm (2,0) == 0);
+ok (lcm (-2,0) == 0);
+ok (lcm (2,3) == 6);
+ok (lcm (2,3,4) == 12);
+ok (lcm (2,-3) == 6);
+ok (lcm (-2,3) == 6);
+ok (lcm (-2,-3) == 6);
+ok (lcm (mpz(2)**512,1) == mpz(2)**512);
+ok (lcm (mpz(2)**512,-1) == mpz(2)**512);
+ok (lcm (-mpz(2)**512,1) == mpz(2)**512);
+ok (lcm (-mpz(2)**512,-1) == mpz(2)**512);
+ok (lcm (mpz(2)**512,mpz(2)**512) == mpz(2)**512);
+ok (lcm (mpz(2)**512,-mpz(2)**512) == mpz(2)**512);
+ok (lcm (-mpz(2)**512,mpz(2)**512) == mpz(2)**512);
+ok (lcm (-mpz(2)**512,-mpz(2)**512) == mpz(2)**512);
+# GMP::Mpz::lucnum
+ok (lucnum(0) == 2);
+ok (lucnum(1) == 1);
+ok (lucnum(2) == 3);
+ok (lucnum(3) == 4);
+ok (lucnum(4) == 7);
+ok (lucnum(5) == 11);
+ok (lucnum(6) == 18);
+# GMP::Mpz::lucnum2
+{ my ($a, $b) = lucnum2(0); ok($a==2); ok($b==-1); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = lucnum2(1); ok($a==1); ok($b==2); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = lucnum2(2); ok($a==3); ok($b==1); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = lucnum2(3); ok($a==4); ok($b==3); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = lucnum2(4); ok($a==7); ok($b==4); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = lucnum2(5); ok($a==11); ok($b==7); }
+{ my ($a, $b) = lucnum2(6); ok($a==18); ok($b==11); }
+# GMP::Mpz::nextprime
+ok (nextprime(2) == 3);
+ok (nextprime(3) == 5);
+ok (nextprime(5) == 7);
+ok (nextprime(7) == 11);
+ok (nextprime(11) == 13);
+# GMP::Mpz::perfect_power_p
+# ok ( perfect_power_p(mpz(-27)));
+# ok (! perfect_power_p(mpz(-9)));
+# ok (! perfect_power_p(mpz(-1)));
+ok ( perfect_power_p(mpz(0)));
+ok ( perfect_power_p(mpz(1)));
+ok (! perfect_power_p(mpz(2)));
+ok (! perfect_power_p(mpz(3)));
+ok ( perfect_power_p(mpz(4)));
+ok ( perfect_power_p(mpz(9)));
+ok ( perfect_power_p(mpz(27)));
+ok ( perfect_power_p(mpz(81)));
+# GMP::Mpz::perfect_square_p
+ok (! perfect_square_p(mpz(-9)));
+ok (! perfect_square_p(mpz(-1)));
+ok ( perfect_square_p(mpz(0)));
+ok ( perfect_square_p(mpz(1)));
+ok (! perfect_square_p(mpz(2)));
+ok (! perfect_square_p(mpz(3)));
+ok ( perfect_square_p(mpz(4)));
+ok ( perfect_square_p(mpz(9)));
+ok (! perfect_square_p(mpz(27)));
+ok ( perfect_square_p(mpz(81)));
+# GMP::Mpz::popcount
+ok (popcount(7) == 3);
+# GMP::Mpz::powm
+ok (powm (3,2,8) == 1);
+# GMP::Mpz::probab_prime_p
+ok ( probab_prime_p(89,1));
+ok (! probab_prime_p(81,1));
+# GMP::Mpz::realloc
+{ my $z = mpz(123);
+ realloc ($z, 512); }
+# GMP::Mpz::remove
+ my ($rem, $mult);
+ ($rem, $mult) = remove(12,3);
+ ok ($rem == 4);
+ ok ($mult == 1);
+ ($rem, $mult) = remove(12,2);
+ ok ($rem == 3);
+ ok ($mult == 2);
+# GMP::Mpz::root
+ok (root(0,2) == 0);
+ok (root(8,3) == 2);
+ok (root(-8,3) == -2);
+ok (root(81,4) == 3);
+ok (root(243,5) == 3);
+# GMP::Mpz::roote
+{ my ($r,$e);
+ ($r, $e) = roote(0,2);
+ ok ($r == 0);
+ ok ($e);
+ ($r, $e) = roote(81,4);
+ ok ($r == 3);
+ ok ($e);
+ ($r, $e) = roote(85,4);
+ ok ($r == 3);
+ ok (! $e);
+# GMP::Mpz::rootrem
+{ my ($root, $rem) = rootrem (mpz(0), 1);
+ ok ($root == 0); ok ($rem == 0); }
+{ my ($root, $rem) = rootrem (mpz(0), 2);
+ ok ($root == 0); ok ($rem == 0); }
+{ my ($root, $rem) = rootrem (mpz(64), 2);
+ ok ($root == 8); ok ($rem == 0); }
+{ my ($root, $rem) = rootrem (mpz(64), 3);
+ ok ($root == 4); ok ($rem == 0); }
+{ my ($root, $rem) = rootrem (mpz(65), 3);
+ ok ($root == 4); ok ($rem == 1); }
+# GMP::Mpz::scan0
+ok (scan0 (0, 0) == 0);
+ok (scan0 (1, 0) == 1);
+ok (scan0 (3, 0) == 2);
+ok (scan0 (-1, 0) == ~0);
+ok (scan0 (-2, 1) == ~0);
+# GMP::Mpz::scan1
+ok (scan1 (1, 0) == 0);
+ok (scan1 (2, 0) == 1);
+ok (scan1 (4, 0) == 2);
+ok (scan1 (0, 0) == ~0);
+ok (scan1 (3, 2) == ~0);
+# GMP::Mpz::setbit
+{ my $a = mpz(3); setbit ($a, 1); ok ($a == 3); }
+{ my $a = mpz(3); setbit ($a, 2); ok ($a == 7); }
+{ my $a = 3; setbit ($a, 1); ok ($a == 3); }
+{ my $a = 3; setbit ($a, 2); ok ($a == 7); }
+# mutate only given variable
+{ my $a = mpz(0);
+ my $b = $a;
+ setbit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 1);
+ ok ($b == 0);
+{ my $a = 0;
+ my $b = $a;
+ setbit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 1);
+ ok ($b == 0);
+{ tie my $a, 'Mytie', mpz(3);
+ setbit ($a, 2);
+ ok ($Mytie::fetched > 0); # used fetch
+ ok ($Mytie::stored > 0); # used store
+ ok ($a == 7); # expected result
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz"));
+ ok (tied($a)); # still tied
+{ tie my $a, 'Mytie', 3;
+ setbit ($a, 2);
+ ok ($Mytie::fetched > 0); # used fetch
+ ok ($Mytie::stored > 0); # used store
+ ok ($a == 7); # expected result
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"GMP::Mpz"));
+ ok (tied($a)); # still tied
+{ my $b = mpz(2);
+ tie my $a, 'Mytie', $b;
+ setbit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 3);
+ ok ($b == 2);
+ ok (tied($a));
+{ my $b = 2;
+ tie my $a, 'Mytie', $b;
+ setbit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 3);
+ ok ($b == 2);
+ ok (tied($a));
+# GMP::Mpz::sizeinbase
+ok (sizeinbase(1,10) == 1);
+ok (sizeinbase(100,10) == 3);
+ok (sizeinbase(9999,10) == 5);
+# GMP::Mpz::sqrtrem
+ my ($root, $rem) = sqrtrem(mpz(0));
+ ok ($root == 0);
+ ok ($rem == 0);
+ my ($root, $rem) = sqrtrem(mpz(1));
+ ok ($root == 1);
+ ok ($rem == 0);
+ my ($root, $rem) = sqrtrem(mpz(2));
+ ok ($root == 1);
+ ok ($rem == 1);
+ my ($root, $rem) = sqrtrem(mpz(9));
+ ok ($root == 3);
+ ok ($rem == 0);
+ my ($root, $rem) = sqrtrem(mpz(35));
+ ok ($root == 5);
+ ok ($rem == 10);
+ my ($root, $rem) = sqrtrem(mpz(0));
+ ok ($root == 0);
+ ok ($rem == 0);
+# GMP::Mpz::tdiv
+{ my ($q, $r);
+ ($q, $r) = tdiv (16, 3);
+ ok ($q == 5);
+ ok ($r == 1);
+ ($q, $r) = tdiv (16, -3);
+ ok ($q == -5);
+ ok ($r == 1);
+ ($q, $r) = tdiv (-16, 3);
+ ok ($q == -5);
+ ok ($r == -1);
+ ($q, $r) = tdiv (-16, -3);
+ ok ($q == 5);
+ ok ($r == -1);
+# GMP::Mpz::tdiv_2exp
+{ my ($q, $r);
+ ($q, $r) = tdiv_2exp (23, 2);
+ ok ($q == 5);
+ ok ($r == 3);
+ ($q, $r) = tdiv_2exp (-23, 2);
+ ok ($q == -5);
+ ok ($r == -3);
+# GMP::Mpz::tstbit
+ok (tstbit (6, 0) == 0);
+ok (tstbit (6, 1) == 1);
+ok (tstbit (6, 2) == 1);
+ok (tstbit (6, 3) == 0);
+# GMP::Mpq
+# GMP::Mpq::new
+ok (mpq(0) == 0);
+ok (mpq('0') == 0);
+ok (mpq(substr('101',1,1)) == 0);
+ok (mpq(0.0) == 0);
+ok (mpq(mpz(0)) == 0);
+ok (mpq(mpq(0)) == 0);
+ok (mpq(mpf(0)) == 0);
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', 0; ok (mpq($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', '0'; ok (mpq($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', substr('101',1,1); ok (mpq($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', 0.0; ok (mpq($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpz(0); ok (mpq($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpq(0); ok (mpq($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpf(0); ok (mpq($t) == 0); }
+ok (mpq(-123) == -123);
+ok (mpq('-123') == -123);
+ok (mpq(substr('1-1231',1,4)) == -123);
+ok (mpq(-123.0) == -123);
+ok (mpq(mpz(-123)) == -123);
+ok (mpq(mpq(-123)) == -123);
+ok (mpq(mpf(-123)) == -123);
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', -123; ok (mpq($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', '-123'; ok (mpq($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', substr('1-1231',1,4); ok (mpq($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', -123.0; ok (mpq($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpz(-123); ok (mpq($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpq(-123); ok (mpq($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpf(-123); ok (mpq($t) == -123); }
+ok (mpq($ivnv_2p128) == $str_2p128);
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $ivnv_2p128; ok (mpq($t) == $str_2p128); }
+ok (mpq('3/2') == mpq(3,2));
+ok (mpq('3/1') == mpq(3,1));
+ok (mpq('-3/2') == mpq(-3,2));
+ok (mpq('-3/1') == mpq(-3,1));
+ok (mpq('0x3') == mpq(3,1));
+ok (mpq('0b111') == mpq(7,1));
+ok (mpq('0b0') == mpq(0,1));
+ok (mpq($uv_max) > 0);
+ok (mpq($uv_max) == mpq($uv_max_str));
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $uv_max; ok (mpq($t) > 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $uv_max; ok (mpq($t) == mpq($uv_max_str)); }
+{ my $x = 123.5;
+ kill (0, $x);
+ ok (mpq($x) == 123.5);
+ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $x;
+ ok (mpq($t) == 123.5);
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_abs
+ok (abs(mpq(0)) == 0);
+ok (abs(mpq(123)) == 123);
+ok (abs(mpq(-123)) == 123);
+{ my $x = mpq(-123); $x = abs($x); ok ($x == 123); }
+{ my $x = mpq(0); $x = abs($x); ok ($x == 0); }
+{ my $x = mpq(123); $x = abs($x); ok ($x == 123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpq(0); ok (abs($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpq(123); ok (abs($t) == 123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpq(-123); ok (abs($t) == 123); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_add
+ok (mpq(0) + 1 == 1);
+ok (mpq(-1) + 1 == 0);
+ok (1 + mpq(0) == 1);
+ok (1 + mpq(-1) == 0);
+ok (mpq(1,2)+mpq(1,3) == mpq(5,6));
+ok (mpq(1,2)+mpq(-1,3) == mpq(1,6));
+ok (mpq(-1,2)+mpq(1,3) == mpq(-1,6));
+ok (mpq(-1,2)+mpq(-1,3) == mpq(-5,6));
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_addeq
+{ my $a = mpq(7); $a += 1; ok ($a == 8); }
+{ my $a = mpq(7); my $b = $a; $a += 1; ok ($a == 8); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_bool
+if (mpq(0)) { ok (0); } else { ok (1); }
+if (mpq(123)) { ok (1); } else { ok (0); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_dec
+{ my $a = mpq(0); ok ($a-- == 0); ok ($a == -1); }
+{ my $a = mpq(0); ok (--$a == -1); }
+{ my $a = mpq(0); my $b = $a; $a--; ok ($a == -1); ok ($b == 0); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_div
+ok (mpq(6) / 2 == 3);
+ok (mpq(-6) / 2 == -3);
+ok (mpq(6) / -2 == -3);
+ok (mpq(-6) / -2 == 3);
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_diveq
+{ my $a = mpq(21); $a /= 3; ok ($a == 7); }
+{ my $a = mpq(21); my $b = $a; $a /= 3; ok ($a == 7); ok ($b == 21); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_eq
+{ my $a = mpq(0);
+ my $b = $a;
+ $a = mpq(1);
+ ok ($a == 1);
+ ok ($b == 0); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_inc
+{ my $a = mpq(0); ok ($a++ == 0); ok ($a == 1); }
+{ my $a = mpq(0); ok (++$a == 1); }
+{ my $a = mpq(0); my $b = $a; $a++; ok ($a == 1); ok ($b == 0); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_lshift
+{ my $a = mpq(7) << 1; ok ($a == 14); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_lshifteq
+{ my $a = mpq(7); $a <<= 1; ok ($a == 14); }
+{ my $a = mpq(7); my $b = $a; $a <<= 1; ok ($a == 14); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_mul
+ok (mpq(2) * 3 == 6);
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_muleq
+{ my $a = mpq(7); $a *= 3; ok ($a == 21); }
+{ my $a = mpq(7); my $b = $a; $a *= 3; ok ($a == 21); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_neg
+ok (- mpq(0) == 0);
+ok (- mpq(123) == -123);
+ok (- mpq(-123) == 123);
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_not
+if (not mpq(0)) { ok (1); } else { ok (0); }
+if (not mpq(123)) { ok (0); } else { ok (1); }
+ok ((! mpq(0)) == 1);
+ok ((! mpq(123)) == 0);
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_pow
+ok (mpq(0) ** 1 == 0);
+ok (mpq(1) ** 1 == 1);
+ok (mpq(2) ** 0 == 1);
+ok (mpq(2) ** 1 == 2);
+ok (mpq(2) ** 2 == 4);
+ok (mpq(2) ** 3 == 8);
+ok (mpq(2) ** 4 == 16);
+ok (mpq(0) ** mpq(1) == 0);
+ok (mpq(1) ** mpq(1) == 1);
+ok (mpq(2) ** mpq(0) == 1);
+ok (mpq(2) ** mpq(1) == 2);
+ok (mpq(2) ** mpq(2) == 4);
+ok (mpq(2) ** mpq(3) == 8);
+ok (mpq(2) ** mpq(4) == 16);
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_poweq
+{ my $a = mpq(3); $a **= 4; ok ($a == 81); }
+{ my $a = mpq(3); my $b = $a; $a **= 4; ok ($a == 81); ok ($b == 3); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_rshift
+{ my $a = mpq(32) >> 1; ok ($a == 16); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_rshifteq
+{ my $a = mpq(32); $a >>= 1; ok ($a == 16); }
+{ my $a = mpq(32); my $b = $a; $a >>= 1; ok ($a == 16); ok ($b == 32); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_spaceship
+ok (mpq(0) < 1);
+ok (mpq(0) > -1);
+ok (mpq(0) != 1);
+ok (mpq(0) != -1);
+ok (mpq(1) != 0);
+ok (mpq(1) != -1);
+ok (mpq(-1) != 0);
+ok (mpq(-1) != 1);
+ok (mpq(3,2) > 1);
+ok (mpq(3,2) < 2);
+ok (mpq(0) < 1.0);
+ok (mpq(0) < '1');
+ok (mpq(0) < substr('-1',1,1));
+ok (mpq(0) < mpz(1));
+ok (mpq(0) < mpq(1));
+ok (mpq(0) < mpf(1));
+ok (mpq(0) < $uv_max);
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_string
+{ my $x = mpq(0); ok("$x" eq "0"); }
+{ my $x = mpq(123); ok("$x" eq "123"); }
+{ my $x = mpq(-123); ok("$x" eq "-123"); }
+{ my $q = mpq(5,7); ok("$q" eq "5/7"); }
+{ my $q = mpq(-5,7); ok("$q" eq "-5/7"); }
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_sub
+ok (mpq(0) - 1 == -1);
+ok (mpq(1) - 1 == 0);
+ok (1 - mpq(0) == 1);
+ok (1 - mpq(1) == 0);
+ok (mpq(1,2)-mpq(1,3) == mpq(1,6));
+ok (mpq(1,2)-mpq(-1,3) == mpq(5,6));
+ok (mpq(-1,2)-mpq(1,3) == mpq(-5,6));
+ok (mpq(-1,2)-mpq(-1,3) == mpq(-1,6));
+# GMP::Mpq::overload_subeq
+{ my $a = mpq(7); $a -= 1; ok ($a == 6); }
+{ my $a = mpq(7); my $b = $a; $a -= 1; ok ($a == 6); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpq::canonicalize
+{ my $q = mpq(21,15); canonicalize($q);
+ ok (num($q) == 7);
+ ok (den($q) == 5);
+# GMP::Mpq::den
+{ my $q = mpq(5,9); ok (den($q) == 9); }
+# GMP::Mpq::num
+{ my $q = mpq(5,9); ok (num($q) == 5); }
+# GMP::Mpf
+# GMP::Mpf::new
+ok (mpf(0) == 0);
+ok (mpf('0') == 0);
+ok (mpf(substr('101',1,1)) == 0);
+ok (mpf(0.0) == 0);
+ok (mpf(mpz(0)) == 0);
+ok (mpf(mpq(0)) == 0);
+ok (mpf(mpf(0)) == 0);
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', 0; ok (mpf($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', '0'; ok (mpf($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', substr('101',1,1); ok (mpf($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', 0.0; ok (mpf($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpz(0); ok (mpf($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpq(0); ok (mpf($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpf(0); ok (mpf($t) == 0); }
+ok (mpf(-123) == -123);
+ok (mpf('-123') == -123);
+ok (mpf(substr('1-1231',1,4)) == -123);
+ok (mpf(-123.0) == -123);
+ok (mpf(mpz(-123)) == -123);
+ok (mpf(mpq(-123)) == -123);
+ok (mpf(mpf(-123)) == -123);
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', -123; ok (mpf($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', '-123'; ok (mpf($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', substr('1-1231',1,4); ok (mpf($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', -123.0; ok (mpf($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpz(-123); ok (mpf($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpq(-123); ok (mpf($t) == -123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpf(-123); ok (mpf($t) == -123); }
+ok (mpf($ivnv_2p128) == $str_2p128);
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $ivnv_2p128; ok (mpf($t) == $str_2p128); }
+ok (mpf(-1.5) == -1.5);
+ok (mpf(-1.0) == -1.0);
+ok (mpf(-0.5) == -0.5);
+ok (mpf(0) == 0);
+ok (mpf(0.5) == 0.5);
+ok (mpf(1.0) == 1.0);
+ok (mpf(1.5) == 1.5);
+ok (mpf("-1.5") == -1.5);
+ok (mpf("-1.0") == -1.0);
+ok (mpf("-0.5") == -0.5);
+ok (mpf("0") == 0);
+ok (mpf("0.5") == 0.5);
+ok (mpf("1.0") == 1.0);
+ok (mpf("1.5") == 1.5);
+ok (mpf($uv_max) > 0);
+ok (mpf($uv_max) == mpf($uv_max_str));
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $uv_max; ok (mpf($t) > 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $uv_max; ok (mpf($t) == mpf($uv_max_str)); }
+{ my $x = 123.5;
+ kill (0, $x);
+ ok (mpf($x) == 123.5);
+ tie my $t, 'Mytie', $x;
+ ok (mpf($t) == 123.5);
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_abs
+ok (abs(mpf(0)) == 0);
+ok (abs(mpf(123)) == 123);
+ok (abs(mpf(-123)) == 123);
+{ my $x = mpf(-123); $x = abs($x); ok ($x == 123); }
+{ my $x = mpf(0); $x = abs($x); ok ($x == 0); }
+{ my $x = mpf(123); $x = abs($x); ok ($x == 123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpf(0); ok (abs($t) == 0); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpf(123); ok (abs($t) == 123); }
+{ tie my $t, 'Mytie', mpf(-123); ok (abs($t) == 123); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_add
+ok (mpf(0) + 1 == 1);
+ok (mpf(-1) + 1 == 0);
+ok (1 + mpf(0) == 1);
+ok (1 + mpf(-1) == 0);
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_addeq
+{ my $a = mpf(7); $a += 1; ok ($a == 8); }
+{ my $a = mpf(7); my $b = $a; $a += 1; ok ($a == 8); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_bool
+if (mpf(0)) { ok (0); } else { ok (1); }
+if (mpf(123)) { ok (1); } else { ok (0); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_dec
+{ my $a = mpf(0); ok ($a-- == 0); ok ($a == -1); }
+{ my $a = mpf(0); ok (--$a == -1); }
+{ my $a = mpf(0); my $b = $a; $a--; ok ($a == -1); ok ($b == 0); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_div
+ok (mpf(6) / 2 == 3);
+ok (mpf(-6) / 2 == -3);
+ok (mpf(6) / -2 == -3);
+ok (mpf(-6) / -2 == 3);
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_diveq
+{ my $a = mpf(21); $a /= 3; ok ($a == 7); }
+{ my $a = mpf(21); my $b = $a; $a /= 3; ok ($a == 7); ok ($b == 21); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_eq
+{ my $a = mpf(0);
+ my $b = $a;
+ $a = mpf(1);
+ ok ($a == 1);
+ ok ($b == 0); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_inc
+{ my $a = mpf(0); ok ($a++ == 0); ok ($a == 1); }
+{ my $a = mpf(0); ok (++$a == 1); }
+{ my $a = mpf(0); my $b = $a; $a++; ok ($a == 1); ok ($b == 0); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_lshift
+{ my $a = mpf(7) << 1; ok ($a == 14); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_lshifteq
+{ my $a = mpf(7); $a <<= 1; ok ($a == 14); }
+{ my $a = mpf(7); my $b = $a; $a <<= 1; ok ($a == 14); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_mul
+ok (mpf(2) * 3 == 6);
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_muleq
+{ my $a = mpf(7); $a *= 3; ok ($a == 21); }
+{ my $a = mpf(7); my $b = $a; $a *= 3; ok ($a == 21); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_neg
+ok (- mpf(0) == 0);
+ok (- mpf(123) == -123);
+ok (- mpf(-123) == 123);
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_not
+if (not mpf(0)) { ok (1); } else { ok (0); }
+if (not mpf(123)) { ok (0); } else { ok (1); }
+ok ((! mpf(0)) == 1);
+ok ((! mpf(123)) == 0);
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_pow
+ok (mpf(0) ** 1 == 0);
+ok (mpf(1) ** 1 == 1);
+ok (mpf(2) ** 0 == 1);
+ok (mpf(2) ** 1 == 2);
+ok (mpf(2) ** 2 == 4);
+ok (mpf(2) ** 3 == 8);
+ok (mpf(2) ** 4 == 16);
+ok (mpf(0) ** mpf(1) == 0);
+ok (mpf(1) ** mpf(1) == 1);
+ok (mpf(2) ** mpf(0) == 1);
+ok (mpf(2) ** mpf(1) == 2);
+ok (mpf(2) ** mpf(2) == 4);
+ok (mpf(2) ** mpf(3) == 8);
+ok (mpf(2) ** mpf(4) == 16);
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_poweq
+{ my $a = mpf(3); $a **= 4; ok ($a == 81); }
+{ my $a = mpf(3); my $b = $a; $a **= 4; ok ($a == 81); ok ($b == 3); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_rshift
+{ my $a = mpf(32) >> 1; ok ($a == 16); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_rshifteq
+{ my $a = mpf(32); $a >>= 1; ok ($a == 16); }
+{ my $a = mpf(32); my $b = $a; $a >>= 1; ok ($a == 16); ok ($b == 32); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_sqrt
+ok (sqrt(mpf(0)) == 0);
+ok (sqrt(mpf(1)) == 1);
+ok (sqrt(mpf(4)) == 2);
+ok (sqrt(mpf(81)) == 9);
+ok (sqrt(mpf(0.25)) == 0.5);
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_spaceship
+ok (mpf(0) < 1);
+ok (mpf(0) > -1);
+ok (mpf(0) != 1);
+ok (mpf(0) != -1);
+ok (mpf(1) != 0);
+ok (mpf(1) != -1);
+ok (mpf(-1) != 0);
+ok (mpf(-1) != 1);
+ok (mpf(0) < 1.0);
+ok (mpf(0) < '1');
+ok (mpf(0) < substr('-1',1,1));
+ok (mpf(0) < mpz(1));
+ok (mpf(0) < mpq(1));
+ok (mpf(0) < mpf(1));
+ok (mpf(0) < $uv_max);
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_string
+{ my $x = mpf(0); ok ("$x" eq "0"); }
+{ my $x = mpf(123); ok ("$x" eq "123"); }
+{ my $x = mpf(-123); ok ("$x" eq "-123"); }
+{ my $f = mpf(0.25); ok ("$f" eq "0.25"); }
+{ my $f = mpf(-0.25); ok ("$f" eq "-0.25"); }
+{ my $f = mpf(1.25); ok ("$f" eq "1.25"); }
+{ my $f = mpf(-1.25); ok ("$f" eq "-1.25"); }
+{ my $f = mpf(1000000); ok ("$f" eq "1000000"); }
+{ my $f = mpf(-1000000); ok ("$f" eq "-1000000"); }
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_sub
+ok (mpf(0) - 1 == -1);
+ok (mpf(1) - 1 == 0);
+ok (1 - mpf(0) == 1);
+ok (1 - mpf(1) == 0);
+# GMP::Mpf::overload_subeq
+{ my $a = mpf(7); $a -= 1; ok ($a == 6); }
+{ my $a = mpf(7); my $b = $a; $a -= 1; ok ($a == 6); ok ($b == 7); }
+# GMP::Mpf::ceil
+ok (ceil (mpf(-7.5)) == -7.0);
+ok (ceil (mpf(7.5)) == 8.0);
+# GMP::Mpf::floor
+ok (floor(mpf(-7.5)) == -8.0);
+ok (floor(mpf(7.5)) == 7.0);
+# GMP::Mpf::mpf_eq
+{ my $old_prec = get_default_prec();
+ set_default_prec(128);
+ ok ( mpf_eq (mpz("0x10000000000000001"), mpz("0x10000000000000002"), 1));
+ ok (! mpf_eq (mpz("0x11"), mpz("0x12"), 128));
+ set_default_prec($old_prec);
+# GMP::Mpf::get_default_prec
+# GMP::Mpf::get_prec
+{ my $x = mpf(1.0, 512);
+ ok (get_prec ($x) == 512);
+# GMP::Mpf::reldiff
+ok (reldiff (2,4) == 1);
+ok (reldiff (4,2) == 0.5);
+# GMP::Mpf::set_default_prec
+{ my $old_prec = get_default_prec();
+ set_default_prec(512);
+ ok (get_default_prec () == 512);
+ set_default_prec($old_prec);
+# GMP::Mpf::set_prec
+{ my $x = mpf(1.0, 512);
+ my $y = $x;
+ set_prec ($x, 1024);
+ ok (get_prec ($x) == 1024);
+ ok (get_prec ($y) == 512);
+# GMP::Mpf::trunc
+ok (trunc(mpf(-7.5)) == -7.0);
+ok (trunc(mpf(7.5)) == 7.0);
+# GMP::Rand
+# GMP::Rand::new
+{ my $r = randstate(); ok (defined $r); }
+{ my $r = randstate('lc_2exp', 1, 2, 3); ok (defined $r); }
+{ my $r = randstate('lc_2exp_size', 64); ok (defined $r); }
+{ my $r = randstate('lc_2exp_size', 999999999); ok (! defined $r); }
+{ my $r = randstate('mt'); ok (defined $r); }
+{ # copying a randstate results in same sequence
+ my $r1 = randstate('lc_2exp_size', 64);
+ $r1->seed(123);
+ my $r2 = randstate($r1);
+ for (1 .. 20) {
+ my $z1 = mpz_urandomb($r1, 20);
+ my $z2 = mpz_urandomb($r2, 20);
+ ok ($z1 == $z2);
+ }
+# GMP::Rand::seed
+{ my $r = randstate();
+ $r->seed(123);
+ $r->seed(time());
+# GMP::Rand::mpf_urandomb
+{ my $r = randstate();
+ my $f = mpf_urandomb($r,1024);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($f,"GMP::Mpf")); }
+# GMP::Rand::mpz_urandomb
+{ my $r = randstate();
+ my $z = mpz_urandomb($r, 1024);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($z,"GMP::Mpz")); }
+# GMP::Rand::mpz_rrandomb
+{ my $r = randstate();
+ my $z = mpz_rrandomb($r, 1024);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($z,"GMP::Mpz")); }
+# GMP::Rand::mpz_urandomm
+{ my $r = randstate();
+ my $z = mpz_urandomm($r, mpz(3)**100);
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($z,"GMP::Mpz")); }
+# GMP::Rand::mpz_urandomb_ui
+{ my $r = randstate();
+ foreach (1 .. 20) {
+ my $u = gmp_urandomb_ui($r,8);
+ ok ($u >= 0);
+ ok ($u < 256);
+ }
+# GMP::Rand::mpz_urandomm_ui
+{ my $r = randstate();
+ foreach (1 .. 20) {
+ my $u = gmp_urandomm_ui($r,8);
+ ok ($u >= 0);
+ ok ($u < 8);
+ }
+# GMP module
+# GMP::fits_slong_p
+ok (GMP::fits_slong_p(0));
+# in perl 5.005 uv_max is only 32-bits on a 64-bit system, so won't exceed a
+# long
+# ok (! GMP::fits_slong_p($uv_max));
+ok (GMP::fits_slong_p(0.0));
+ok (GMP::fits_slong_p('0'));
+ok (GMP::fits_slong_p(substr('999999999999999999999999999999',1,1)));
+ok (! mpz("-9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999")->fits_slong_p());
+ok ( mpz(-123)->fits_slong_p());
+ok ( mpz(0)->fits_slong_p());
+ok ( mpz(123)->fits_slong_p());
+ok (! mpz("9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999")->fits_slong_p());
+ok (! mpq("-9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999")->fits_slong_p());
+ok ( mpq(-123)->fits_slong_p());
+ok ( mpq(0)->fits_slong_p());
+ok ( mpq(123)->fits_slong_p());
+ok (! mpq("9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999")->fits_slong_p());
+ok (! mpf("-9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999")->fits_slong_p());
+ok ( mpf(-123)->fits_slong_p());
+ok ( mpf(0)->fits_slong_p());
+ok ( mpf(123)->fits_slong_p());
+ok (! mpf("9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999")->fits_slong_p());
+# GMP::get_d
+ok (GMP::get_d(123) == 123.0);
+ok (GMP::get_d($uv_max) > 0);
+ok (GMP::get_d(123.0) == 123.0);
+ok (GMP::get_d('123') == 123.0);
+ok (GMP::get_d(mpz(123)) == 123.0);
+ok (GMP::get_d(mpq(123)) == 123.0);
+ok (GMP::get_d(mpf(123)) == 123.0);
+# GMP::get_d_2exp
+{ my ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp (0);
+ ok ($dbl == 0); ok ($exp == 0); }
+{ my ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp (1);
+ ok ($dbl == 0.5); ok ($exp == 1); }
+{ my ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp ($uv_max);
+ ok ($dbl > 0.0); ok ($exp > 0); }
+{ my ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp (0.5);
+ ok ($dbl == 0.5); ok ($exp == 0); }
+{ my ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp (0.25);
+ ok ($dbl == 0.5); ok ($exp == -1); }
+{ my ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp ("1.0");
+ ok ($dbl == 0.5); ok ($exp == 1); }
+{ my ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp (mpz ("256"));
+ ok ($dbl == 0.5); ok ($exp == 9); }
+{ my ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp (mpq ("1/16"));
+ ok ($dbl == 0.5); ok ($exp == -3); }
+{ my ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp (mpf ("1.5"));
+ ok ($dbl == 0.75); ok ($exp == 1); }
+{ my ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp (mpf ("3.0"));
+ ok ($dbl == 0.75); ok ($exp == 2); }
+# GMP::get_str
+ok (get_str(-123) eq '-123');
+ok (get_str('-123') eq '-123');
+ok (get_str(substr('x-123x',1,4)) eq '-123');
+ok (get_str(mpz(-123)) eq '-123');
+ok (get_str(mpq(-123)) eq '-123');
+ok (get_str(-123,10) eq '-123');
+ok (get_str('-123',10) eq '-123');
+ok (get_str(substr('x-123x',1,4),10) eq '-123');
+ok (get_str(mpz(-123),10) eq '-123');
+ok (get_str(mpq(-123),10) eq '-123');
+ok (get_str(-123,16) eq '-7b');
+ok (get_str('-123',16) eq '-7b');
+ok (get_str(substr('x-123x',1,4),16) eq '-7b');
+ok (get_str(mpz(-123),16) eq '-7b');
+ok (get_str(mpq(-123),16) eq '-7b');
+ok (get_str(-123,-16) eq '-7B');
+ok (get_str('-123',-16) eq '-7B');
+ok (get_str(substr('x-123x',1,4),-16) eq '-7B');
+ok (get_str(mpz(-123),-16) eq '-7B');
+ok (get_str(mpq(-123),-16) eq '-7B');
+# is a float in past versions of perl without UV type
+{ my ($str, $exp) = get_str($uv_max);
+ ok ($str eq $uv_max_str); }
+ok (get_str(mpq(5/8)) eq "5/8");
+ok (get_str(mpq(-5/8)) eq "-5/8");
+ok (get_str(mpq(255/256),16) eq "ff/100");
+ok (get_str(mpq(255/256),-16) eq "FF/100");
+ok (get_str(mpq(-255/256),16) eq "-ff/100");
+ok (get_str(mpq(-255/256),-16) eq "-FF/100");
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(1.5, 10); ok ($s eq '15'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(mpf(1.5), 10); ok ($s eq '15'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(-1.5, 10); ok ($s eq '-15'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(mpf(-1.5), 10); ok ($s eq '-15'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(1.5, 16); ok ($s eq '18'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(mpf(1.5), 16); ok ($s eq '18'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(-1.5, 16); ok ($s eq '-18'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(mpf(-1.5), 16); ok ($s eq '-18'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(65536.0, 16); ok ($s eq '1'); ok ($e == 5); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(mpf(65536.0), 16); ok ($s eq '1'); ok ($e == 5); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(1.625, 16); ok ($s eq '1a'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(mpf(1.625), 16); ok ($s eq '1a'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(1.625, -16); ok ($s eq '1A'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s,$e) = get_str(mpf(1.625), -16); ok ($s eq '1A'); ok ($e == 1); }
+{ my ($s, $e) = get_str(255.0,16,0); ok ($s eq "ff"); ok ($e == 2); }
+{ my ($s, $e) = get_str(mpf(255.0),16,0); ok ($s eq "ff"); ok ($e == 2); }
+{ my ($s, $e) = get_str(255.0,-16,0); ok ($s eq "FF"); ok ($e == 2); }
+{ my ($s, $e) = get_str(mpf(255.0),-16,0); ok ($s eq "FF"); ok ($e == 2); }
+# GMP::get_si
+ok (GMP::get_si(123) == 123.0);
+# better not assume anything about the relatives sizes of long and UV
+ok (GMP::get_si($uv_max) != 0);
+ok (GMP::get_si(123.0) == 123.0);
+ok (GMP::get_si('123') == 123.0);
+ok (GMP::get_si(mpz(123)) == 123.0);
+ok (GMP::get_si(mpq(123)) == 123.0);
+ok (GMP::get_si(mpf(123)) == 123.0);
+# GMP::integer_p
+ok ( GMP::integer_p (0));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p (123));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p (-123));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p ($uv_max));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p (0.0));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p (123.0));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p (-123.0));
+ok (! GMP::integer_p (0.5));
+ok (! GMP::integer_p (123.5));
+ok (! GMP::integer_p (-123.5));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p ('0'));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p ('123'));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p ('-123'));
+ok (! GMP::integer_p ('0.5'));
+ok (! GMP::integer_p ('123.5'));
+ok (! GMP::integer_p ('-123.5'));
+ok (! GMP::integer_p ('5/8'));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p (mpz(1)));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p (mpq(1)));
+ok (! GMP::integer_p (mpq(1,2)));
+ok ( GMP::integer_p (mpf(1.0)));
+ok (! GMP::integer_p (mpf(1.5)));
+# GMP::odd_p
+ok (! odd_p(0));
+ok ( odd_p(1));
+ok (! odd_p(2));
+ok ( odd_p($uv_max));
+ok ( odd_p(mpz(-3)));
+ok (! odd_p(mpz(-2)));
+ok ( odd_p(mpz(-1)));
+ok (! odd_p(mpz(0)));
+ok ( odd_p(mpz(1)));
+ok (! odd_p(mpz(2)));
+ok ( odd_p(mpz(3)));
+# GMP::printf
+GMP::printf ("hello world\n");
+sub via_printf {
+ my $s;
+ open TEMP, ">test.tmp" or die;
+ GMP::printf TEMP @_;
+ close TEMP or die;
+ open TEMP, "<test.tmp" or die;
+ read (TEMP, $s, 1024);
+ close TEMP or die;
+ unlink 'test.tmp';
+ return $s;
+ok (sprintf ("%d", mpz(123)) eq '123');
+ok (sprintf ("%d %d %d", 456, mpz(123), 789) eq '456 123 789');
+ok (sprintf ("%d", mpq(15,16)) eq '15/16');
+ok (sprintf ("%f", mpf(1.5)) eq '1.500000');
+ok (sprintf ("%.2f", mpf(1.5)) eq '1.50');
+ok (sprintf ("%*d", 6, 123) eq ' 123');
+ok (sprintf ("%*d", 6, mpz(123)) eq ' 123');
+ok (sprintf ("%*d", 6, mpq(15,16)) eq ' 15/16');
+ok (sprintf ("%x", 123) eq '7b');
+ok (sprintf ("%x", mpz(123)) eq '7b');
+ok (sprintf ("%X", 123) eq '7B');
+ok (sprintf ("%X", mpz(123)) eq '7B');
+ok (sprintf ("%#x", 123) eq '0x7b');
+ok (sprintf ("%#x", mpz(123)) eq '0x7b');
+ok (sprintf ("%#X", 123) eq '0X7B');
+ok (sprintf ("%#X", mpz(123)) eq '0X7B');
+ok (sprintf ("%x", mpq(15,16)) eq 'f/10');
+ok (sprintf ("%X", mpq(15,16)) eq 'F/10');
+ok (sprintf ("%#x", mpq(15,16)) eq '0xf/0x10');
+ok (sprintf ("%#X", mpq(15,16)) eq '0XF/0X10');
+ok (sprintf ("%*.*f", 10, 3, 1.25) eq ' 1.250');
+ok (sprintf ("%*.*f", 10, 3, mpf(1.5)) eq ' 1.500');
+ok (via_printf ("%d", mpz(123)) eq '123');
+ok (via_printf ("%d %d %d", 456, mpz(123), 789) eq '456 123 789');
+ok (via_printf ("%d", mpq(15,16)) eq '15/16');
+ok (via_printf ("%f", mpf(1.5)) eq '1.500000');
+ok (via_printf ("%.2f", mpf(1.5)) eq '1.50');
+ok (via_printf ("%*d", 6, 123) eq ' 123');
+ok (via_printf ("%*d", 6, mpz(123)) eq ' 123');
+ok (via_printf ("%*d", 6, mpq(15,16)) eq ' 15/16');
+ok (via_printf ("%x", 123) eq '7b');
+ok (via_printf ("%x", mpz(123)) eq '7b');
+ok (via_printf ("%X", 123) eq '7B');
+ok (via_printf ("%X", mpz(123)) eq '7B');
+ok (via_printf ("%#x", 123) eq '0x7b');
+ok (via_printf ("%#x", mpz(123)) eq '0x7b');
+ok (via_printf ("%#X", 123) eq '0X7B');
+ok (via_printf ("%#X", mpz(123)) eq '0X7B');
+ok (via_printf ("%x", mpq(15,16)) eq 'f/10');
+ok (via_printf ("%X", mpq(15,16)) eq 'F/10');
+ok (via_printf ("%#x", mpq(15,16)) eq '0xf/0x10');
+ok (via_printf ("%#X", mpq(15,16)) eq '0XF/0X10');
+ok (via_printf ("%*.*f", 10, 3, 1.25) eq ' 1.250');
+ok (via_printf ("%*.*f", 10, 3, mpf(1.5)) eq ' 1.500');
+# GMP::sgn
+ok (sgn(-123) == -1);
+ok (sgn(0) == 0);
+ok (sgn(123) == 1);
+ok (sgn($uv_max) == 1);
+ok (sgn(-123.0) == -1);
+ok (sgn(0.0) == 0);
+ok (sgn(123.0) == 1);
+ok (sgn('-123') == -1);
+ok (sgn('0') == 0);
+ok (sgn('123') == 1);
+ok (sgn('-123.0') == -1);
+ok (sgn('0.0') == 0);
+ok (sgn('123.0') == 1);
+ok (sgn(substr('x-123x',1,4)) == -1);
+ok (sgn(substr('x0x',1,1)) == 0);
+ok (sgn(substr('x123x',1,3)) == 1);
+ok (mpz(-123)->sgn() == -1);
+ok (mpz(0) ->sgn() == 0);
+ok (mpz(123) ->sgn() == 1);
+ok (mpq(-123)->sgn() == -1);
+ok (mpq(0) ->sgn() == 0);
+ok (mpq(123) ->sgn() == 1);
+ok (mpf(-123)->sgn() == -1);
+ok (mpf(0) ->sgn() == 0);
+ok (mpf(123) ->sgn() == 1);
+# overloaded constants
+if ($] > 5.00503) {
+ if (! do 'test2.pl') {
+ die "Cannot run test2.pl\n";
+ }
+# $# stuff
+# For some reason "local $#" doesn't leave $# back at its default undefined
+# state when exiting the block.
+{ local $# = 'hi %.0f there';
+ my $f = mpf(123);
+ ok ("$f" eq 'hi 123 there'); }
+# Local variables:
+# perl-indent-level: 2
+# End:
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/test2.pl b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/test2.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a1d6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/test2.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# GMP perl module tests (part 2)
+# Copyright 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+# The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# or
+# * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# or both in parallel, as here.
+# The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+# GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+# see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+# The following uses of :constants seem to provoke segvs in perl 5.005_03,
+# so they're kept separate file to be run only on suitable perl versions.
+use GMP::Mpz qw(:constants);
+ my $a = 123;
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa ($a, "GMP::Mpz"));
+use GMP::Mpz qw(:noconstants);
+use GMP::Mpq qw(:constants);
+ my $a = 123;
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa ($a, "GMP::Mpq"));
+use GMP::Mpq qw(:noconstants);
+use GMP::Mpf qw(:constants);
+ my $a = 123;
+ ok (UNIVERSAL::isa ($a, "GMP::Mpf"));
+use GMP::Mpf qw(:noconstants);
+# compiled constants unchanged by clrbit etc when re-executed
+foreach (0, 1, 2) {
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:constants);
+ my $a = 15;
+ my $b = 6;
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:noconstants);
+ clrbit ($a, 0);
+ ok ($a == 14);
+ setbit ($b, 0);
+ ok ($b == 7);
+# Local variables:
+# perl-indent-level: 2
+# End:
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/typemap b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/typemap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e863a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/typemap
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# GMP module external subroutine type mappings.
+# Copyright 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+# The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# or
+# * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# or both in parallel, as here.
+# The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+# GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+# see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+const_string T_PV
+const_string_assume CONST_STRING_ASSUME
+mpz MPZ
+mpq MPQ
+mpf MPF
+mpz_assume MPZ_ASSUME
+mpq_assume MPQ_ASSUME
+mpf_assume MPF_ASSUME
+mpz_coerce MPZ_COERCE
+mpq_coerce MPQ_COERCE
+mpf_coerce_st0 MPF_COERCE_ST0
+mpf_coerce_def MPF_COERCE_DEF
+randstate RANDSTATE
+ulong_coerce ULONG_COERCE
+malloced_string MALLOCED_STRING
+order_noswap ORDER_NOSWAP
+dummy DUMMY
+# perl 5.005 doesn't have UV in its standard typemap, so use this instead
+gmp_UV GMP_UV
+ class_or_croak ($arg, mpz_class); $var = SvMPZ($arg);
+ class_or_croak ($arg, mpq_class); $var = SvMPQ($arg);
+ class_or_croak ($arg, mpf_class); $var = SvMPF($arg);
+ MPZ_ASSUME ($var, $arg)
+ MPQ_ASSUME ($var, $arg)
+ MPF_ASSUME ($var, $arg)
+ $var = coerce_mpz (tmp_mpz_${(my $stnum=$arg)=~s/[^0-9]//g;\$stnum}, $arg)
+ $var = coerce_mpq (tmp_mpq_${(my $stnum=$arg)=~s/[^0-9]//g;\$stnum}, $arg)
+ /* precision follows ST(0) */
+ assert (sv_derived_from (ST(0), mpf_class));
+ $var = coerce_mpf (tmp_mpf_${(my $stnum=$arg)=~s/[^0-9]//g;\$stnum},
+ $arg, mpf_get_prec (SvMPF(ST(0))))
+ /* default precision used */
+ $var = coerce_mpf (tmp_mpf_${(my $stnum=$arg)=~s/[^0-9]//g;\$stnum},
+ $arg, mpf_get_default_prec())
+ class_or_croak ($arg, rand_class); $var = SvRANDSTATE($arg);
+ $var = coerce_ulong ($arg)
+ assert ($arg != &PL_sv_yes);
+ /* dummy $var */
+ /* No need to check for SvPOKp and use SvPV, this mapping is
+ only used for overload_constant, which always gets literal
+ strings. */
+ assert (SvPOK ($arg));
+ $var = SvPVX ($arg);
+ sv_bless (sv_setref_pv ($arg, NULL, $var), mpz_class_hv);
+ sv_bless (sv_setref_pv ($arg, NULL, $var), mpq_class_hv);
+ sv_bless (sv_setref_pv ($arg, NULL, $var), mpf_class_hv);
+ sv_setref_pv ($arg, rand_class, $var);
+ sv_usepvn_mg ($arg, $var, strlen($var));
+ sv_setuv ($arg, (UV) ($var));