# Custom Mod Messages The website offers support for a variety of variables that can be used in your custom mod messages. Variables can be used with the `${VAR}` syntax. Anyone who has programmed/scripted in a language such as Shell Script should be familiar with this syntax. The following variables are supported: - `H` (Hours) - `M` (Minutes) - `S` (Seconds) - `MS` (Milliseconds) - `PM` (Padded Minutes) - `5` becomes `05`, `18` remains `18` - `PS` (Padded Minutes) - `5` becomes `05`, `18` remains `18` - `1MS` (1 Place Precision Milliseconds) - `.466` becomes `.5`, `.421` becomes `.4` - `2MS` (2 Place Precision Milliseconds) - `.466` becomes `.47`, `.4` becomes `.40` - `3MS` (3 Place Precision Milliseconds) - `.4` becomes `.400` - `TS` (Total Seconds) - `ST` (Start Time) - Represented in seconds - `ET` (End Time) - Represented in seconds - `TT` (Total Time) - In the format `H:MM:SS.xxx` - If the run is less than an hour then hours are not shown - Milliseconds use 3 place precision - If the run is less than a minute, `0` is shown for the minutes - `SF` (Start Frame) - `EF` (End Frame) - `TF` (Total Frames) ## Example Usage Custom mod message: ``` Mod Note: Retimed to ${H}h ${M}m ${S}s ${3MS}ms ``` Output: ``` Mod Note: Retimed to 0h 6m 18s 000ms ``` Custom mod message: ``` Retimed! ${M}'${PS}"${3MS} ``` Output: ``` Retimed! 5'09"167 ``` ## BUGS - Multiline mod notes currently are not supported.