{ p.T("Select your preferred language to use on the site.") }
If you are an American user, it’s suggested that you select American English instead of British English. This will ensure that dates will be formatted with the month before the day.
package templates import "strings" import "git.thomasvoss.com/euro-cash.eu/i18n" templ Root(head, body templ.Component) { {{ p := ctx.Value(PrinterKey).(i18n.Printer) }}
{ p.T("United in") }
{ p.T("diversity") }
{ p.T("cash") }
{ p.T("Växjö has %d people", 70_489) }
{ p.T("Select your preferred language to use on the site.") }
If you are an American user, it’s suggested that you select American English instead of British English. This will ensure that dates will be formatted with the month before the day.