diff options
authorThomas Voss <mail@thomasvoss.com> 2024-02-26 16:13:07 +0100
committerThomas Voss <mail@thomasvoss.com> 2024-02-26 16:13:07 +0100
commitdba8a81236df228120fe6d6044688d37f4b5dc0b (patch)
parentce21b8cd25cf832e5d8b4c16474c2b3b8f421d23 (diff)
Add manual pages for all binaries as the asm language
4 files changed, 670 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/man/ahoy.1 b/man/ahoy.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b0895b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ahoy.1
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+.Dd 25 February, 2024
+.Dt AHOY 1
+.Os Ahoy 1.0.0
+.Nm ahoy
+.Nd emulate CHIP-8 games
+.Op Fl S
+.Op Fl c Ar "clock speed"
+.Op Fl s Ar seed
+.Op Fl v Ar volume
+.Op Ar file
+.Fl h
+is a graphical emulator for the CHIP-8 virtual console.
+When invoked
+attempts to run the ROM specified by
+.Ar file .
+If no such argument is provided or the special filename
+.Sq \-
+is provided,
+the ROM is read from the standard input.
+The options are as follows:
+.Bl -tag -width Ds
+.It Fl c , Fl Fl clock\-speed Ns = Ns Ar speed
+Specify the clock-speed of the emulator.
+The provided clock-speed must be a non-negative integer and defaults to
+700 Hz.
+.It Fl h , Fl Fl help
+Display help information by opening this manual page.
+.It Fl s , Fl Fl seed Ns = Ns Ar seed
+Specify the seed for the random-number-generator.
+The provided seed must be non-negative integer.
+.It Fl S , Fl Fl scan\-lines
+Start the emulator with scanlines enabled.
+.It Fl v , Fl Fl volume Ns = Ns Ar volume
+Specify the volume level of the emulator.
+The provided volume must be non-negative integer and defaults to 3000 if
+not provided.
+.Ss Default Keybindings
+As of the current installed release of
+.Nm ,
+there exists no functionality yet to configure keybindings.
+The default keybindings are as follows:
+.Bl -tag -compact -width <space>
+.It 1
+the keypad’s
+.Sq 1
+.It 2
+the keypad’s
+.Sq 2
+.It 3
+the keypad’s
+.Sq 3
+.It 4
+the keypad’s
+.Sq C
+.It q
+the keypad’s
+.Sq 4
+.It w
+the keypad’s
+.Sq 5
+.It e
+the keypad’s
+.Sq 6
+.It r
+the keypad’s
+.Sq D
+.It a
+the keypad’s
+.Sq 7
+.It s
+the keypad’s
+.Sq 8
+.It d
+the keypad’s
+.Sq 9
+.It f
+the keypad’s
+.Sq E
+.It z
+the keypad’s
+.Sq A
+.It x
+the keypad’s
+.Sq 0
+.It c
+the keypad’s
+.Sq B
+.It v
+the keypad’s
+.Sq F
+.It Aq space
+(un)pause the emulator
+.It p
+pause the emulator
+.It =
+increase volume by 500
+.It \-
+decrease volume by 500
+.It .
+increase the clock speed by 10 Hz
+.It ,
+decrease the clock speed by 10 Hz
+.Ex -std
+Play a CHIP-8 game:
+.Dl $ ahoy maze.bin
+Test the output of the
+.Xr c8asm 1
+.Dl $ c8asm tag.s | ahoy
+.Xr c8asm 1 ,
+.Xr c8dump 1
+.An Thomas Voss Aq Mt mail@thomasvoss.com
diff --git a/man/c8asm.1 b/man/c8asm.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b126c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/c8asm.1
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+.Dd 26 February, 2024
+.Dt U8ASM 1
+.Os Ahoy 1.0.0
+.Nm c8asm
+.Nd assemble CHIP-8 binaries
+.Op Ar
+.Fl h
+utility reads
+.Xr c8asm 5
+source code files provided as command-line arguments and writes the
+corresponding binary to the standard output.
+If no command-line arguments are provided or the special
+.Sq \-
+filename is given,
+input is read from the standard input.
+The assembler is extremely barebones, with no notion of a preprocessor.
+If metaprogramming is desired you might consider using a macro-processor
+such as
+.Xr m4 1
+.Xr cpp 1 .
+The options are as follows:
+.Bl -tag -width Ds
+.It Fl h , Fl Fl help
+Display help information by opening this manual page.
+.Ex -std
+Assemble a binary:
+.Dl $ c8asm celeste.s >celeste.bin
+Preprocess source files using the
+.Xr m4 1
+macro processor and then assemble them:
+.Dl $ m4 setup.s main-loop.s | c8asm >dragster.bin
+In the above example, local labels will end up being global to the entire
+program as a result of
+.Ic m4
+concatenating the files.
+An alternative solution using process substitution
+.Pq if your shell supports it
+is as follows:
+.Dl c8asm <(setup.s) <(main-loop.s) >dragster.bin
+.Xr ahoy 1 ,
+.Xr c8dump 1 ,
+.Xr cpp 1 ,
+.Xr m4 1 ,
+.Xr c8asm 5
+.An Thomas Voss Aq Mt mail@thomasvoss.com
diff --git a/man/c8asm.5 b/man/c8asm.5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67d6697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/c8asm.5
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+.Dd 26 February, 2024
+.Dt U8ASM 5
+.Os Ahoy 1.0.0
+.Nm c8asm
+.Nd the c8 assembly dialect
+assembly dialect is the language understood by the
+.Xr c8asm 1
+It is a small language consisting of only the few instructions and syntax
+elements described in this manual.
+A basic program to display the number 69 followed by an exclamation-mark
+on the screen may look as follows:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+; Draw the sprite for ‘6’
+ld v2 6
+hex v2
+drw v0 v1 5
+; Draw the sprite for ‘9’
+ld v2 9
+hex v2
+add v0 5 ; Offset the X position by 5
+drw v0 v1 5
+ld i exclamation_sprite
+add v0 5
+drw v0 v1 5
+; Infinite loop
+ jp loop
+ db 0b1000'0000
+ db 0b1000'0000
+ db 0b1000'0000
+ db 0b0000'0000
+ db 0b1000'0000
+.Ss Encoding
+documents must be UTF-8 encoded.
+No other encodings are valid.
+.Ss Whitespace
+Syntax elements are often separated by whitespace.
+When mentioned in this document,
+.Sq whitespace
+refers to all Unicode codepoints with the property Pattern_White_Space.
+.Ss Case
+Unlike most assembly dialects,
+is case-sensitive.
+This means that the labels
+.Ql .foo
+.Ql .FOO
+are not interchangeable and neither are the instructions
+.Ql add
+.Ql ADD .
+.Ss Labels
+Labels are a way to assign names to a particular memory address.
+They’re useful for referencing locations of sprites,
+or instructions to jump to.
+A label is composed of a Unicode codepoint with the property XID_Start,
+followed by zero-or-more Unicode codepoints with the property
+In simple terms this means labels follow the same syntax rules as most
+modern programming languages.
+As an extension to the Unicode specification labels may also begin with
+an underscore
+.Pq Sq _ .
+All labels must be terminated by any amount of whitespace and a colon
+.Pq Sq \&: .
+By default labels are globally scoped.
+This means that if you define the label
+.Ql foo ,
+you’ll be able to reference that label from any file in your project.
+To define a label local to the current file you can prefix it with a
+.Ss Instructions
+The following is a list of available instructions in
+.Nm ,
+and a description of their behavior.
+The following terms are used in this section:
+.Bl -tag -compact -width "nibble, byte, and addr"
+.It vx and vy
+arbitrary v-registers
+.Pq see: Sx Registers
+.It nibble, byte, and addr
+4-, 8-, and 12-bit integer literals
+.It dt, st, i, and v0
+the dt, st, i, and v0 registers
+The instructions are as follows:
+.Bl -tag -width Ds
+.It Ic add Ar i Ar vx , Ic add Ar vx Ar byte
+Add the values of the first- and second oprands and store the result in
+the first oprand.
+.It Ic add Ar vx Ar vy
+Add the values of
+.Ar vx
+.Ar vy
+and store the result in
+.Ar vx.
+If the result is greater than 255 then
+.Ar vf
+is set to 1,
+otherwise 0.
+.It Ic and Ar vx Ar vy
+Perform a bitwise-AND of
+.Ar vx
+.Ar vy
+and store the result in
+.Ar vx .
+.It Ic bcd Ar vx
+Store the hundreds-, tens-, and ones-digit of the BCD representation of
+the value in
+.Ar vx
+to the memory addresses stored in
+.Va i ,
+.Va i+1 ,
+.Va i+2 .
+.It Ic call Ar addr
+Push the current address to the top of the callstack and set the
+instruction pointer to
+.Ar addr .
+.It Ic cls
+Clear the display.
+.It Ic db Ar byte ...
+Insert the byte arguments literally into the assembled binary.
+.It Ic drw Ar vx Ar vy Ar nibble
+Draw the sprite pointed to by the
+.Va i
+register at the position
+.Pq Va vx , Va vy
+with a height of
+.Ar nibble .
+.It Ic hex Ar vx
+Set the
+.Va i
+register to the address of the hexadecimal sprite corresponding to the
+value of
+.Ar vx .
+.It Ic jp Ar addr
+Set the instruction pointer to
+.Ar addr .
+.It Ic jp Ar v0 Ar addr
+Set the instruction pointer to
+.Ar v0
+.Ar addr .
+.It Ic ld Ar dt Ar vx , Ic ld Ar i Ar addr , Ic ld Ar st Ar vx , Ic ld Ar vx Ar byte , Ic ld Ar vx Ar dt , Ic ld Ar vx Ar vy
+Store the value of the second oprand into the first oprand.
+.It Ic ld Ar vx Ar k
+Block until the user presses a key,
+and store the value of the key pressed into
+.Ar vx .
+.It Ic or Ar vx Ar vy
+Perform a bitwise-OR of
+.Ar vx
+.Ar vy
+and store the result in
+.Ar vx .
+.It Ic ret
+Pop an address off the top of the callstack and set the instruction
+pointer to that location.
+.It Ic rnd Ar vx Ar byte
+.Ar vx
+to the bitwise-AND of a randomly-generated byte and the given
+.Ar byte .
+.It Ic rstr Ar vx
+Reads data starting at the memory address stored in the
+.Va i
+register into the registers
+.Va v0
+though to
+.Ar vx
+.Va i
+register is incremented by
+.Ar x .
+.It Ic se Ar vx Ar byte , Ic se Ar vx Ar vy
+Skip the next instruction if the two oprands are equal.
+.It Ic shl Ar vx
+.Ar vx
+by 1 and store the result in
+.Ar vx .
+If the most-significant-byte of
+.Ar vx
+was 1
+.Va vf
+is set to 1
+otherwise 0.
+.It Ic shr Ar vx
+.Ar vx
+by 1 and store the result in
+.Ar vx .
+If the least-significant-byte of
+.Ar vx
+was 1
+.Va vf
+is set to 1
+otherwise 0.
+.It Ic sknp Ar vx
+Skip the next instruction if the key with the value of
+.Ar vx
+is not pressed.
+.It Ic skp Ar vx
+Skip the next instruction if the key with the value of
+.Ar vx
+is pressed.
+.It Ic sne Ar vx Ar byte , Ic sne Ar vx Ar vy
+Skip the next instruction if the two oprands are not equal.
+.It Ic stor Ar vx
+Stores the values of the registers
+.Va v0
+.Ar vx
+inclusive starting at the memory address stored in the
+.Va i
+.Va i
+register is incremented by
+.Ar x .
+.It Ic subn Ar vx Ar vy
+.Ar vx
+.Ar vy
+and store the result in
+.Ar vx .
+.Ar vy
+was greater than
+.Ar vx
+.Va vf
+is set to 1 otherwise 0.
+.It Ic sub Ar vx Ar vy
+.Ar vy
+.Ar vx
+and store the result in
+.Ar vx .
+.Ar vx
+was greater than
+.Ar vy
+.Va vf
+is set to 1 otherwise 0.
+.It Ic sys Ar addr
+Jump to a machine-code routine at the address
+.Ar addr .
+Most interpreters completely ignore this instruction.
+.It Ic xor Ar vx Ar vy
+Perform a bitwise-XOR of
+.Ar vx
+.Ar vy
+and store the result in
+.Ar vx .
+.Ss Registers
+The following registers are available for use in
+c | c
+l | r.
+Name Size (Bits)
+v0–vf 8
+i 16
+dt 8
+st 8
+.Va v0 Ns – Ns Va ve
+registers are general-purpose registers intended for use by the
+.Va vf
+register is also a general-purpose register but is overriden by various
+instructions which utilize it as a flags register.
+.Va i
+register is intended to be used to store 12-bit memory addresses.
+.Va dt
+.Va st
+registers are special registers.
+When non-zero they are decremented by 1 at a rate of 60 Hz.
+Additionally, when the
+.Va st
+register is non-zero,
+a monotone beep is played.
+.Ss Integer Literals
+language supports non-negative binary-, octal-, decimal-, and hexadecimal
+integer literals.
+Integer literals are prefixed by a literal
+.Sq 0
+and a lowercase base-specifier,
+but this prefix is optional for base-10 integers.
+The base-specifiers are as follows:
+.Bl -tag -compact -width Ds
+.It b
+.It o
+.It d
+.It x
+The following table shows how different numbers can be represented in
+different bases:
+c | c | c | c
+r | r | r | r.
+Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal
+0b01100000 0o140 96 0x60
+0b00010011 0o023 19 0x13
+0b01111111 0o177 127 0x7F
+0b00111010 0o072 58 0x3A
+An apostrophe
+.Pq Sq \(aq
+can also be included anywhere in an integer literal
+.Em after
+the base-specifier as a digit-separator,
+such as in
+.Ql 0b1011\(aq1001 .
+.Ss Strings
+Strings are composed of an opening- and closing double quote
+.Pq Sq \(dq
+with zero-or-more bytes between them.
+Strings can only be used as an argument to the
+.Ql db
+instruction and they expand to a sequence of bytes representing their
+The following two lines are equivalent:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+db "foo"
+db 0x66 0x6F 0x6F
+.Xr ahoy 1 ,
+.Xr c8asm 1 ,
+.Xr c8dump 1
+.%A Thomas P. Greene
+.%D 30th August, 1997
+.%R Cowgod’s Chip-8 Technical Reference
+.%U http://devernay.free.fr/hacks/chip8/C8TECH10.HTM
+.An Thomas Voss Aq Mt mail@thomasvoss.com
diff --git a/man/c8dump.1 b/man/c8dump.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d79f723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/c8dump.1
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+.Dd 26 February, 2024
+.Dt U8DUMP 1
+.Os Ahoy 1.0.0
+.Nm c8dump
+.Nd disassemble CHIP-8 binaries
+.Op Ar
+.Fl h
+utility disassembles CHIP-8 binaries into the assembly dialect understood
+by the
+.Xr c8asm 1
+It reads the binaries provided as command-line arguments and writes the
+corresponding assembly code to the standard output.
+If no command-line arguments are provided or the special
+.Sq \-
+filename is given,
+input is read from the standard input.
+The options are as follows:
+.Bl -tag -width Ds
+.It Fl h , Fl Fl help
+Display help information by opening this manual page.
+As a result of the CHIP-8 binary format it is quite common that sprite
+data and other sequences of byte-literals will be translated by
+into instructions.
+As a minimal reproducable example, the following sprite data would get
+disassembled into a
+.Ql stor v0 .
+.Dl sprite: db 0xF0 0x55
+.Ex -std
+Disassemble a binary:
+.Dl $ c8dump space-invaders.bin
+Disassemble output from the
+.Xr c8asm 1
+.Dl $ c8asm tetris.s | c8dump
+.Xr ahoy 1 ,
+.Xr c8asm 1 ,
+.Xr c8asm 5
+.An Thomas Voss Aq Mt mail@thomasvoss.com