// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package astutil // This file defines utilities for working with source positions. import ( "fmt" "go/ast" "go/token" "sort" ) // PathEnclosingInterval returns the node that encloses the source // interval [start, end), and all its ancestors up to the AST root. // // The definition of "enclosing" used by this function considers // additional whitespace abutting a node to be enclosed by it. // In this example: // // z := x + y // add them // <-A-> // <----B-----> // // the ast.BinaryExpr(+) node is considered to enclose interval B // even though its [Pos()..End()) is actually only interval A. // This behaviour makes user interfaces more tolerant of imperfect // input. // // This function treats tokens as nodes, though they are not included // in the result. e.g. PathEnclosingInterval("+") returns the // enclosing ast.BinaryExpr("x + y"). // // If start==end, the 1-char interval following start is used instead. // // The 'exact' result is true if the interval contains only path[0] // and perhaps some adjacent whitespace. It is false if the interval // overlaps multiple children of path[0], or if it contains only // interior whitespace of path[0]. // In this example: // // z := x + y // add them // <--C--> <---E--> // ^ // D // // intervals C, D and E are inexact. C is contained by the // z-assignment statement, because it spans three of its children (:=, // x, +). So too is the 1-char interval D, because it contains only // interior whitespace of the assignment. E is considered interior // whitespace of the BlockStmt containing the assignment. // // The resulting path is never empty; it always contains at least the // 'root' *ast.File. Ideally PathEnclosingInterval would reject // intervals that lie wholly or partially outside the range of the // file, but unfortunately ast.File records only the token.Pos of // the 'package' keyword, but not of the start of the file itself. func PathEnclosingInterval(root *ast.File, start, end token.Pos) (path []ast.Node, exact bool) { // fmt.Printf("EnclosingInterval %d %d\n", start, end) // debugging // Precondition: node.[Pos..End) and adjoining whitespace contain [start, end). var visit func(node ast.Node) bool visit = func(node ast.Node) bool { path = append(path, node) nodePos := node.Pos() nodeEnd := node.End() // fmt.Printf("visit(%T, %d, %d)\n", node, nodePos, nodeEnd) // debugging // Intersect [start, end) with interval of node. if start < nodePos { start = nodePos } if end > nodeEnd { end = nodeEnd } // Find sole child that contains [start, end). children := childrenOf(node) l := len(children) for i, child := range children { // [childPos, childEnd) is unaugmented interval of child. childPos := child.Pos() childEnd := child.End() // [augPos, augEnd) is whitespace-augmented interval of child. augPos := childPos augEnd := childEnd if i > 0 { augPos = children[i-1].End() // start of preceding whitespace } if i < l-1 { nextChildPos := children[i+1].Pos() // Does [start, end) lie between child and next child? if start >= augEnd && end <= nextChildPos { return false // inexact match } augEnd = nextChildPos // end of following whitespace } // fmt.Printf("\tchild %d: [%d..%d)\tcontains interval [%d..%d)?\n", // i, augPos, augEnd, start, end) // debugging // Does augmented child strictly contain [start, end)? if augPos <= start && end <= augEnd { if is[tokenNode](child) { return true } // childrenOf elides the FuncType node beneath FuncDecl. // Add it back here for TypeParams, Params, Results, // all FieldLists). But we don't add it back for the "func" token // even though it is is the tree at FuncDecl.Type.Func. if decl, ok := node.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok { if fields, ok := child.(*ast.FieldList); ok && fields != decl.Recv { path = append(path, decl.Type) } } return visit(child) } // Does [start, end) overlap multiple children? // i.e. left-augmented child contains start // but LR-augmented child does not contain end. if start < childEnd && end > augEnd { break } } // No single child contained [start, end), // so node is the result. Is it exact? // (It's tempting to put this condition before the // child loop, but it gives the wrong result in the // case where a node (e.g. ExprStmt) and its sole // child have equal intervals.) if start == nodePos && end == nodeEnd { return true // exact match } return false // inexact: overlaps multiple children } // Ensure [start,end) is nondecreasing. if start > end { start, end = end, start } if start < root.End() && end > root.Pos() { if start == end { end = start + 1 // empty interval => interval of size 1 } exact = visit(root) // Reverse the path: for i, l := 0, len(path); i < l/2; i++ { path[i], path[l-1-i] = path[l-1-i], path[i] } } else { // Selection lies within whitespace preceding the // first (or following the last) declaration in the file. // The result nonetheless always includes the ast.File. path = append(path, root) } return } // tokenNode is a dummy implementation of ast.Node for a single token. // They are used transiently by PathEnclosingInterval but never escape // this package. type tokenNode struct { pos token.Pos end token.Pos } func (n tokenNode) Pos() token.Pos { return n.pos } func (n tokenNode) End() token.Pos { return n.end } func tok(pos token.Pos, len int) ast.Node { return tokenNode{pos, pos + token.Pos(len)} } // childrenOf returns the direct non-nil children of ast.Node n. // It may include fake ast.Node implementations for bare tokens. // it is not safe to call (e.g.) ast.Walk on such nodes. func childrenOf(n ast.Node) []ast.Node { var children []ast.Node // First add nodes for all true subtrees. ast.Inspect(n, func(node ast.Node) bool { if node == n { // push n return true // recur } if node != nil { // push child children = append(children, node) } return false // no recursion }) // Then add fake Nodes for bare tokens. switch n := n.(type) { case *ast.ArrayType: children = append(children, tok(n.Lbrack, len("[")), tok(n.Elt.End(), len("]"))) case *ast.AssignStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.TokPos, len(n.Tok.String()))) case *ast.BasicLit: children = append(children, tok(n.ValuePos, len(n.Value))) case *ast.BinaryExpr: children = append(children, tok(n.OpPos, len(n.Op.String()))) case *ast.BlockStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.Lbrace, len("{")), tok(n.Rbrace, len("}"))) case *ast.BranchStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.TokPos, len(n.Tok.String()))) case *ast.CallExpr: children = append(children, tok(n.Lparen, len("(")), tok(n.Rparen, len(")"))) if n.Ellipsis != 0 { children = append(children, tok(n.Ellipsis, len("..."))) } case *ast.CaseClause: if n.List == nil { children = append(children, tok(n.Case, len("default"))) } else { children = append(children, tok(n.Case, len("case"))) } children = append(children, tok(n.Colon, len(":"))) case *ast.ChanType: switch n.Dir { case ast.RECV: children = append(children, tok(n.Begin, len("<-chan"))) case ast.SEND: children = append(children, tok(n.Begin, len("chan<-"))) case ast.RECV | ast.SEND: children = append(children, tok(n.Begin, len("chan"))) } case *ast.CommClause: if n.Comm == nil { children = append(children, tok(n.Case, len("default"))) } else { children = append(children, tok(n.Case, len("case"))) } children = append(children, tok(n.Colon, len(":"))) case *ast.Comment: // nop case *ast.CommentGroup: // nop case *ast.CompositeLit: children = append(children, tok(n.Lbrace, len("{")), tok(n.Rbrace, len("{"))) case *ast.DeclStmt: // nop case *ast.DeferStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.Defer, len("defer"))) case *ast.Ellipsis: children = append(children, tok(n.Ellipsis, len("..."))) case *ast.EmptyStmt: // nop case *ast.ExprStmt: // nop case *ast.Field: // TODO(adonovan): Field.{Doc,Comment,Tag}? case *ast.FieldList: children = append(children, tok(n.Opening, len("(")), // or len("[") tok(n.Closing, len(")"))) // or len("]") case *ast.File: // TODO test: Doc children = append(children, tok(n.Package, len("package"))) case *ast.ForStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.For, len("for"))) case *ast.FuncDecl: // TODO(adonovan): FuncDecl.Comment? // Uniquely, FuncDecl breaks the invariant that // preorder traversal yields tokens in lexical order: // in fact, FuncDecl.Recv precedes FuncDecl.Type.Func. // // As a workaround, we inline the case for FuncType // here and order things correctly. // We also need to insert the elided FuncType just // before the 'visit' recursion. // children = nil // discard ast.Walk(FuncDecl) info subtrees children = append(children, tok(n.Type.Func, len("func"))) if n.Recv != nil { children = append(children, n.Recv) } children = append(children, n.Name) if tparams := n.Type.TypeParams; tparams != nil { children = append(children, tparams) } if n.Type.Params != nil { children = append(children, n.Type.Params) } if n.Type.Results != nil { children = append(children, n.Type.Results) } if n.Body != nil { children = append(children, n.Body) } case *ast.FuncLit: // nop case *ast.FuncType: if n.Func != 0 { children = append(children, tok(n.Func, len("func"))) } case *ast.GenDecl: children = append(children, tok(n.TokPos, len(n.Tok.String()))) if n.Lparen != 0 { children = append(children, tok(n.Lparen, len("(")), tok(n.Rparen, len(")"))) } case *ast.GoStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.Go, len("go"))) case *ast.Ident: children = append(children, tok(n.NamePos, len(n.Name))) case *ast.IfStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.If, len("if"))) case *ast.ImportSpec: // TODO(adonovan): ImportSpec.{Doc,EndPos}? case *ast.IncDecStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.TokPos, len(n.Tok.String()))) case *ast.IndexExpr: children = append(children, tok(n.Lbrack, len("[")), tok(n.Rbrack, len("]"))) case *ast.IndexListExpr: children = append(children, tok(n.Lbrack, len("[")), tok(n.Rbrack, len("]"))) case *ast.InterfaceType: children = append(children, tok(n.Interface, len("interface"))) case *ast.KeyValueExpr: children = append(children, tok(n.Colon, len(":"))) case *ast.LabeledStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.Colon, len(":"))) case *ast.MapType: children = append(children, tok(n.Map, len("map"))) case *ast.ParenExpr: children = append(children, tok(n.Lparen, len("(")), tok(n.Rparen, len(")"))) case *ast.RangeStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.For, len("for")), tok(n.TokPos, len(n.Tok.String()))) case *ast.ReturnStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.Return, len("return"))) case *ast.SelectStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.Select, len("select"))) case *ast.SelectorExpr: // nop case *ast.SendStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.Arrow, len("<-"))) case *ast.SliceExpr: children = append(children, tok(n.Lbrack, len("[")), tok(n.Rbrack, len("]"))) case *ast.StarExpr: children = append(children, tok(n.Star, len("*"))) case *ast.StructType: children = append(children, tok(n.Struct, len("struct"))) case *ast.SwitchStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.Switch, len("switch"))) case *ast.TypeAssertExpr: children = append(children, tok(n.Lparen-1, len(".")), tok(n.Lparen, len("(")), tok(n.Rparen, len(")"))) case *ast.TypeSpec: // TODO(adonovan): TypeSpec.{Doc,Comment}? case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt: children = append(children, tok(n.Switch, len("switch"))) case *ast.UnaryExpr: children = append(children, tok(n.OpPos, len(n.Op.String()))) case *ast.ValueSpec: // TODO(adonovan): ValueSpec.{Doc,Comment}? case *ast.BadDecl, *ast.BadExpr, *ast.BadStmt: // nop } // TODO(adonovan): opt: merge the logic of ast.Inspect() into // the switch above so we can make interleaved callbacks for // both Nodes and Tokens in the right order and avoid the need // to sort. sort.Sort(byPos(children)) return children } type byPos []ast.Node func (sl byPos) Len() int { return len(sl) } func (sl byPos) Less(i, j int) bool { return sl[i].Pos() < sl[j].Pos() } func (sl byPos) Swap(i, j int) { sl[i], sl[j] = sl[j], sl[i] } // NodeDescription returns a description of the concrete type of n suitable // for a user interface. // // TODO(adonovan): in some cases (e.g. Field, FieldList, Ident, // StarExpr) we could be much more specific given the path to the AST // root. Perhaps we should do that. func NodeDescription(n ast.Node) string { switch n := n.(type) { case *ast.ArrayType: return "array type" case *ast.AssignStmt: return "assignment" case *ast.BadDecl: return "bad declaration" case *ast.BadExpr: return "bad expression" case *ast.BadStmt: return "bad statement" case *ast.BasicLit: return "basic literal" case *ast.BinaryExpr: return fmt.Sprintf("binary %s operation", n.Op) case *ast.BlockStmt: return "block" case *ast.BranchStmt: switch n.Tok { case token.BREAK: return "break statement" case token.CONTINUE: return "continue statement" case token.GOTO: return "goto statement" case token.FALLTHROUGH: return "fall-through statement" } case *ast.CallExpr: if len(n.Args) == 1 && !n.Ellipsis.IsValid() { return "function call (or conversion)" } return "function call" case *ast.CaseClause: return "case clause" case *ast.ChanType: return "channel type" case *ast.CommClause: return "communication clause" case *ast.Comment: return "comment" case *ast.CommentGroup: return "comment group" case *ast.CompositeLit: return "composite literal" case *ast.DeclStmt: return NodeDescription(n.Decl) + " statement" case *ast.DeferStmt: return "defer statement" case *ast.Ellipsis: return "ellipsis" case *ast.EmptyStmt: return "empty statement" case *ast.ExprStmt: return "expression statement" case *ast.Field: // Can be any of these: // struct {x, y int} -- struct field(s) // struct {T} -- anon struct field // interface {I} -- interface embedding // interface {f()} -- interface method // func (A) func(B) C -- receiver, param(s), result(s) return "field/method/parameter" case *ast.FieldList: return "field/method/parameter list" case *ast.File: return "source file" case *ast.ForStmt: return "for loop" case *ast.FuncDecl: return "function declaration" case *ast.FuncLit: return "function literal" case *ast.FuncType: return "function type" case *ast.GenDecl: switch n.Tok { case token.IMPORT: return "import declaration" case token.CONST: return "constant declaration" case token.TYPE: return "type declaration" case token.VAR: return "variable declaration" } case *ast.GoStmt: return "go statement" case *ast.Ident: return "identifier" case *ast.IfStmt: return "if statement" case *ast.ImportSpec: return "import specification" case *ast.IncDecStmt: if n.Tok == token.INC { return "increment statement" } return "decrement statement" case *ast.IndexExpr: return "index expression" case *ast.IndexListExpr: return "index list expression" case *ast.InterfaceType: return "interface type" case *ast.KeyValueExpr: return "key/value association" case *ast.LabeledStmt: return "statement label" case *ast.MapType: return "map type" case *ast.Package: return "package" case *ast.ParenExpr: return "parenthesized " + NodeDescription(n.X) case *ast.RangeStmt: return "range loop" case *ast.ReturnStmt: return "return statement" case *ast.SelectStmt: return "select statement" case *ast.SelectorExpr: return "selector" case *ast.SendStmt: return "channel send" case *ast.SliceExpr: return "slice expression" case *ast.StarExpr: return "*-operation" // load/store expr or pointer type case *ast.StructType: return "struct type" case *ast.SwitchStmt: return "switch statement" case *ast.TypeAssertExpr: return "type assertion" case *ast.TypeSpec: return "type specification" case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt: return "type switch" case *ast.UnaryExpr: return fmt.Sprintf("unary %s operation", n.Op) case *ast.ValueSpec: return "value specification" } panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected node type: %T", n)) } func is[T any](x any) bool { _, ok := x.(T) return ok }