path: root/src
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authorThomas Voss <> 2023-09-11 07:25:03 +0200
committerThomas Voss <> 2023-09-11 07:25:03 +0200
commita3d876e3764b6aa25d0d42ac452acc55a999b746 (patch)
tree3e5f4d0837c5ac8671f4a140550d530c9be17c2b /src
parente239e8828c99de06df17960ab0682d1d2195fd23 (diff)
Remove backup files
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 911 deletions
diff --git a/src/ame/index.gsp.bak b/src/ame/index.gsp.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ed55b..0000000
--- a/src/ame/index.gsp.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-html lang="en" {
- head { m4_include(head.gsp) }
- body {
- header {
- div {
- h1 {-About Me}
- m4_include(nav.gsp)
- }
- figure .quote {
- blockquote {
- p {=
- One obvious advantage [of lisp syntax] is that there hardly *is* any
- syntax. You can learn enough Lisp syntax to write useful programs
- in about ten minutes.
- }
- }
- figcaption {-Mark J. Dominus}
- }
- }
- main {
- p {-
- If you are a prospective employer, you can view my m4_abbr(CV)
- @a href="" target="_blank" {-here}.
- }
- h2 {-Who Am I}
- p {-
- I’m Thomas. A self-taught software developer from Brazil and the
- Netherlands who grew up in the Middle East. I started to code at the
- age of 9, writing batch scripts @x-ref {-1} on my schools Windows 7
- machines to toggle folder visibility with a password. That became
- necessary because the genius m4_abbr(IT) guys at our school decided we
- should all save our work onto a shared m4_abbr(NAS) where everyone has
- read+write access to everyone elses work. @em {-How could that ever go
- wrong.}
- }
- aside {
- p data-ref="1" {-
- Shoutouts to
- @a
- href=""
- target="_blank"
- {-
- Prof. Pickle on Instructables
- }
- by the way. Most of his stuff seems to have been deleted all these
- years later, but he was the guy I learnt to code from.
- }
- }
- p {-
- These days my interests lie mostly in m4_abbr(CLI) development. I take
- a great joy in writing simple yet highly effective tools to solve
- problems not only in the easiest way, but also in the most extensible
- way possible. I think my batch file-renaming utility @em {-mmv}
- @a href="/prj/mmv" {-does a great job at that}.
- }
- p {-
- That being said, I also have a great interest in operating systems,
- shells, and really anything that could be considered remotely low-level.
- I’m not totally afraid of front-end development, although I @em {-did}
- write this site in plain m4_abbr(HTML) and m4_abbr(CSS) because modern
- m4_abbr(HTML) frameworks are the worst excuses for software I have ever
- seen.
- }
- p {-
- As for my religious- and political beliefs, let’s make those
- clear:
- @ul {
- li {-Spaces should never be used for indentation}
- li {-Tabs should never be used for alignment}
- li {-Emacs is better than Vim}
- li {-The dominance of VSCode is an embarrassment to our industry}
- li {-
- Object-oriented programming, Java, JavaScript, and m4_abbr(XML) were
- all massive mistakes
- }
- li {-C is far superior to C++}
- li {-Rust is not gods chosen language (even if it’s pretty cool)}
- }
- }
- }
- footer { m4_footer }
- }
diff --git a/src/prj/mmv/index.gsp.bak b/src/prj/mmv/index.gsp.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c2fd97..0000000
--- a/src/prj/mmv/index.gsp.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
-html lang="en" {
- head { m4_include(head.gsp) }
- body {
- header {
- div {
- h1 {-Moving Files the Right Way}
- m4_include(nav.gsp)
- }
- figure .quote {
- blockquote {
- p {=
- I think the OpenBSD crowd is a bunch of masturbating monkeys, in
- that they make such a big deal about concentrating on security to
- the point where they pretty much admit that nothing else matters to
- them.
- }
- }
- figcaption {-Linus Torvalds}
- }
- }
- main {
- p {
- em {-
- You can find the @code{-mmv} git repository over at
- @a
- href=""
- target="_blank"
- {-sourcehut}
- or
- @a
- href=""
- target="_blank"
- {-GitHub}.
- }
- }
- p {-
- NOTE: As of the
- @a href="" {-v1.2.0}
- release there is now also the @code{-mcp} utility. It behaves the same
- as the @code{-mmv} utility but it copies files instead of moving them.
- It also doesn’t support the ‘@code{--n}’ flag as it doesn’t need to deal
- with backups.
- }
- h2 {-Table of Contents}
- ul {
- li {a href="#prologue" {-Prologue}}
- li {a href="#moving" {-Advanced Moving and Pitfalls}}
- li {a href="#mapping" {-Name Mapping with @code{-mmv}}}
- li {a href="#newlines" {-Filenames with Embedded Newlines}}
- ul {
- li {a href="0-flag" {-The Simple Case}}
- li {a href="#e-flag" {-Encoding Newlines}}
- }
- li {a href="#i-flag" {-Individual Execution}}
- li {a href="#safety" {-Safety}}
- li {a href="#examples" {-Examples}}
- }
- h2 #prologue {-Prologue}
- p {-
- File moving and renaming is one of the most common tasks we undertake on
- the command-line. We basically always do this with the @code{-mv}
- utility, and it gets the job done most of the time. Want to rename one
- file? Use @code{-mv}! Want to move a bunch of files into a directory?
- Use @code{-mv}! How could mv ever go wrong? Well I’m glad you asked!
- }
- h2 #moving {-Advanced Moving and Pitfalls}
- p {-
- Let’s start off nice and simple. You just inherited a C project that
- uses the sacrilegious
- @a
- href=""
- target="_blank"
- {-camelCase}
- naming convention for its files:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- This deeply upsets you, as it upsets me. So you decide you want to
- switch all these files to use
- @a
- href=""
- target="_blank"
- {-snake_case},
- like a normal person. Well how would you do this? You use @code{-mv}!
- This is what you might end up doing:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- Well… it works I guess, but it’s a pretty shitty way of renaming these
- files. Luckily we only had 5, but what if this was a much larger
- project with many more files to rename? Things would get tedious. So
- instead we can use a pipeline for this:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code(camel-to-snake-naï }
- }
- aside {
- p {-
- The given example assumes your @code{-sed} implementation supports
- ‘@code{-\\L}’ which is a non-standard m4_abbr(GNU) extension.
- }
- }
- p {-
- That works and it gets the job done, but it’s not really ideal is
- it? There are a couple of issues with this.
- }
- ol {
- li {
- p {-
- You’re writing more complicated code. This has the obvious drawback
- of potentially being more error-prone, but also risks taking more
- time to write than you’d like as you might have forgotten if
- @code{-xargs} actually has an ‘@code{--L}’ option or not (which
- would require reading the
- @a
- href=""
- target="_blank"
- {
- code {-xargs(1)}
- }
- manual).
- }
- }
- li {
- p {-
- If you try to rename the file @em{-foo} to @em{-bar} but @em{-bar}
- already exists, you end up deleting a file you may not have wanted
- to.
- }
- }
- li {
- p {-
- In a similar vein to the previous point, you need to be very careful
- about schemes like renaming the file @em{-a} to @em{-b} and @em{-b}
- to @em{-c}. You run the risk of turning @em{-a} into @em{-c} and
- losing the file @em{-b} entirely.
- }
- }
- li {
- p {-
- Moving symbolic links is its own whole can of worms. If a symlink
- points to a relative location then you need to make sure you keep
- pointing to the right place. If the symlink is absolute however
- then you can leave it untouched. But what if the symlink points to
- a file that you’re moving as part of your batch move operation? Now
- you need to handle that too.
- }
- }
- }
- h2 #mapping {-Name Mapping with @code{-mmv}}
- p {-
- What is @code{-mmv}? It’s the solution to all your problems, that’s
- what it is! @code{-mmv} takes as its argument(s) a utility and that
- utilities arguments and uses that to create a mapping between old and
- new filenames — similar to the @code{-map()} function found in many
- programming languages. I think to best convey how the tool functions, I
- should provide an example. Let’s try to do the same thing we did
- previously where we tried to turn camelCase files to snake_case, but
- using @code{-mmv}:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-Let me break down how this works.}
- p {-
- @code{-mmv} starts by reading a series of filenames separated by
- newlines from the standard input. Yes, sometimes filenames have
- newlines in them and yes there is a way to handle them but I shall get
- to that later. The filenames that @code{-mmv} reads from the standard
- input will be referred to as the @em{-input files}. Once all the input
- files have been read, the utility specified by the arguments is spawned;
- in this case that would be @code{-sed} with the argument
- @code{-'s/[A-Z]/\\L_&/g'}. The input files are then piped into
- @code{-sed} the exact same way that they would have been if we ran the
- above commands without @code{-mmv}, and the output of @code{-sed} then
- forms what will be referred to as the @em{-output files}. Once a
- complete list of output files is accumulated, each input file gets
- renamed to its corresponding output file.
- }
- p {-
- Let’s look at a simpler example. Say we want to rename 2 files in the
- current directory to use lowercase letters, we could use the following
- command:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- In the above example @code{-mmv} reads 2 lines from standard input,
- those being @em{-LICENSE} and @em{-README}. Those are our 2 input files
- now. The @code{-tr} utility is then spawned and the input files are
- piped into it. We can simulate this in the shell:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- As you can see above, @code{-tr} has produced 2 lines of output; these
- are our 2 output files. Since we now have our 2 input files and 2
- output files, @code{-mmv} can go ahead and rename the files. In this
- case it will rename @em{-LICENSE} to @em{-license} and @em{-README} to
- @em{-readme}. For some examples, check the @a href="#examples"
- {-examples} section of this page down below.
- }
- h2 #newlines {-Filenames with Embedded Newlines}
- p {-
- People are retarded, and as a result we have filenames with newlines in
- them. All it would have taken to solve this issue for everyone was for
- literally @strong{-anybody} during the early UNIX days to go “@em{-hey,
- this is a bad idea!}”, but alas, we must deal with this. Newlines are
- of course not the only special characters filenames can contain, but
- they are the single most infuriating to deal with; the UNIX utilities
- all being line-oriented really doesn’t work well with these files.
- }
- p {-
- So how does @code{-mmv} deal with special characters, and newlines in
- particular? Well it does so by providing the user with the @code{--0}
- and @code{--e} flags:
- }
- dl {
- dt { code{--0} }
- dd {
- p {-
- Tell @code{-mmv} to expect its input to not be separated by newlines
- (‘@code{-\\n}’), but by NUL bytes (‘@code{-\\0}’). NUL bytes are
- the only characters not allowed in filenames besides forward
- slashes, so they are an obvious choice for an alternative separator.
- }
- }
- dt { code{--e} }
- dd {
- p {-
- Encode newlines in filenames before passing them to the provided
- utility. Newline characters are replaced by the literal string
- ‘@code{-\\n}’ and backslashes by the literal string ‘@code{-\\\\}’.
- After processing, the resulting output is decoded again.
- }
- p {-
- If combined with the @code{--0} flag, then while input will be read
- assuming a NUL-byte input-seperator, the encoded input files will be
- written to the spawned process newline-seperated.
- }
- }
- }
- h3 id="0-flag" {-The Simple Case}
- p {-
- In order to better understand these flags and how they work let’s go
- though another example. We have 2 files — one with and one without an
- embedded newline — and our goal is to simply reverse these filenames.
- In this example I am going to be displaying newlines in filenames with
- the “@code{-$'\\n'}” syntax as this is how my shell displays embedded
- newlines.
- }
- p {-
- We can start by just trying to naïvely pass these 2 files to @code{-mmv}
- and use @code{-rev} to reverse the names, but this doesn’t work:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- The reason this doesn’t work is because due to the line-oriented nature
- of @code{-ls} and @code{-rev}, we are actually trying to rename the
- files @em{-foo}, @em{-bar}, and @em{-baz} to the new filenames
- @em{-zab}, @em{-rab}, and @em{-oof}. As can be seen in the following
- diagram, the embedded newline is causing our input to be ambiguous and
- @code{-mmv} can’t reliably proceed anymore @x-ref{-1}:
- }
- figure {
- object data="conflict.svg" type="image/svg+xml" {-}
- }
- aside {
- p data-ref="1" {-
- The reason you get a cryptic “file not found” error message is because
- @code{-mmv} tries to assert that all the input files actually exist
- before doing anything. Since “foo” isn’t a real file, we error out.
- }
- }
- p {-
- The first thing we need to do in order to proceed is to pass the
- @code{--0} flag to @code{-mmv}. This will tell @code{-mmv} that we want
- to use the NUL-byte as our input separator and not the newline. We also
- need @code{-ls} to actually provide us with the filenames delimited by
- NUL-bytes. Luckily m4_abbr(GNU) @code{-ls} gives us the @code{---zero}
- flag to do just that:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- So we’re getting places, but we aren’t quite there yet. The issue we’re
- getting now is that @code{-mmv} recieved 2 input files from the standard
- input, but @code{-rev} produced 3 output files. Why is that? Well
- let’s try our hand at a little bit of command-line debugging with
- @code{-sed}:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- If you aren’t quite sure what the above is doing, here’s a quick
- summary:
- }
- ul {
- li {-
- The @code{--U} flag given to @code{-ls} tells it not to sort our
- output. This is purely just to keep this example clear to the reader.
- }
- li {-
- The @code{--n} flag given to @code{-sed} tells it not to print the
- input line automatically at the end of the provided script.
- }
- li {-
- The @code{-l} command in @code{-sed} prints the current input in a
- “visually unambiguous form”.
- }
- }
- p {-
- In the @code{-sed} output, we can see that @samp{-$} represents the end
- of a line, and @samp{-\\000} represents the NUL-byte. All looks good
- here, we have two inputs seperated by NUL-bytes. Now let’s try to throw
- in @code{-rev}:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- Well wouldn’t you know it? Since @code{-rev} @em{-also} works with
- newline-seperated input, it reversed out NUL-byte seperators and now
- gives us 3 outputs. Luckily the folks over at @em{-util-linux} provided
- us with the @code{--0} flag here too, so that we can properly handle
- NUL-delimited input. Combining all of this together we get a final
- working product:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- h3 #e-flag {-Encoding Newlines}
- p {-
- Sometimes we want to rename a bunch of files, but the command we want to
- use doesn’t support NUL-bytes as nicely as we would like. In these
- cases, you may want to consider encoding your newline characters into
- the literal string ‘@code{-\\n}’ and then passing your input
- newline-seperated to your given command with the @code{--e} flag.
- }
- p {-
- For a real-world example, perhaps you want to edit some filenames in
- vim, or whatever other editor you use. Well we can do this incredibly
- easily with the @code{-vipe} utility from the
- @a href="" {-moreutils}
- collection. The @code{-vipe} command simply reads input from the
- standard input, opens it up in your editor, and then prints the
- resulting output to the standard output; perfect for @code{-mmv}! We do
- not really want to deal with NUL-bytes in our text-editor though, so
- let’s just encode our newlines:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- aside {
- p {-
- Notice how you still need to pass the @code{--0} flag to @code{-mmv}
- know that our inputfiles may have embedded newlines.
- }
- }
- p {-
- When running the above code example, you will see the following in your
- editor:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code(vim.gsp) }
- }
- p {-
- After you exit your editor, @code{-mmv} will decode all occurances of
- ‘@code{-\\n}’ back into a newline, and all occurances of ‘@code{-\\\\}’
- back into a backslash:
- }
- figure {
- object data="e-flag.svg" type="image/svg+xml" {-}
- }
- h2 #i-flag {-Individual Execution}
- p {-
- The previous examples are great and all, but what do you do if your
- mapping command doesn’t have the concept of an input seperator at all?
- This is where the @code{--i} flag comes into play. With the @code{--i}
- flag we can get @code{-mmv} to execute our mapping command for every
- input filename. This means that as long as we can work with a complete
- buffer, we don’t need to worry about seperators.
- }
- p {-
- To be honest, I cannot really think of any situation where you might
- actually need to do this. If you can think of one, please @a
- href="" {-email me} and I’ll update the
- example on this page. Regardless, let’s imagine that we wanted to
- rename some files so that their filenames are replaced with their
- filename
- @a
- href=""
- target="_blank"
- {-m4_abbr(SHA)-1 hash}.
- On Linux we have the @code{-sha1sum} program which reads input from the
- standard input and outputs the m4_abbr(SHA)-1 hash. This is how we
- would use it with @code{-mmv}:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- Another approach is to invoke @code{-mmv} twice:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- If you are confused about why we need to make a call to @code{-awk},
- it’s because the @code{-sha1sum} program outputs 2 columns of data. The
- first column is our hash and the second column is the filename where the
- to-be-hashed data was read from. We don’t want the second column.
- }
- p {-
- Unlike in previous examples where one process was spawned to map all our
- filenames, with the @code{--i} flag we are spawning a new instance for
- each filename. If you struggle to visualize this, perhaps the following
- diagrams help:
- }
- figure {
- figcaption {-Invoking @code{-mmv} without @code{--i}}
- object data="without-i-flag.svg" type="image/svg+xml" {-}
- }
- figure {
- figcaption {-Invoking @code{-mmv} with @code{--i}}
- object data="with-i-flag.svg" type="image/svg+xml" {-}
- }
- h2 #safety {-Safety}
- p {-
- When compared to the standard @code{-for f in *; do mv $f …; done} or
- @code{-ls | … | xargs -L2 mv} constructs, @code{-mmv} is significantly
- more safe to use. These are some of the safety features that are built
- into the tool:
- }
- ol {
- li {-
- If the number of input- and output files differs, execution is aborted
- before making any changes.
- }
- li {-
- If an input file is renamed to the name of another input file, the
- second input file is not lost (i.e. you can rename @em{-a} to @em{-b}
- and @em{-b} to @em{-a} with no problem).
- }
- li {-
- All input files must be unique and all output files must be unique.
- Otherwise execution is aborted before making any changes.
- }
- li {-
- In the case that something goes wrong during execution (perhaps you
- tried to move a file to a non-existant directory, or a syscall
- failed), a backup of your input files is saved automatically by
- @code{-mmv} for recovery.
- }
- }
- p {-
- Due to the way @code{-mmv} handles #2, when things do go wrong you may
- find that all of your input files have disappeared. Don’t worry though,
- @code{-mmv} takes a backup of your code before doing anything. If you
- run @code{-mmv} with the @code{--v} option for verbose output, you’ll
- notice it backing up your stuff in the @code{-$XDG_CACHE_DIR} directory:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- Upon successful execution the @code{-$XDG_CACHE_DIR/mmv/TIMESTAMP}
- directory will be automatically removed, but it remains when things go
- wrong so that you can recover any missing data. The names of the
- backup-subdirectories in the @code{-$XDG_CACHE_DIR/mmv} directory are
- timestamps of when the directories were created. This should make it
- easier for you to figure out which directory you need to recover if you
- happen to have multiple of these.
- }
- h2 #examples {-Examples}
- aside {
- p {-
- All of these examples are ripped straight from the @code{-mmv(1)}
- manual page. If you installed @code{-mmv} through a package manager or
- via @code{-make install} then you should have the manual installed on
- your system.
- }
- }
- p {-Swap the files @em{-foo} and @em{-bar}:}
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code(examples/ }
- }
- p {-
- Rename all files in the current directory to use hyphens (‘-’) instead
- of spaces:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code(examples/ }
- }
- p {-
- Rename a given list of movies to use lowercase letters and hyphens
- instead of uppercase letters and spaces, and number them so that they’re
- properly ordered in globs (e.g. rename @em{-The Return of the King.mp4}
- to @em{-02-the-return-of-the-king.mp4}):
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code(examples/ }
- }
- p {-
- Rename files interactively in your editor while encoding newline into
- the literal string ‘@code{-\\n}’, making use of
- @code {
- a
- href=""
- target="_blank"
- {-vipe(1)}
- }
- from @em{-moreutils}:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code(examples/ }
- }
- p {-
- Rename all C source code- and header files in a git repository
- to use snake_case instead of camelCase using
- the m4_abbr(GNU)
- @code {
- a
- href=""
- target="_blank"
- {-sed(1)}
- }
- ‘@code{-\\n}’ extension:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code(examples/ }
- }
- p {-
- Lowercase all filenames within a directory hierarchy which may contain
- newline characters:
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code(examples/ }
- }
- p {-
- Map filenames which may contain newlines in the current directory with
- the command ‘@code{-cmd}’, which itself does not support nul-byte
- separated entries. This only works assuming your mapping doesn’t
- require any context outside of the given input filename (for example,
- you would not be able to number your files as this requires knowledge of
- the input files position in the input list):
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code(examples/ }
- }
- }
- hr{}
- footer { m4_footer }
- }
diff --git a/src/prj/totp/index.gsp.bak b/src/prj/totp/index.gsp.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index ea5637a..0000000
--- a/src/prj/totp/index.gsp.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-html lang="en" {
- head { m4_include(head.gsp) }
- body {
- header {
- div {
- h1 {-Easy Password Generation}
- m4_include(nav.gsp)
- }
- figure .quote {
- blockquote {
- p {=
- The C preprocessor is worse than m4, and I would kill myself before I
- had to use m4.
- }
- }
- figcaption {-Arav K.}
- }
- }
- main {
- p {
- em {-
- You can find the @code{-totp} git repository over at
- @a href="" target="_blank" {-sourcehut}
- or
- @a href="" target="_blank" {-GitHub}.
- }
- }
- h2 {-Table of Contents}
- ul {
- li {a href="#prologue" {-Prologue}}
- li {a href="#terms" {-Terminology}}
- li {a href="#usage" {-Basic Usage}}
- li {a href="#qr" {-Working with QR Codes}}
- }
- h2 #prologue {-Prologue}
- p {-
- m4_abbr(TOTP) codes are pretty cool, and really easay to do. They’re
- also the backbone of modern two-factor authentication. With
- @code{-totp} I hope to handling m4_abbr(TOTP) codes as easy and
- extensible as possible
- }
- h2 #terms {-Terminology}
- p {-
- There are a few terms that I will be using throughout this post, so it’s
- good to make sure that we’re all on the same page about what I’m
- referring to.
- }
- dl {
- dt {-Secret}
- dd {
- p {-
- Your @em{-secret} is a
- @a
- href=""
- target="_blank"
- {-base32}
- encoded secret key that you should under no circumstances share with
- anyone else. It is from this secret key that we can generate valid
- m4_abbr(TOTP) codes.
- }
- }
- dt {-Digits}
- dd {
- p {-
- Your @em {-digits} is the length of the generated m4_abbr(TOTP) in
- digits. If @em{-digits} is 8, then your generated key could be
- ‘01234567’. When dealing with m4_abbr(2FA) this is typically 6.
- }
- }
- dt {-Period}
- dd {
- p {-
- Your @em{-period} it the duration for which the generated key is
- valid in seconds. When working with m4_abbr(2FA) this is typically
- 30.
- }
- }
- }
- h2 #usage {-Basic Usage}
- p {-
- @code{-totp} takes secret keys as command-line arguments, but also reads
- them from the standard input if none are provided. It assumes that
- @em{-digits} is 6 and @em{-period} is 30. These defaults can be changed
- with the @code{--d} and @code{--p} flags.
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- aside {
- p {-
- I’m using @code{-mkpass} to generate a random secret. You can
- see my post about @code{-mkpass} @a href="/prj/mkpass" {-here}.
- }
- }
- h2 #qr {-Working with m4_abbr(QR) Codes}
- p {-
- Often times when enabling m4_abbr(2FA) on your account on some website
- or platform, you will be shown a m4_abbr(QR) code you can scan with your
- m4_abbr(2FA) mobile application. These m4_abbr(QR) codes contain
- @em{-otpauth} m4_abbr(URI)s. We can extract these from downloaded
- images using utilities such as @code{-zbarimg} and use them in
- @code{-totp} using the @code{--u} flag to enable ‘m4_abbr(URI) mode’
- }
- figure {
- pre { m4_fmt_code( }
- }
- p {-
- …and that’s all! There’s nothing else you need. You can use secret
- keys and otpauth m4_abbr(URI)s, and you can configure the @em{-digits}
- and @em{-period} of the generated codes. You can generate multiple keys
- at once, and all outputs are printed to the standard output.
- }
- }
- hr{}
- footer { m4_footer }
- }
diff --git a/src/srp/index.gsp.bak b/src/srp/index.gsp.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b2ddad..0000000
--- a/src/srp/index.gsp.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-html lang="en" {
- head { m4_include(head.gsp) }
- body {
- header {
- div {
- h1 {-Sortware-Related Posts}
- m4_include(nav.gsp)
- }
- figure .quote {
- blockquote {
- p {=
- Object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could
- only have originated in California.
- }
- }
- figcaption {-Edsgar W. Dijkstra}
- }
- }
- main {
- p {-
- In this section of the website I cover random software-related stuff
- that isn’t related to actual projects of mine. Posts here could be
- about anything from a cool program I found, to a patch I wrote, to me
- complaining about bad software design.
- }
- p {-Posts:}
- ul {
- li {a href="fw-ec" {-Patching My Laptop’s Embedded Controller}}
- }
- }
- hr{}
- footer { m4_footer }
- }