path: root/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP.pm')
1 files changed, 671 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP.pm b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP.pm
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gmp-6.3.0/demos/perl/GMP.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+# GMP perl module
+# Copyright 2001-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+# The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# or
+# * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# or both in parallel, as here.
+# The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+# GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+# see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+# [Note: The above copyright notice is repeated in the documentation section
+# below, in order to get it into man pages etc generated by the various pod
+# conversions. When changing, be sure to update below too.]
+# This code is designed to work with perl 5.005, so it and the sub-packages
+# aren't as modern as they could be.
+package GMP;
+require Symbol;
+require Exporter;
+require DynaLoader;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
+@EXPORT = qw();
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(version);
+%EXPORT_TAGS = ('all' => [qw(
+ get_d get_d_2exp get_si get_str integer_p
+ printf sgn sprintf)],
+ 'constants' => [()]);
+$VERSION = '2.00';
+bootstrap GMP $VERSION;
+# The format string is cut up into "%" specifiers so GMP types can be
+# passed to GMP::sprintf_internal. Any "*"s are interpolated before
+# calling sprintf_internal, which saves worrying about variable
+# argument lists there.
+# Because sprintf_internal is only called after the conversion and
+# operand have been checked there won't be any crashes from a bad
+# format string.
+sub sprintf {
+ my $fmt = shift;
+ my $out = '';
+ my ($pre, $dummy, $pat, $rest);
+ while (($pre, $dummy, $pat, $rest) = ($fmt =~ /^((%%|[^%])*)(%[- +#.*hlLqv\d]*[bcdfeEgGinopsuxX])(.*)$/s)) {
+ $out .= $pre;
+ my $pat2 = $pat; # $pat with "*"s expanded
+ my @params = (); # arguments per "*"s
+ while ($pat2 =~ /[*]/) {
+ my $arg = shift;
+ $pat2 =~ s/[*]/$arg/;
+ push @params, $arg;
+ }
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],"GMP::Mpz")) {
+ if ($pat2 !~ /[dioxX]$/) {
+ die "GMP::sprintf: unsupported output format for mpz: $pat2\n";
+ }
+ $pat2 =~ s/(.)$/Z$1/;
+ $out .= sprintf_internal ($pat2, shift);
+ } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],"GMP::Mpq")) {
+ if ($pat2 !~ /[dioxX]$/) {
+ die "GMP::sprintf: unsupported output format for mpq: $pat2\n";
+ }
+ $pat2 =~ s/(.)$/Q$1/;
+ $out .= sprintf_internal ($pat2, shift);
+ } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],"GMP::Mpf")) {
+ if ($pat2 !~ /[eEfgG]$/) {
+ die "GMP::sprintf: unsupported output format for mpf: $pat2\n";
+ }
+ $pat2 =~ s/(.)$/F$1/;
+ $out .= sprintf_internal ($pat2, shift);
+ } elsif ($pat =~ /n$/) {
+ # do it this way so h, l or V type modifiers are respected, and use a
+ # dummy variable to avoid a warning about discarding the value
+ my $dummy = sprintf "%s$pat", $out, $_[0];
+ shift;
+ } else {
+ $out .= sprintf $pat, @params, shift;
+ }
+ $fmt = $rest;
+ }
+ $out .= $fmt;
+ return $out;
+sub printf {
+ if (ref($_[0]) eq 'GLOB') {
+ my $h = Symbol::qualify_to_ref(shift, caller);
+ print $h GMP::sprintf(@_);
+ } else {
+ print STDOUT GMP::sprintf(@_);
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+GMP - Perl interface to the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use GMP;
+ use GMP::Mpz;
+ use GMP::Mpq;
+ use GMP::Mpf;
+ use GMP::Rand;
+This module provides access to GNU MP arbitrary precision integers,
+rationals and floating point.
+No functions are exported from these packages by default, but can be
+selected in the usual way, or the tag :all for everything.
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(gcd, lcm); # just these functions
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(:all); # everything in mpq
+=head2 GMP::Mpz
+This class provides arbitrary precision integers. A new mpz can be
+constructed with C<mpz>. The initial value can be an integer, float,
+string, mpz, mpq or mpf. Floats, mpq and mpf will be automatically
+truncated to an integer.
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:all);
+ my $a = mpz(123);
+ my $b = mpz("0xFFFF");
+ my $c = mpz(1.5); # truncated
+The following overloaded operators are available, and corresponding
+assignment forms like C<+=>,
+=over 4
++ - * / % E<lt>E<lt> E<gt>E<gt> ** & | ^ ! E<lt> E<lt>= == != E<gt> E<gt>=
+E<lt>=E<gt> abs not sqrt
+C</> and C<%> round towards zero (as per the C<tdiv> functions in GMP).
+The following functions are available, behaving the same as the
+corresponding GMP mpz functions,
+=over 4
+bin, cdiv, cdiv_2exp, clrbit, combit, congruent_p, congruent_2exp_p,
+divexact, divisible_p, divisible_2exp_p, even_p, fac, fdiv, fdiv_2exp, fib,
+fib2, gcd, gcdext, hamdist, invert, jacobi, kronecker, lcm, lucnum, lucnum2,
+mod, mpz_export, mpz_import, nextprime, odd_p, perfect_power_p,
+perfect_square_p, popcount, powm, probab_prime_p, realloc, remove, root,
+roote, scan0, scan1, setbit, sizeinbase, sqrtrem, tdiv, tdiv_2exp, tstbit
+C<cdiv>, C<fdiv> and C<tdiv> and their C<2exp> variants return a
+quotient/remainder pair. C<fib2> returns a pair F[n] and F[n-1], similarly
+C<lucnum2>. C<gcd> and C<lcm> accept a variable number of arguments (one or
+more). C<gcdext> returns a triplet of gcd and two cofactors, for example
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:all);
+ $a = 7257;
+ $b = 10701;
+ ($g, $x, $y) = gcdext ($a, $b);
+ print "gcd($a,$b) is $g, and $g == $a*$x + $b*$y\n";
+C<mpz_import> and C<mpz_export> are so named to avoid the C<import> keyword.
+Their parameters are as follows,
+ $z = mpz_import ($order, $size, $endian, $nails, $string);
+ $string = mpz_export ($order, $size, $endian, $nails, $z);
+The order, size, endian and nails parameters are as per the corresponding C
+functions. The string input for C<mpz_import> is interpreted as byte data
+and must be a multiple of $size bytes. C<mpz_export> conversely returns a
+string of byte data, which will be a multiple of $size bytes.
+C<invert> returns the inverse, or undef if it doesn't exist. C<remove>
+returns a remainder/multiplicity pair. C<root> returns the nth root, and
+C<roote> returns a root/bool pair, the bool indicating whether the root is
+exact. C<sqrtrem> and C<rootrem> return a root/remainder pair.
+C<clrbit>, C<combit> and C<setbit> expect a variable which they can modify,
+it doesn't make sense to pass a literal constant. Only the given variable
+is modified, if other variables are referencing the same mpz object then a
+new copy is made of it. If the variable isn't an mpz it will be coerced to
+one. For instance,
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(setbit);
+ setbit (123, 0); # wrong, don't pass a constant
+ $a = mpz(6);
+ $b = $a;
+ setbit ($a, 0); # $a becomes 7, $b stays at 6
+C<scan0> and C<scan1> return ~0 if no 0 or 1 bit respectively is found.
+=head2 GMP::Mpq
+This class provides rationals with arbitrary precision numerators and
+denominators. A new mpq can be constructed with C<mpq>. The initial value
+can be an integer, float, string, mpz, mpq or mpf, or a pair of integers or
+mpz's. No precision is lost when converting a float or mpf, the exact value
+is retained.
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(:all);
+ $a = mpq(); # zero
+ $b = mpq(0.5); # gives 1/2
+ $b = mpq(14); # integer 14
+ $b = mpq(3,4); # fraction 3/4
+ $b = mpq("7/12"); # fraction 7/12
+ $b = mpq("0xFF/0x100"); # fraction 255/256
+When a fraction is given, it should be in the canonical form specified in
+the GMP manual, which is denominator positive, no common factors, and zero
+always represented as 0/1. If not then C<canonicalize> can be called to put
+it in that form. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(:all);
+ $q = mpq(21,15); # eek! common factor 3
+ canonicalize($q); # get rid of it
+The following overloaded operators are available, and corresponding
+assignment forms like C<+=>,
+=over 4
++ - * / E<lt>E<lt> E<gt>E<gt> ** ! E<lt> E<lt>= == != E<gt> E<gt>=
+E<lt>=E<gt> abs not
+The following functions are available,
+=over 4
+den, inv, num
+C<inv> calculates 1/q, as per the corresponding GMP function. C<num> and
+C<den> return an mpz copy of the numerator or denominator respectively. In
+the future C<num> and C<den> might give lvalues so the original mpq can be
+modified through them, but this is not done currently.
+=head2 GMP::Mpf
+This class provides arbitrary precision floating point numbers. The
+mantissa is an arbitrary user-selected precision and the exponent is a fixed
+size (one machine word).
+A new mpf can be constructed with C<mpf>. The initial value can be an
+integer, float, string, mpz, mpq or mpf. The second argument specifies the
+desired precision in bits, or if omitted then the default precision is used.
+ use GMP::Mpf qw(:all);
+ $a = mpf(); # zero
+ $b = mpf(-7.5); # default precision
+ $c = mpf(1.5, 500); # 500 bits precision
+ $d = mpf("1.0000000000000001");
+The following overloaded operators are available, with the corresponding
+assignment forms like C<+=>,
+=over 4
++ - * / E<lt>E<lt> E<gt>E<gt> ** ! E<lt> E<lt>= == != E<gt> E<gt>=
+E<lt>=E<gt> abs not sqrt
+The following functions are available, behaving the same as the
+corresponding GMP mpf functions,
+=over 4
+ceil, floor, get_default_prec, get_prec, mpf_eq, set_default_prec, set_prec,
+C<mpf_eq> is so named to avoid clashing with the perl C<eq> operator.
+C<set_prec> expects a variable which it can modify, it doesn't make sense to
+pass a literal constant. Only the given variable is modified, if other
+variables are referencing the same mpf object then a new copy is made of it.
+If the variable isn't an mpf it will be coerced to one.
+Results are the same precision as inputs, or if two mpf's are given to a
+binary operator then the precision of the first is used. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpf qw(mpf);
+ $a = mpf(2.0, 100);
+ $b = mpf(2.0, 500);
+ $c = $a + $b; # gives 100 bits precision
+Mpf to string conversion via "" or the usual string contexts uses C<$#> the
+same as normal float to string conversions, or defaults to C<%.g> if C<$#>
+is not defined. C<%.g> means all significant digits in the selected
+=head2 GMP class
+The following functions are available in the GMP class,
+=over 4
+fits_slong_p, get_d, get_d_2exp, get_si, get_str, integer_p, printf, sgn,
+sprintf, version
+C<get_d_2exp> accepts any integer, string, float, mpz, mpq or mpf operands
+and returns a float and an integer exponent,
+ ($dbl, $exp) = get_d_2exp (mpf ("3.0"));
+ # dbl is 0.75, exp is 2
+C<get_str> takes an optional second argument which is the base, defaulting
+to decimal. A negative base means upper case, as per the C functions. For
+integer, integer string, mpz or mpq operands a string is returned.
+ use GMP qw(:all);
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(:all);
+ print get_str(mpq(-5,8)),"\n"; # -5/8
+ print get_str(255,16),"\n"; # ff
+For float, float strings or mpf operands, C<get_str> accepts an optional
+third parameter being how many digits to produce, defaulting to 0 which
+means all digits. (Only as many digits as can be accurately represented by
+the float precision are ever produced though.) A string/exponent pair is
+returned, as per the C mpf_get_str function. For example,
+ use GMP qw(:all);
+ use GMP::Mpf qw(:all);
+ ($s, $e) = get_str(111.111111111, 10, 4);
+ printf ".$se$e\n"; # .1111e3
+ ($s, $e) = get_str(1.625, 10);
+ print "0.$s*10^$e\n"; # 0.1625*10^1
+ ($s, $e) = get_str(mpf(2)**20, 16);
+ printf ".%s@%x\n", $s, $e; # .1@14
+C<printf> and C<sprintf> allow formatted output of GMP types. mpz and mpq
+values can be used with integer conversions (d, o, x, X) and mpf with float
+conversions (f, e, E, g, G). All the standard perl printf features are
+available too. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(mpz);
+ use GMP::Mpf qw(mpf);
+ GMP::printf ("%d %d %s", 123, mpz(2)**128, 'foo');
+ GMP::printf STDERR "%.40f", mpf(1.234);
+In perl 5.6.1 it doesn't seem to work to export C<printf>, the plain builtin
+C<printf> is reached unless calls are C<&printf()> style. Explicit use of
+C<GMP::printf> is suggested. C<sprintf> doesn't suffer this problem.
+ use GMP qw(sprintf);
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(mpq);
+ $s = sprintf "%x", mpq(15,16);
+C<version> is not exported by default or by tag :all, calling it as
+C<GMP::version()> is recommended. It returns the GMP library version
+string, which is not to be confused with the module version number.
+The other GMP module functions behave as per the corresponding GMP routines,
+and accept any integer, string, float, mpz, mpq or mpf. For example,
+ use GMP qw(:all);
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(mpz);
+ $z = mpz(123);
+ print sgn($z); # gives 1
+Because each of GMP::Mpz, GMP::Mpq and GMP::Mpf is a sub-class of GMP,
+C<-E<gt>> style calls work too.
+ use GMP qw(:all);
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(mpf);
+ $q = mpq(-5,7);
+ if ($q->integer_p()) # false
+ ...
+=head2 GMP::Rand
+This class provides objects holding an algorithm and state for random number
+generation. C<randstate> creates a new object, for example,
+ use GMP::Rand qw(randstate);
+ $r = randstate();
+ $r = randstate('lc_2exp_size', 64);
+ $r = randstate('lc_2exp', 43840821, 1, 32);
+ $r = randstate('mt');
+ $r = randstate($another_r);
+With no parameters this corresponds to the C function
+C<gmp_randinit_default>, and is a compromise between speed and randomness.
+'lc_2exp_size' corresponds to C<gmp_randinit_lc_2exp_size>, 'lc_2exp'
+corresponds to C<gmp_randinit_lc_2exp>, and 'mt' corresponds to
+C<gmp_randinit_mt>. Or when passed another randstate object, a copy of that
+object is made.
+'lc_2exp_size' can fail if the requested size is bigger than the internal
+table provides for, in which case undef is returned. The maximum size
+currently supported is 128. The other forms always succeed.
+A randstate can be seeded with an integer or mpz, using the C<seed> method.
+/dev/random might be a good source of randomness, or time() or
+Time::HiRes::time() might be adequate, depending on the application.
+ $r->seed(time()));
+Random numbers can be generated with the following functions,
+=over 4
+mpf_urandomb, mpz_rrandomb, mpz_urandomb, mpz_urandomm,
+gmp_urandomb_ui, gmp_urandomm_ui
+Each constructs a new mpz or mpf and with a distribution per the
+corresponding GMP function. For example,
+ use GMP::Rand (:all);
+ $r = randstate();
+ $a = mpz_urandomb($r,256); # uniform mpz, 256 bits
+ $b = mpz_urandomm($r,mpz(3)**100); # uniform mpz, 0 to 3**100-1
+ $c = mpz_rrandomb($r,1024); # special mpz, 1024 bits
+ $f = mpf_urandomb($r,128); # uniform mpf, 128 bits, 0<=$f<1
+ $f = gmp_urandomm_ui($r,56); # uniform int, 0 to 55
+=head2 Coercion
+Arguments to operators and functions are converted as necessary to the
+appropriate type. For instance C<**> requires an unsigned integer exponent,
+and an mpq argument will be converted, so long as it's an integer in the
+appropriate range.
+ use GMP::Mpz (mpz);
+ use GMP::Mpq (mpq);
+ $p = mpz(3) ** mpq(45); # allowed, 45 is an integer
+It's an error if a conversion to an integer or mpz would cause any
+truncation. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz (mpz);
+ $p = mpz(3) + 1.25; # not allowed
+ $p = mpz(3) + mpz(1.25); # allowed, explicit truncation
+Comparisons, however, accept any combination of operands and are always done
+exactly. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz (mpz);
+ print mpz(3) < 3.1; # true
+Variables used on the left of an assignment operator like C<+=> are subject
+to coercion too. An integer, float or string will change type when an mpz,
+mpq or mpf is applied to it. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz (mpz);
+ $a = 1;
+ $a += mpz(1234); # $a becomes an mpz
+=head2 Overloading
+The rule for binary operators in the C<overload> mechanism is that if both
+operands are class objects then the method from the first is used. This
+determines the result type when mixing GMP classes. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz (mpz);
+ use GMP::Mpq (mpq);
+ use GMP::Mpf (mpf);
+ $z = mpz(123);
+ $q = mpq(3,2);
+ $f = mpf(1.375)
+ print $q+$f; # gives an mpq
+ print $f+$z; # gives an mpf
+ print $z+$f; # not allowed, would lose precision
+=head2 Constants
+A special tag C<:constants> is recognised in the module exports list. It
+doesn't select any functions, but indicates that perl constants should be
+GMP objects. This can only be used on one of GMP::Mpz, GMP::Mpq or GMP::Mpf
+at any one time, since they apply different rules.
+GMP::Mpz will treat constants as mpz's if they're integers, or ordinary
+floats if not. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:constants);
+ print 764861287634126387126378128,"\n"; # an mpz
+ print 1.25,"\n"; # a float
+GMP::Mpq is similar, treating integers as mpq's and leaving floats to the
+normal perl handling. Something like 3/4 is read as two integer mpq's and a
+division, but that's fine since it gives the intended fraction.
+ use GMP::Mpq qw(:constants);
+ print 3/4,"\n"; # an mpq
+ print 1.25,"\n"; # a float
+GMP::Mpf will treat all constants as mpf's using the default precision.
+BEGIN blocks can be used to set that precision while the code is parsed.
+For example,
+ use GMP::Mpf qw(:constants);
+ BEGIN { GMP::Mpf::set_default_prec(256); }
+ print 1/3;
+ BEGIN { GMP::Mpf::set_default_prec(64); }
+ print 5/7;
+A similar special tag :noconstants is recognised to turn off the constants
+feature. For example,
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:constants);
+ print 438249738748174928193,"\n"; # an mpz
+ use GMP::Mpz qw(:noconstants);
+ print 438249738748174928193,"\n"; # now a float
+All three 'integer', 'binary' and 'float' constant methods are captured.
+'float' is captured even for GMP::Mpz and GMP::Mpq since perl by default
+treats integer strings as floats if they don't fit a plain integer.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+GMP manual, L<perl>, L<overload>.
+=head1 BUGS
+In perl 5.005_03 on i386 FreeBSD, the overloaded constants sometimes provoke
+seg faults. Don't know if that's a perl bug or a GMP module bug, though it
+does seem to go bad before reaching anything in GMP.xs.
+There's no way to specify an arbitrary base when converting a string to an
+mpz (or mpq or mpf), only hex or octal with 0x or 0 (for mpz and mpq, but
+not for mpf).
+These modules are not reentrant or thread safe, due to the implementation of
+the XSUBs.
+Returning a new object from the various functions is convenient, but
+assignment versions could avoid creating new objects. Perhaps they could be
+named after the C language functions, eg. mpq_inv($q,$q);
+It'd be good if C<num> and C<den> gave lvalues so the underlying mpq could
+be manipulated.
+C<printf> could usefully accept %b for mpz, mpq and mpf, and perhaps %x for
+mpf too.
+C<get_str> returning different style values for integer versus float is a
+bit unfortunate. With mpz, mpq and mpf objects there's no doubt what it
+will do, but on a plain scalar its action depends on whether the scalar was
+promoted to a float at any stage, and then on the GMP module rules about
+using the integer or float part.
+In usual perl object style, an mpz is a reference to an object blessed into
+class C<GMP::Mpz>. The object holds a pointer to the C language C<mpz_t>
+structure. Similarly for mpq, mpf and randstate.
+A free list of mpz and mpq values is kept to avoid repeated initializing and
+clearing when objects are created and destroyed. This aims to help speed,
+but it's not clear whether it's really needed.
+mpf doesn't use a free list because the precision of new objects can be
+different each time.
+No interface to C<mpf_set_prec_raw> is provided. It wouldn't be very useful
+since there's no way to make an operation store its result in a particular
+object. The plain C<set_prec> is useful though, for truncating to a lower
+precision, or as a sort of directive that subsequent calculations involving
+that variable should use a higher precision.
+The overheads of perl dynamic typing (operator dispatch, operand type
+checking or coercion) will mean this interface is slower than using C
+Some assertion checking is available as a compile-time option.
+Copyright 2001-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
+The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of either:
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+ option) any later version.
+ * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+ later version.
+or both in parallel, as here.
+The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+for more details.
+You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
+GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not,
+see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+# Local variables:
+# perl-indent-level: 2
+# fill-column: 76
+# End: