On this section of the website you can find links to all sorts of other websites I think are somewhat interesting. Some of these are my own sites, and some of them aren’t. Feel free to explore.
My websites:
- archive — Mario Kart Wii time trials archive
- cv — my résumé/curriculum vitæ
- euro — my euro coin and -banknote collection
- git — my git server
- paste — my paste server
- retime — a webtool for retiming speedruns
Not my websites:
- classicshorts — a collection of short stories
- iannis.io — blog posts on programming topics
- redblobgames — algorithms in the context of video games
- tdmm — blog posts on low-level development
- bal-e — it’s like tdmm.eu I guess
- textfiles — a collection of thousands of plain-text files
cat-v —
The Internet is not for sissies.
Assorted Links