path: root/gen/prop/lb
diff options
authorThomas Voss <mail@thomasvoss.com> 2024-05-03 18:37:50 +0200
committerThomas Voss <mail@thomasvoss.com> 2024-05-03 18:37:50 +0200
commit1b068cedf3c113f27121182b29e096ccb3e1b9c1 (patch)
tree0626eec582b75c767c35510bb33f5a191d99a276 /gen/prop/lb
parent56539c1cae81fc95608be9170c1965346ce31c09 (diff)
Add more 2-stage lookup tables
Diffstat (limited to 'gen/prop/lb')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/gen/prop/lb b/gen/prop/lb
index 2abab6c..e003d13 100755
--- a/gen/prop/lb
+++ b/gen/prop/lb
@@ -1,65 +1,101 @@
-set -e
-cd "${0%/*}/../.."
-exec >lib/unicode/prop/uprop_get_lb.c
-gawk '
- FS = "( *#.*| *; +)"
- print "/* This file is autogenerated by gen/prop/lb; DO NOT EDIT. */"
- print ""
- print "#include \"_bsearch.h\""
- print "#include \"macros.h\""
- print "#include \"rune.h\""
- print "#include \"unicode/prop.h\""
- print ""
-/^[^#]/ {
- n = split($1, a, /\.\./)
- lo = strtonum("0X" a[1])
- hi = strtonum("0X" a[n])
- for (i = lo; i <= hi; i++) {
- gsub(/^; /, "", $2)
- props[i] = "LB_" $2
- }
-END {
- print "static constexpr enum uprop_lb lookup_lat1[] = {"
- for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) {
- if (i % 8 == 0)
- printf "\t"
- printf "%-6s%s", (props[i] ? props[i] : "LB_XX") ",", \
- i % 8 == 7 ? "\n" : " "
- }
- print "};"
- print ""
- print "static const struct {"
- print "\trune lo, hi;"
- print "\tenum uprop_lb val;"
- print "} lookup[] = {"
- for (i = 0x100; i <= 0x10FFFF; i++) {
- if (!props[i])
- continue
- lo = i
- while (props[lo] == props[i + 1])
- i++
- printf "\t{RUNE_C(0x%06X), RUNE_C(0x%06X), %s},\n", lo, i, props[i]
- }
- print "};"
- print ""
- print "_MLIB_DEFINE_BSEARCH(enum uprop_lb, lookup, LB_XX)"
- print ""
- print "enum uprop_lb"
- print "uprop_get_lb(rune ch)"
- print "{"
- print "\treturn ch < lengthof(lookup_lat1) ? lookup_lat1[ch] : mlib_lookup(ch);"
- print "}"
-' data/DerivedLineBreak | sed 's/\s*$//'
+import math
+from lib import *
+longest = 0
+def parse(file: str) -> list[bool]:
+ global longest
+ xs = ['LB_XX'] * 0x110000
+ with open(file, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ if len(line.strip()) == 0 or line[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ parts = line.split(';')
+ ranges = [int(x, 16) for x in parts[0].strip().split('..')]
+ prop = 'LB_' + parts[1].split('#')[0].strip()
+ longest = max(longest, len(prop))
+ for i in range(ranges[0], ranges[len(ranges) - 1] + 1):
+ xs[i] = prop
+ return xs
+def genfile(cs: list[tuple[bool, ...]], blksize: int) -> None:
+ Cs = cs
+ cs = list(dict.fromkeys(Cs))
+ print('''\
+/* This file is autogenerated by gen/prop/lb; DO NOT EDIT. */
+#include "unicode/prop.h"
+ print(f'static constexpr {typename(len(cs) - 1)} stage1[] = {{')
+ for i, c in enumerate(Cs):
+ print(f'%c%{len(str(len(cs) - 1))}d,' % ('\t' if i % 16 == 0 else ' ', cs.index(c)), end='')
+ if i % 16 == 15:
+ print()
+ print('};')
+ print()
+ ppc = columns(blksize, longest + 1)
+ print(f'static constexpr enum uprop_lb stage2[][{blksize}] = {{')
+ for c in cs:
+ for i in range(blksize // ppc):
+ print('\t{' if i == 0 else '\t ', end='')
+ for j in range(ppc):
+ print(c[i*ppc + j], end='')
+ if i < blksize // ppc - 1 or j < ppc - 1:
+ print(',', end='')
+ if j < ppc - 1:
+ print(' ' * (longest + 1 - len(c[i*ppc + j])), end='')
+ if i < blksize // ppc - 1:
+ print()
+ print('},')
+ print('};')
+ print()
+ print(f'''\
+enum uprop_lb
+uprop_get_lb(rune ch)
+ return stage2[stage1[ch / {blksize}]][ch % {blksize}];
+def main() -> None:
+ cwd_init()
+ xs = parse('data/DerivedLineBreak')
+ blksize = -1
+ smallest = math.inf
+ for bs in powers_of_2():
+ if bs > len(xs):
+ break
+ Cs = [tuple(x) for x in chunks(xs, bs)]
+ cs = set(Cs)
+ sz_s1 = len(Cs) * isize(len(cs) - 1)
+ sz_s2 = len(cs) * bs
+ sz = sz_s1 + sz_s2
+ if sz < smallest:
+ smallest = sz
+ blksize = bs
+ Cs = [tuple(x) for x in chunks(xs, blksize)]
+ with open('lib/unicode/prop/uprop_get_lb.c', 'w') as f:
+ sys.stdout = f
+ genfile(Cs, blksize)
+ report_size(len(xs), smallest)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()