diff options
authorThomas Voss <> 2021-09-09 02:42:25 +0200
committerThomas Voss <> 2021-09-09 02:42:25 +0200
commit00974c325bfdb24c6027a87ce391cfda0ab58fcb (patch)
Genesis commit
6 files changed, 597 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c430098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..475bf51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+target = smallbrain
+CC = cc
+CFLAGS = -g -no-pie
+all: ${target}
+${target}: ${target}.s
+ m4 macros.m4 $< >out.s
+ ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o $@ out.s
+.PHONY: bench clean
+ hyperfine -S sh -w 200 -r 100000 "./smallbrain tests/"
+ rm -f ${target} out.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a49da
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
+distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
+binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
+In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
+of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
+software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
+of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
+successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
+relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
+software under copyright law.
+For more information, please refer to <>
diff --git a/extras/sizeof_struct_stat.c b/extras/sizeof_struct_stat.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67b6b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/sizeof_struct_stat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+ printf("Size of stat struct:\t%zu bytes\nOffset of st_size:\t%zu\n", sizeof(struct stat),
+ offsetof(struct stat, st_size));
+ return 0;
diff --git a/macros.m4 b/macros.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f15035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+define(`COUNTER', 0)
+define(`ENUM', `.equ $1, define(`COUNTER', incr(COUNTER))COUNTER')
diff --git a/smallbrain.s b/smallbrain.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86e3114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smallbrain.s
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+.equ EOF, -1
+.equ O_RDONLY, 0
+# Opcodes
+ main
+ .asciz "[-]"
+ .asciz "%s: %s\n"
+ .asciz "Usage: %s script\n"
+ .asciz "open"
+ .asciz "fstat"
+ .asciz "read"
+ .asciz "malloc"
+ .zero 30000
+ .quad 0
+ .quad 0
+# ==================
+# Description:
+# The entry point of the program.
+# Args:
+# %rdi: The number of command line arguments
+# %rsi: An array of command line arguments ((%rsi) is the program name)
+# Return:
+# %rax: The programs exit code
+# ==================
+ # Make sure that the right number of arguments were passed
+ cmpl $2, %edi
+ jne usage
+ movq 8(%rsi), %rdi # Move the specified script filename into %rdi
+ call read_file # Read the file
+ call compile # Compile into bytecode
+ #call execute # Execute the program
+ # Return successfully
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ ret
+# ==================
+# Description:
+# Read the specified file into a program buffer which the user must later free themselves.
+# Args:
+# %rdi: The scripts filename
+# ==================
+ pushq %rbp
+ movq %rsp, %rbp
+ # Allocate space for local variables
+ # 4 bytes for the file descriptor
+ # 144 bytes for the struct stat (check `extras/sizeof_struct_stat.c` for numbers)
+ # 12 bytes of padding to align %rsp on a 16 byte boundary
+ subq $160, %rsp
+ # Open the file in read-only mode with the open(2) syscall
+ movl $O_RDONLY, %esi
+ call open
+ cmpl $-1, %eax # Check if open(1) returned -1 (it failed)
+ je open_die # If so, exit the program
+ movl %eax, -4(%rbp) # If not store the file descriptor
+ movl %eax, %edi # Set the first argument to the file descriptor
+ leaq -160(%rbp), %rsi # Set the second argument to the address of the struct stat
+ call fstat # Call fstat(2) to populate the struct stat
+ # Error check fstat(2) just like open(2)
+ cmpl $-1, %eax
+ je fstat_die
+ # Allocate a buffer for the programs contents
+ movq -112(%rbp), %rdi # Put st_size (the filesize) in %rdi
+ incq %rdi # Make space for the NUL byte
+ call malloc # Allocate the memory
+ testq %rax, %rax # Check if %rax is NULL
+ je malloc_die # If it is then malloc failed and we exit
+ movq %rax, (program) # Store the address of the allocated memory in (program)
+ addq -112(%rbp), %rax # Point to the last element of the program array
+ movb $0, (%rax) # NULL terminate the program
+ # Allocate a buffer for the bytecode
+ movq -112(%rbp), %rdi # Put st_size (the filesize) in %rdi
+ incq %rdi # Make space for the NUL byte
+ shlq $4, %rdi # Multiply the size of the buffer by 16 to make space for opcodes
+ call malloc # Allocate the memory
+ movq %rax, (bytecode) # Store the address of the allocated memory in (bytecode)
+ testq %rax, %rax # Check if %rax is NULL
+ je malloc_die # If it is then malloc failed and we exit
+ # Read the program into the program buffer we allocated with read(2)
+ movq -112(%rbp), %rdx # Set the buffersize
+ movq (program), %rsi # Set the buffer
+ movl -4(%rbp), %edi # Set the file descriptor
+ call read
+ # Error check read(2) just like open(2)
+ cmpl $-1, %eax
+ je read_die
+ # Close the file, don't error check this
+ movl -4(%rbp), %eax
+ call close
+ leave
+ ret
+# ==================
+# Description:
+# Compile the program into a bytecode which is an optimized version of the raw program. Each
+# opcode is a "struct" where the higher 8 bytes are an opcode and the lower 8 are an option
+# but of data.
+# ==================
+ movq (program), %r15 # Store the address of the program pointer into %r15
+ movq (bytecode), %r14 # Store the address of the bytecode pointer into %r14
+ # Load the current command into %rax
+ movq (%r15), %rax
+ # Jump to a different label depending on which instruction we hit
+ cmpb $'+', %al
+ je compile_add
+ cmpb $'-', %al
+ je compile_sub
+ cmpb $'>', %al
+ je compile_right
+ cmpb $'<', %al
+ je compile_left
+ cmpb $'[', %al
+ je compile_loop_start
+ cmpb $']', %al
+ je compile_loop_end
+ cmpb $',', %al
+ je compile_read
+ cmpb $'.', %al
+ je compile_write
+ incq %r15 # Increment the instruction pointer
+ subq $16, %r14 # Negate the effect of the later `addq`
+ jmp compile_out
+ movq $OP_ADD, (%r14) # Specify the ADD opcode
+ movq $1, 8(%r14) # Write the count of '+'s to the data portion
+ incq %r15 # Move to the next instruction
+ cmpb $'+', (%r15) # Check if there is another +
+ jne compile_out # If not, check for a newline
+ incq 8(%r14) # Increment the accumulator
+ jmp compile_add_loop # Loop again
+ movq $OP_SUB, (%r14) # Specify the SUB opcode
+ movq $1, 8(%r14) # Write the count of '-'s to the data portion
+ incq %r15 # Move to the next instruction
+ cmpb $'-', (%r15) # Check if there is another -
+ jne compile_out # If not, exit this loop
+ incq 8(%r14) # Increment the accumulator
+ jmp compile_sub_loop # Loop again
+ movq $OP_RIGHT, (%r14) # Specify the RIGHT opcode
+ movq $1, 8(%r14) # Write the count of '>'s to the data portion
+ incq %r15 # Move to the next instruction
+ cmpb $'>', (%r15) # Check if there is another >
+ jne compile_out # If not, exit this loop
+ incq 8(%r14) # Increment the accumulator
+ jmp compile_right_loop # Loop again
+ movq $OP_LEFT, (%r14) # Specify the RIGHT opcode
+ movq $1, 8(%r14) # Write the count of '<'s to the data portion
+ incq %r15 # Move to the next instruction
+ cmpb $'<', (%r15) # Check if there is another <
+ jne compile_out # If not, exit this loop
+ incq 8(%r14) # Increment the accumulator
+ jmp compile_left_loop # Loop again
+ # When we reach a '[' the first thing we want to do is check to see if it matches the
+ # pattern '[-]'. This pattern is one that sets a memory cell to 0, so we can optimize that.
+ movq %r15, %rdi # Compare the current position in the program string
+ movq $zero_pattern, %rsi # Compare it against the zero pattern '[-]'
+ movl $3, %edx # We want to compare 3 bytes
+ call strncmp # Compare them with strncmp(3)
+ testl %eax, %eax # Check if the comparison returned 0
+ jz compile_zero # If it did, we matched the pattern
+ movq %r15, %rdi # Move the current instruction pointer into %rdi
+ call copy_loop_checker # Call the copy loop checker
+ testq %rax, %rax # Check to see if we hit a copy loop
+ jz compile_loop_start_normal # If we didn't, this is a regular loop
+ movq %rax, %r15 # Otherwise, set %r15 to the new location
+ incq %r15 # Then point to the next instruction
+ jmp compile_out
+ # Push the address of the loop start to the stack for the next ']'
+ pushq %r14
+ movq $OP_LOOP_START, (%r14) # Specify the LOOP_START opcode
+ movq $0, 8(%r14) # Zero the data section
+ incq %r15 # Increment the instruction pointer
+ jmp compile_out
+ popq 8(%r14) # Pop the address of the previous loop start to the data section
+ movq $OP_LOOP_END, (%r14) # Push the address of the loop end to the stack
+ incq %r15 # Increment the instruction pointer
+ jmp compile_out
+ movq $OP_READ, (%r14) # Specify the READ opcode
+ movq $0, 8(%r14) # Zero the data section
+ incq %r15 # Increment the instruction pointer
+ jmp compile_out
+ movq $OP_WRITE, (%r14) # Specify the WRITE opcode
+ movq $0, 8(%r14) # Zero the data section
+ incq %r15 # Increment the instruction pointer
+ jmp compile_out
+ movq $OP_ZERO, (%r14) # Specify the ZERO opcode
+ movq $0, 8(%r14) # Zero the data section
+ addq $3, %r15 # '[-]' is a 3 byte instruction
+ addq $16, %r14 # Move to the next opcode
+ movb (%r15), %al # Move the current instruction into %al
+ testb %al, %al # Check if we have reached the NUL byte
+ jne compile_loop # If we haven't, loop
+ movq $0, (%r14) # Otherwise, NUL terminate the bytecode
+ # Now that we have traversed the entire program, we do a 2nd pass backwards so that we can
+ # set the jump addresses for the '[' commands now that the ']' commands have the addresses
+ # set.
+ # We are at the NUL terminator, so move backwards
+ subq $16, %r14
+ cmpq $OP_LOOP_END, (%r14) # Check if we hit a ']'
+ jne compile_backwards_next # If we didn't move to the nex check
+ pushq %r14 # Otherwise push the address of the opcode to the stack
+ jmp compile_backwards_out
+ cmpq $OP_LOOP_START, (%r14) # Check if we hit a '['
+ jne compile_backwards_out # If we didn't just keep looping
+ popq 8(%r14) # If we did then pop the corresponding ']' address
+ cmpq %r14, (bytecode) # Check if we've seen every opcode
+ jne compile_backwards # If not keep looping
+ ret # Otherwise return
+# ==================
+# Description:
+# Try to figure out if we are at a copy loop and optimize it. A copy loop follows the pattern
+# of a loop ([]) beginning with a '-' followed by N occurances of '>' followed by a '+' and N
+# occurances of '<'. This sequence copies the current cell to the cell at offset N and clears
+# the current cell afterwards.
+# Args:
+# %rdi: A pointer to the first '[' of the potential copy loop
+# Return:
+# 0 if not a copy loop, otherwise the new position of the instruction pointer.
+# ==================
+ # Skip '['
+ incq %rdi
+ # All copy loops must begin with a '-'
+ cmpb $'-', (%rdi)
+ jne copy_loop_fail
+ incq %rdi
+ # Zero %rax so we can use it to count the copy offset
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ cmpb $'>', (%rdi) # Check for '>'
+ jne copy_loop_next # If we don't match anymore then move to the next step
+ incq %rax # Increment the offset counter
+ incq %rdi # Increment the instruction pointer
+ jmp copy_loop_count_offset # Loop again
+ cmpb $'+', (%rdi) # Check if we see the mandatory '+'
+ jne copy_loop_fail # If we don't then fail
+ incq %rdi # Otherwise move to the next instruction
+ # The following code is the exact same as what we just did to count the offset but we are
+ # now using %rcx and decrementing for each '<'. This is so we can make sure that the copy
+ # loop is a working one.
+ cmpb $'<', (%rdi)
+ jne copy_loop_fail
+ movq %rax, %rcx
+ cmpb $'<', (%rdi)
+ jne copy_loop_next_2
+ decq %rcx
+ incq %rdi
+ cmpb $']', (%rdi) # Ensure this is the end of the loop
+ jne copy_loop_fail # If its not then fail
+ testq %rcx, %rcx # Otherwise make sure that our offsets line up
+ jnz copy_loop_fail # If they don't then fail
+ movq $OP_COPY, (%r14) # Create an OP_COPY opcode
+ movq %rax, 8(%r14) # Set the offset to copy to
+ movq $OP_ZERO, 16(%r14) # Create an OP_ZERO opcode
+ movq $0, 24(%r14) # Set an empty data section
+ addq $16, %r14 # Increment the opcode pointer
+ # Return the address of the instruction pointer
+ movq %rdi, %rax
+ ret
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ ret
+# ==================
+# Description:
+# Execute the brainfuck program. This is done the slow and naive way by just looping over
+# command and executing it (although the '[-]' pattern does get optimized for that towers of
+# hanoi speed!). I have written a *much* faster C version which compiles the brainfuck into a
+# more optimized bytecode, but porting that to ASM was just too frustrating.
+# ==================
+ movq (bytecode), %r15 # Store the address of the program pointer into %r15
+ movq $memory, %r14 # Store the address of the first memory cell into %r14 # TODO make sure this handles overflows normally
+ # Load the current command into %rax
+ movq (%r15), %rax
+ # Jump to a different label depending on which instruction we hit
+ cmpq $OP_ADD, %rax
+ je execute_add
+ cmpq $OP_SUB, %rax
+ je execute_sub
+ cmpq $OP_RIGHT, %rax
+ je execute_right
+ cmpq $OP_LEFT, %rax
+ je execute_left
+ cmpq $OP_LOOP_START, %rax
+ je execute_loop_start
+ cmpq $OP_LOOP_END, %rax
+ je execute_loop_end
+ cmpq $OP_READ, %rax
+ je execute_read
+ cmpq $OP_WRITE, %rax
+ je execute_write
+ cmpq $OP_ZERO, %rax
+ je execute_zero
+ cmpq $OP_COPY, %rax
+ je execute_copy
+ # Increment the current memory cell
+ movq 8(%r15), %rax
+ addb %al, (%r14)
+ jmp execute_out
+ # Decrement the current memory cell
+ movq 8(%r15), %rax
+ subb %al, (%r14)
+ jmp execute_out
+ # Move the memory pointer right by 1
+ addq 8(%r15), %r14
+ jmp execute_out
+ # Move the memory pointer left by 1
+ subq 8(%r15), %r14
+ jmp execute_out
+ cmpb $0, (%r14)
+ cmovzq 8(%r15), %r15
+ jmp execute_out
+ # If the current memory cell is 0 move to the next command
+ cmpb $0, (%r14)
+ cmovnzq 8(%r15), %r15
+ jmp execute_out
+ call getchar # Read a character with getchar(3)
+ cmpb $EOF, %al # Check if the EOF was read
+ je execute_read_eof # If EOF was read, jump to a special handler for that
+ movb %al, (%r14) # Otherwise move the read character into the current memory cell
+ jmp execute_out
+ # If EOF was read, set the current cell to 0
+ movb $0, (%r14)
+ jmp execute_out
+ movl (%r14), %edi # Move the current memory cell into %edi
+ call putchar # Print it with putchar(3)
+ jmp execute_out
+ # This is the one optimzation we actually do. If the string [-] is matched then just zero
+ # the current cell.
+ movb $0, (%r14)
+ jmp execute_out
+ movq 8(%r15), %rax
+ movb (%r14), %cl
+ movb %cl, (%rax, %r14, 1)
+ addq $16 , %r15 # Increment the instruction pointer
+ movq (%r15), %rax # Move the current instruction into %rax
+ testq %rax, %rax # Check if we have reached the NUL byte
+ jne execute_loop # If we haven't, loop
+ ret # Otherwise, return
+# ==================
+# Description:
+# The following die functions all work the same. They simply take the name of the
+# corresponding function and store it in %rdi. Then the die function is called to print a
+# message to stderr and terminate the program.
+# ==================
+# Set the function name to "open" and call die
+ movq $func_open, %rdi
+ jmp die
+# Same as open_die but for fstat(2)
+ movq $func_fstat, %rdi
+ jmp die
+# Same as open_die but for read(2)
+ movq $func_read, %rdi
+ jmp die
+# Same as open_die but for malloc(3)
+ movq $func_malloc, %rdi
+ jmp die
+# ==================
+# Description:
+# Print out an error message in the format "<func name>: <err msg>" then exit via `_exit`
+# Args:
+# %rdi: The function name
+# ==================
+ # Store the function name temporarily in %r15
+ movq %rdi, %r15
+ call __errno_location # Call __errno_location to get a pointer to errno
+ movq (%rax), %rdi # Move errno into %rdi
+ call strerror # Get the error string with strerror(3)
+ movq %rax, %rcx # Set the error string
+ xorl %eax, %eax # Zero %rax
+ movq %r15, %rdx # Set the function name
+ movq $die_fmt, %rsi # Set the format string
+ movq stderr, %rdi # Get stderr
+ call fprintf # Print the message to stderr
+ jmp _exit
+# ==================
+# Description:
+# Print a usage message to standard error and exit the program via `_exit`
+# ==================
+ xorl %eax, %eax # Set rax to 0
+ movq (%rsi), %rdx # Get argv[0]
+ movq $usage_fmt, %rsi # Set the format string
+ movq stderr, %rdi # Get stderr
+ call fprintf # Print the error
+# ==================
+# Description:
+# Exit the program with the return code EXIT_FAILURE
+# ==================
+ movl $EXIT_FAILURE, %eax
+ call exit