Network Working Group P. M. Karp
Request for Comments: 188 MITRE
Categories A.2 D. B. McKay
28 January 1971
Data Management Meeting Announcement
The first Network Data Management meeting will take place on Monday
and Tuesday, August 2nd and 3rd in Room 801, 545 Technology Square.
The meeting is being hosted by Richard Winter, Computer Corporation
of America. A block of rooms under the name of CCA has been reserved
Sonesta Hotel
5 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, Mass., 02139
A map* is attached for reference. The Sonesta is on Rt. 1 and
Technology Square is on Main Street about 1/2 mile off Rt. 1. Taxi
fare from Logan Airport to the Sonesta or Tech. Square is
approximately $4.00.
The meeting is being conducted to allow people to exchange ideas and
develop a working data management group. The ideas presented will be
both discussions of papers and informal discussions of what people
plan to do.
There are several people listed on this agenda that have expressed an
interest at one time or another to discuss some topic. The people
listed on the agenda as tentative may or may not be presenting.
Hopefully they will attend and present their ideas on an informal
Also enclosed are two of the papers* that will be presented. We also
urge people to read RFCs, 144, 146, 171, 172, 173 and 195.
See you at the Meeting on August 2nd.
* not enclosed with this copy
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RFC 188 Data Management Meeting Announcement January 1971
Data Management Meeting
Monday, August 2 9:00 a.m.
D. McKay, IBM Corporation
Three Approaches to Data Sharing on Computer Networks
A. Shoshani, System Development Corporation
Unified Data Management System (Described briefly in RFC #144)
B. Wessler, University of Utah
Data Management Overview
P. Karp, Mitre Corporation
Monday, August 2 1:30 p.m.
Language Considerations
A. Mullery, IBM Corporation
Discussion of Codasyl Report
L. Haibt, IBM Corporation
DDL and Access Language (RFC #195)
*G. Mealy, Harvard University
Data Disposition
*T. O'Sullivan, Raytheon Data Systems
Monday Evening - Informal discussion of the ideas presented during
the day.
Tuesday, August 3 9:00 a.m.
The Data Computer
R. Winter, Computer Corporation of America
Plans and Usage of the Data Computer
R. Liuzzi, Rand Corporation
*P. Karp, Mitre Corporation
Tuesday, August 3 1:30 p.m.
Planning Session
* Tentative Speakers
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