diff options
authorThomas Voss <mail@thomasvoss.com> 2024-10-26 01:39:27 +0200
committerThomas Voss <mail@thomasvoss.com> 2024-10-26 01:39:27 +0200
commite1f3df6f817a6de24a90fb53c16b52964e4033e7 (patch)
Genesis commit
3 files changed, 905 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5570f70
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+BSD Zero Clause License
+Copyright © 2024 Thomas Voss
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
+The software is provided ‘as is’ and the author disclaims all warranties
+with regard to this software including all implied warranties of
+merchantability and fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for
+any special, direct, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages
+whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an
+action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of
+or in connection with the use or performance of this software.
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad3a390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ ──────────────────────────
+ Yahoozy — Curses Yatzy
+ ──────────────────────────
+Yahoozy is a curses-based TUI implementation of the popular dice game
+Yatzy. Yatzy is very similar to the more internationally-known game
+‘Yahtzee’ and is more well known in the Nordic countries.
+Yahoozy is feature complete and there are no plans to update this
+repository. This was merely a learning exercise for building interactive
+TUIs via immediate-mode UIs.
+The game comes with no instruction manual so you should consult the
+helpful Wikipedia page[1], but it does come with many mnemonic keyboard
+shortcuts that are documented at the bottom of each screen.
+Highscores are stored persistently on a per-user basis and can be found
+at the following locations depending on your operating system:
+ Windows %LOCALAPPDATA%\Yahoozy\history
+ MacOS ~/Library/Application Support/Yahoozy/history
+ POSIX $XDG_DATA_HOME/yahoozy/history (or)
+ ~/.local/share/yahoozy/history
+Note that while Windows support was attempted, I don’t own a Windows
+computer and as such cannot verify that it works bug-free.
+[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yatzy
diff --git a/yahoozy.py b/yahoozy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1bd837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yahoozy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+import atexit
+import bisect
+import copy
+import curses
+import curses.panel
+import curses.textpad
+import getpass
+import io
+import itertools
+import locale
+import os
+import random
+import sys
+from collections import UserDict
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import StrEnum
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Self, TextIO
+if os.name == "posix":
+ import termios
+type Dice = tuple[int, int, int, int, int]
+type LBEntry = tuple[int, str]
+class Category(StrEnum):
+ ONES = "Ones"
+ TWOS = "Twos"
+ THREES = "Threes"
+ FOURS = "Fours"
+ FIVES = "Fives"
+ SIXES = "Sixes"
+ ONE_PAIR = "One Pair"
+ TWO_PAIRS = "Two Pairs"
+ TOAK = "Three of a Kind"
+ FOAK = "Four of a Kind"
+ SSTRAIGHT = "Small Straight"
+ LSTRAIGHT = "Large Straight"
+ FHOUSE = "Full House"
+ CHANCE = "Chance"
+ YATZY = "Yatzy"
+ def compute(self, dice: Dice) -> int:
+ """Return the points DICE will provide in the given category."""
+ match self:
+ case Category.ONES:
+ return dice.count(1)
+ case Category.TWOS:
+ return dice.count(2) * 2
+ case Category.THREES:
+ return dice.count(3) * 3
+ case Category.FOURS:
+ return dice.count(4) * 4
+ case Category.FIVES:
+ return dice.count(5) * 5
+ case Category.SIXES:
+ return dice.count(6) * 6
+ case Category.ONE_PAIR:
+ g = (x for x in range(6, 0, -1) if dice.count(x) >= 2)
+ try:
+ return next(g) * 2
+ except StopIteration:
+ return 0
+ case Category.TWO_PAIRS:
+ g = (x for x in range(6, 0, -1) if dice.count(x) >= 2)
+ try:
+ return (next(g) + next(g)) * 2
+ except StopIteration:
+ return 0
+ case Category.TOAK:
+ g = (x for x in range(6, 0, -1) if dice.count(x) >= 3)
+ try:
+ return next(g) * 3
+ except StopIteration:
+ return 0
+ case Category.FOAK:
+ g = (x for x in range(6, 0, -1) if dice.count(x) >= 4)
+ try:
+ return next(g) * 4
+ except StopIteration:
+ return 0
+ case Category.SSTRAIGHT:
+ return 15 if set(dice) == {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} else 0
+ case Category.LSTRAIGHT:
+ return 20 if set(dice) == {2, 3, 4, 5, 6} else 0
+ case Category.FHOUSE:
+ g1 = (x for x in range(6, 0, -1) if dice.count(x) == 2)
+ g2 = (x for x in range(6, 0, -1) if dice.count(x) == 3)
+ try:
+ next(g1)
+ next(g2)
+ except StopIteration:
+ return 0
+ return sum(dice)
+ case Category.CHANCE:
+ return sum(dice)
+ case Category.YATZY:
+ return 50 if len(set(dice)) == 1 else 0
+class ScoreSheet(UserDict):
+ def __lt__(self, other: Self) -> bool:
+ return self.total() < other.total()
+ def total(self) -> int:
+ """Return the current score."""
+ lower = sum(self.get(c, 0) for c in LOWER_SECTION)
+ upper = sum(self.get(c, 0) for c in UPPER_SECTION)
+ bonus = 50 if upper >= 63 else 0
+ return lower + upper + bonus
+class Player:
+ __slots__ = 'name', 'ss'
+ def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
+ self.name = name
+ self.ss = ScoreSheet()
+class HelpPanel:
+ def __init__(self, win, h: int, w: int, y: int, x: int) -> None:
+ self._win = win.derwin(h, w, y, x)
+ self._pan = curses.panel.new_panel(self._win)
+ self._pan.top()
+ self._opts: list[str] = []
+ # Diagnostic message
+ self.diag = ""
+ def set_opts(self, *args: str) -> None:
+ """Set the list of available shortcuts.
+ Shortcuts are strings where one of the characters is preceeded by
+ an asterisk. The character marked by the asterisk is the key
+ that must be combined with the control key to execute the
+ shortcut.
+ """
+ self._opts = sorted(args, key=self._key)
+ def draw(self) -> None:
+ """Draw the help panel.
+ The help panel consists of two rows. The top row is either empty
+ or contains a diagnostic message intended for the user. The
+ bottom row shows the available keyboard shortcuts.
+ Shortcuts are rendered as ‘^K DESCRIPTION’ where K is the marked
+ key and DESCRIPTION is a relevant description. As all shortcuts
+ are mnemonic, the mnemonic letter is underlined for clarity.
+ """
+ self._win.clear()
+ if self.diag != "":
+ self._win.addstr(self.diag, curses.A_DIM)
+ self._win.addch(".", curses.A_DIM)
+ self._win.move(1, 0)
+ for i, opt in enumerate(self._opts):
+ j = opt.find("*")
+ ch = self._key(opt)
+ if i != 0:
+ self._win.addstr(" ")
+ self._win.addstr(f"^{ch} {opt[:j]}", curses.A_DIM)
+ self._win.addch(ch, curses.A_DIM | curses.A_UNDERLINE)
+ self._win.addstr(opt[j + 2:], curses.A_DIM)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _key(s: str) -> str:
+ """Extract the mnemonic key from S."""
+ return s[s.find("*") + 1]
+class NewPlayerPanel:
+ def __init__(self, body_win) -> None:
+ h, w = 7, 60
+ bh, bw = body_win.getmaxyx()
+ self.active = False
+ self._win = body_win.subwin(
+ h, w,
+ bh // 2 - 4 + 3,
+ bw // 2 - 30 + 1,
+ )
+ self._win.keypad(True)
+ self._pan = curses.panel.new_panel(self._win)
+ self._hp = HelpPanel(self._win, 2, w - 4, h - 3, 2)
+ self._hp.set_opts("*Add Player", "*Exit Dialog")
+ self._pan.top()
+ self._pan.hide()
+ self._hp.draw()
+ def renaming(self) -> bool:
+ """Assert if we are renaming an existing player."""
+ return self._pi >= 0
+ def show(self, i: int) -> None:
+ """Display the new player panel, editing player at index I.
+ If I is negative then add a new player instead of renaming an
+ existing one.
+ """
+ self.active = True
+ self._bi = 0 # Button index
+ self._pi = i # Player index
+ if i >= 0:
+ self._text = players[-i - 1].name
+ self._start_text = self._text
+ else:
+ self._text = ""
+ self._start_text = None
+ self._hp.diag = ""
+ self._pan.show()
+ def hide(self) -> None:
+ """Hide the new player panel."""
+ self.active = False
+ self._pan.hide()
+ def draw(self) -> None:
+ """Draw the new player panel."""
+ self._win.clear()
+ self._hp.draw()
+ self._win.addstr(
+ 5, 46, "[Add Player]",
+ BTNSEL if self._bi == BTNAPP else BTNNSEL,
+ )
+ curses.textpad.rectangle(self._win, 1, 2, 3, 57)
+ PLACEHOLDER = "Johnny Appleseed"
+ self._win.addstr(2, 4, self._text)
+ if self._text == "":
+ self._win.addstr(2, 4, PLACEHOLDER, curses.A_DIM)
+ self._win.addstr(
+ 2, 4 + (len(self._text) or len(PLACEHOLDER)), '█',
+ curses.A_BOLD if self._bi == 0 else curses.A_DIM,
+ )
+ self._win.border()
+ def handle_input(self) -> None:
+ """Handle user input in the new player panel.
+ This method may hide the new player panel, or modify the global
+ players array.
+ """
+ k = self._win.get_wch()
+ if k == "\x05": # ^E
+ self.hide()
+ elif (
+ k == "\x01" # ^A
+ or k == "\n" and self._bi == BTNAPP
+ ):
+ if (pn := self._text.strip()) == "":
+ self._hp.diag = "Empty player name not allowed"
+ elif pn != self._start_text and any(p.name == pn for p in players):
+ self._hp.diag = "Name already taken"
+ else:
+ if self.renaming():
+ players[self._pi].name = pn
+ else:
+ players.append(Player(pn))
+ self.hide()
+ elif k == curses.KEY_UP:
+ self._bi = 0
+ elif k == curses.KEY_DOWN:
+ self._bi = BTNAPP
+ elif k == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE:
+ self._text = self._text[:-1]
+ elif type(k) == str and k.isprintable():
+ self._text += k
+class RenderState:
+ sel: int # The active/selected button
+ togl: int # A currently active/toggled option
+ hp: HelpPanel
+class DiceState:
+ __slots__ = 'dice', 'rollmsk', 'rolls'
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ self.rolls = 2
+ self.dice = [random.randint(1, 6) for _ in range(5)]
+ # ROLLMSK is a 5-bit bitmask where each bit corresponds to a die
+ # in DICE. If a die’s corresponding bit is set, it means that
+ # the user has selected the die for rerolling.
+ self.rollmsk = 0
+ def reroll_dice(self) -> None:
+ """Reroll the dice according to the reroll mask."""
+ while self.rollmsk != 0:
+ n = self.rollmsk.bit_length() - 1
+ self.dice[n] = random.randint(1, 6)
+ self.rollmsk ^= 1 << n
+ self.rolls -= 1
+TITLE = "Yahoozy — Yatzy not Yahtzee"
+BTNNSEL = curses.A_BOLD # Button not selected
+BTNSEL = curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_STANDOUT # Button selected
+BTNAP = -1 # ‘Add Player’ button
+BTNSG = -2 # ‘Start Game’ button
+BTNAPP = -3 # ‘Add Player’ button (new player window)
+BTNRP = -4 # ‘Remove Player’ button
+BTNRR = -5 # ‘Reroll’ button
+BTNKA = -6 # ‘Keep All’ button
+BTNSC = -7 # ‘Select Category’ button
+ " \n • \n ",
+ " • \n \n • ",
+ " • \n • \n • ",
+ " • • \n \n • • ",
+ " • • \n • \n • • ",
+ " • • \n • • \n • • ",
+ Category.ONES,
+ Category.TWOS,
+ Category.THREES,
+ Category.FOURS,
+ Category.FIVES,
+ Category.SIXES,
+ c for c in Category
+ if c not in UPPER_SECTION
+# When the user first launches the game, there should by default already
+# be one user registered with the name matching the current login name.
+players: list[Player] = [Player(getpass.getuser().capitalize())]
+def longest_length(*args: str) -> int:
+ """Return the length of the longest string in ARGS."""
+ return max(map(len, args))
+def draw_top10(body_win, hist: list[LBEntry]) -> None:
+ """Draw the all-time top 10 scores."""
+ TOP_10_TITLE = "All-Time Top 10"
+ # Compute the positions where we need to draw the leaderboard so that
+ # it’s centered.
+ y, x = body_win.getmaxyx()
+ longest = longest_length(*hist, TOP_10_TITLE)
+ yp, xp = y // 2 - 5, (x - longest) // 2
+ body_win.addstr(yp, xp, TOP_10_TITLE, curses.A_BOLD)
+ hist = ["%3d %s" % x for x in hist]
+ for i, x in enumerate(hist, 1):
+ body_win.addstr(yp + i, xp, x)
+def main(stdscr) -> None:
+ # Create the history file if it doesn’t exist
+ try:
+ with histhandle("x") as _:
+ pass
+ except FileExistsError:
+ pass
+ with histhandle("r") as fp:
+ hist = loadhist(fp, 10)
+ curses.curs_set(0)
+ curses.use_default_colors()
+ # Draw the game title; this only ever needs to be drawn once.
+ title_win = curses.newwin(3, curses.COLS - 2, 0, 1)
+ title_attrs = curses.A_BLINK | curses.A_BOLD
+ title_win.addstr(1, 3, "⚀ ⚀ ⚀ ⚀ ⚀", title_attrs)
+ title_win.addstr(1, curses.COLS // 2 - len(TITLE) // 2, TITLE, title_attrs)
+ title_win.addstr(1, curses.COLS - 14, "⚅ ⚅ ⚅ ⚅ ⚅", title_attrs)
+ title_win.border()
+ title_win.refresh()
+ # Create a body window where we will proceed to draw all content for the
+ # remainder of the program.
+ body_height = curses.LINES - 3
+ body_width = curses.COLS - 2
+ body_win = curses.newwin(body_height, body_width, 3, 1)
+ body_win.keypad(True)
+ # Initialize panels
+ h, w = body_win.getmaxyx()
+ hp = HelpPanel(body_win, 2, w - 6, h - 3, 5)
+ rs = RenderState(BTNAP, -1, hp)
+ npp = NewPlayerPanel(body_win)
+ while True:
+ body_win.clear()
+ # Draw player list
+ body_win.addstr(2, 4, "Players", curses.A_BOLD)
+ for i, p in enumerate(players):
+ if not npp.active and len(players) - rs.sel - 1 == i:
+ attr = BTNSEL
+ else:
+ attr = 0
+ body_win.addstr(3 + i, 4, "[%s]" % p.name, attr)
+ body_win.border()
+ draw_top10(body_win, hist)
+ rs.hp.set_opts("*Add Player", "*Quit Program", "*Start Game")
+ rs.hp.draw()
+ if npp.active:
+ npp.draw()
+ body_win.addstr(curses.LINES - 7, 5, "[Add Player]",
+ BTNNSEL if npp.active or rs.sel != BTNAP else BTNSEL)
+ body_win.addstr(curses.LINES - 7, curses.COLS - 19, "[Start Game]",
+ BTNNSEL if npp.active or rs.sel != BTNSG else BTNSEL)
+ body_win.refresh()
+ if npp.active:
+ npp.handle_input()
+ continue
+ k = body_win.get_wch()
+ if k == "\x01": # ^A
+ npp.show(BTNAP)
+ elif k == "\x11": # ^Q
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # User tried to add/edit a player
+ elif k == "\n" and (rs.sel == BTNAP or rs.sel >= 0):
+ npp.show(rs.sel)
+ # User tried to start the game
+ elif (
+ k == "\x13" # ^S
+ or k == "\n" and rs.sel == BTNSG
+ ):
+ if len(players) == 0:
+ rs.hp.diag = "Cannot start game with no players"
+ continue
+ game_loop(rs, body_win)
+ # Once we reach here the user has finished the game. We need
+ # to reset the cursor to select the ‘Add Player’ button and
+ # reload the history just in case the user broke into the
+ # top-10.
+ rs.sel = BTNAP
+ with histhandle("r") as fp:
+ hist = loadhist(fp, 10)
+ elif k == curses.KEY_UP:
+ if rs.sel < 0 and len(players) > 0:
+ rs.sel = 0
+ elif 0 <= rs.sel < len(players) - 1:
+ rs.sel += 1
+ elif k == curses.KEY_DOWN:
+ if rs.sel > 0:
+ rs.sel -= 1
+ elif rs.sel == 0:
+ rs.sel = BTNAP
+ # Left and right between the two bottom-of-the-screen buttons
+ elif k == curses.KEY_LEFT and rs.sel == BTNSG:
+ rs.sel = BTNAP
+ elif k == curses.KEY_RIGHT and rs.sel == BTNAP:
+ rs.sel = BTNSG
+ elif k == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE and rs.sel >= 0:
+ players.pop(len(players) - rs.sel - 1)
+ if len(players) == 0:
+ rs.sel = BTNAP
+ elif rs.sel != 0:
+ rs.sel -= 1
+def game_loop(rs: RenderState, body_win) -> None:
+ """The main game-loop."""
+ ds = DiceState()
+ playergen = itertools.cycle(players)
+ player = next(playergen)
+ rs.sel = BTNRR
+ picking_cat = False
+ longest_cat_name = max(map(len, Category))
+ while True:
+ body_win.clear()
+ body_win.addstr(2, 4, "Current Player", curses.A_BOLD)
+ body_win.addstr(" " + player.name)
+ if not picking_cat:
+ body_win.addstr(3, 4, "Rolls Remaining", curses.A_BOLD)
+ body_win.addstr(" %d⁄3" % ds.rolls) # U+2044 FRACTION SLASH
+ # Draw the leaderboard
+ THDR = "Running Tally"
+ rt = sorted(players, key=lambda x: x.ss, reverse=True)
+ leaderboard = [f"{p.ss.total():3d} {p.name}" for p in rt]
+ longest = max(max(map(len, leaderboard)), len(THDR))
+ _, x = body_win.getmaxyx()
+ x_off = x - longest - 4
+ body_win.addstr(2, x_off, THDR, curses.A_BOLD)
+ for i, line in enumerate(leaderboard):
+ body_win.addstr(3 + i, x_off, line)
+ # Draw the score sheet
+ xtra = 10 if picking_cat else 0
+ body_win.addstr(
+ 5, 4,
+ "Score Sheet".center(longest_cat_name + 9 + xtra),
+ curses.A_BOLD,
+ )
+ for i, category in enumerate(Category):
+ s = player.ss.get(category, -1)
+ body_win.move(7 + i, 5)
+ if picking_cat:
+ rowattrs = (
+ BTNSEL if len(Category) - rs.sel - 1 == i
+ else curses.A_BOLD if rs.togl == i
+ else 0
+ )
+ if s == -1:
+ body_win.addstr(checkbox(rs.togl == i), rowattrs)
+ else:
+ body_win.addstr(" ", rowattrs)
+ body_win.addch(" ", rowattrs)
+ else:
+ rowattrs = 0
+ body_win.addstr(category.ljust(longest_cat_name), rowattrs)
+ if s == -1:
+ body_win.addstr(" —", rowattrs)
+ if picking_cat:
+ arrow = "→"
+ body_win.addstr(
+ f" {arrow} {category.compute(ds.dice):2d}",
+ rowattrs,
+ )
+ else:
+ body_win.addstr(f" {s:2d}", rowattrs)
+ bar = "─" * (longest_cat_name + 6 + xtra)
+ body_win.addstr(6, 5, bar)
+ body_win.addstr(len(Category) + 7, 5, bar)
+ body_win.addstr(len(Category) + 8, 5, "Total".ljust(longest_cat_name))
+ # Align the total with the category scores (which are now shifted
+ # over because they’re surround in button indicators).
+ if picking_cat:
+ body_win.addstr(" ")
+ total = player.ss.total()
+ body_win.addstr(f" {total:4d}")
+ if picking_cat:
+ sc = copy.deepcopy(player.ss)
+ cat = list(Category)[rs.togl]
+ sc[cat] = cat.compute(ds.dice)
+ body_win.addstr(f" {arrow} {sc.total()}")
+ curses.textpad.rectangle(
+ body_win, 4, 3,
+ 9 + len(Category), 12 + longest_cat_name + xtra
+ )
+ dice_height = DICE_ART[0].count('\n') + 3
+ dice_width = len(DICE_ART[0].split('\n')[0])
+ bh, bw = body_win.getmaxyx()
+ h, w = dice_height + 3, (dice_width + 8) * 5 + 2
+ # We don’t need the reroll buttons anymore
+ if picking_cat:
+ h -= 1
+ dice_win = body_win.subwin(
+ h, w,
+ bh - 12,
+ bw // 2 - w // 2,
+ )
+ for i, d in enumerate(ds.dice):
+ lines = DICE_ART[d - 1].split('\n')
+ x_off = (dice_width + 8) * i + 3
+ for j, line in enumerate(lines):
+ dice_win.addstr(2 + j, x_off + 1, line)
+ if not picking_cat:
+ dice_win.addstr(
+ dice_height + 1, x_off - 1,
+ checkbox(ds.rollmsk & (1 << i)) + " Reroll",
+ BTNSEL if rs.sel == i else BTNNSEL,
+ )
+ curses.textpad.rectangle(
+ dice_win, 1, x_off,
+ len(lines) + 2, x_off + dice_width + 1,
+ )
+ dice_win.box()
+ dice_win.refresh()
+ if picking_cat:
+ body_win.addstr(curses.LINES - 7, bw - 22, "[Select Category]",
+ btnattrs(rs.sel == BTNSC))
+ else:
+ body_win.addstr(curses.LINES - 7, 5, "[Reroll]",
+ btnattrs(rs.sel == BTNRR))
+ body_win.addstr(curses.LINES - 7, bw - 15, "[Keep All]",
+ btnattrs(rs.sel == BTNKA))
+ opts = ["*Quit Program"]
+ if picking_cat:
+ opts.append("*Select Category")
+ else:
+ opts.extend([
+ "Mark *All",
+ "*Keep All",
+ "*Reroll",
+ ])
+ rs.hp.set_opts(*opts)
+ rs.hp.draw()
+ body_win.box()
+ body_win.refresh()
+ k = body_win.get_wch()
+ if k == "\x11": # ^Q
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if picking_cat:
+ if (
+ k == "\x13" # ^S
+ or k == "\n" and rs.sel == BTNSC
+ ):
+ if rs.togl == -1:
+ rs.hp.diag = "No category selected"
+ else:
+ cat = list(Category)[rs.togl]
+ player.ss[cat] = cat.compute(ds.dice)
+ ds = DiceState()
+ player = next(playergen)
+ picking_cat = False
+ rs.hp.diag = ""
+ rs.sel = BTNRR
+ if player is players[0] and len(player.ss) == len(Category):
+ rs.hp.diag = ""
+ return game_end(rs, body_win)
+ elif k == "\n" and rs.sel >= 0:
+ rs.togl = len(Category) - rs.sel - 1
+ elif k == curses.KEY_UP or k == curses.KEY_DOWN:
+ can_select = [
+ len(Category) - i - 1
+ for i, cat in enumerate(Category)
+ if cat not in player.ss
+ ]
+ match k:
+ case curses.KEY_UP if rs.sel == BTNSC:
+ rs.sel = can_select[-1]
+ case curses.KEY_UP:
+ i = can_select.index(rs.sel)
+ rs.sel = can_select[i - 1]
+ case curses.KEY_DOWN if rs.sel == can_select[-1]:
+ rs.sel = BTNSC
+ case curses.KEY_DOWN if rs.sel != BTNSC:
+ i = can_select.index(rs.sel)
+ rs.sel = can_select[i + 1]
+ elif k == curses.KEY_DOWN:
+ if rs.sel > 0:
+ rs.sel -= 1
+ else:
+ rs.sel = BTNSC
+ else:
+ if k == "\x01": # ^A
+ ds.rollmsk = 0b11111
+ elif (
+ k == "\x0B" # ^K
+ or k == "\n" and rs.sel == BTNKA
+ ):
+ rs.sel = BTNSC
+ rs.togl = -1
+ rs.hp.diag = ""
+ picking_cat = True
+ elif (
+ k == "\x12" # ^R
+ or k == "\n" and rs.sel == BTNRR
+ ):
+ if ds.rolls == 0:
+ rs.hp.diag = "No more rolls remaining"
+ elif ds.rollmsk == 0:
+ rs.hp.diag = "No dice selected to reroll"
+ else:
+ ds.reroll_dice()
+ elif k == "\n" and rs.sel >= 0:
+ ds.rollmsk ^= 1 << rs.sel
+ elif k == curses.KEY_UP:
+ if rs.sel == BTNRR:
+ rs.sel = 0
+ elif rs.sel == BTNKA:
+ rs.sel = 4
+ elif k == curses.KEY_DOWN and rs.sel >= 0:
+ rs.sel = BTNRR
+ elif k == curses.KEY_LEFT:
+ if rs.sel == BTNKA:
+ rs.sel = BTNRR
+ elif rs.sel > 0:
+ rs.sel -= 1
+ elif k == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
+ if rs.sel == BTNRR:
+ rs.sel = BTNKA
+ elif 0 <= rs.sel < 4:
+ rs.sel += 1
+def game_end(rs: RenderState, body_win) -> None:
+ """Display the end screen."""
+ # Load the entire history file, add our scores to it (maintaining
+ # order) and then write it back.
+ with histhandle("r+") as fp:
+ hist = loadhist(fp)
+ for p in players:
+ # Weird ‘bisect’ hack: it only lets us do sorted insertions
+ # when we have an ascending sequence, so for our descending
+ # sequence we negate the score in the key function.
+ bisect.insort(hist, (p.ss.total(), p.name),
+ key=lambda x: (-x[0], x[1]))
+ fp.seek(0, io.SEEK_SET)
+ savehist(fp, hist)
+ # Retain the first 10 entries for displaying
+ hist = hist[:10]
+ while True:
+ body_win.clear()
+ body_win.addstr(2, 4, "Game Over!", curses.A_BOLD)
+ # Generate the leaderboard rows
+ FINAL_TITLE = "Final Results"
+ fr = sorted(players, key=lambda x: x.ss, reverse=True)
+ leaderboard = [f"{p.ss.total():3d} {p.name}" for p in fr]
+ longest = longest_length(*leaderboard, FINAL_TITLE)
+ # Draw the game leaderboard in the top-right
+ y, x = body_win.getmaxyx()
+ x_off = x - longest - 4
+ body_win.addstr(2, x_off, FINAL_TITLE, curses.A_BOLD)
+ for j, line in enumerate(leaderboard):
+ body_win.addstr(3 + j, x_off, line)
+ draw_top10(body_win, hist)
+ rs.hp.set_opts("*New Game", "*Quit Program")
+ rs.hp.draw()
+ body_win.box()
+ body_win.refresh()
+ k = body_win.get_wch()
+ if k == "\x0E": # ^N
+ return
+ elif k == "\x11": # ^Q
+ sys.exit(0)
+def histhandle(mode: str) -> TextIO:
+ """Return a handle to the history file with MODE.
+ If the history file doesn’t exist this function will create the
+ necessary directories. This function makes sure to abide by system-
+ specific convensions.
+ """
+ if os.name == "nt":
+ assert (path := os.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"))
+ path = Path(path) / "Yahoozy"
+ elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ assert (home := os.getenv("HOME"))
+ path = (
+ Path(home)
+ / "Library"
+ / "Application Support"
+ / "Yahoozy"
+ )
+ elif os.name == "posix":
+ if (path := os.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME")) == "":
+ assert (path := os.getenv("HOME"))
+ path = Path(path) / ".local" / "share" / "yahoozy"
+ else:
+ path = Path(path) / "yahoozy"
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"No history support for {os.name}")
+ path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ return open(path / "history", mode)
+def savehist(fp: TextIO, xs: list[LBEntry]) -> None:
+ """Save the history entries XS to the history file FP."""
+ for x in xs:
+ fp.write("%d\x1F%s\n" % x) # 0x1F is the ASCII unit separator
+def loadhist(fp: TextIO, n: int = -1) -> list[LBEntry]:
+ """Load the first N history entries from FP.
+ If N is omitted this function returns all entries in FP.
+ """
+ xs: list[LBEntry] = []
+ for i in itertools.count():
+ if i == n or (line := fp.readline()) == "":
+ break
+ score, name = line.rstrip("\n").split("\x1F")
+ xs.append((int(score), name))
+ return xs
+def btnattrs(ckd: bool) -> int:
+ """Return the standard button attributes for an (un)checked button."""
+ return BTNSEL if ckd else BTNNSEL
+def checkbox(ckd: bool) -> str:
+ """Return a maybe checked checkbox."""
+ return "[×]" if ckd else "[ ]"
+def restore_term_settings(attrs: list) -> None:
+ """Restore terminal ATTRS on program exit."""
+ fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, attrs)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
+ # Disable XON/XOFF on POSIX terminals to free up ^S and ^Q
+ if os.name == "posix":
+ fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ old_attrs = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
+ new_attrs = copy.deepcopy(old_attrs)
+ # See the tcgetattr(3) description of ‘struct termios’ and
+ # ‘c_iflag’ for more info
+ new_attrs[0] &= ~(termios.IXANY | termios.IXOFF | termios.IXON)
+ termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, new_attrs)
+ # Restore terminal settings on exit
+ atexit.register(restore_term_settings, old_attrs)
+ curses.wrapper(main)