set runtimepath+=contrib " We make use of this feature, so set this in the environment so that all " Ex-calls to templ are aware of this call setenv("TEMPL_EXPERIMENT", "rawgo") function s:SaveExcursion(cmd) let l:win = winsaveview() silent execute "keepjumps %!" .. a:cmd call winrestview(l:win) endfunction autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead */data/mintages/* \ setfiletype mintage autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead */cmd/mfmt/* \ setlocal makeprg=go\ build\ ./cmd/mfmt autocmd FileType go autocmd BufWritePre \ call s:SaveExcursion("gofmt -s") autocmd FileType mintage autocmd BufWritePre \ call s:SaveExcursion("./mfmt") autocmd FileType templ autocmd BufWritePre \ call s:SaveExcursion("templ fmt") nnoremap gM :wall \| make all-i18n nnoremap t :vimgrep /TODO/ **/* let &wildignore = netrw_gitignore#Hide() . ',*_templ.go,.git/*,vendor/*' let g:netrw_list_hide .= ",.*_templ\\.go$"