diff options
authorThomas Voss <mail@thomasvoss.com> 2024-12-16 01:17:40 +0100
committerThomas Voss <mail@thomasvoss.com> 2024-12-16 01:17:40 +0100
commit0f6a20f4fdd2ae0e51ab80cad72b0cd8e3dfff26 (patch)
parente7e29741115ab7518d0d53f7b2c647692934cad0 (diff)
Add 2024 day 15 part 2 solution
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2024/15/puzzle-2.lisp b/2024/15/puzzle-2.lisp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bd3f8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/15/puzzle-2.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#!/usr/bin/sbcl --script
+(defparameter *map* nil)
+(defparameter *moves* nil)
+(defparameter *robot-pos* nil)
+(defun main (filename)
+ (parse-input filename)
+ (mapc #'handle-move *moves*)
+ (loop with (my mx) = (array-dimensions *map*)
+ for y from 0 below my
+ sum (loop for x from 0 below mx
+ if (box-at-pos-p (cons x y))
+ sum (+ x (* 100 y)))))
+(defun handle-move (v⃗)
+ (when (can-move-p v⃗)
+ (map-setf *robot-pos* #\.)
+ (setq *robot-pos* (vec2+ *robot-pos* v⃗))
+ (let ((dest-char (aref-vec2 *map* *robot-pos*)))
+ (case dest-char
+ (#\[ (handle-box-move *robot-pos* v⃗))
+ (#\] (handle-box-move (left-of *robot-pos*) v⃗))))
+ (map-setf *robot-pos* #\@)))
+(defun handle-box-move (pos v⃗)
+ (cond
+ ((equal v⃗ '(+1 . 0))
+ (let ((next-box-pos (right-of pos 2)))
+ (when (box-at-pos-p next-box-pos)
+ (handle-box-move next-box-pos v⃗)))
+ (map-setf (right-of pos 1) #\[)
+ (map-setf (right-of pos 2) #\]))
+ ((equal v⃗ '(-1 . 0))
+ (let ((next-box-pos (left-of pos 2)))
+ (when (box-at-pos-p next-box-pos)
+ (handle-box-move next-box-pos v⃗)))
+ (map-setf pos #\])
+ (map-setf (left-of pos) #\[))
+ (:else ; (or (equal v⃗ '(0 . +1)) (equal v⃗ '(0 . -1)))
+ (let* ((dy (cdr v⃗))
+ (charl (aref-vec2 *map* (vec2+ pos (cons 0 dy))))
+ (charr (aref-vec2 *map* (vec2+ pos (cons 1 dy)))))
+ (when (char= charl #\[)
+ (handle-box-move (vec2+ pos v⃗) v⃗))
+ (when (char= charl #\])
+ (handle-box-move (vec2+ pos (cons -1 dy)) v⃗))
+ (when (char= charr #\[)
+ (handle-box-move (vec2+ pos (cons +1 dy)) v⃗))
+ (map-setf pos #\.)
+ (map-setf (right-of pos) #\.)
+ (map-setf (vec2+ pos (cons 0 dy)) #\[)
+ (map-setf (vec2+ pos (cons 1 dy)) #\])))))
+(defun box-at-pos-p (pos)
+ (char= (aref-vec2 *map* pos) #\[))
+(defun can-move-p (v⃗)
+ (let ((pos (vec2+ *robot-pos* v⃗)))
+ (ecase (aref-vec2 *map* pos)
+ (#\. t)
+ (#\# nil)
+ (#\[ (can-move-box-p pos v⃗))
+ (#\] (can-move-box-p (left-of pos) v⃗)))))
+(defun can-move-box-p (pos v⃗)
+ (cond
+ ((equal v⃗ '(1 . 0))
+ (let ((next-box-pos (right-of pos 2)))
+ (ecase (aref-vec2 *map* next-box-pos)
+ (#\. t)
+ (#\# nil)
+ (#\[ (can-move-box-p next-box-pos v⃗)))))
+ ((equal v⃗ '(-1 . 0))
+ (ecase (aref-vec2 *map* (left-of pos))
+ (#\. t)
+ (#\# nil)
+ (#\[
+ (print *map*)
+ (quit))
+ (#\] (can-move-box-p (left-of pos 2) v⃗))))
+ (:else ; (or (equal v⃗ '(0 . +1)) (equal v⃗ '(0 . -1)))
+ (let* ((dy (cdr v⃗))
+ (charl (aref-vec2 *map* (vec2+ pos (cons 0 dy))))
+ (charr (aref-vec2 *map* (vec2+ pos (cons 1 dy)))))
+ (cond ((char= #\. charl charr)
+ t)
+ ((or (char= #\# charl)
+ (char= #\# charr))
+ nil)
+ ((char= #\[ charl)
+ (can-move-box-p (vec2+ pos v⃗) v⃗))
+ (:else ; (or (char= #\] charl) (char= #\[ charr))
+ (and (or (char/= #\] charl)
+ (can-move-box-p (vec2+ pos (cons -1 dy)) v⃗))
+ (or (char/= #\[ charr)
+ (can-move-box-p (vec2+ pos (cons +1 dy)) v⃗)))))))))
+(defun in-map-bounds-p (pos)
+ (destructuring-bind (y x) (array-dimensions *map*)
+ (and (< -1 (car pos) x)
+ (< -1 (cdr pos) y))))
+(defun aref-vec2 (array v⃗)
+ (aref array (cdr v⃗) (car v⃗)))
+(defun map-setf (pos val)
+ (setf (aref *map* (cdr pos) (car pos)) val))
+;;; 2D Vectors
+(defun vec2+ (v⃗ u⃗)
+ (cons (+ (car v⃗) (car u⃗))
+ (+ (cdr v⃗) (cdr u⃗))))
+(defun left-of (v⃗ &optional (n 1))
+ (vec2+ v⃗ (cons (- n) 0)))
+(defun right-of (v⃗ &optional (n 1))
+ (vec2+ v⃗ (cons n 0)))
+(defun up-from (v⃗ &optional (n 1))
+ (vec2+ v⃗ (cons 0 (- n))))
+(defun down-from (v⃗ &optional (n 1))
+ (vec2+ v⃗ (cons 0 n)))
+;;; Parsing
+(defun parse-input (filename)
+ (with-open-file (stream filename)
+ (let ((contents (make-string (file-length stream))))
+ (read-sequence contents stream)
+ (destructuring-bind (map moves)
+ (split-string contents (format nil "~%~%"))
+ (multiple-value-bind (map start-pos) (parse-map map)
+ (setq *map* map
+ *moves* (parse-moves moves)
+ *robot-pos* start-pos))))))
+(defun parse-map (string)
+ (let* ((first-newline (position #\Newline string))
+ (line-length (1+ first-newline))
+ (line-count (/ (1+ (length string)) line-length))
+ (map (make-array (list line-count (* 2 first-newline))
+ :element-type 'character))
+ start-pos)
+ (dotimes (y line-count)
+ (loop with start = (* y line-length)
+ for char across (subseq string start (+ start first-newline))
+ for x = 0 then (+ x 2)
+ do (ecase char
+ (#\# (setf (aref map y (+ 0 x)) #\#
+ (aref map y (+ 1 x)) #\#))
+ (#\O (setf (aref map y (+ 0 x)) #\[
+ (aref map y (+ 1 x)) #\]))
+ (#\. (setf (aref map y (+ 0 x)) #\.
+ (aref map y (+ 1 x)) #\.))
+ (#\@ (setf (aref map y (+ 0 x)) #\@
+ (aref map y (+ 1 x)) #\.
+ start-pos (cons x y))))))
+ (values map start-pos)))
+(defun parse-moves (string)
+ (loop for char across string
+ unless (char= char #\Newline)
+ collect (ecase char
+ (#\^ '(0 . -1))
+ (#\v '(0 . +1))
+ (#\< '(-1 . 0))
+ (#\> '(+1 . 0)))))
+(defun split-string (string delimiter)
+ (loop with delimiter-length = (length delimiter)
+ for end = (search delimiter string)
+ unless (eq end 0)
+ collect (subseq string 0 end) into parts
+ unless end
+ return parts
+ do (setq string (subseq string (+ end delimiter-length)))))
+(format t "~d~%" (main "input")) \ No newline at end of file