path: root/src/blog
diff options
authorThomas Voss <> 2024-03-05 16:37:18 +0100
committerThomas Voss <> 2024-03-05 16:37:18 +0100
commit4f9a44193b25127dd036ce5f2bf53feb31b53d03 (patch)
treebc40776dc96645b90b6b310744267e6feda0018d /src/blog
parent7506721e389efdd89fce28791bf2b0b9d0e7ca4c (diff)
Add the GSP/TS article
Diffstat (limited to 'src/blog')
10 files changed, 326 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/blog/gsp/example.gsp b/src/blog/gsp/example.gsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b927d8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/blog/gsp/example.gsp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+html lang="en" {
+ body {
+ p {- Hello, World!}
+ ul {
+ li {a href="#" #home {-Home Page}}
+ li {a href="#" #about {-About Me}}
+ li {a href="#" #links {-Fun Links}}
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/blog/gsp/fmt-code-example.gsp b/src/blog/gsp/fmt-code-example.gsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a56e415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/blog/gsp/fmt-code-example.gsp
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+p {=
+ Here is my code example:
+figure { ‘‘FMT_CODE(example.c)’’ }
diff --git a/src/blog/gsp/fmt-code.m4 b/src/blog/gsp/fmt-code.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b59abb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/blog/gsp/fmt-code.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+‘‘m4_dnl Set the quote characters to something that conflicts less
+m4_define(FMT_CODE, ‘‘pre .code-sample {=
+ m4_esyscmd(sed '
+ s/[@\\}]/\\&/g
+ m4_regexp($1, .*\.diff$,
+ /^+/s/.*/@ins{-&}/
+ /^-/s/.*/@del{-&}/
+ )
+ s/.*/@code{-&}/
+ ' $(dirname 'm4___file__')/$1)
diff --git a/src/blog/gsp/folds.scm b/src/blog/gsp/folds.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b905c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/blog/gsp/folds.scm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[(node) (attribute_list)] @fold
diff --git a/src/blog/gsp/grammar.js b/src/blog/gsp/grammar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13393a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/blog/gsp/grammar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ node: $ => seq(
+ $.node_name,
+ optional($.attribute_list),
+ '{', optional($.node_body), '}',
+ ),
+ node_name: $ => /[a-zA-Z:_][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-​.]*​/,
diff --git a/src/blog/gsp/highlights.scm b/src/blog/gsp/highlights.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8d08a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/blog/gsp/highlights.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[">" "-" "=" "@"] @operator
+["{" "}"] @tag.delimiter
+(node_name) @tag
+(attribute_value) @string
+ (class_shorthand)
+ (id_shorthand)] @tag.attribute
diff --git a/src/blog/gsp/index.gsp b/src/blog/gsp/index.gsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fae118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/blog/gsp/index.gsp
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+html lang="en" {
+ head { HEAD }
+ body {
+ header {
+ div .head {
+ h1 {-Never Settle For Trash}
+ INCLUDE(nav.gsp)
+ }
+ figure .quote {
+ blockquote {
+ p {=
+ 🚨🚨
+ }
+ }
+ figcaption {-Lane Wagner}
+ }
+ }
+ main {
+ h2 #simple {-Simplicity and Abstraction}
+ p {=
+ I like my software simple and devoid of useless abstraction. I often
+ find myself in positions where I’m searching for scissors to cut a sheet
+ of paper, and am instead greeted with a chainsaw. The urge to
+ over-complicate and -abstract your software can be strong; I often see
+ people who preach simple software writing programs to solve basic
+ problems that have 30 different command-line flags, and require a 50
+ page PDF explaining its operation.
+ }
+ p {=
+ Why do I mention all of this? Well as anyone who’s ever tried their
+ hand at web-development knows, websites are written in HTML. I wish I
+ could say that’s a good thing, but as anyone who’s ever looked at HTML
+ before would know, that language is — to put it lightly — really not
+ great. It’s extremely verbose, and awkward to write- and edit (angle
+ brackets are not the easiest-to-reach keys on the keyboard).
+ }
+ p {=
+ So what’s the solution? The most obvious to me is to create a nicer to
+ read- and write language which I can easily transpile down to HTML.
+ Ideally the CLI is very simple and works on the standard input and
+ -output like all good UNIX utilities. I should be able to transpile my
+ site by simply running ‘@code{-cmd out.html}’, where my input
+ reflects the structure of my output with nicer, less-polluting syntax.
+ }
+ p {=
+ The kind of tool I am describing here is what I imagine the ideal
+ solution to be. A @em{-simple} tool with a @em{-simple} function. It
+ takes an input language and produces an output language. There is also
+ minimal abstraction. The input language should reflect the structure of
+ HTML, because that’s exactly what we’re trying to output. It makes
+ little sense to create a fundamentally different language when HTML not
+ only does a good job at defining a websites structure, but sticking
+ close to the language we are targeting just makes everyone’s life easier
+ in every way.
+ }
+ h2 #sucks {-Most Software Sucks}
+ p {=
+ So with my ideal solution being a simple language with a simple CLI that
+ sticks close to the structure of HTML, let’s take a look at what other
+ people have come up with:
+ }
+ figure { FMT_CODE( }
+ p {=
+ Oh no.
+ }
+ p {=
+ Now most readers probably had the initial reaction of ‘@em{-What’s wrong
+ with Markdown?}’. To answer your question: @em{-everything}. The issue
+ I have with these highly-prevalent Markdown-based replacements for HTML
+ is that they ignore the fundamental fact that HTML and Markdown are
+ @em{-not} compatible languages with each other. HTML is designed around
+ making websites (with the added autism of XML). It gives us things like
+ semantic tags for describing input forms, navigation bars, figures, and
+ more. With the addition of classes and IDs, we can even style two
+ paragraphs on the same page in different ways. This is fundamentally
+ not possible in Markdown. If we ignore the fact that Markdown is just
+ poorly designed, it offers us basically none of what we need to make an
+ even slightly-complex static page as it’s not meant for website-design
+ but simply to be a readable plain-text format you can use for
+ documentation or your email or something.
+ }
+ p {=
+ How do you make your navigation bar in Markdown? Or style two
+ paragraphs differently? You can’t. Some try to get around this by
+ adding extensions to the Markdown language, but they never manage to
+ cover all bases. Another problem I @em{-always} come across when trying
+ to use Markdown-to-HTML tools is code blocks. I always make sure to use
+ tabs for indentation in my code blocks instead of spaces, so that I can
+ vary the tab-width based on the screen size of the reader. You
+ obviously can’t do this with spaces since the fundamental (and stupid)
+ purpose of space-indentation is to force everyone to view code with the
+ same indentation, which sucks for users on mobile when you have nice
+ large indents. To this day I have yet to find a Markdown-to-HTML
+ converter that will let me have tab indents without error-prone
+ post-processing of the generated HTML.
+ }
+ p {=
+ Ok well… there are other ways of generating HTML; one rather popular
+ option is Pug:
+ }
+ figure { FMT_CODE(pug.pug) }
+ p {=
+ While Pug certainly hits the ‘maintain the same structure’ point right
+ on the head, it fails in one very crucial area — it’s a JavaScript
+ library @em{-only}, and so requires a whole JS setup simply to transpile
+ your site to HTML. What a bummer. There is also a second issue which
+ is that it uses an indentation-sensitive syntax. Normally I am actually
+ a fan of languages like this — such as Python — but in the case of a
+ markup language like Pug, this is terrible as it makes macros and
+ templating with tools such as @code{-m4} exceptionally difficult. Pug
+ @em{-does} offer templating faculties via JavaScript, but I really try
+ to minimize the amount of JavaScript I need to write whenever possible.
+ }
+ h2 #solution {-My Solution}
+ p {=
+ So with no existing tools fitting my entry criteria, I did the only
+ reasonable next thing and made my own tool, I am a programmer after all.
+ It tries to stick to the format of HTML as closely as possible while
+ offering an @em{-extremely} easy-to-use transpiler. It also has no
+ added bullshit like filters, templates, etc. If you want macros, use a
+ macro-processor like @code{-m4}. I called it GSP because everyone knows
+ that German Shorthaired Pointers are better than pugs. Here is a quick
+ syntax example:
+ }
+ figure { FMT_CODE(example.gsp) }
+ p {=
+ Here you can see almost all of GSP. The document follows the same
+ structure as HTML, but thanks to the use of braces instead of opening-
+ and closing tags, the syntax is far less verbose and easier to read.
+ The language also provides shorthands for classes and IDs through
+ CSS-selector syntax.
+ }
+ p {=
+ Templating and macros are also very easy via macro processors thanks to
+ the use of braces instead of whitespace-based scoping. As an example, I
+ like to have code samples in articles like this one — but I like to have
+ the code in an external file. To achieve this I use the following m4
+ macro to insert the named file verbatim into my document with delimiters
+ escaped. As a bonus it also syntax-highlights diffs:
+ }
+ figure { FMT_CODE(fmt-code.m4) }
+ p {=
+ It may look a bit confusing, but at the end of the day it’s just a
+ glorified wrapper around Sed. I use this macro as such in my GSP
+ documents that comprise this site:
+ }
+ figure { FMT_CODE(fmt-code-example.gsp) }
+ p {=
+ The transpiler itself is also incredibly easy to use, something
+ JavaScript developers would never be able to comprehend. In order to
+ transpile a GSP document into an HTML document, I simply run
+ ‘@code{-gsp index.gsp >index.html}’. Yep, that’s it. If I want to
+ expand macros too, the command still remains simple with it just being
+ ‘@code{-m4 index.gsp | gsp >index.html}’.
+ }
+ h2 #syntax {-Syntax Highlighting}
+ p {=
+ One problem that I came across writing GSP was the lack of syntax
+ highlighting. It can seem not so important, but syntax highlighting is
+ crucial for helping you quickly identify different syntax elements. The
+ awesome solution I found for this ended being Tree-Sitter. Tree-Sitter
+ is a parser-generator that various text editors such as Vim and Emacs
+ can integrate with to offer efficient- and high quality syntax
+ highlighting, amongst other features such as syntax-aware code folding
+ and movement.
+ }
+ p {=
+ After a bit of research and reading the documentation, I found that
+ creating your own parsers is actually really easy. You effectively just
+ define a JavaScript object that describes the language grammar, and a C
+ parser is generated from that. If you’re interested, you can find the
+ GSP parser @NEWTAB href=""
+ {-here}. To give you a bit of an idea of just how simple a Tree-Sitter
+ parser is, here’s a simplified example of how you describe the
+ definition of a node, and a node name:
+ }
+ figure { FMT_CODE(grammar.js) }
+ p {=
+ As you can see, the grammar syntax is extremely simple. You simply
+ define your core syntax elements via regular expressions, and then
+ compose them together via helper functions such as @code{-optional} and
+ @code{-repeat} to define the full structure of your language.
+ }
+ p {=
+ This isn’t enough though. We now have a parser for our language that
+ can create a syntax tree that our editor can take advantage of, but our
+ editor still doesn’t know what each node actually @em{-is} so that it
+ can be syntax highlighted properly. Tree Sitter solves this through a
+ query file written in Scheme where we can describe how to syntax
+ highlight our AST. This is what the configuration for GSP looks like:
+ }
+ figure {
+ figcaption {
+ code {-queries/highlights.scm}
+ }
+ FMT_CODE(highlights.scm)
+ }
+ p {=
+ As you can see, this is all really simple stuff, which is what I love so
+ much about Tree Sitter — it’s just so easy! With these basic
+ annotations your editor knows that attribute values should be
+ highlighted like strings, braces like tag delimiters, etc. In a similar
+ vein, writing a query to describe code-folding is really easy:
+ }
+ figure {
+ figcaption {
+ code {-queries/folds.scm}
+ }
+ FMT_CODE(folds.scm)
+ }
+ h2 #takeaway {-The Takeaway}
+ p {=
+ So what’s the takeaway? I think it’s that when you have a problem,
+ often times the best solution is not to fundamentally redesign something
+ from the ground up, or to completely change the way a system works, but
+ to instead identify the specific thing that annoys you and find a fix
+ for it. I thought that the syntax of HTML was annoying and bad, so I
+ found a solution for the syntax, while keeping the core structure the
+ same. In the same line of thinking, try not to over-abstract — I’m
+ looking at you, Java developers. Abstraction often leads to
+ exponentially increased complications the moment we want to do anything
+ different or out of the ordinary, so unless you can find a really nice
+ abstraction that doesn’t really make anyone’s life harder, try to avoid
+ them when you can.
+ }
+ p {=
+ If you’re interested in GSP, you can find the git repository over at
+ @NEWTAB href="" {-Sourcehut}.
+ }
+ }
+ footer { FOOT }
+ }
diff --git a/src/blog/gsp/ b/src/blog/gsp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa4f169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/blog/gsp/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Markdown 4 Lyfe
+Welcome to my website written in Hugo!
diff --git a/src/blog/gsp/pug.pug b/src/blog/gsp/pug.pug
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7090786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/blog/gsp/pug.pug
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ p
+ | Hello world! This is a
+ | multiline paragraph.
+ ul
+ li foo
+ li bar
+ li baz
diff --git a/src/blog/index.gsp b/src/blog/index.gsp
index 4d4aab8..7e53697 100644
--- a/src/blog/index.gsp
+++ b/src/blog/index.gsp
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ html lang="en" {
m4_dnl ARTICLE(andy-val, {-Values in Andy})
m4_dnl ARTICLE(new-sh, {-Making a New Shell})
m4_dnl ARTICLE(extend, {-Extensible Scripting})
- m4_dnl ARTICLE(gsp, {-Writing an HTML Preprocessor (feat. Tree-Sitter)})
m4_dnl ARTICLE(fw-ec, {-Patching My Laptop’s Embedded Controller})
+ ARTICLE(gsp, {-Writing an HTML Preprocessor (feat. Tree-Sitter)})
ARTICLE(nvim-ts, {-Hacking with Tree-Sitter on Neovim})