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+Request for Comments: 200 August 1, 1971
+NIC: 7152 (Author unknown)
+ RFC List by Number
+1st Author Title Date NIC RFC
+Crocker HOST Software 7 April 1969 4687 1
+Duvall HOST Software 9 April 1969 4688 2
+Crocker Documentation Conventions 9 April 1969 4689 3
+Shapiro Network Timetable 24 March 1969 4690 4
+Rulifson DEL 2 June 1969 4691 5
+Crocker Conversation with Bob Kahn 10 April 1969 4692 6
+Deloche HOST-IMP Interface May 1969 4693 7
+Deloche ARPA Network Functional 5 May 1969 4694 8
+ Specifications
+Deloche HOST Software 1 May 1969 4695 9
+Crocker Documentation Conventions 29 July 1969 4696 10
+Deloche Implementation of the 1 August 1969 4718 11
+ HOST-HOST Software Procedures
+ in GORDO
+Wingfield IMP-HOST Interface Flow 26 August 1969 4697 12
+ Diagrams
+Cerf Referring to NWG/RFC: 11 20 August 1969 4698 13
+ (no RFC by this number ever issued) 14
+Carr Network Subsystem for 25 September 1969 4754 15
+ Time-Sharing HOSTS
+Crocker M.I.T. (address) 27 August 1969 4719 16
+Kreznar Some Questions Re: HOST-IMP 27 August 1969 4699 17
+ Protocol
+Cerf (use of links 1 and 2) September 1969 4720 18
+Kreznar Two Protocol Suggestions to 7 October 1969 4721 19
+ Reduce Congestion at
+ Swap-Bound Nodes
+Cerf ASCII Format for Network 16 October 1969 4722 20
+ Interchange
+Cerf (report of Network meeting) 17 October 1969 4723 21
+Cerf HOST-HOST Control Message 17 October 1969 4724 22
+ Formats
+Gregg Transmission of Multiple 16 October 1969 4725 23
+ Control Messages
+Crocker Documentation Conventions 21 November 1969 4726 24
+Crocker No High Link Numbers 30 October 1969 4727 25
+ (no RFC by this number ever issued) 26
+Crocker Documentation Conventions 9 December 1969 4729 27
+English Time Standards 13 January 1970 4730 28
+Kahn Note in Response to Bill 19 January 1970 4731 29
+ English's Request for Comments
+ [Page 1]
+RFC 200 RFC List by Number August 1971
+Crocker Documentation Conventions 4 February 1970 4732 30
+Bobrow Binary Message Formats in February 1968 4733 31
+ Computer Network
+Vedder Connecting M.I.T. Computers 31 January 1969 4734 32
+ to the ARPA Computer-to-Computer
+Crocker New HOST-HOST Protocol 12 February 1970 4735 33
+English Some Brief Preliminary Notes 26 February 1970 4736 34
+ on ARC Clock
+Crocker Network Meeting 3 March 1970 4737 35
+Crocker Protocol Notes 16 March 1970 4738 36
+Crocker Network Meeting Epilogue, etc. 20 March 1970 4739 37
+Wolfe Comments on Network Protocol 20 March 1970 4740 38
+ from NWG/RFC 36
+Harslem Comments on Protocol Re: 25 March 1970 4741 39
+Harslem More Comments on the 27 March 1970 4742 40
+ Forthcoming Protocol
+Melvin IMP-IMP Teletype Communication 30 March 1970 4743 41
+Ancona Message Data Types 31 March 1970 4744 42
+Nemeth Proposed Meeting 6 April 1970 4745 43
+Shoshani Comments on NWG/RFC 33 and 36 10 April 1970 4746 44
+Postel New Protocol is Coming 14 April 1970 4747 45
+Meyer ARPA Network Protocol Notes 17 April 1970 4748 46
+Postel BBN's Comments on NWG/RFC 33 20 April 1970 4749 47
+Postel A Possible Protocol Plateau 21 April 1970 4750 48
+Meyer Conversations with Steve 25 April 1970 4728 49
+ Crocker (UCLA)
+Harslem Comments on the Meyer Proposal 30 April 1970 4751 50
+Elie Proposal for the Network 4 May 1970 4752 51
+ Interchange Language
+Postel Updated Distribution List 1 July 1970 4753 52
+Crocker An Official Protocol Mechanism 9 June 1970 4755 53
+Crocker An Official Protocol Proffering18 June 1970 4756 54
+Newkirk A Prototypical Implementation 19 June 1970 4757 55
+ of the NCP
+Belove Third Level Protocol June 1970 4758 56
+Kraley Thoughts and Reflections on 19 June 1970 4759 57
+ NWG/RFC 54
+Skinner Logical Message Synchronization 26 June 1970 4760 58
+Meyer Flow Control - Fixed Versus 27 June 1970 4761 59
+ Demand Allocation
+Kalin Simplified NCP Protocol 13 July 1970 4762 60
+Walden A Note on Interprocess 17 July 1970 4961 61
+ Communication in a Resource Sharing
+Walden A System For Interprocess 3 August 1970 4962 62
+ Communication in a Resource Sharing
+Cerf Belated Network Meeting Report 31 July 1970 4963 63
+Elie Getting Rid of Marking (undated) 4964 64
+ [Page 2]
+RFC 200 RFC List by Number August 1971
+Walden Comments on Host-Host Protocol 29 August 1970 4965 65
+ Document No. 1 (by S. Crocker
+Crocker 3rd Level Ideas and Other Noise 26 August 1970 5409 66
+Crowther Proposed Change to Host/IMP (undated) 5410 67
+ Spec to Eliminate Marking
+Elie Comments on Memory Allocation 31 August 1970 5411 68
+ Control Commands (CEASE, ALL, GVB
+Bhushan Distribution List Change for MIT22 September 1970 5412 69
+Crocker A Note on Padding 15 October 1970 5413 70
+Schipper Reallocation in Case of Input 25 September 1970 5414 71
+ Error
+Bressler Proposed Moratorium on Changes 28 September 1970 5415 72
+ to Network Protocol
+Crocker Response to NWG/RFC 67 25 September 1970 5416 73
+White Specification for Network use 16 October 1970 5417 74
+ of the UCSB On-Line System
+Crocker Network Meeting 14 October 1970 5418 75
+Bouknight Connection-By Name: User 28 October 1970 5180 76
+ Oriented Protocol
+Grossman Syntax and Semantics for the (undated) 5419 76
+ Terminal User Control Language for enc
+Postel Network Meeting Report (undated) 5604 77
+Harslem NCP Status Report: UCSB/RAND November 1970 5199 78
+Meyer Logger Protocol Error 16 November 1970 5601 79
+Harslem Protocols and Data Formats 1 December 1970 5608 80
+Bouknight Request for Reference 3 December 1970 5609 81
+ Information
+Meyer Network Meeting Notes 9 December 1970 5619 82
+Anderson Language-Machine for Data 18 December 1970 5621 83
+ Reconfiguration
+North List of NWG/RFC's 1-80 23 December 1970 5620 84
+Crocker Network Working Group Meeting 5 January 1971 5624 85
+Crocker Proposal for a Network Standard 5 January 1971 5631 86
+ Format for a Data Stream to
+Vezza Topic for Discussion at the 12 January 1970 5632 87
+ Next Network Group Meeting
+Braden NETRJS--A Third Level Protocol 13 January 1971 5668 88
+ for Remote Job Entry
+Metcalfe Some Historic Moments in 19 January 1971 5697 89
+ Networking
+Braden CN as a Network Service Center 25 January 1971 5707 90
+Mealy A Proposed User-User Protocol 27 December 1970 5708 91
+ (no RFC by this number ever issued) 92
+McKenzie Initial Connection Protocol 27 January 1971 5721 93
+Harslem Some Thoughts on Network 3 February 1971 5725 94
+ Graphics
+Crocker Distribution of NWG/RFC's 4 February 1971 5731 95
+ Through the NIC
+ [Page 3]
+RFC 200 RFC List by Number August 1971
+Watson AN Interactive Network 12 February 1971 5739 99
+ Experiment to Study Modes of
+ Access to the
+Melvin A First Cut at a Proposed 15 February 1971 5740 97
+ Telnet Protocol
+Meyer Logger Protocol Proposal 11 February 1971 5744 98
+Karp Network Meeting 22 February 1971 5758 99
+Karp Categorization and Guide to 26 February 1971 5761 100
+Watson Notes on the Network Working 23 February 1971 5762 101
+ Group Meeting (Urbana, Illinois
+Crocker Output of the Host/Host Protocol 22-23 February 5763 102
+ Glitch Cleaning Committee 1971
+Kalin Implementation of Interrupt Keys 24 February 1971 5764 103
+Postel Link 191 25 February 1971 5768 104
+White Network Specifications for 22 March 1971 5775 105
+ remote Job Entry and Remote Job
+O'Sullivan User/Server Site Protocol 3 March 1971 5776 106
+Bressler Output of the Host-Host Protocol 23 March 1971 5806 107
+ Glitch Cleaning Committee
+Watson Attendance List at the Urbana 25 March 1971 5807 108
+ NWG Meeting, February 17-19,
+ 1971
+Winett Level III Server Protocol for 24 March 1971 5808 109
+ the Lincoln Laboratory 360/67
+ Host
+Winett Convention for Using an IBM 2741 25 March 1971 5809 110
+ terminal as a User Console for
+Crocker Pressure from the Chairman 31 March 1971 5814 111
+O'Sullivan User/Server Site Protocol 1 April 1971 5816 112
+ Network Host Questionnaire
+Harslem Network Activity Report, 5 April 1971 5820 113
+Bhushan A File Transfer Protocol 16 April 1971 5823 114
+Watson Some Network Information Center 16 April 1971 5822 115
+ Policies for Handling
+ Documentation
+Crocker Structure of the May NWG Mtg. 12 April 1971 5825 116
+Wong Some Comments on the Official 7 April 1971 5826 117
+ Protocol
+Watson Recommendations for Facility 16 April 1971 5830 118
+ Documentation
+Krilanovich Network Fortran Subprograms 16 April 1971 5831 119
+Krilanovich Network PL1 Subprograms 16 April 1971 5832 120
+Krilanovich Network On-Line Operators 16 April 1971 5833 121
+White Network Specifications for 26 April 1971 5834 122
+ UCSB's Simple-Minded File System
+Crocker A Proffered Official ICP 20 April 1971 5837 123
+ [Page 4]
+RFC 200 RFC List by Number August 1971
+Melvin Typographical Error in RFC 107 19 April 1971 5840 124
+McConnell Response to RFC 86, Proposal for 18 April 1971 5841 125
+ Network Standard Format for a
+McConnell Ames Graphics Facilities at Ames 18 April 1971 5842 126
+ Research Center
+Postel Comments on RFC 123 20 April 1971 5843 127
+Postel Bytes 21 April 1971 5844 128
+Harslem A Request for Comments on Socket 22 April 1971 5845 129
+ Name Structure
+Heafner Response to RFC 111 22 April 1971 5848 130
+ (Pressure from the Chairman)
+Harslem Response to RFC 116 22 April 1971 5849 131
+ (May NWG Meeting)
+White Typographical Error in RFC 107 28 April 1971 6708 132
+Sundberg File Transfer and Recovery 27 April 1971 6710 133
+Vezza Network Graphics Meeting 29 April 1971 6711 134
+Hathaway Response to NWG/RFC 110 29 April 1971 6712 135
+Kahn Host Accounting and 29 April 1971 6713 136
+ Administrative Procedures
+O'Sullivan TELNET Protocol -- 30 April 1971 6714 137
+ A Proposed Document
+O'Sullivan TELNET Protocol -- 8 May 1971 6783 137
+ A Proposed Document (rev.) rev
+Anderson Status Report on Proposed Data 28 April 1971 6715 138
+ Reconfiguration Service
+O'Sullivan Discussion on TELNET Protocol 7 May 1971 6717 139
+Crocker Agenda for the May NWG Meeting 4 May 1971 6725 140
+Harslem Comments on RFC 114 (A File 29 April 1971 6726 141
+ Transfer Protocol)
+Kline Time-out Mechanism in Host-Host 3 May 1971 6727 142
+ Protocol
+Naylor Regarding Proffered Official ICP 3 May 1971 6728 143
+Shoshani Data Sharing on Computer Networks30 April 1971 6729 144
+Postel Initial Connection Protocol 4 May 1971 6739 145
+ Control Commands
+Karp Views on Issues Relevant to Data 12 May 1971 6742 146
+ Sharing on Computer Networks
+Winett The Definition of a Socket 7 May 1971 6750 147
+Bhushan Comments on RFC 123 7 May 1971 6751 148
+Crocker The Best Laid Plans . . . 10 May 1971 6752 149
+Kalin The Use of IPC Facilities -- 5 May 1971 6754 150
+ A Working Paper
+Shoshani Comments on a Proffered Official 10 May 1971 6755 151
+ ICP (RFCs 123, 127)
+Wilber SRI Artificial Intelligence 10 May 1971 6756 152
+ Status Report
+Melvin SRI ARC-NIC Status 15 May 1971 6758 153
+Crocker Exposition Style 12 May 1971 6759 154
+ [Page 5]
+RFC 200 RFC List by Number August 1971
+North ARPA Network Mailing Lists May 1971 5760 155
+Bouknight Status of the Illinois Site 26 April 1971 6761 156
+ (Response to RFC 116)
+Cerf Invitation to the Second 12 May 1971 6762 157
+ Symposium on Problems in the Optimization
+O'Sullivan TELNET Protocol -- 19 May 1971 6768 158
+ A Proposed Document
+ (no RFC by this number ever issued) 159
+NIC RFC Brief List -- 18 May 1971 6771 160
+ Title or Partial Title
+Shoshani A Solution to the Race 19 May 1971 6772 161
+ Condition in ICP
+Kampe NETBUGGER3 22 May 1971 6774 162
+Cerf Data Transfer Protocols 19 May 1971 6775 163
+Heafner Minutes of the Network Group 25 May 1971 6778 164
+ Meeting, 5/16 through 5/19/71
+Postel A Preferred Official Initial 25 May 1971 6779 165
+ Connection Protocol
+Anderson Data Reconfiguration Service -- 25 May 1971 6780 166
+ An Implementation Specification
+Bhushan Socket Conventions Reconsidered 24 May 1971 6784 167
+NIC ARPA Network Mailing Lists 26 May 1971 6785 168
+Crocker Computer Networks -- 27 May 1971 6789 169
+ IEEE Computer Society Workshop
+NIC RFC List by Number 1 June 1971 6790 170
+Bhushan,others The Data Transfer Protocol 23 June 1971 6793 171
+Bhushan,others The File Transfer Protocol 23 June 1971 6794 172
+Karp Network Data Management Comittee 4 June 1971 6795 173
+ Meeting Announcement
+Postel UCLA-Computer Science Graphics 8 June 1971 6799 174
+ Overview
+Harslem Comments on the "Socket 11 June 1971 7074 175
+ Conventions Reconsidered"
+Bhushan Comments on Byte Size for 14 June 1971 7100 176
+ Connections
+McConnell A Device Independent Graphical 15 June 1971 7102 177
+ Display Description
+Cotton Network Graphic Attention 27 June 1971 7118 178
+ Handling
+McKenzie Link Number Assignments 25 June 1971 7119 179
+McKenzie File System Questionnaire 25 June 1971 7123 180
+McConnell Modifications to RFC 177 27 June 1971 7124 181
+North Compilation of List of Relevant 25 June 1971 7126 182
+ Site Reports
+Winett The EBCDIC Codes and Their 16 July 1971 7127 183
+ Mapping to ASCII
+Kelley Proposed Graphic Display Modes 6 July 1971 7128 184
+North NIC Distribution of Manuals and 9 July 1971 7129 185
+ [Page 6]
+RFC 200 RFC List by Number August 1971
+ Handbooks
+Bisot A Network Graphics Loader 12 July 1971 7130 186
+McKay A Network/440 Protocol Concept July 1971 7131 187
+Karp Data Management Meeting 25 July 1971 7132 188
+ Announcement
+Braden Interim NETRJS Specifications 15 July 1971 7133 189
+Deutsch DEC PDP-10 -- IMLAC Communication 13 July 1971 7135 190
+ System
+Irby Graphics Implementation and 13 July 1971 7136 191
+ Conceptualization at ARC
+Watson Some Factors Which A Network 12 July 1971 7136 192
+ Graphic Protocol Must Consider
+Harslem Network Checkout 14 July 1971 7136 193
+Cerf Data Reconfiguration Service -- 12 July 1971 7139 194
+ Compiler/Interpreter
+ Implementation
+Mealy Data Computers -- Data 16 July 1971 7140 195
+ Descriptions and Access Language
+Watson A Mail BOX Protocol 20 July 1971 7141 196
+Shoshani Initial Connection Protocol -- 14 July 1971 7142 197
+ Reviewed
+Heafner Site Certification -- 21 July 1971 7149 198
+ Lincoln Labs 360/37
+Williams Suggestions for Network Data July 1971 7151 199
+ Tablet
+NIC RFC List by Number 1 August 1971 7152 200
+ [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
+ [ into the online RFC archives by Misrad Todorovac 3/98 ]
+ [Page 7]