path: root/doc/rfc/rfc88.txt
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+Network Working Group R. Braden
+Request for Comments: 88 S. Wolfe
+ 13 January 1971
+ A. Introduction
+ NETRJS is the name for a message protocol and set of control
+ conventions which will allow users at remote Hosts to access the RJS
+ ("Remote Job Service") remote batch subsystem of CCN. RJS[1] was
+ written at CCN to support remote batch (car reader/line printer)
+ terminals over communications lines.
+ RJS makes a remote batch terminal's unit record devices operate as if
+ they were at the central site; thus, a remote user enters OS/360
+ jobs, complete with JCL, into the remote reader. The jobs are
+ spooled into the operating system and run in their turn, and the
+ printed and/or punched output is returned to the remote terminal from
+ which the jobs originated (unless the user or operator re-routes the
+ output). The remote terminal may also include a console typewriter
+ to be used by the remote operator to receive and send messages and to
+ exert control over his terminal [2].
+ When RJS is used via the ARPA Network, the "remote terminal" is
+ expected to be a multiprogrammed user process in a remote Host. We
+ will use the RJS term "remote site" for such a user process, which
+ presumably simulates unit record devices by file I/O. Furthermore,
+ several users at the same remote Host may simultaneously use NETRJS,
+ acting as independent "remote sites" distinguished by 8-character
+ names called _terminal-ids_ (because each remote site appears to RJS
+ as a separate physical terminal). Valid terminal-ids will be
+ assigned to individual users or user groups at remote Hosts who wish
+ to use NETRJS.
+ Under NETRJS, a separate ARPA network connection is opened from this
+ remote site to CCN for each (simulated) unit record device. Each
+ such connection will be called a _channel_ and be designated _input_
+ or _output_ with reference to CCN. We define a _standard_ remote
+ site in NETRJS to have the following five channels (See Figure 1):
+ 1._Operator Input Channel_ - Commands and messages entered by
+ remote "operator" console.
+ 2 _Operator Output Channel_ - Message stream which would normally
+ be directed to remote operator.
+Braden, et. al. [Page 1]
+ 3._Input Stream_ - One simulated Hollerith card reader for job
+ submission.
+ 4._Printer Stream_ - One simulated line printer to record printed
+ output (system messages and SYSOUT data sets) from jobs.
+ 5._Punch Stream_ - One simulated card punch, capable of recording
+ arbitrary (i.e., transparent) binary text.
+ RJS actually will support more than one reader, printer, and punch at
+ each remote terminal, so the NETRJS protocol could easily be expanded
+ to allow multiple simultaneous I/O streams to each Network user.
+ However, this does not presently appear useful, as the ARPA Network
+ bandwidth will normally be the limitation on the transmission speed
+ under NETRJS.
+ Under NETRJS, the text of a single network message is called a
+ _block_. A block is of variable length, up to 900 bytes (except
+ operator input and output blocks, which may not exceed 130 bytes).
+ Here the term _byte_ refers to the set of 8 bits representing one
+ character; each byte is to be aligned on an 8-bit boundary within the
+ message (and block). Thus we may consider a block to be a string of
+ bytes. The detailed format of a block will be defined in Sections E,
+ F, and G, using essentially the formalism suggested by Bobrow and
+ Sutherland in RFC #31.
+ Since the central site Host (CCN) is an IBM 360, NETRJS uses the IBM
+ EBCDIC character code to avoid redundant code conversion at both
+ hosts in those cases when the remote host also uses EBCDIC
+ internally. However, the message formats make no assumption about
+ the code, and in fact, "object decks" sent to the (simulated) card
+ punch will normally contain arbitrary binary text.
+ To maximize the use of the available Network bandwidth, we strongly
+ recommend transmitting input blocks as large as possible; CCN will
+ always fully block NETRJS output. Furthermore, to avoid excessive
+ overhead, we urge that all NETRJS users make their marking _a
+ multiple of 8 bits_, so the messages received at CCN arrive on a byte
+ boundary.
+ B. Starting a Session[3]
+ The initial connection protocol for NETRJS is essentially that of
+ Crocker in RFC #66 (as restated by Harslem and Heafner in RFC #80),
+ with some extensions. User U at a remote Host presumably requests
+ his outgoing logger to make a NETRJS connection to CCN. This
+Braden, et. al. [Page 2]
+ logger does so by first sending an initial RFC to connect socket
+ (user,aen) = (U,s) to CCN socket (0,5). User 0 at CCN is the
+ incoming logger, and aen = 5 signifies NETRJS.
+ The CCN incoming logger will allocate a set of (six) consecutive aen
+ numbers A, A+1,......A+5, for user U, return a message containing the
+ socket number (U,A) as specified in RFC #66, and close the initial
+ connection. The remote and central sites will then open an input
+ channel between CCN socket (U,A) (socket f in Figure 1) and remote
+ socket (U, s+1). This is the remote operator input channel. The
+ other devices have fixed aen's at CCN assigned relative to A, in
+ particular:
+ CCN Socket
+ Channel (User,aen)
+ Operator Input (U,A)
+ Operator Output (U,A+1)
+ Card Reader (No. 1) (U,A+2)
+ Printer (No. 1) (U,A+3)
+ Punch (No. 1) (U,A+5)
+ Once the operator input channel is open, the remote site must
+ transmit a valid RJS signon message [2]. This message is free-format
+ and consists of the command verb "SIGNON" followed by the user's
+ terminal-id. If RJS does not recognize the terminal-id or has no
+ available Line Handler for the Network, it will indicate refusal by
+ closing the operator input channel. Central site issues subsequent
+ RFC's for the other channels listed above only in response to
+ corresponding RFC's from the remote site
+ To terminate the session, the remote site may close the console input
+ channel (socket "a" in figure 1). Alternatively, the user can enter
+ a SIGNOFF command through the operator input channel; in this case,
+ RJS will wait until the current job output streams are complete and
+ then terminate the session. RJS terminates the session by closing
+ the console output channel (socket g). Also, if RJS should abend
+ then socket g will close. If either site terminates the session, all
+ other connections for this remote site should be closed. Note that a
+ user can submit a number of jobs, sign off, and later receive his
+ output when he signs on again.
+C. Channel Control
+ Flow control in NETRJS is handled by the Network protocol ALL
+ mechanism. Before transmission of a stream of records can begin on a
+ particular channel, the remote site must issue an RFC and Central
+ must reply. This allows the central site to determine the remote
+Braden, et. al. [Page 3]
+ configuration dynamically. A particular card reader, printer, or
+ punch channel is open only while it is active, so the receiver need
+ not tie up buffer space needlessly. Each of these channels, when
+ open, assumes a buffer allocation of at least 900 bytes at the
+ receiver.
+ The operator input and output channels, on the other hand, are open
+ throughout the session. On these channels the receiver must provide
+ an allocation of at least 130 bytes.
+ After sending the SIGNON command over the operator input channel, the
+ remote site should send RFC's for all output channels which are ready
+ to receive data. When output is available for that site, Central
+ returns an RFC and begins transmission. Central closes an output
+ channel (socket i and j) at the end of the output for each complete
+ batch job.[4] The remote site must then send a new RFC and Central
+ must reply with an RFC to start output for another job to that
+ device. This gives the remote site a chance to allocate a new file
+ for each job without breaking the output within a job. If the user
+ at the remote site wants to cancel (or backspace or defer) the output
+ of a particular job, he enters appropriate RJS commands[2] on the
+ operator input channel.
+ When the remote site is ready to submit a job (or stack of
+ consecutive jobs), it issues an RFC for the card reader input
+ channel. The remote site is not required to close the channel
+ (socket c) after each job in a "stack" of jobs, but he must close it
+ following the last job in the stack to initiate its processing.
+ It may be necessary for the receiver site to abort a particular
+ channel, perhaps due to a transmission error (see Section D below on
+ checking) or a disk I/O error. The receiver may abort a channel
+ (other than console output) by closing it (sockets d, e, f, and h).
+ This action signals the transmitter to re-transmit the information
+ after the channel has been reopened (initiated by the remote site, as
+ always). The transmitter, on the other hand, aborts a channel by
+ sending a block with a particular bit combination (e = 2 in BCBYTE;
+ see Section E).
+ If either site aborts card reader (input) channel, RJS will discard
+ the text of the last partially-spooled job; the remote site should
+ re-transmit this job. Note that repeating an entire stack will enter
+ duplicate jobs into the system, but the second copy of a job will
+ "flush" due to its duplicate job name.
+ If a printer or punch (output) channel is aborted, Central will re-
+ transmit from the beginning of the current SYSOUT data set; the
+ effect is the same as a RESTART command.[2]
+Braden, et. al. [Page 4]
+ If the operator input channel is aborted, the remote site must re-
+ transmit the last _block_. Finally, the operator output channel has
+ no abort condition defined. Central will never send Channel Abort
+ message on this channel; if the remote site closes its socket (socket
+ b), Central will not re-transmit, but simply cease sending messages
+ until the channel is reopened. Therefore a remote site can operate
+ without an operator output channel; however we do not recommend this,
+ as the user will then miss operator advisory messages such as a
+ warning of an impending IPL.
+D. Checking
+ The nature of remote job entry service is such that a low rate of
+ undetected errors is mandatory. The IMP's use CRC's and sequence
+ numbers over the communication lines, so the effective IMP-IMP error
+ rate should be negligible. Although there is no checking provided
+ for the IMP-Host interface, it seems likely that these interfaces
+ will either be reliable or fail catastrophically; it seems unlikely
+ that "drop-outs" or other random failures will occur. Therefore only
+ the following simple checks are provided:
+ 1. Each block will (at least initially) contain a fixed bit check
+ pattern using both on and off states of each bit path in the 16
+ bit PDA interface at CCN.
+ It is anticipated that even this crude check on IMP-Host
+ transmission will be useful both during the initial checkout of
+ hardware and software and also later if the interface becomes
+ marginal. However, either site can omit the check pattern if it
+ sets a bit in the Block Control Byte (BCBYTE); see Section F.
+ 2. Each block contains a sequence number. Again this is intended for
+ initial checkout and to signal catastrophic hardware or software
+ problems. If the receiver detects an incorrect check pattern or
+ block sequence number, he aborts the channel by closing the
+ corresponding network connection; the remote site should then
+ issue an RFC to re-establish the network connection. The sequence
+ number of the first block after an RFC is 0. The numbers are
+ never reset while the connection is open.
+Braden, et. al. [Page 5]
+E. Block Format
+ Here r > 0
+ =
+ The Blockhead field consists of a Block Control Byte,
+ a 32-bit check field CHECK, and a Device Byte.
+ Here BLKSEQ contains a 5-bit modulo 32 block sequence
+ number b. ERRORCONTROL is a 2 bit field with the
+ following meanings:
+ e=0 : Normal block. Contains a (presumably valid)
+ check field CHECK.
+ e=1 : Block contains no check field CHECK.
+ e=2 : Abort channel, initiated by transmitter.
+ Channels is not closed, transmission restarts
+ on job-related boundary.
+ DEVBYTE <---- '1'BIT + n:DEVNO + t:DEVTYPE
+ This byte identifies a particular remote device, i.e.,
+ it identifies a stream. DEVTYPE specifies the type of
+ device, as follows:
+ t=1: Output to remote operator console.
+ 2: Input from remote operator console.
+ 3: Input from card reader.
+ 4: Output to printer.
+ 5: Output to card punch.
+ 6,7: Unused.
+ DEVNO is a 3-bit integer which identifies the
+ particular device type of type t at this remote site.
+ CHECK <--- '10101111'BYTE + 01010000'BYTE + '11111010'BYTE +
+ '00000101'BYTE
+Braden, et. al. [Page 6]
+Record Format
+ The first record sent on a printer or punch output channel will be a
+ JOBNAMERECORD, identifying the OS/360 jobname of the job which
+ produced the following output.
+ JOBNAMERECORD <-- '11000000'BYTE + '11001000'BYTE + JOBNAME +
+ JOBNAME <---- (TEXTBYTE = 8)
+ This is the 8-character OS/360 jobname for the
+ following job.
+ DEVCNTRL <----- d:BIT2 + k:BIT4
+ DEVCNTRL specifies carriage control for a printer,
+ so if the device is not a printer then DEVCNTRL
+ should be '000000'. For a printer:
+ d=0 : Space k lines after printing; 0 < k < 3
+ = =
+ is allowed
+ d=2 : Immediately space k lines.
+ d=1, k=1: Skip to top of new page after printing.
+ d=3, k=1: Immediately skip to top of new page.
+ STRING <--- ('100' + i:DUPCOUNT)| This is a string of i
+ consecutive blanks.
+ ('101' + i:DUPCOUNT + TEXTBYTE)|
+ This is a string of i consecutive duplicates of
+ ('11' + j:LENGTH + (TEXTBYTE=j)| This is an
+ uncompressed string of j characters.
+Braden, et. al. [Page 7]
+G. Field Definitions
+ Name* Meaning Length (bits)
+ _____ _______ _____________
+ BIT 1-bit field 1
+ BIT2 2-bit field 2
+ BIT4 4-bit field 4
+ BLKSEQ Block sequence number 5
+ BYTE 8-bit field aligned on 8-bit 8
+ boundary
+ CHECK Block check number 32
+ DEVNO Device number of a given 3
+ type
+ DEVTYPE Device type 4
+ DUPCOUNT Number of replications of 5
+ duplicated character in
+ compressed text.
+ ERRORCONTROL Block transmission error 2
+ control.
+ LENGTH Length in bytes of the 6
+ following string of text.
+ TEXTBYTE An 8-bit byte of text 8
+ *Note: All non-terminal fields whose names end in
+ "...BYTE" represent bytes in both length and
+ alignment.
+Braden, et. al. [Page 8]
+ 1. Martin, V.A. and Springer, T.W., "Implementation of A Remote Job
+ Service", Technical Report TR2, Campus Computing Network, UCLA,
+ Los Angeles, (undated).
+ 2. The RJS operator commands and messages are described in detail in
+ Reference 1.
+ 3. We use the phrase "starting a session" rather than "logging on"
+ because RJS has its own log on procedure, which is, we suppose, a
+ fourth-level protocol.
+ 4. Note that NETRJS uses closing of connections as end-of-file
+ signals.
+ +---------------------+ +--------------------+
+ | a | | |
+ | Console Input o----------->o f |
+ | b | | |
+ | Console Output o<-----------o g |
+ | c | | |
+ | Card Reader o------------o h |
+ | d | | |
+ | Printer o<-----------o i |
+ | e | | |
+ | Card Punch o<-----------o j |
+ | | | |
+ +---------------------+ +--------------------+
+ ARPA Network Connections (Channels)
+ For a Standard Remote Site Under NETRJS
+ R.T. Braden/rb.
+ S.M. Wolfe
+ [This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry]
+ [into the online RFC archives by Lorrie Shiota, 10/01]
+Braden, et. al. [Page 9]