html lang="en" {
head { m4_include(head.gsp) }
body {
header {
div {
h1 {-Blog Posts}
figure .quote {
blockquote {
p {=
Object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could
only have originated in California.
figcaption {-Edsgar W. Dijkstra}
main {
p {-
On this section of the site you will find my blog. Most of what I post
here is related to software-development and -design, although maybe
you’ll find something unrelated on here too.
p {-Posts:}
ul {
m4_article(gsp, {-Writing an HTML Preprocessor (feat. Tree-Sitter)})
m4_article(fw-ec, {-Patching My Laptop’s Embedded Controller})
footer { m4_footer }