/* Compute the total duration of the run */ function compute() { const fps = parseInt(document.getElementById("framerate").value); const st = document.getElementById("startobj").value; const et = document.getElementById("endobj").value; if (st === undefined || et === undefined || fps === undefined) return; const frames = (et - st) * fps; const s = Math.round(frames / fps * 1000) / 1000; /* Show the time and mod message in the DOM */ const sf = st * fps; const ef = et * fps; const t = time_format(s); const mod_message = `Mod Note: Retimed (Start Frame: ${ sf}, End Frame: ${ef}, FPS: ${fps}, Total Time: ${t})`; document.getElementById("time").value = t; document.getElementById("mod_message").disabled = false; document.getElementById("mod_message").innerText = mod_message; document.getElementById("mod_message_button").disabled = false; } /* Convert seconds to human readable time */ function time_format(t) { const h = ~~(t / 3600); const m = ~~((t % 3600) / 60); const s = ~~t % 60; let ret = ""; if (h > 0) ret += h + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" : ""); ret += m + ":" + (s < 10 ? "0" : ""); ret += s; /* Milliseconds */ if (t % 1 != 0) ret += "." + t.toFixed(3).split(".")[1]; else ret += ".000"; return ret; } /* Allow user to copy mod message to clipboard */ function copy_mod_message() { const text_area = document.getElementById("mod_message"); text_area.focus(); text_area.select(); document.execCommand("copy"); } /* If framerate is invalid, show an error message and disable start and end * frame fields */ function check_fps(event) { fps = event.target.value; if (fps > 0 && fps % 1 == 0) { document.getElementById("startobj").disabled = false; document.getElementById("endobj").disabled = false; document.getElementById("compute_button").disabled = false; } else { document.getElementById("framerate") .setCustomValidity("Please enter a valid framerate."); document.getElementById("framerate").reportValidity(); document.getElementById("startobj").disabled = true; document.getElementById("endobj").disabled = true; document.getElementById("compute_button").disabled = true; } } /* Get current frame from input field (either start time or end time) */ function parse_time(event) { let inptext_frame = (JSON.parse(event.target.value)).lct; if (inptext_frame !== undefined) { const fps = parseInt( document.getElementById("framerate").value); const frame_from_obj = (t, fps) => Math.floor(t * fps) / fps; const fframe = frame_from_obj(inptext_frame, fps); document.getElementById(event.target.id).value = `${fframe}`; } }