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+Network Working Group E. Lear
+Request for Comments: 4219 Cisco Systems
+Category: Informational October 2005
+ Things Multihoming in IPv6 (MULTI6) Developers Should Think About
+Status of this Memo
+ This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does
+ not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this
+ memo is unlimited.
+Copyright Notice
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).
+ This document specifies a set of questions that authors should be
+ prepared to answer as part of a solution to multihoming with IPv6.
+ The questions do not assume that multihoming is the only problem of
+ interest, nor do they demand a more general solution.
+Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction ....................................................3
+ 1.1. Reading this Document ......................................3
+ 2. On the Wire Behavior ............................................4
+ 2.1. How will your solution solve the multihoming problem? ......4
+ 2.2. At what layer is your solution applied, and how? ...........4
+ 2.3. Why is the layer you chose the correct one? ................4
+ 2.4. Does your solution address mobility? .......................4
+ 2.5. Does your solution expand the size of an IP packet? ........4
+ 2.6. Will your solution add additional latency? .................4
+ 2.7. Can multihoming capabilities be negotiated
+ end-to-end during a ........................................4
+ 2.8. Do you change the way fragmenting is handled? ..............5
+ 2.9. Are there any layer 2 implications to your proposal? .......5
+ 3. Identifiers and Locators ........................................5
+ 3.1. Uniqueness .................................................5
+ 3.2. Does your solution provide for a split between
+ identifiers and ............................................5
+ 3.3. What is the lifetime of a binding from an
+ identifier to a locator? ...................................5
+ 3.4. How is the binding updated? ................................5
+ 3.5. How does a host know its identity? .........................5
+ 3.6. Can a host have multiple identifiers? ......................5
+Lear Informational [Page 1]
+RFC 4219 MULTI6 Solution Questionnaire October 2005
+ 3.7. If you have separate locators and identifiers, how
+ will they be ...............................................5
+ 3.8. Does your solution create an alternate "DNS-like"
+ service? ...................................................5
+ 3.9. Please describe authentication/authorization ...............6
+ 3.10. Is your mechanism hierarchical? ...........................6
+ 3.11. Middlebox interactions ....................................6
+ 3.12. Are there any implications for scoped addressing? .........6
+ 4. Routing System Interactions .....................................6
+ 4.1. Does your solution change existing aggregation methods? ....6
+ 4.2. Does the solution solve traffic engineering requirements? ..7
+ 4.3. Does the solution offer ways for the site to manage
+ its traffic ................................................7
+ 4.4. If you introduce any new name spaces, do they
+ require aggregation? .......................................7
+ 4.5. Does your solution interact with Autonomous System
+ numbering? .................................................7
+ 4.6. Are there any changes to ICMP error semantics? .............7
+ 5. Name Service Interactions .......................................7
+ 5.1. Please explain the relationship of your solution to DNS ....7
+ 5.2. Please explain interactions with "2-faced" DNS .............7
+ 5.3. Does your solution require centralized registration? .......8
+ 5.4. Have you checked for DNS circular dependencies? ............8
+ 5.5. What if a DNS server itself is multihomed? .................8
+ 5.6. What additional load will be placed on DNS servers? ........8
+ 5.7. Any upstream provider support required? ....................8
+ 5.8. How do you debug connectivity? .............................8
+ 6. Application Concerns and Backward Compatibility .................8
+ 6.1. What application/API changes are needed? ...................8
+ 6.2. Is this solution backward compatible with "old" IP
+ version 6? .................................................9
+ 6.3. Is your solution backward compatible with IPv4? ............9
+ 6.4. Can IPv4 devices take advantage of this solution? ..........9
+ 6.5. What is the impact of your solution on different
+ types of sites? ............................................9
+ 6.6. How will your solution interact with other middleboxes? ...10
+ 6.7. Referrals .................................................10
+ 6.8. Demonstrate use with a real life complex application ......10
+ 7. Legal Concerns .................................................10
+ 8. Security Considerations ........................................10
+ 9. Acknowledgements ...............................................11
+ 10. References ....................................................11
+ 10.1. Normative References .....................................11
+ 10.2. Informative References ...................................11
+Lear Informational [Page 2]
+RFC 4219 MULTI6 Solution Questionnaire October 2005
+1. Introduction
+ At the time of this writing there are quite a number of proposed
+ solutions to the problem of multihoming within IPv6, and related
+ problems such as the locator/identifier split.
+ This document contains several sets of questions that attempt to
+ focus these solutions on operational problems. This document does
+ not suggest methods to solve the problem. Rather, we simply want to
+ ensure that while solving a problem the medicine is not worse than
+ the cure. We focus on practical operational problems that both
+ single-homed and multihomed deployments may face.
+ It is the hope of the author that perhaps the authors of other
+ proposed solutions will use this document to identify gaps in their
+ solutions, and cooperate to close those gaps.
+1.1. Reading this Document
+ The questions are organized along the following lines:
+ o changes to on the wire behavior;
+ o routing system interactions;
+ o identifier/mapping split;
+ o application concerns and backward compatibility;
+ o name service interactions;
+ o legal concerns; and
+ o security considerations.
+ In reality many questions cut across all of these concerns. For
+ instance, the identifier / locator split has substantial application
+ implications, and every area has security considerations.
+ Unless it is blatantly obvious, each question contains some reasoning
+ as to why it is being asked. It is envisioned that no solution will
+ answer every question with completeness, but that there will be
+ tradeoffs to be made. The answers by the various designers of
+ solutions will hopefully shed some light on which tradeoffs we as a
+ community wish to make.
+ It would seem silly for people who have written detailed answers to
+ these questions to have to repeat the exercise. Therefore, a simple
+ reference to existing documents will suffice, so long as the answer
+ is complete. If it is not complete, then feel free to reference it
+ and add what text is necessary to make the answer complete.
+ This document presumes a familiarity with RFC 3582 [2], and does not
+ attempt to repeat the requirements work gathered there.
+Lear Informational [Page 3]
+RFC 4219 MULTI6 Solution Questionnaire October 2005
+2. On the Wire Behavior
+2.1. How will your solution solve the multihoming problem?
+ Please scope the problem you are attempting to solve and what you are
+ not attempting to solve.
+2.2. At what layer is your solution applied, and how?
+ Is it applied in every packet? If so, what fields are used?
+2.3. Why is the layer you chose the correct one?
+ Each layer has its benefits and tradeoffs. For instance, transport
+ layer solutions would require that EVERY transport be modified, while
+ IP layer solutions may entail expansion of the packet or a change to
+ the pseudo-header (thus requiring changes to the transport layer).
+2.4. Does your solution address mobility?
+ If so, how are rendezvous handled? Can your solution handle both
+ locators changing at the same time? If so, please explain. Should
+ it? If not, how will your solution interact with MOBILEIP-V6 [3]
+ (MIPv6)
+2.5. Does your solution expand the size of an IP packet?
+ Expanding the size of an IP packet may cause excessive fragmentation
+ in some circumstances.
+2.6. Will your solution add additional latency?
+ Latency is an important factor in many applications, including voice.
+ Any substantial amount of additional latency, including session
+ initiation would be highly undesirable.
+2.7. Can multihoming capabilities be negotiated end-to-end during a
+ connection?
+ If the proposal introduces additional overhead, can the information
+ be somehow piggybacked on messages that are already used? This would
+ be useful in order to keep connection setup constant. Please also
+ indicate any drawbacks that might apply due to this piggybacking.
+Lear Informational [Page 4]
+RFC 4219 MULTI6 Solution Questionnaire October 2005
+2.8. Do you change the way fragmenting is handled?
+ If you use a shim approach, do you fragment above or below the shim?
+ How are fragments identified, so that they can be reassembled? If
+ you use any additional names, do they need to be associated with
+ fragments? If not, why not? If so, how will that happen?
+2.9. Are there any layer 2 implications to your proposal?
+ While IPv6 has a simplified approach to layer 2, perhaps you
+ unsimplified it. If so, please provide details.
+3. Identifiers and Locators
+3.1. Uniqueness
+3.2. Does your solution provide for a split between identifiers and
+ locators?
+3.3. What is the lifetime of a binding from an identifier to a locator?
+3.4. How is the binding updated?
+ Will transport connections remain up when new paths become available
+ or when old ones become unavailable? How does the end node discover
+ these events?
+3.5. How does a host know its identity?
+ If you are establishing a new identity, how does the host learn it?
+3.6. Can a host have multiple identifiers?
+ If so, how does an application choose an identity?
+3.7. If you have separate locators and identifiers, how will they be
+ mapped?
+ Does the mapping work in both directions? How would someone
+ debugging a network determine which end stations are involved?
+3.8. Does your solution create an alternate "DNS-like" service?
+ If you use mechanisms other than DNS, first, why was DNS not
+ appropriate? Also, how will this other mechanism interact with DNS?
+ What are its scaling properties?
+Lear Informational [Page 5]
+RFC 4219 MULTI6 Solution Questionnaire October 2005
+3.9. Please describe authentication/authorization
+ How are bindings authenticated and authorized. What technology do
+ you build on for this mechanism?
+3.10. Is your mechanism hierarchical?
+ Please describe the hierarchical breakdown.
+3.11. Middlebox interactions
+ What are the implications for firewalls? What are the interactions
+ with Network Address Translation (NAT)? What are the interactions
+ with web caches? What complications are introduced with your
+ solution? For instance, are there implication for ingress filters?
+ If so, what are they?
+ When considering this question, there are really two issues. First,
+ will middleboxes impede your solution by rewriting headers in some
+ way, as NATs do for IP addresses, and web caches do at higher layers?
+ Second, is there a way in which middleboxes are actually part of your
+ solution? In particular, are they required? This would be the case,
+ for example, with Generalized Structure Element (GSE) (8+8).
+3.12. Are there any implications for scoped addressing?
+ Please see RFC 3513 [1]. How does your mechanism interact with
+ multicast?
+ How does your solution interact with link-local addressing
+ How does your solution interact with Son-Of-Sitelocal (whatever that
+ will be)?
+4. Routing System Interactions
+4.1. Does your solution change existing aggregation methods?
+ Routing on the Internet scales today because hosts and networks can
+ be aggregated into a relatively small number of entries. Does your
+ solution change the way in which route aggregation occurs?
+Lear Informational [Page 6]
+RFC 4219 MULTI6 Solution Questionnaire October 2005
+4.2. Does the solution solve traffic engineering requirements?
+ One of the significant goals of IPv4 multihoming solutions has been
+ the ability to perform traffic engineering based on appropriately
+ adjusting the BGP advertisements. If the prefixes used by such sites
+ was be aggregated (particularly beyond the site"s border), the site"s
+ ability to perform traffic engineering would be diminished.
+4.3. Does the solution offer ways for the site to manage its traffic
+ flows?
+ If so, how? Is this controllable on a per-host basis, or on a
+ per-site basis?
+4.4. If you introduce any new name spaces, do they require aggregation?
+ Is it desirable or required that, in order to scale distribution of
+ any mapping information, an aggregation method be introduced?
+4.5. Does your solution interact with Autonomous System numbering?
+ If your solution involves address prefixes distributed using BGP4+,
+ does it interact with the use of AS numbers and, if so, how? Will it
+ require additional AS numbers?
+4.6. Are there any changes to ICMP error semantics?
+ Do you create new codes? If so, why and what do they mean? Will a
+ host that is not aware of your scheme see them?
+5. Name Service Interactions
+5.1. Please explain the relationship of your solution to DNS
+ If your solution uses new names for identifiers, please explain what
+ mappings are defined, and how they are performed?
+ If there are any additional administrative requirements, such as new
+ zones or RR types to manage, please explain them as well.
+5.2. Please explain interactions with "2-faced" DNS
+ 2-faced DNS is used so that hosts behind a NAT get one address for
+ internal hosts, while hosts outside the NAT get another. Similar
+ mechanisms are used for application layer gateways, such as SOCKS
+ [5].
+Lear Informational [Page 7]
+RFC 4219 MULTI6 Solution Questionnaire October 2005
+5.3. Does your solution require centralized registration?
+ For instance, if you are using the DNS, what will be the top level
+ domain, and how will the name space distribute through it?
+ Also, how will the centralized registration be managed?
+5.4. Have you checked for DNS circular dependencies?
+ If you are using the DNS in your solution, is it required for
+ connectivity? What happens if the DNS fails? Can communication
+ between the DNS resolver and the server make use of your solution?
+ What about between the application and the resolver?
+5.5. What if a DNS server itself is multihomed?
+ If a link fails or a service is dropped, how will it impact DNS?
+ Again, are there any dependency loops? Perhaps diagram out your
+ dependencies to make sure.
+5.6. What additional load will be placed on DNS servers?
+ Can the load be distributed? Remember that DNS is optimized for READ
+ operations.
+5.7. Any upstream provider support required?
+ If so, please describe. For instance, currently reverse mappings are
+ delegated down from upstream providers. How would this work with
+ your solution?
+5.8. How do you debug connectivity?
+ How would tools like ping and traceroute need to be enhanced? What
+ additional tools would prove useful or necessary? For instance, if
+ there is an id/locator split, can one ping an identifier? If so,
+ what gets returned?
+6. Application Concerns and Backward Compatibility
+6.1. What application/API changes are needed?
+ Will old code work with the new mechanism? For instance, what about
+ code that uses gethostbyname()?
+ Will getaddrinfo() need to change?
+ What about other API calls?
+Lear Informational [Page 8]
+RFC 4219 MULTI6 Solution Questionnaire October 2005
+ There are several possible approaches. For instance, a multihoming
+ service could attempt to require no changes to the API, in which case
+ it is possible that IP addresses might become opaque blobs that work
+ with the API, but might break operational assumptions that
+ applications make about addresses. Consider the case of a web server
+ that wants to log IP addresses. How will it accomplish this task?
+ Another approach is to have some sort of compatibility library for
+ legacy applications, but also provide a richer calling interface for
+ transparency.
+ Yet another approach would be to only provide the new functionality
+ to those applications that make use of a new calling interface.
+ One useful exercise would be to provide code fragments that
+ demonstrate any API changes.
+6.2. Is this solution backward compatible with "old" IP version 6?
+ Can it be deployed incrementally? Please describe how.
+ Does your solution impose requirements on non-multihomed/non-mobile
+ hosts?
+ What happens if someone plugs in a normal IPv6 node?
+6.3. Is your solution backward compatible with IPv4?
+ How will your mechanism interact with 6to4 gateways and IPv4 hosts?
+6.4. Can IPv4 devices take advantage of this solution?
+ Can the same mechanism somehow be used on the existing network? N.B.
+ this is NOT a primary consideration, but perhaps a side benefit of a
+ particular solution.
+6.5. What is the impact of your solution on different types of sites?
+ What will the impact of your solution be on the following types of
+ systems?
+ o single homed sites
+ o small multihomed sites
+ o large multihomed sites
+ o ad-hoc sites
+ o short lived connections (think aggregator wireless ISPs)
+Lear Informational [Page 9]
+RFC 4219 MULTI6 Solution Questionnaire October 2005
+ In particular, consider ongoing administration, renumbering events,
+ and mobile work forces.
+6.6. How will your solution interact with other middleboxes?
+6.7. Referrals
+ How will your solution handle referrals, such as those within FTP or
+ various conferencing or other peer to peer systems?
+ Referrals exist within various other protocols, such as so-called
+ "peer to peer" applications. Note that referrals might suffer three
+ types of failure:
+ firewall and NAT - Is there failure just as what FTP active mode
+ experiences today with relatively simple firewalls?
+ time-based - Is there something ephemeral about the nature of the
+ solution that might cause a referral (such as a URL) to fail over
+ time, more so than what we have today?
+ location-based - If the binding varies based on where the parties are
+ in the network, and if one moves, will they no longer be able to
+ find each other?
+6.8. Demonstrate use with a real life complex application
+ Provide a detailed walk-through of SIP + Real Time Streaming Protocol
+ (SIP+RTSP) when one or several of the peers are multihomed. How does
+ your analysis change when encrypted RTSP is used or when SIP with
+ S/MIME end-to-end (e2e) signalling is used?
+7. Legal Concerns
+ Are you introducing a namespace that might involve mnemonics? Doing
+ so might introduce trademark concerns. If so, how do you plan to
+ address such concerns?
+ Are there any organizations required to manage a new name space? If
+ so, please describe what they are and how the method will scale.
+8. Security Considerations
+ How secure should a multi6 solution be? This is a reasonable
+ question for each solution to answer. The author opines that the
+ worst case should be no worse than what we have today. For example,
+ would a multi6 solution open up a host, on either end of a
+ communication, to a time-based attack? Any such risks should be
+ clearly stated by the authors. Considerable time should be spent on
+ threat analysis. Please see [4] for more details.
+Lear Informational [Page 10]
+RFC 4219 MULTI6 Solution Questionnaire October 2005
+ As IP addresses can often be tied to individuals, are there any
+ auditing or privacy concerns introduced by your solution?
+9. Acknowledgements
+ The author wishes to acknowledge everyone in the multi6 group and
+ elsewhere that is putting forward proposals. It is easy to ask
+ questions like the ones found in this document. It is quite a bit
+ harder to develop running code to answer them. Marcelo Bagnulo, Kurt
+ Erik Lindqvist, Joe Touch, Patrik Faltstrom, Brian Carpenter, and
+ Iljitsch van Beijnum provided input to this document.
+10. References
+10.1. Normative References
+ [1] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
+ Addressing Architecture", RFC 3513, April 2003.
+ [2] Abley, J., Black, B., and V. Gill, "Goals for IPv6 Site-
+ Multihoming Architectures", RFC 3582, August 2003.
+ [3] Johnson, D., Perkins, C., and J. Arkko, "Mobility Support in
+ IPv6", RFC 3775, June 2004.
+ [4] Nordmark, E., "Threats Relating to IPv6 Multihoming Solutions",
+ RFC 4218, October 2005.
+10.2. Informative References
+ [5] Kitamura, H., "A SOCKS-based IPv6/IPv4 Gateway Mechanism",
+ RFC 3089, April 2001.
+Author's Address
+ Eliot Lear
+ Cisco Systems GmbH
+ Glatt-com, 2nd Floor
+ CH-8301 Glattzentrum ZH
+ Switzerland
+ EMail:
+Lear Informational [Page 11]
+RFC 4219 MULTI6 Solution Questionnaire October 2005
+Full Copyright Statement
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).
+ This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
+ contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
+ retain all their rights.
+ This document and the information contained herein are provided on an
+Intellectual Property
+ The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
+ Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
+ pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
+ this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
+ might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
+ made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information
+ on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
+ found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.
+ Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
+ assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
+ attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
+ such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
+ specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at
+ The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
+ copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
+ rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
+ this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-
+ Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
+ Internet Society.
+Lear Informational [Page 12]